yearnergirl · 2 months
I am very disturbed today
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yearnergirl · 3 months
✧ 2nd Lord in All Houses Part 1 ✧ { Vedic Astrology }
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the Second House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 2nd House is Ruled By Capricorn & Its Lord is Saturn which is in 3rd House thus Your [ 2nd Lord is in the 3rd House. ] "
Now Lets Move on ..
2nd Lord in 1st House
This position can make you very wealthy not only will it expand the storage capacity in your life, but it will also pave the way for a prosperous future for your children. This position holds the power to create a generational legacy, where each successive generation builds upon the wealth accumulated before them. As the first generation to embark on this journey, you have the opportunity to lay the foundation for a lifetime of abundance, while your children will take it even further.
This placement make you the employer or the boss who provide & generates job opportunities. The first house presents an exceptional position for anyone venturing into the world of business. On the other hand, the second house represents the importance of family. When the second lord enters the first house, it signifies that you will eventually take charge of the family business and revolutionize it to reflect your unique vision. This is the house where the second lord yearns for a vision. In the 1st house , self-belief is paramount, as it can be tested by the highs and lows of life. Hence, it is vital to constantly question yourself when doubt arises: "Do you truly have faith in your own vision?"
This query holds immense value, as the 1st house represents your true self. Consequently, your prosperity will define you, bestowing upon you prestige and significance. The lord of the second house is a lord of family and when in 1st house, you're likely to have a strong desire for a big, loving family. You enjoy being in control of your household, taking on the role of a nurturing figure like a big daddy or a big mommy. Your home becomes a haven where people depend on you, much like pets and children, creating a harmonious and fulfilling atmosphere..
The bigger the household the happier you become the issue is however that you're quite controlling with the money itself you're even controlling with your family members spending, you get angry with family members when they are wasting resources, money, food etc.. This can cause contention in your life, you don't like to spend too much and giving back to community outside of the family however benefits in the first house or aspect here will help to keep that money flowing outwards which will always increase wealth in any case..
One thing to watch out for , though the lord of possessions (2nd house lord) has gone into your house(1st house) & aspect directly at the seventh house of partner, thus can make you possessive of any kind of partner causing difficulties in relationships.
The aspects on seventh house brings forth numerous positive effects too, particularly when it comes to your business endeavors. It acts as a marketplace, attracting the attention of influential individuals who are eager to collaborate and support you. Even if you're not an entrepreneur, your colleagues will be enthusiastic about joining your team for any projects.
2nd Lord in 2nd House
This placement give you the ability to manage your finances, giving you control over your money. While you work hard to build wealth, This position may bring challenges with your children or dependents. You possess a slight inclination towards being controlling, especially when it comes to overseeing the actions of others. Wasting anything, particularly money, is something you strongly dislike. Occasionally, this controlling nature may create challenges in your interactions with your children. The placement of the 2nd lord in its own house can make you excessively proud of your family traditions, which can result in problems. It's important to be mindful of this tendency and make a conscious effort to avoid being haughty or stuck up.
The lord of the second house assumes the role of a natural protector within its own domain, much like a vigilant guard dog. This becomes particularly evident when the ruler of the second house is a malefic planet such as Mars or Rahu[North Node]. In such circumstances, any encounter with loss triggers a surge of anger within you. However, it's important to clarify that this anger doesn't translate into violence. Instead, it ignites a fierce determination to acquire and safeguard your possessions.. You become unwavering in your efforts to hold onto your wealth, resorting to any means necessary to shield yourself from further losses. Your bank balance becomes a constant source of concern, as you diligently monitor both incoming and outgoing funds.
Seeing more money coming in than going out is what you should strive for. It's a reassuring sight that brings a sense of security. However, if you don't witness this flow of abundance, it's natural to feel a bit insecure. The key lesson here is to embrace the concept of letting go. Loosen your grip on money and allow it to flow through your fingers, benefiting others. Remember, the opposite house(eighth house) represents sharing possessions, and by embracing this concept, you'll attract greater wealth karma into your life..
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions..
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Stay Tuned For Part 2...
