23 posts
@joongbin 's reblog acc
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 1 year ago
tew good.... I almost swallowed my hand bc i was giggling so hard HELP!
Draco x Male Reader
Summary: With O.W.L.s right around the corner, everyone's rushing to cram in all the studying they can. Especially Draco.
Word Count: 479
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You stepped into the common room, listening to the entrance passage close behind you. Your shoes tapped against the marble floor until they met carpet. The fireplace was lit, but the embers burned lowly, evidence it had been going for a while. 
Getting closer, you rested a hand on the back of one of the couches beside, bearing your weight on it as you leaned over. There Draco lay, a book open and smushed against his chest. He was out cold. 
Papers were strewn about, his quill resting in a bottle of ink on the table between the two couches. You made your way around the side of the couch, bending down to tidy the mess.
“You’ll do fine on your O.W.L.s,” You found yourself mumbling to him, even as your ears registered his soft snores. “You’re plenty a know-it-all, there’s no need to pass out studying.”
You heaved the stack you’d made of his schoolwork onto the table and turned to just stare at Draco. His outer robe was slung over the back of the couch, pinned down at the bottom by his weight.
His hair was flattened to one side of his head, and you could tell he’d been sleeping on it for a while before he’d settled into his current position.
Fondness bloomed in your lungs and you cracked a smile, reaching for the book on his chest to take it from him. Your fingers brushed over his where they rested on the book, and Draco shifted. His face was loose and relaxed, lacking the tension that came with an active school day. 
You pulled the book off him and closed it, setting it atop the stack on the table. Reaching back, you smoothed your fingers over his hair, feeling where knots had begun to tie themselves in it. You gave yourself a moment to admire him. 
Then, you started pulling his robe from behind him as carefully as you could. You watched him squirm above the movement until you finally tugged it free and he calmed with a muddied sigh, shaking it open and laying it over him like a blanket. You pulled away, looking down at his still-sleeping form. 
Your eyes scanned the common room to make sure nobody else was there, swallowing dense air to gather confidence before you leaned back down over Draco.
You looked up at the room around you one more time before you swept his hair to the side slightly and pressed a peck to his forehead. You stood back up quickly, and a wider grin tugged at your warming face. 
“Sleep well, Draco.” You turned, hurrying to put out the fireplace so you could get yourself properly in bed. 
Over the sound of wood and embers pushed around by the poker, it was no wonder you couldn’t hear him sleepily whisper back. “You, too.”
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Reeee my first Slytherin!Reader this had me giggling kicking my feet the whole time I was writing it.
I'd say sorry for not posting anything and tell you guys why but I've just been playing the sims. Neglecting my school, neglecting my fanfiction, just simming.
Then once I was done simming Itzy dropped born to be out of NOWHERE. Zero right to be serving so hard on a random sunday. I couldn't write, my entire thought process was just born to be 🤖 born to be 🤖 born to be 🤖
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @siuspider @dracoshusband @skrunklespoingo @esperfraud @joongbin @midwestemosblog @we2222
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 1 year ago
Potions Class
Draco x Male Reader
Context: Slytherin! Reader and can be read as any year except fifth year or after I'm pretty sure, but I did write it with fourth year in mind since they're making pepperup potion.. <3 And I'm aware that gyat didn't exist in the 90's, just pretend it did. (:<
Summary: Pepperup potion is one of the easier potions to brew, but that doesn't mean class can't be eventful nonetheless.
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: 585
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The clinking of phials and the hiss of hushed whispering were familiar comforts. Snape leisurely made his way around the room in rounds to oversee the progress of the potion he’d assigned you all to brew in pairs.
“Draco, stir this.” You turn your head away from the cauldron to reread the instructions in your book.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” Draco grumbles, even as he reaches for the spoon and does as he’s told. “Ordering me around like a servant.”
You roll your eyes, paying him no mind. “The last thing we need is jewelweed.” You close the book and take the spoon from him, stirring it yourself. You look at him expectantly for a moment, and he stares back. Awkward silence swells as you blink at each other, even in the growing chatter of the potions classroom.
