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Hey! It’s Eya||🇵🇭||Au and fan fiction writer📖|| open for prompts💜
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
bshshshs jesper being sassy ✨
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I look amazing for my age. — Jesper Fahey
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
levihan is really an example of the quote “if you truly love someone, you’ll let them go”
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
why does levi looks like “oh shiz my crush just hugged me”
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
Hi I just feel like I need to ramble and maybe some one else out there feels the same way. So in the AOT I’m not all that big on ships just because shipping really isn’t my thing but I do enjoy it to an extent. I consider myself to be a multi shipper because again the relationships in AOT are so complex and I love all the characters and their dynamics. My biggest “ship” would be Eurihan just because that trio to me is all sorts of fun and I love their dynamic.
But with that being said, I find myself to be drifting farther and farther away from the Eruri aspect just because as I continue to reread the manga and pay attention to the themes of the story canonically speaking I don’t actually see any “romance” between them. The Fannon concepts of Eruri are fun and beautifully tragic with the fan arts and stories especially in modern AU. They are a very attractive couple and I fully understand the hype but canonically speaking I just don’t see it anymore. I love their dynamic as a whole and brings such a complex look to both Levi and Erwins character that their friendship is something to admire.
And with that being said I feel their complexity of characters and their story gets lost within the fandom. I think the term that is used is “shipping goggles” when canon stuff of the original story gets lost or replaced for the sake of the ship. Which in this case I feel happens a lot in Eruri specifically.
Now I really don’t want people to feel I am bashing Eruri. I’m obviously a fan with my own fan art and my interactions with mutuals so please no one take offense. This is just a quirk I have in every fandom when canon material gets lost for the sake of a ship.
Specifically with Levi.
Now I understand my biases consider Levi is my favorite character and I truly Kin him. But when I watch edits or read DJs or even just scrolling through things like tumblr or Twitter I find myself avoiding the Eruri tags because I get so frustrated when all I see if Levi’s entire character being based around Erwin. The concept that Levi is only alive to fulfill Erwins promise or he only fights for Erwin and completely derailing his character to be centered around Erwin is frustrating.
Levi fights for all the scouts since the very beginning. When else first meet him and he promises the dying scout he would eradicate the Titans, this is a shared dream the scouts had and has said he will do what he can for All of them. Not just Erwin.
Now this isn’t to disregard Erwins importance to Levi. Erwin gave him a purpose to live, he was his friend and trusted comrade and felt he was the best for humanity. Erwin is important to Levi no one is saying other wise. He just isn’t the center of Levi’s world.
Levi trusted Erwin because he saw something bigger than himself and Levi wanted to help Erwin get there because Levi himself if a very loving and selfless character. This I find to be so beautiful of Levi’s (and mikasas) character.
When Levi learns the truth behind Erwins actions and his selfish reasons to fight for humanity was for the sake of seeing in the basement really sent Levi into turmoil. (I feel this is WITs fault for not expressing this properly in the anime) this is why he continued to pester and push Erwin to know his motives past the basement, because Levi wanted to believe he was this selfless leader he had been finessed into believing he was (because we can’t forget canonically speaking Erwin is a con man and enjoys gambling which makes him and great leader)
Levi tells Erwin to die so he would continue to go down with the facade he was a selfless leader and to continue to live up to the expectation. Levi accepted this fault of Erwin just as he had accepted the faults of all his comrades and their selfish actions.
Levi was canonically devoted to Erwin, but not in the romantic way.
Erwin also never expressed a “interest” in Levi in that matter outside of their friendship and Levi’s abilities. It also should keep in mind that Erwin was ultimately in love with Marie, and chose not to have a family and a wife (which he actually wanted) to avoid having a widow. We can head cannon all day long about how “he realized in his last moments” or “behind the scenes” or interpreting smart press stories a certain way to fit the narrative but it’s just important to remember the difference between cannon material and your own HCs.
Now I know a lot of people will read this and think “wow a levihan shipper wrote this” and you would be right I also ship levihan as well. And they are also not cannon in a relationship as well but the romantic implications for them specifically cannot be ignored because you don’t like them. Levi and Hange are canonically best friends. They are known as the “abnormals” of the scouts. They know each other the best. Their relationship is so complex it cannot be defined as a friendship. (Even Moblit admits he doesn’t have a bond with Hange like Levi does) and it’s okay if you just see them as friends, and I honestly don’t blame a lot of people who do considering WIT really bit the bullet with missing key Levi and Hange moments to better fit their dynamic (I’ve seen people say they aren’t even good friends and that breaks my heart they are besties )
And honestly why wouldn’t you want to ship levihan? This ship in my opinion is the least problematic with the least controversy to it. It’s comforting and sweet and gives a sense of love and family. It’s literally a best friends-> lovers trope. Their friendship is what makes this ship in my opinion so pure and honestly why I fall in love with it more everyday.