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yearnergirl · 3 months
Pick a card: From your Soulmate
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Happy Friday! Today's reading is a soulmate reading. Your reading includes: Characteristics of your soulmate & a note from them <3
Pile 1: Ace of Pentacles
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I’ve been kicked down in life, but each time I get back up the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. I have been trying hard to trust in the universe because I know it’s bringing me everything I could want – and that’s you. You are such a compassionate, beautiful, smart, and wonderful person pile 1. You know how they say to never stop dating the person you’re with? That is my plan with you – to woo you forever. You deserve to be wined and dined. I hope to show you each day how much you mean to me. I’ll bring you flowers. I’ll give you shoulder rubs. I’ll tell you silly jokes just to make you laugh. I will spend our time together making sure you never feel unloved. You are my manifestation and I can’t wait to be with you.
Pile 2: The Lovers
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Your love is a breath of fresh air. Being with you brings me mental clarity. It makes me understand that the way I’ve been treated in relationships up until now were not an accurate representation of a healthy relationship. Gosh, it is so refreshing! You may find when we begin our relationship that I am hesitant to make big decisions. Because you are showing me something I’ve never known before, it is going to take a little time for me to be convinced that you’re not going away. But let me tell you, once I am shown time and time again that you show up, it is game over (in the best way). The way that we align will take away all the doubts I’ve ever had about love. And I won’t be able to thank you enough.
Pile 3: The Hanged Man
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A lot of my life has been about competition; mainly, competition with myself. I have a need to prove myself. I want to be the best at what I do. And I know that that mindset isn’t always the most productive. With you in my life, soulmate, I am reminded to pause. I am reminded that there are more perspectives out there from my own and that I’m allowed to let go of what I think SHOULD be to open room for what IS. You’re really going to allow me to look at my shadow self and understand why I have this need to be better than the previous version of me. You’re going to help me see the restraints that I’m binding myself with. My competitive nature will always be a part of me but I’m looking forward to the time in my life where I can experience joy just being who I am, where I don’t feel like I need to be constantly winning. My life with you is the ultimate prize.
Pile 4: Two of Cups
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I’ve held myself back for much of my life with the fear that I don’t have the tools to succeed. I always think that if I just had that one thing – more money, more confidence, more time – that then I can take the plunge. At times, I also find myself wanting to do everything for everyone. If I put effort into one thing, I feel like I am neglecting the other, and then I stop doing either. I want to be the best RIGHT NOW, no matter how unrealistic. And then you came into the picture. My inspiration, my muse, my reminder that each day is a clean slate. Not only do I know we will grow together, but I know that I will grow personally because of you. You never fail to encourage me to follow my dreams. You have a way of reminding me that, even if I “fail”, I can always get something out of a situation which means I didn’t fail at all. I really hope I can do the same thing for you because you deserve the same, if not more, of the energy you give to me.
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yearnergirl · 3 months
What would make you feel better?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. You make your own decisions and are responsible for them yourself, so it's up to you to listen to advice or not.
Choose one or more cards. Trust your intuition.
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Card 1 Your current state: You are still holding on to some things in the past or you are attached to some people, relationships. These things or people may be dear to you, but they do not bring more joy or other positive emotions into your life. In fact, you are holding on to memories. Also I can say that you in a situation in which you do not see a suitable solution and just patiently wait for the situation to resolve itself. It's like a disclaimer, as if you're shifting the solution to the problem to the universe(?)
What will you help: You need to pull yourself together and solve problems! Deep down you know the right solution, but you can resist because you don't like it, it hurts or you don't want to upset another person, or something like that. In any case, if you don't act now, your condition will worsen and you risk falling into a state of apathy. You can also be helped to make the first step by a person you trust and who gives good advice, he is wise and has a lot of life experience, so try to talk to him. I believe that everything will turn out well for you and you will cope with any adversity.
Card 2. Your current state: As I see it, here you are in a state of affairs where little depends on you and the resolution of the situation depends on another person or smth like this. You are just patiently waiting for the outcome, while you are in such an incomprehensible state when you do not know what to expect. Unpredictability worries you very much and causes severe stress, you are thinking about different ways to resolve the situation, but this does not calm you down, but makes you even more nervous.