“I don’t have it.” He shrugs after another long couple of seconds.
“What do you mean you don’t have it?”
“I gave it to Goyle!”
“Well get it back from Goyle!” Snape shushes you from across the classroom, glaring at the two of you. Draco groans.
He pushes up from his chair, nudging it backwards so he has room to bend over the table and demand the jewelweed back from Crabbe and Goyle where they’re sat across from you. Apparently a harder task than anticipated, as he leans even further forwards to argue with them. There’s no helping yourself now.
Draco turns around, shooting you a look like you’d grown an extra head. “Excuse me?” Red bleeds into his pale face.
“Gyat.” You smolder at him, sucking your teeth to let out a teasing hiss. “It means-”
“I know what it means.” He scoffs at you and rips the jewelweed from Goyle’s hand, righting his posture through his noticeably deteriorating composure. He clumsily shoves it in your chest, rougher than he normally would. “Here, since you couldn’t get it yourself. Loud, useless pervert.”
A grin forces its way onto your face, and you chuckle through your nose. Draco scowls at you, huffing, almost dropping the jewelweed when you finally take it from him. His shoulders draw tight.
Pansy mini-jogs over from the table beside yours. “Do you guys have any Mandrake root left? Blaise used the last of ours and messed it up.” She raises her voice at the last part and clears her throat. Blaise shakes his head from their table. 
Draco turns his head first to hear her question and then to look at you as if you were going to give it to her. You gesture towards the Mandrake root where it sat almost directly in front of him. His brows furrow and his face reddens further, this time out of anger. Your smug smile deepens and adoration bubbles in your stomach like a potion of its own.
“Here-” He grabs it and holds it out to Pansy, only for his fingers to falter. It falls onto the table, rolling and taking several phials down with it as they all clatter to the floor. 
Snape growls, a very unimpressed Mr. Malfoy turning all heads in the classroom to your table. Draco’s complexion could easily rival that of an heirloom tomato. You fruitlessly fight laughter. 
Draco’s lips pull tight in embarrassment, and you only giggle harder. 
“My father will hear about this-” He barks, and you’re so amused you can’t find it in yourself to care about how hard he’s grabbing the green border of your robes, nor Snape’s rapidly approaching footsteps.
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This is quite possibly the request of all time. Getting to write this was my yule gift. If Draco gyat fic isn't my calling I don't know what is.
Me and my mom got into a lengthy argument over whether gyat is spiritual or physical. She says Draco doesn't have gyat. I beg to differ, of course, because gyat is a mindset. <3
Draco has gyat, I don't care what my mom says.
Tags: @nowayisthistakenyet @gayaristocrat @siuspider @dracoshusband @skrunklespoingo @esperfraud @joongbin @midwestemosblog @we2222
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 1 year ago
hello my loves! a bit of a ✨special announcement✨!
so! over the course of the <letters with notes> promotions i've bought myself...quite a few copies for some extra perks, and in turn have...well. more than i need. and i thought a perfect way to have less of those would be to give them to one of you all! so i''m officially announcing:
🎼💌 <letters with notes> giveaway! 💌🎼
what do i get?
1 copy of the regular edition & 1 of the digipack edition + 1 of the pre-order bookmarks! most of the regular editions are still on their way, so i don't have specifics on those quite yet, but for the digipack you get all goodies inside, photocard included! a photo below of the inside contents:
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is it u.s. specific?
nope! i'm not actually sure what the demographics here are, but i'm willing to ship anywhere! 💕💕💕💕
when will you send it!!!
the regular versions of the albums wont ship out until after next week, so ideally some time in october once they show up (we'll...see. i'll keep you all updated i promise)!
but how long is the giveaway???
i figure i'll keep it open from now until my birthday! to celebrate giving a gift to you all. so you have from now until October 5th @ 11:59 PM CST to enter! a little over two weeks!
