yeoverheart · 2 months
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yeoverheart · 3 months
My Own Tune ♪ PART 1
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*DISCLAIMER* This is going to be an ongoing series. It is also my first time writing something like this, suggestions and criticism are accepted <3.
The ton is filled with anticipation for the new Duchess of Picardy to arrive for this new season. For these fine gentlemen would surely have a battle to steal the heart of Lady y/n, and it will not be easy being as though she is here for other.. pursuits. Thankfully, Viscount Anthony Bridergton has announced he is on the hunt to find his perfect match, and leaves the ton wondering who that special woman might be.
As the carriage arrives at Lady Danbury’s home, I'm kindly greeted by her familiar face, “Good Afternoon Lady y/n. Oh how wonderful it is to see you.”
“The pleasure is mine, Lady Danbury.” holding my dress as I step down from the carriage to politely greet her.
I have only met Lady Danbury once; 4 years ago after she had gotten word that my mother had fallen ill, she immediately came to visit France and supported my family and I as my mother took her last breath. I don't fully understand the history shared between the two, although my mother would tell me childhood stories and they often involved Lady Danbury. Before my mother passed, she whispered something to her; I don't know what was said and probably never will, but I watched as Lady Danbury nodded as she held back tears and accepted whatever my mother said.
The servants warmly greet me and take my bags into her home. Lady Danbury walks beside me as we follow slowly, “Wow, this is...beautiful!” I let out a quick breath as we entered the marbled floor. I walked towards the middle of the floor, my head spinning trying to soak in all the beauties of Lady Danburys home. 
“Do you mind?” 
“Not at all,” Lady Dunbury smirks with a confirming nod. I slowly walk around with my hands folded behind my back inspecting the first floor, the glistening chandelier that hangs from the ceiling sparkles around the room. The smell of fresh paint filled the air as I got closer to the wall of paintings by the never ending staircase. “Are any of these paintings still fresh Lady Danbury?” I question. Lady Danbury makes way towards me with a confused look until she recalls the gift she received from the Bridgertons. “Ah yes, the Bridgertons. They're letting me borrow their portrait so my wall doesn't look so empty while my portrait is still being created. Charming family, aren't they?” 
“Yes they are quite perfect” I gazed over the familys’ beautifully crafted features, although I linger on one for a second longer. Lady Danbury notices and follows my eyes, “Yes, Anthony-the Viscount, he is quite the charmer”, Danbury gives a toothy grin. I try to hide the rosy tint that quickly spreads amongst my cheeks, taken away by such a handsome man. 
I'm here to pursue my passion for music, no distraction; or rather handsome ones at that. Walking in the other direction I hesitated, “Is he-.” Before I can finish a servant enters, “Lady Danbury you have a visitor.” Danbury and I  make eye-contact, it seems as if she wasn't expecting any visitors by the unsure look on her face. 
“Good afternoon Lady Danbury.” A gentleman enters the room, seemingly in a hurry. A familiar gentleman. His eyes drift towards me after he stands straight from his bow. 
“Mr. Bridgerton.” Lady Danbury responds with a smile. The realization hits evidently on my face, it's the handsome gentleman from the portrait. I try to hide my reaction as I feel heat rise to my cheeks from embarrassment.
“And you?” He walks a bit closer towards us.
“Lady y/n, it's very nice to meet you.” I bow with a smile.
Anthony offers a welcoming grin, “The pleasure is mine.” Stuck admiring his smile lines; I am taken out of my trance as quickly as they fade. 
Our locked eyes seem to linger a bit too long before Anthony clears his throat and announces, “I’m here to collect our family portrait, I have received word that yours is freshly complete and ready to be presented.” Ending off with that inviting smile once more.
“Oh yes! If my portrait shall arrive while I am giving my guest a tour, have them replace it right where the Bridgertons’ had theirs” Lady Danbury annonces to a servant across the room. 
“I have my carriage ready, is it alright if I have them come take it?” Anthony says.
“Why yes of course” Lady Danbury replies. “Now, there's much more for you to see Lady y/n, follow this way. Excuse us Mr. Bridgerton”
“Goodbye Mr.Bridgerton.” I say offering a smile.
“Goodbye Lady y/n.” Anthony smiles once more, captivating me into his charm.
I cannot. 
I follow as Lady Danbury leads.
After a moment of silence while walking up to the second floor Danbury suggests, “Anthony isn't music, let's not forget what you are here for.” Oh my, was it that obvious? 
“What could you mean, I was only being friendly.” I protest
“I know that look.” Danbury gives me a suggesting look as if she is a parent reminding a child that they cannot have sweets before dinner. 
“You should know I'm having a ball tonight, mainly to show off my newest portrait, you will remain close. These balls are often used for gentlemen to scout their wives out, but you are here for other reasons.If you wish to remain in your room you can, but I must say I have a dress that would look rather splendid on you.” 
“Very well, and please Lady Danbury trust me I have no intentions of finding a husband anytime soon, I leave that duty to my siblings. 
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