What will you help: Since you can't influence the situation in any way, you need to try to calm down and let it go, think less about it and switch to something else. Excessive overthinking will not make you feel better, so you need to focus on taking care of yourself, reduce stress and anxiety. In this case, any things that please or calm you will help you, the main thing is that they distract you from thoughts and do not allow you to plunge back into the previous state. A trip somewhere will help well, it doesn't matter if you go alone or with someone, it will in any case bring new emotions into your life. I believe that you will cope with everything, be kind to yourself.
Card 3. Your current state: you locked ourselves in though and detached from reality, spend more time alone with your thoughts. Obsessive thoughts make you very sad, you don't know how to cope with them and in general you are at a dead end, you don't know how to get out of this state and help yourself. You are also indifferent to many events in your life and can left to chance everything.
What will you help: first, it is important to fight with your thoughts, they need to be challenged. If you have negative obsessive thoughts, for example, you are not succeeding and there is a feeling that you will never succeed, then try to give arguments against them, for example: "I have already been through this and successfully coped, so this time I will succeed" or "I have just started my journey and am gaining experience, mistakes at the beginning are natural, success comes gradually", I understand that my explanation may sound vague, but I hope the meaning is clear. You also need to keep a balance, you feel very sad, but you should try to create moments that will bring joy into your life, whether it's meeting friends or hobbies, any little things that make you happy. This should help you see that there is not only one melancholy around you, and good moments are also present. If necessary, contact a specialist. Be kind to yourself and remember that you can handle everything.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback <3
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yearnergirl · 3 months
What is people's first impression of you?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
✧ Masterlist ✧ Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: In general I can say that people's first impression of you is quite positive! I should immediately note that for many you stand out with your aura, you immediately catch the eye because you have a predominant vibe of a sunny person, kind, warm with whom you can easily find a common language and in general you are affable and friendly. Most people around you feel comfortable and easy to communicate, immediately after spending time with you their mood improves and a good mood remains for the whole day. At the same time many people see youf as a person capable of leading people, you have the traits of a leader, you are persistent, you know how to get along with people of any age because you know how to find an approach to any person even if he is the most sullen, taciturn and with a complex character.  Also many people see you as an intelligent person with high intelligence, you can probably quickly "get out of a situation" and come up with a solution in a matter of seconds, you can find solutions quickly and, in general, react faster than anyone in stressful situations. Despite the fact that you are kind and generous enough to many, you do not cross this line and in case of a quarrel you will stand your ground, do not let yourself be offended but at the same time you will not  fall downward to the level of the offender and will not insult him in return, put pressure on pain points. Many people may get the impression that you are a person who plans everything, not one of those who likes to improvise but strictly act as planned, because this way you feel more calm and you have a feeling that you are firmly on the ground, keeping everything under control.
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Pile 2: People's first impression of you is the following: people see you as a very romantic person, perhaps you can often romanticize some situations in life, you are one of those who can find aesthetics in everything, you can often take photos just because you can find beauty in many things. Many people really like the way you take photos, your style and appearance and generally like your vision of the world. You are also seen as an open person, you are very emotional and speak directly about your feelings and share your thoughts. You are also open to everything new, you are characterized by curiosity, a desire to try something new and moreover, you yourself may feel the desire to bring something new into the world! You are a very gentle person who can often get sentimental, you are also very empathic and you have a high level of emotional intelligence, you will never be indifferent listening to someone's life story. You are open to new acquaintances and in general I can say that you like to communicate with people, learn something new about them, get closer but it is difficult to truly become your close friend or your lover because you are selective and careful about choosing your close environment.