and....how do i do that?? two simple steps!
be following the blog! you can do that from now until it ends!
reblog this post! just the once, multiple reblogs won't give extra entries.
that's it! after that i'll be randomizing all the usernames and announcing the winner/dming them for their info the next day!
i wanted to do this not only to free up some space on my bookshelf, but to celebrate you all and how amazing and incredible you've been (we've grown so much since the album promotions began!!), and i wanted to show a little appreciation to all of you.
i hope you guys are having a lovely week so far, and thank you for always being so sweet and amazing! 💕💕
love love love,
tay 💕💕💕
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
0.4 thursday - seven
↳ SYNOPSIS: A company inspector is an employee that is sent by the Government to make sure the companies work efficiently and stick to the rules. Mn Ln is sent to Jeon Estates to inspect and he has seven days to do his job. However, CEO Jeon Jungkook falls in love with the inspecting officer and now he has seven days to make him his
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taglist: @orecana @chqqti @joongbin @parkalex21 @livingyetnotbreathing @frieschan @vkooksupremacy
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“I think I have everything”, Mn checked his office bag one last time before leaving the house. Yesterday had been so hectic that he hadn’t even checked his bag. But with a fresh day and fresh start, Mn was ready to begin the day.
The inspector was about to leave when suddenly he got call. Mn looked at the caller and saw it was Eunwoo. “Must be something important”, Mn said as he picked up the call.
“Hello Eunwoo. Good morning !”, Mn greeted the other. “Good morning Mn. Sorry to call you so early but actually I wanted to inform you that today there’s a company dinner and we want you to join us”, Eunwoo said.
Mn felt a smile plaster on his face. “Sure. Thank you so much for the invite”, Mn said and exchanged words of farewell with Eunwoo and cut the call. Mn kept his phone in his bag and left the house wondering about this company dinner.
“Did you tell him ? What was his reaction ? Is he coming ?”
Eunwoo sighed and rolled his eyes as he was hit with those questions from his best friend. “I just came to the office and I’m being bombarded by your stupidity”, Eunwoo said taking a seat in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook was very curious and didn’t care about what Eunwoo said. “I don’t care Woo. What happened about Mn ? Is he coming ?”, Jungkook asked sitting down. “I always do my work successfully. In all these years of working with me, you still haven’t understood that”, Eunwoo boasted flipping his hair.
Jungkook gave his friend a look of cringe. “Weirdo. I’m assuming Mn is coming then”, Jungkook said making Eunwoo nod his head. Jungkook did his little celebratory dance. “Is he coming to office ?”, Jungkook asked. “Yeah. He has that meeting with all the Department Managers so he’s going to be busy the whole day. But you’ll see him at the company dinner. You too should get back to work, Mr. CEO”, Eunwoo replied as he left the cabin.
Jungkook blew a raspberry as Eunwoo shut the door. Jungkook whipped his phone out and immediately sent a good morning text to Mn. As he waited for Mn’s reply, he called one of the staffers to make sure the dinner was going to be good. He didn’t want Mn to be disappointed. Since they had dinner together once, Jungkook knew what Mn liked so he made sure that those dishes would also be there.
Jungkook was checking the menu when suddenly his phone dinged and he saw the notification. It was a text from Mn with three pink hearts. Jungkook blushed as he read the text which was nothing but a good morning. “Oh he’s here ? I should meet him”, Jungkook got up and left his cabin to go meet his crush.
“Boss is in a good mood today”
Mn had just reached the office and was arranging his files for the meeting with the managers later on when suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Come in”, Mn answered and in walked in a whipped Jungkook with a big smile and some coffee that he had made himself. Talk about being whipped.
“Good morning Jungkook”, Mn greeted positively. Jungkook couldn’t help but blush at his cute smile. “Good morning ! Here, I got you some coffee”, Jungkook said as he handed the cup of coffee to Mn. Mn was surprised. “Thank you so much but I could have told someone to get it for me. You didn’t have to”, Mn replied and took a sip. Jungkook just smiled seeing Mn drink the coffee. “It’s no problem. I also realised that I had forgotten how to make coffee so making one for you helped me remember”, the CEO stated making Mn laugh.