And I know some will say “what about Moblit?” And honestly, it bothers me how much he is used to argue levihan because I ultimately feel his character also gets dumbed down as a default for Hange just for shipping and it bothers me too.
*and honestly guys Hange and Moblit isn’t even that great in a ship since considering Moblit became an anxious alcoholic trying to take care of Hange and Hange would get so caught up with their work they wouldn’t even notice. NOTE: they obviously cared for each other as comrades and Moblit felt Hange was needed for humanities survival and cared for them obviously but just my opinion I don’t see that ship working in my opinion.
But in reality guys, I never saw any of these characters “getting together” because they’re soldiers. Their hearts were dedicated to the cause of saving humanity first so that’s the beauty of AOT and the ambiguity of the characters relationships with one another because ultimately they all have attributes to love and benefit each other. Even with the forest scene and the plane for Levi and Hange, I never expected A “happy ending” for them in the sense of platonic or romantic because that doesn’t fit their canon narratives. Levi was destined to be the last soldier standing and brings the complexity of being the perfect soldier with a human heart.
*though the implication of romantic feelings never being acted on were there because they indeed paralleled with eren and mikasa
Levi’s literally means “attached” he attaches himself to the people he cares about and dedicated his strength and ability to help others gain their hopes and dreams.
Erwin tragically lost his humanity to become the devil for the sake of humanity which ultimately left him fruitless to his venture.
Hange taking on the burden of making the tough decisions and shouldering the weight of the deaths of the soldiers and Erwins legacy left them feeling loss and useless until their sacrifice.
All these characters have such complexity to them, they are all deeper than their fannon ship and should be appreciated and the narrative shouldn’t be shifted for the sake of a ship.
Levi didn’t fight to the end for just Erwin he did it for all of them.
So again, sorry for my rambles and I hope there will be those who read this and understand where I am coming from with this and understand though I will continue to ship all three, it still makes me sad I feel I can’t interact with some without them destroying entire characters for the sake of the ship.
So again love ships not ship wars. That’s the fun part when ships aren’t cannon you can just mix and match whenever you feel like it ❤️❤️
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
what if levi could remember what eren had shown to him in the paths? that’s why levi tried to stop hange from sacrificing themself because he wanted the alternative ending that eren showed him to happen
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however, he still let hange go because that’s what they wanted.
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
Resources For Writing Sketchy Topics
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A Study In Physical Injury
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Unconsciousness & Head Trauma
Blood Loss
Stab Wounds
Pain & Shock
All About Mechanical Injuries (Injuries Caused By Violence)
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Portraying a kleptomaniac.
Playing a character with cancer.
How to portray a power driven character.
Playing the manipulative character.
Portraying a character with borderline personality disorder.
Playing a character with Orthorexia Nervosa.
Writing a character who lost someone important.
Playing the bullies.
Portraying the drug dealer.
Playing a rebellious character.
How to portray a sociopath.
How to write characters with PTSD.
Playing characters with memory loss.
Playing a pyromaniac.
How to write a mute character.
How to write a character with an OCD.
How to play a stoner.
Playing a character with an eating disorder.
Portraying a character who is anti-social.
Portraying a character who is depressed.
How to portray someone with dyslexia.
How to portray a character with bipolar disorder.
Portraying a character with severe depression.
How to play a serial killer.
Writing insane characters.
Playing a character under the influence of marijuana.
Tips on writing a drug addict.
How to write a character with HPD.
Writing a character with Nymphomania.
Writing a character with schizophrenia.
Writing a character with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Writing a character with depression.
Writing a character who suffers from night terrors.
Writing a character with paranoid personality disorder.
How to play a victim of rape.
How to play a mentally ill/insane character.
Writing a character who self-harms.
Writing a character who is high on amphetamines.
How to play the stalker.
How to portray a character high on cocaine.
Playing a character with ADHD.
How to play a sexual assault victim.
Writing a compulsive gambler.
Playing a character who is faking a disorder.
Playing a prisoner.
Portraying an emotionally detached character.
How to play a character with social anxiety.
Portraying a character who is high.
Portraying characters who have secrets.
Portraying a recovering alcoholic.
Portraying a sex addict.
How to play someone creepy.
Portraying sexually/emotionally abused characters.
Playing a character under the influence of drugs.
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
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Instagram | ☕Ko-fi | Youtube
Remember when I started a titans portrait series...well Shadow and Bone consumes all. P.S. crows come first.
