The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
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Survival Myths That Could Do More Harm Than Good.
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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What is with this right now
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being touchstarved makes u absolutely buckwild when someone does smth simple like .share a chair with u
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Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone of any nationality and ethnicity.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone with a disability or disorder.
Reblog if your page is a safe space for anyone who has experienced or is experiencing trauma.
Reblog if your page is a safe space.
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scenario: three characters are running late to leave for… something. Character A badly needs to pee, and character B knows it, but there’s no time to spare. Character C finally arrives, but says they need to use the bathroom before they go.
A says no, they’re going to be late if they don’t leave this second, but C keeps insisting until A snaps “If there’s no time for me to go, there’s no time for you!”
ushered into the car, and realizing what A means, C decides to force the issue. They keep talking about peeing, about how good it would feel to let go, ease their aching bladder, let out all the liquid they are holding…
possible endings:
the plan doesn’t work. By the time they reach their destination A and C are completely bursting and have to rush to the closest restroom, dignity bedamned, but they both make it.
the plan does work! A frantically pulls into the first gas station they see, and A and C use the bathroom there. (Unfortunately B also needed to go after all C’s teasing, but they manage to hold it the rest of the trip.)
the plan works too well. A already needed to go so badly that C’s teasing makes them lose control and wet while driving. Now angry and refusing to be the only one embarrassed, A absolutely will not stop for C for any reason. C wets just as they arrive.
the plan backfires. Talking about peeing is too much for C’s bladder, and they wet before A can be convinced to stop. A manages to hold on, though it’s a close thing.
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Underrated Bed Wetting things
Characters who don’t even realize what has happened when they wake up and are just like,, trying to figure out what they spilled while half asleep before realizing
Alternatively a character who is prone to bed wetting actually does spill something and they start frantically apologizing until character b is like “? I spilled my water bottle but ok”
Kinda the same idea but like, hear me out. Imagine character a is known for having a weak bladder and is sharing a bed with character b. Character b actually ends up wetting the bed and somehow thinks it was character A. Character A argues the wet spot is on B’s pants and B accuses A of peeing their (b’s) pants for them.
Sleepwalking!! This is lowkey so underrated bc it’s actually pretty common for people to sleepwalk over to a random spot and just,, piss.
Wet patches that spread up to their backs
A character prone to bed wetting falling asleep in a place they shouldn’t be like class or in a car and the aftermath is,,, yikes.
Again same thing but like,, sleepy character getting a piggyback ride joke or to their room and they just,, pee all over character b’s back.
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Idk anymore.
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Regression Revolution's Ageplay Asks & Tasks:
I've become a little obessed with these and decided to do my own. Like, share, enjoy ^. ^
I realise some of these have probably already been done so I've tried to make the questions fun. Imagine Mommy or Daddy is asking them and it will make you blush :p
A - How did you get into ageplay?
B - It's your birthday. Blow out your candles, your age will regress to equal the number of candles. How many candles would you want on your cake?
C - What is your favourite crayon colour?
D - Woof Woof!! Look at all those waggy tails. Which doggie is your favourite?
F - Time to put your bib on. What is your favourite food to have when Little?
G - Have you been a good liitle boy or girl today? Tell me how you've been good?
H - Aw why the frowny face? How can we make baby happy again?
I - Let's take the perfect baby photo. What do you think is the most innocent pose?
J - I heard you're not very mature. Tell me how you've acted junvinile recently?
K - Is baby excited? Is ageplay a kink for you or not?
L - What do you love the most about ageplay?
M - Mommy or Daddy? Who do you like to take care of you when you are Little?
N - Have you been playing Naughty or Nice? Confess your naughtiness or tell use how you've been nice today.
O - Open wide! Here comes the airplane. Have you tried eating baby food?
P - Do you pee your pants? Maybe you need to be in diapers.
Q - The world can be a big scary place. Do you have a question little one? An adult will answer for you.
R - It's time for recess. What games/toys are you going to play with today?
S - What is that smell? Did baby make a stinky in their diapee?
T - You're such a handful now that you are toddling around. Have you waddled around wearing your diapers whilst in public to show of your walking skills or only in private.
U - So you think you're not a little baby anymore? Well if I check your underwear will I find it dry?
V - Victory is mine! Can you tell us something you've accomplished and are proud of?
W - Make a wish! Maybe a fairy will grant it.
X - Xylography (please bare with me). What is your favourite picture book to be read at bedtime?
Y - Yum-yums in your Tum-tums. What's in baby's tummy?
Z - zzzzz. What is Little one's bedtime? Did you go to bed on time last night?
A - Your too little to do that. Next time you have a small chore to do, ask someone to help you. Report back.
B - Back to babyhood. One hour of babyhood defined by the task giver. Example: You must wear a diaper. Optional: wear baby clothes if you have any. Cuddle um your stuffie. Not allowed to walk. Drink a bottle of milk.
C - Cuddle time. Go find your stuffie (or significant other) and take 10mins out of your schedule just to lay and cuddle today.
D - Double diapers. If you are wearing a diaper, put another one over it or stuff the next one you change into with two inserts.
F - Make a new friend, little kids aren't shy about making playmates. Pick someone, anyone. Online or offline. Chat with them. It might go nowhere but you might also make yourself a new friend.
G - Good Girl (for boys and girls) doing something for others until you earn yourself a compliment. Completing the task is also the reward! Plus it shows your caregiver that you've learned your manners.
H - Complete a humiliating task of the task setters choosing. You can of course negotiate the task difficult down to your comfort level.
I - Innocence. No touching yourself for 2 days.
J - Wear a pair of Mary Jane's (or similar adult style strapped shoe) for an outing.
K - Kiss and tell. It can be your cat or your stuffie if you aren't romantically involved with anyone, you still have to tell though!
L - The task giver picks a word. You must lisp that word for the next 6 hrs because you haven't quite learned all the big words yet.
M - Simulate having a messy diaper using oatmeal or bananas or whatever suits you.
N - Have you ever dealt with a terrible toddler who only says no and then gets upset because they can't explain what they want? Well now you are one. For three hours you can only answer no to requests people make of you.
O - Reblog this totally original Asks and tasks list :p
P - Pee your underwear, whatever your wearing, as soon as it is safe for you to do so. I hope you are wearing your diaper?
Q - Answer a question of your choosing from the list above.
R - Take your current book and read it out loud to yourself like a child for 15mins. Better yet, snuggle up and read it to your caregiver to show what a good reader you are. They can help you with the difficult words.
S - Sing a nursery rhyme out loud next time you are in the shower.
T - Lay down somewhere comfy, take your socks off and count your toes. Extra points if you play 'This little piggy...'
U - Store away or throw away all of your adult underwear. You wear pull-ups and/or diapers now.
V - Lower your defenses and let yourself be vulnerable to someone you trust. Talk about a difficult issue with them or something you need to get off your chest.
W - write a short diary entry about what you did today with your non-dominant hand. You might also want to make it pretty with some pictures or stickers? You still have to use your non-dominant hand for this.
X - Corner time for 'x' amount of minutes.
Y - Go find something yellow, tell us what you found?
Z - Organise a trip to the zoo for yourself (or a similar putting), tell us what animals you saw or what activities you did.
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today stitch feels like telling you a big truth, you can be truly amazing and do great things, because you are special
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aaaaay lmao
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I held and I held and I fought against the cursed false #2 alerts and I desperate-walked over to my secret pee spot and whooooooossshhhhh and it was the quickest and most complete soakings I've ever done... usually I just leak and spurt...but this was really relaxing and wet like clinging to my legs wet
I figured you'd at least understand
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