Jungkook just felt like his ears had been blessed with that laughter. Mn took another sip and noticed Jungkook staring away in space. “Jungkook ? Jungkook ?”, Mn called out to him. Jungkook snapped back to reality. “Yeah ? Oh yeah. Actually I was here to tell you about the company dinner”, Jungkook said. “Oh yes. Eunwoo already told me about it. Don’t worry, I’ll be coming as well”, Mn said arranging his files.
Somehow, Jungkook took notice of Mn arranging the files and he too started helping him unknowingly. “Oh he did ? That’s good. I had no idea that he did but I’m glad you’re coming. We’ll be having the company dinner here in the building on the 28th floor. There’s a restaurant there”, Jungkook lied in the first part. Mn nodded his head in understanding.
“I’ll be surely joining you all. I’ll come after I finish my work”, Mn replied and the two had arranged all the files. “Wow. Can you look at that ? Thanks for the help Jungkook”, Mn thanked Jungkook. Jungkook scratched the back of his neck shyly. “Of course. Anything for you”, he said the last part in a lower voice but Mn caught that. It made his heart feel warm.
Jungkook exited the cabin and went back to his cabin where all he had to do was kill time and wait for the company dinner.
Soon enough the day had passed. Jungkook and Mn both busied themselves in their own work. Mn had his meetings with the managers while Jungkook had his own meetings with other clients for potential deals. And successfully both of them achieved their goals and finished their work.
“When are you coming ? Everyone has gathered for the dinner”, Eunwoo asked as he entered the cabin of his best friend. Jungkook nodded his head as he was on a call with a client. “Yeah ! Sure ! Good night !”, Jungkook cut the call and massaged his head. “What an irritating asshole !”, he exclaimed making Eunwoo chuckle.
“What were you saying ?”, Jungkook asked Eunwoo as he took a sip of water. “I asked when are you coming for the dinner ? Everyone has already arrived”, Eunwoo said. Jungkook had completely forgotten about the dinner.
“Oh shit ! I’m coming. Has Mn arrived ?”, Jungkook asked as he straightened his clothes. “Nope. He’s working I guess. I’m going, you go call him”, Eunwoo said as he exited the cabin. Jungkook went to his private bathroom and checked himself in the mirror. “Handsome”
With that he made his way towards Mn’s cabin. Mn too was about to leave when he saw Jungkook approaching him. “Hi Jungkook. Heading to the dinner ?”, Mn asked closing his cabin. Jungkook nodded. “Yeah I came here to call you. Let’s go shall we ? I’m starving”, Jungkook said making Mn laugh. The two started walking silently towards the lift.
“How was the meeting ?”, Jungkook asked Mn as the two went down the lift. “It went well. Everyone understood everything quickly”, Mn replied making Jungkook nod proudly at his staff. “You have a good staff Jungkook”, Mn complimented Jungkook by looking at him directly. Jungkook’s heart melted with love and warmth hearing that.
The lift brought them to their destination and the two got off. “Boss is here !”, one of the employees cheered. Jungkook smiled and joined everyone at the table. Mn too took a seat and started chatting with the others. Jungkook pouted as he wanted to sit besides Mn but let it go and started talking to his staff.
The dinner passed and everyone had a fun time. Mn had never seen such a good bond between a company before. The way Jungkook was making sure everyone had eaten and knew each and everyone made Mn happy. That’s how a boss should be. The group played games and Mn found it quite fun. It really loosened him up and made him more relaxed and not care about work for a while.
As everyone was leaving, it suddenly started raining. Mn groaned as he hadn’t gotten an umbrella. He stood there at the entrance of the building with a worried look. Just then a car pulled up in front of him and Mn watched as its windows rolled down. Mn looked closely and realised it was Jungkook.