Also, I'm adding the order of when I'll be painting, and I'll add the links as I finish each!
Kaz | Inej | Jesper | Nina | Matthais | Mal | The Darkling | Alina
[Image Description: A digital painting of Kaz Brekker. He is pale and harsh looking off to the side with his coat collar popped and his hair a-skewed . End ID]
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
there’s a saying that if you love someone, you have to let that person go when the time comes (and most especially if they personally requested that you let them go)
so i think, levi let hange go that easily out of love, respect, and selflessness
"And also, when Isabel and farlan and Erwin died, he raged and grieved this way. With Hange he did get a highly emotional goodbye but not much afterwards. Why was he so passive during their death? Why let them go like that easy?" ---- to this Anon: Levi only said "see you later Hange" because he wanted to see Hange again, not to Isabel, Farlan, Erwin. He even could not see how Hange's dead from the window's plane. Different with others.
That is true too.
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
hanji staying beside their soulmate hours before they join the other scouts in the afterlife🥲🥲
Friendly remind that Hange probably fed Levi the stew after this
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And she probably slept close to him that night, when they woke up, she helped him to move to the cart and made a little bed for him.
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ANDDD from this scene
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They probably stay in the same room (alone) before Hange went to Yelena’s room, because:
1. Levi knew where Hange went to, so maybe when someone told Hange Yelena was awake, Levi was also there with Hange
2. Levi met Armin in the corridor = they didn’t stay with 104
Headcanon they slept together in the ship
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
“my soul is always with you”
Post-canon hc: Hanji's soul remains after the path disappears. Levi can see Hanji and talks to her. But Hanji as a soul cannot touch anything and cannot make a sound by talking.
Levi walked over to a small bench, gripping tightly onto his cane. He sat down staring out into the horizon, and after some time, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Levi Heichou, don’t stay out here too late, alright? I’ll pop into your room later to make sure you got in okay.” Gabi gave his shoulder a quick squeeze and walked inside, leaving Levi alone. He closed his eyes and almost dozed off, but felt a presence next to him.
“Gabi, I’ll come inside soon, just let me—-“
Levi stopped talking, his jaw dropped as he saw next to him...
She was there on the bench sitting next to him, wearing the smile he knew so well. He rubbed his eyes, blinked them open again. She was still there, smiling in front of him. Upon closer look, he realized she was no longer wearing an eyepatch, but her eye was still scarred—-it was almost like he was staring into a mirror, a reflection of his own injury.
“If not a hallucination, a dream?” he muttered to himself. The Marley meds must have been getting to his head— but what was wrong with indulging in a dream for a little bit, right?
He reached out his hand towards her, but as he tried to cup her cheek in his palm, his fingers slipped right through her. He stared up at her, that familiar sparkle of curiosity in her eyes. Levi frowned and reached again to hold her hand, but again, his fingers met his palm—he couldn’t feel her.
“Hm,” he thought. “What a shitty dream, huh?” he asked, and saw Hange’s shoulders shake with laughter. He braced himself for the warmth that her laughter always brought him, but he was met with silence. He couldn’t feel, or hear her.
Tears welled in his eyes as he met her gaze again, and her eyes softened, hurt seeing Levi so sad.
“This isn’t a dream… is it, Hange?”
She shook her head.
He let it sink in. He could see her, but couldn’t hear or feel her—he wouldn’t be able to listen to her spit annoying facts, or feel the warmth of her hugs.
The more he thought about this, it started to feel more like a nightmare than a blessing.
Before these thoughts could simmer in him for any longer, Hange waved her hand in his line of sight to get his attention. She stood up and gestured him to follow, and he did. She skipped in front of him, obviously teasing how slow he was with his cane as she ran in circles around him. He couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, and her eyes lit up seeing Levi relax a little. He followed her into the house and into his small bedroom, and she sat on his bed, patting the mattress below her, gesturing him to sit with her.
Despite the sadness he felt about this new situation, he couldn’t help but feel excited to sit next to her again—he missed her so much. He rushed, causing him to stumble a bit, his cane dropping to the floor with a thud. He caught himself on the table next to his bed, and he saw Hange’s hands try to grab his arms, her expression frustrated and angry that she couldn’t help him, her hands slipping through him just like earlier. After a moment, he gathered the strength to sit onto his bed, and lifted his bad leg up on to the bed with the rest of him. He laid down, tired, trying to catch his breath, trying to get used to his legs failing him now.
As he laid, he stared in to Hange’s eyes, who laid in front of him. She shuffled closer to him, pushing her forehead up close to his. He internally kicked himself, trying not to feel too sad. For whatever reason, her soul stayed behind to be with him, and he should welcome it. He didn’t want to question it anymore.
