Year 6 have created some fantastic pieces of Optical Illusion Art!
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Year 6 enjoyed creating ‘Balloon Cars’ to demonstrate Potential and Kinetic Energy!
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This week Year 6 have been learning about Sound and Chemical energy!
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Welcome Back!
It has been a busy, busy first week back for Year 6! They have been learning about Kinetic and Potential Energy; creating E-Safety posters and solving many maths investigations!
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Year 6 have been super busy this week writing their memories of Haverigg School! They worked in pairs to take photos of each other, then they scanned the photos into a paint document and after they had edited the photos and used them to create their memory sheets!
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Year 6 had to apply their mathematical knowledge of angles and degrees in order to complete the range of challenges in the Lego Robotic Workshop!
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Year 6 have enjoyed writing recounts of their London residential as well as creating fact files for famous London landmarks! They even sketched and printed their landmarks in their art session this week! Well done Year 6!
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Day two has started with a visit to the National Portrait Gallery with a quick stop at 10 Downing Street! Quick lunch at Trafalgar Square before we head to Kidzania!
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A fabulous first day in London! We have enjoyed a boat cruise on the River Thames, cable car journey to visit the Olympic Park!
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It has been another very successful ‘Great Haverigg Bale Off!’ this year! Year 6 children had to research, plan, prepare, create and evaluate their own show stoppers! Well done Year 6!
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It has been another very successful ‘Great Haverigg Bale Off!’ this year! Year 6 children had to research, plan, prepare, create and evaluate their own show stoppers! Well done Year 6!
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