“Come in ! I’ll drop you”, Jungkook invited Mn and the latter gladly accepted it as he had no other option. “Ugh this rain is so bothersome at times”, Mn said as he sat next to Jungkook in the passenger seat. Jungkook chuckled and helped Mn as he kept his bag in the back seat. “It surely is”, Jungkook replied.
“The day I don’t get my car this happens”, Mn complained as Jungkook started driving. “That’s why I’m here”, Jungkook said as he drove. Mn smiled and he could feel his heart tingle. “Thanks for that”, Mn said as he looked outside the window as the rain poured.
There was a comfortable silence as Mn gave the directions to his house to Jungkook. There was no other conversation exchanged, just two hearts, one in love and one confused.
“How’s working at our company ?”, Jungkook asked. “Great ! Your company definitely follows all the rules and orientations with everyone has been perfect. I’ll miss working at your place”, Mn said the last thing with a bittersweet feeling. “Why ?”, Jungkook asked not remembering that Mn is just a visiting officer.
“Tomorrow’s my last day Jungkook. I had to work here for a week and a week has passed”, Mn sadly said. Jungkook stopped the car as he processed everything. Mn looked outside and realised they had reached. “Thanks Jungkook !”, Mn said and gave a side hug to him and got out of the car and ran to his building, not wanting to get wet.
Jungkook sat there dejected. He only had tomorrow’s day to confess and it was going to do it.
➞ Likes, comments, reblogs and feedback is appreciated!
➞ © ━ @gaycandypop2 don’t copy or translate my work
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
Waddduhhh (i am joongbin)
List 5 songs you have been listening to recently
I'm Serious - DAY6
널 생각해 - One More Chance
When you love someone - DAY6
Goodbye Winter - DAY6
I Loved You - DAY6
Im way too obsessed w day6 ....... 😭
Starting a new game cause I don’t know what’s going in my life
List 5 songs you have been listening to recently
no pressure tags: @joongbin @luvkyu @tofubinnie @triplejracha @glassokiyoshii @vkooksupremacy @nouearth @jiminiecrickets @sexy-sweet-potato @honeydew-i @blehhhidk and anyone else who wants to do this !
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
➞ change - 2 🌸
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SUMMARY: Wooyoung loves to bully Mn but what will happen when Mn moves and Wooyoung starts to regret his actions.
<- Part 1
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— 6 years later...
Wooyoung, a now professional photographer, was getting ready to go to work. He took his equipment and put it in the back of his car and proceeded to sit in the car to get on the road. Before going to work he decided to go to McDonald's drive through as he didn't have time to make food also the fact that he didn't know how to make food. As he made his way to the drive through,he couldn't help but think about a certain person.
This person has been on his mind for the past six years. Wooyoung dated several guys and GIRLS just to forget about this particular person but that was just impossible for him. Wooyoung knew he wanted (m/n) to be his but where was (m/n) was the question in his mind. He sighed as he have his order and waited for it.
Wooyoung entered the studio where he was going to be working today. He had been hired to take photos of the new summer wear of (L/n) brand. Wooyoung felt like he knew someone with the same last name but couldn't quite catch on. The (L/n) company had skyrocketed in such a small amount of time but they still had a mystery.
No one, not even the employees knew who the CEO was. Nobody had ever seen him except for his personal assistant who refused to show pictures of the CEO or give away any information about him. All they knew was that the CEO had started his company from scratch and was very young.
Wooyoung was also curious to find about who the CEO was as it was rumoured that the young CEO was going to visit today's photoshoot. Wooyoung greeted everyone as he set up the equipment. Everyone was on their best behavior as the CEO could arrive any minute.
Wooyoung was waiting for the models to change when suddenly chaos broke out. There were paparazzi taking photographs outside the studio. Inside everyone had tensed up. Wooyoung got the signal that the CEO had arrived. The doors flew open and in walked a male that no one had seen.