Levi stretched his arm out to wrap around her waist, but it slipped through her, his arm now just lying on the bedsheets. But it didn’t matter to him right now. It would do. She reached out her arm to do the same to him, slipping through him and resting on the sheets under him.
He stared in to her eyes, and didn’t want to sleep, scared she’d disappear by the time he woke up. But her eyes peered deep into his, and he felt so light, so relaxed in her presence again that his eyelids began to feel heavy. He stared at her lips, and it looked like she was saying, “Get some sleep, Shorty.”
He smiled as sleep overtook him.
A quiet knock at the door preceded Gabi’s entrance, and light flooded into the dark room from the hallway. She carefully stepped up towards Levi, picked up his cane off the floor and leaned it up against the bed where he could reach it in the morning. She looked at him, surprised to see him sleeping so soundly. This might be the first time he seemed to sleep well since he moved in with her, Falco, and Onyankopon. Every other time she checked on him, he seemed to be on edge, sweat hugging his brow and whispers of the Commander’s name escaping his lips. She pulled the blanket over him, and she felt overwhelmingly happy to see a small hint of a smile on his face. She noticed his arm outstretched in front him, as if hugging someone that wasn’t there, but she didn’t think too much of it.
Gabi turned to leave the room, but she froze—
She could have sworn she heard Commander Hange’s voice just a second ago, saying, “Thank you, Gabi.”
She spun around, but all she saw was Levi still lying in his bed alone, only the sound of his quiet breathing filling the room. It sounded way too real, but she shook her head, and realized that she probably just needed some sleep—she had had a long day.
“Goodnight, Levi Heichou,” she whispered as she closed the door behind her.
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
imagine AOT characters as demigods in another universe
part one
Erwin-Son of Zeus
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Miche-Son of Poseidon
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Levi-Son of Hades
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Hange-Child of Athena
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Nanaba-Daughter of Demeter
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i’ll post the part three and four soon and then the headcanons
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
I just wanna share something that has been happening recently in my country that just warms my heart.
So in the Philippines, the national government has been handling the pandemic horribly. Contact tracing is decentralized, implementation of travel restrictions were delayed (which could’ve helped curb the spread earlier), absurd restrictions have been imposed (which gave way for police to abuse their power against quarantine violators, who were usually out for essentials) –all the while killing activists, spreading disinformation and implementing a law that targets critics of the administration and our freedom of speech. (and also putting ₱389-million pesos worth of dolomite sand on Manila Bay in the middle of the pandemic which could’ve been used to feed millions). Oh and as of writing, we are tallying up to 9,000-10,000 cases daily.
That being said, millions of low-income households around the country are struggling to put food on the table. Government payouts per household (which goes as far as ₱1,000- 8,000 pesos/$20-160 depending on your wages) are not enough to sustain months of lockdown and no income.
Tired of witnessing inaction, a local woman named Patreng Non made a makeshift pantry right outside her community in Quezon and named it the “Maginhawa Community Pantry”. The rule was simple. It simply wrote “Magbigay ayon sa kakayahan, kumuha batay sa pangangailangan.” (translation: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”)
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The pantry gained traction, and after that, donations started pouring in from local farmers, fishermen and other regular folks
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First Photo: Patreng Non refilling the community pantry Second Photo: Local fishermen about to donate 50 kilos surplus of fish Third Photo: Cardboard saying: “Free sweet potatoes from the farmers of Paniqui, Tarlac” Fourth Photo: Tricycle drivers helping repack donations received Fifth Photo: Current pantry with signages designed by local students
There was no panic, no hoarding, and people only took what they needed and left. Soon enough, community pantries started to pop up in different provinces.
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This pantry and the nurturing community behind it has done more for the community in a week than what the government has done for the Filipino people in months. 
Patreng Non has also set up a Paypal if you want to donate to the community pantry!
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
imagine AOT characters as demigods in another universe
Eren - Son of Ares
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Mikasa-Daughter of Hades
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Armin-Son of Apollo
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Jean- Son of Hermes
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Sasha- Daughter of Artemis
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Connie- Son of Dionysus
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Historia- Daughter of Aphrodite
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i’ll drop the part two and headcanons soon
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
now after reading this au,, i suddenly have the urge to write a greek myth inspired levihan/aot fic hshshshshshs,, this really summoned my greek myth fanatic side 🤩🤩🤩
thank youuu,author🥰🥰
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
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and in another life, they lived together
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yerimichi10 · 4 years ago
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And that’s how Hange came to realize that Levi doesn’t really mean most of what he says
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