yeldrismith-blog · 6 years
It’s remarkably sad how we all seek the exact same love yet we have come to such a dark place in time where we lack respect towards one another so we can’t even express our true emotions. We are so selfish we think solely of our own feelings and in doing so we only love enough to not get hurt, we keep a wall up so we never truly invest ourselves. We are always afraid of the opposite hurting us that we keep ourselves at a distance and hurt them before they get to us. It’s to often I hear these days “trust no bitch! Trust no n****!” Well that’s where the problem could be starting, we aren’t bitches and n****s we are men and women and we could all be acting accordingly. We have men out here cheating, and women running after to do the same when they find out. We have men making women feel they need to be ok with them sleeping around and women are to weak to put an end to it. And then we have these women acting like children looking for hand outs by a man, sleeping with each one down the line till they get the riches they can. Might I add we have a share of “men” out here bumming off women too. Im just horrified for humanity. We can’t even learn the basics of love.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Completamente tuya ❤️. Yo no sabía que una persona te podía hacer tan feliz... y tampoco sabía que tú felicidad @JuanLealCaceres sería la mía. Me llenas de paz, de amor, de respeto, de satisfacción y pare de contar... 💗 esto es simple, somos el uno para el otro y Dios nos tenía destinado justo en el momento PERFECTO de cada uno ❤️♣️ tú mi rey🤴🏻 yo tu reina 👸🏻😍 #Dios #amor #respeto #tolerancia #papitomio♣️#teamo #felicestuyyo #talparacual #forever #cute
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Si tus acciones inspiran a otros a soñar más, aprender más, hacer más y ser más, eres un Líder. Nadie se hace grande haciendo sentir pequeños a otros. Cada rey con su reina😉
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Cada día más humana, menos perfecta y más feliz.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Bonita noche para todosss!!! 💗
Esos dotes que si sabes cómo usar... 👸🏻. 
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Si señorrr😍 me encanta esta foto 🤤.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Que atractivo es un hombre inteligente.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Personas así necesito en mi vida.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Me duele que sean conmigo como yo nunca sería con ellos.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Le agarré el gusto a estar sola, amo esta tranquilidad de que mi estado de ánimo no dependa de nadie y quiero que siga así.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
No te mereces la indecisión de nadie, o te quieren con todo, o nada.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
A veces no volver a ser la misma persona es lo mejor que te puede pasar.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
Mata que te hagan creer que sí, cuando no.
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
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yeldrismith-blog · 7 years
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