He was tall,muscular and had extremely sharp features. He was wearing glasses that highlighted his nose and (e/c) eyes. Jungwoo took his time just like everyone else registering in the man's beauty and dominant aura. Suddenly it struck the photographer who the man in front of him was.
(M/n) fixed his glasses after greeting his staff and made his way towards the photographer who happened to be his highschool bully. (M/n) in the past six years couldn't get Wooyoung out of his mind. The glassed man knew that Wooyoung had caused him trauma but as every cliche story he was still in love with his bully.
“Well hello Mr. Jung. I'm (m/n) The CEO. You must remember me from highschool”, the muscular man greeted Wooyoung. The photographer couldn't help but blush hearing the extremely deep voice of his crush. Wooyoung shyly shaked hands with him but was pulled abruptly by (m/n).
“Meet me in my office after you are done. I want to hear your apology Woo or it could be very bad for you”, (m/n) whispered in his ears. Wooyoung gulped thought that didn't stop his from blushing profusely. (M/n) gave a deadly smirk before he walked back to his office. Wooyoung knew he was fucked..
— Time Skip
Wooyoung was shaking slightly as he waited for (m/n)'s response. Silently crying as he shrunk back in his seat.
Wooyoung had given (m/n) an apology letter he had written six years ago. And whenever he remembered (m/n) he would add more to the letter. So technically (m/n) was reading a small book at this point. But reading the letter only confirmed his suspicions. He knew Wooyoung liked him but this letter just confirmed it. The letter ended with the sentence.
“Please forgive me and make me yours”.
(M/n) was now smiling like an idiot. He stood up from his seat and crouched down in front of Wooyoung’s seat. The said male who now has tears streaming down his face looked up to be met with a love filled gaze of (m/n). The two men just stared at each other, taking in each other's beauty. Wooyoung looked down in shame and regret but (m/n) pulled him up for a kiss.
To say that Wooyoung was shocked was an understatement. He melted into the kiss and smiled hoping that he now had a boyfriend. “I forgive you”, said (m/n) as he hoisted Wooyoung by his waist and carried him to the couch.
“I love you (m/n). And I'm sorry for everything”, Wooyoung said as he caressed (m/n)'s cheek. (M/n) kisses his love's forehead, "Let bygones be bygones babe. I want you to know that I will always love you. Okay baby ?”. Wooyoung nodded shyly as he sighed in content and laid his head on his boyfriend's chest.
“Thank you for giving me a chance (m/n)”, Wooyoung said looking for up. (M/n) smiled pecking the bottom's lips. “Thank you for not giving up on me, Woo. I love you baby”. “I love you too (m/n)nie".
The lovers hugged each other as they enjoyed the other's company.
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➞ Likes, comments, reblogs and feedback is appreciated!
➞ © ━ @gaycandypop don’t copy or translate my work
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
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New bubble image from Dowoon!
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
yoon dowoon is the love of my life
wadduh it me again but anon version😈 dowoon x 5th member male reader where dw has the biggest crush on reader (im delulu) and literally admires him during mv filmings, photoshoots or even just normal shit SO the other members notice this behaviour and teases him about it HAHAHAHAHAHA
so let's love ( yoon dowoon )
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dowoon x male!reader
dowoon can't hide his definitely-not-platonic love for his bandmate.
content : 4k words, fluff, idol!dowoon x 5th member!reader
( a/n ) MMMMMM DAY6 ( i'm obsessed ) this is rly short im sorry,, i rewrote it like three times and im still not that satisfied with it but its FINE
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"he's doing it again.." sungjin mumbled toward wonpil beside him.
"dowoon," sungjin clarified, "he's doing it again."
wonpil looked over at dowoon, who was a few feet away on the photoshoot set. the group was currently taking concept photos for their next album, and dowoon's gaze was stuck rather obviously on y/n.
"i don't know what else you expected," wonpil replied. "he's obsessed."
"who's obsessed?" younghyun chimed in after just getting his makeup touched up.
"oh. with y/n?"
wonpil and sungjin nodded.