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Pile 3: First of all people get the first impression of you as a person who has achieved a lot in his life or at least you have an understanding of what you want to achieve in your life. You have probably already planned your actions for the coming years and you are one of those who brings what has been started to the end, nothing can break you and you will not be persuaded, you are very persistent in this regard and always do what you want, what you need without bending to the words of other people. People think that you are a sane person, you can really reason logically, you are not one of those who worry about trifles. You prefer to solve the problem right away without succumbing to emotions, I can generally call you a person of action, you are very hardworking, persistent and always moving forward. You also tend to think optimistically, you will find benefits in any situation, you will find something good and positive. People believe that you value family relationships very much, you love your family and your relatives, you can have quite warm and strong relationships with them, since they always support you and are always on your side, they usually do not condemn your decisions and your actions, because they see you as a mature and adult, an independent person.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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yearnergirl · 3 months
Collective Reading
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There’s a dream or goal that’s attached to your imagination. You could be hoping that something’s pays off or goes through and you’re needing to keep holding onto that faith but don’t lose yourself in it find the necessary balance that you need to keep yourself grounded & stabile. There’s a masculine energy that’s coming towards you with a stable offer/ opportunity… the letter “O” is significant. For others this may be a father or grandfather… 1111 is confirmation. April 4th and 11th is significant too. I also see a celebration maybe someone’s father/ grandfather could be celebrating a birthday but I definitely see a gift being handed to someone.. this could also be an ancestor as well. Speaking of ancestors, I see tapping into or is wanting to get to know their ancestry and may even dabble into some things 👀. Heavy energy around planting seeds and roots. Some of you could be wondering where your roots/ foundation come from.. I’m hearing indigenous. Someone could be picking out an outfit for something for others I see someone picking out offerings or maybe wanting to know offerings to get/ choose especially if it’s food. Some of you may work with herbs or the energy of the earth or your ancestors were herbalists, shamans I’m also picking up on scrying. Something with gold or copper offering bowls are significant. The number 13 is significant along with the moon. No more suffering, no more pain… you have a clear path. Once you stop worrying and start trusting the path that you’re on, you’ll begin to receive. Your mind is too cluttered, release guilt, anger or whatever it is that’s keeping you in your head… I kept hearing “clearing” or “clear”. Crows and the letter “C” is significant too. After every disappointment there’s always something new on the other side. Stop being so hard on yourself and start expressing yourself.. it’s giving “just do it”. There’s many things that you’re changing and switching and spirit is also doing this as well. You’re no longer needing to strategize and have every in order or a certain but you will need to just relax and enjoy the ride and the journey. Set yourself free from limiting beliefs because you’re limitless and entitled to everything why? Because the world is your oyster. Many of you have elevated or made this conscious decision to do this. Someone could be a lawyer or judge or may go into profession or a marriage counselor, pope/ pastor. Something about wedding or wedding reception.. you could be singing at someone’s wedding… I keep hearing “concession stand” 😂. Some of you could be mediators or negotiators, could be winning a case as well or helping someone or others to do this. Whatever it may be, it’ll bring all of supporters and followers. Someone could be breaking from challenges especially if it’s addictions, I’m getting more so smoking and drinking. Someone may even be celebrating their celibacy or sobriety. You’re facing danger with a smile on your face, you’re no longer allowing yourself to YOU back. You’re no longer afraid challenges and obstacles but instead you’re more than ready and prepared to face them. For others, someone may be finding out that the grass wasn’t greener on the other side. Someone took a leap of faith only to met with dry land beneath them. For some of you, you could be tired of feeling this way but best believe there’s a new cycle that you’re already in or already in that’s bringing MANY much needed changes, evolution, and transformation.. the number 13 is confirmation. You could be feeling very tired lately & it’s because you’re closing old cycles and entering new ones and best believe you’re also shifting maybe in your sleep too!
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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The best way to predict the future is to create it.
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yearnergirl · 3 months
why tf they removed velvet crowbar from YouTube too?! It is such an amazing song.
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yearnergirl · 3 months
How to become good at any school subject using law of assumption
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1. Change the story
Instead of saying that you suck at said subject start telling yourself that you understand it. Use affirmations and repeat them
2. never go back to the old story
Watch your thoughts and if you find yourself saying you suck at the subject quickly change your thoughts
3. Watch the magic happen
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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Amy Lee (2006) ☠️
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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22K notes · View notes
yearnergirl · 3 months
So many good things are happening now. Say, "Thank you," out loud to increase this positive energy.
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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yearnergirl · 3 months
One of the most dangerous things in the world is not being able to say no to people because you don't want to upset them or dissapoint them. This will completely ruin your life in every way possible, at work, in your private life, your sex life and your friendships. It's a way of removing your own consent in your own decisions and go against your wishes, it is always a crime against yourself. Let yourself have a say. Upsetting people is better than traumatizing yourself.
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yearnergirl · 3 months
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"angry women burn brighter than the sun"
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yearnergirl · 3 months
you don’t need to explain yourself all the time, don’t need to be liked by everyone. those are unrealistic expectations. just do your best.
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