"then yes," younghyun agreed.
y/n continued to change poses and expressions in front of the camera. dowoon felt mesmerized. he was supposed to go after y/n, but he didn't know how well he'd do in front of the camera after watching y/n. he might as well have fallen in love all over again.
"yoon dowoon!"
dowoon snapped out of his trance. he looked over at the rest of his group with raised brows. the color on his face turned to a deep red as he realized they'd been watching him stare at y/n. sungjin waved him over, but dowoon almost felt like ignoring him. he knew the three were bound to tease him.
dowoon walked over to them after taking one more glance at y/n, who finally met dowoon's eyes and sent him a quick smile before looking back at the camera. dowoon felt his heart skip in his chest. he looked down at his feet as he walked before stopping in front of his friends.
"so when are you guys gonna kiss?" younghyun asked.
"never, at this point," wonpil answered.
dowoon blinked, "what?"
"tsk. you and y/n. we're waiting for you and y/n to finally get together," sungjin explained.
dowoon looked back at y/n one more time.
"what do you mean?"
small sighs and groans of disappointment sounded from the others.
"you suck at being subtle dowoon. make a move on y/n already," wonpil urged while sungjin and younghyun nodded along.
"i don't think he sees me that way," dowoon protested a bit shyly.
"shut up, you two are basically each other's favorites."
"there's no way he doesn't like you too."
"dowoon, respectfully, open your fucking eyes."
dowoon continued to watch y/n as his bandmates talked. he really hoped they were right.
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
0.3 wednesday - seven
↳ SYNOPSIS: A company inspector is an employee that is sent by the Government to make sure the companies work efficiently and stick to the rules. Mn Ln is sent to Jeon Estates to inspect and he has seven days to do his job. However, CEO Jeon Jungkook falls in love with the inspecting officer and now he has seven days to make him his
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taglist: @orecana @chqqti @joongbin @parkalex21 @livingyetnotbreathing
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Mn smiled as the familiar building came into vision. His eyes softened at the view of the fall skyscraper and the clouds painting the sky. All the fun memories he of working at Jeon Corporates flashed through his eyes. Even though it had been three days, Mn had definitely found something to look forward to at the company and that was the company’s clumsy boss, Jungkook.
There was just something about Jungkook that kept Mn thinking about him even if he didn’t want to. He’d stare at his profile picture or reread their texts. It always a brought a smile on his face.
But all those feelings wouldn’t stay the same for a while as Mn would remember his beliefs. He was very much against the idea of dating, sometimes. With how his past boyfriends had treated him, Mn had definitely built a wall. Now it was Jungkook’s job to break down that wall.
Mn got of the car and went inside the building. Since he had left early yesterday he had a lot of work to do. Mn sighed at himself. It was very unusual for him to keep pending work. He’s very particular about work, especially if he’s working at a different company.
Mn approached his cabin all the while he was immersed in his thoughts. He opened the cabin and was met with a surprise. On the table was a basket of Mn’s favourite chocolates and a medium sized bouquet of flowers. A small smile crept onto his face and so did a blush. ‘What am I feeling ?’, Mn smacked his own head trying to get rid of those blushy thoughts. Mn took one of the chocolates and ate it. It was exactly his favourite one. Mn tried to find for a note and after much searching, he found one at the bottom of the basket.
“For you :) - JK”
Mn chuckled and folded the note and kept it in his pocket. The officer kept his belongings properly and decided to thank the owner of the bouquet.
“Do you think he’ll like it ? Should I have given it myself ? Is it too direct ? What if he finds it inappropriate ?”, Jungkook kept asking his never ending questions to his best friend who had gotten tired. Eunwoo went over and rubbed his hands and gave one big smack to Jungkook. Jungkook fell back on his chair.
“Ow ! What was that for ?”, Jungkook asked holding his head in pain. “For being a dumb bitch. Mn will like it and now sit there and sign on those papers. I need them now”, Eunwoo basically shouted at Jungkook and handed them the pen. Jungkook rolled his eyes and got to signing the papers.
“May I come in ?”. Jungkook got up as fast as he could as he recognised the voice. “Yes !”, he said like a puppy waiting for its owner. Mn walked in with a soft smile. “Good morning Eunwoo ! Good morning Jungkook !”, Mn greeted the two. Eunwoo replied the same wirh a small bow. Jungkook copied his action with a big smile on his face. “Thank you for the flowers and chocolate Jungkook. I really liked them”, Mn professed. Jungkook felt his ears turn red while Eunwoo was wiggling his eyebrows. “W-welcome ! I’m glad you liked them”, Jungkook replied. Mn smiled. Eunwoo was gesturing something to Jungkook. Mn was about to head back when suddenly Jungkook stopped him.
“Um Mn would you like to have dinner tonight ?”, Jungkook shot his shot. Mn gave an apologetic look. “I’d love to Jungkook but I have a lot of pending work. I’m afraid I will be here till late”, Mn replied. Jungkook’s heart sank and he looked over at Eunwoo who was still gesturing him something.
“Uh-uh I can stay back and help you, if you want. I don’t have much work today”, Jungkook suggested. Eunwoo gave him a thumbs up sign. Mn looked at him with a smile. “Sure ! We can have dinner while working. If that’s okay with you”, Mn replied. Jungkook frantically nodded his head. “Great ! I’ll get back to work !”, and with that Mn left a smiling Jungkook. Eunwoo walked over to his best friend and handed the pen.
“Now get back to work, lover boy”
The whole day passed widh Jungkook waiting for everyone to leave. Mn had buried himself in work and hadn’t left his cabin the whole day which was making Jungkook nervous. ‘What if he doesn’t want me to help him ?’, was all he could think about as he walked in circles in his cabin. His thoughts were getting the best of him and slowly he was drowning in those negative thoughts when suddenly his phone got a notification.
Jungkook ran as fast as he could to open his phone. When he saw the name of the sender, Jungkook almost flew in space. He quickly opened the text. A big smile formed on his face as he read the text. “FINALLY !”. Jungkook grabbed his laptop and and went to the the second conference room.
“Hello Jungkook !”, Mn greeted the CEO as he walked inside the room where Mn was working in. “Good evening ! I hope your day went well”, Jungkook replied taking a seat in front of Mn’s. Mn nodded and handed some files to Jungkook. “Here are some files. Just go through each of them and on the second page, check if there’s a red stamp or not”, Mn instructed. Jungkook nodded his head with a serious expression.
The two immediately got into work. The evening passed and their work session had been filled with chatter and small chuckles. Jungkook was great in making anyone smile and he had successfully made Mn laugh several times, which was a win for Jungkook. The two had dinner together but worked simultaneously. Jungkook was amazed by Mn’s work ethic and how quickly he was working.
Night took over and Jungkook offered to drive Mn home but since Mn had gotten his own driver, he declined. Jungkook happily accepted and he went his way while Mn went his. Jungkook knew in his heart that he was breaking the wall that Mn had created
➞ Likes, comments, reblogs and feedback is appreciated!
➞ © ━ @gaycandypop2 don’t copy or translate my work
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
love it
best friends — han
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> summary . "used to stick together. You're my best friend, i'll love you forever."
> genre . angst, best friends-to-lovers, best friend!jisung, gn!reader
> warnings . mention of self-harm
(wc) > 1.6k
(taglist) > @jihanlovic
(sunny's note) ☆ i've been so up and down this week, maybe that's why this exist. this is the last post before july, happy pride by the way! inspo from "You Got Me So High" - The Neighbourhood.
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When did the air got so tense between the two of you? You and Jisung has been friends for years, best friends even. Though it was perfectly logical for you to feel upset, when he showed up out of the blue after five years of ghosting you. Five whole years, he got you waiting and begging for a reply on the other line, just to find out that he fled to elsewhere.
Regardless of what he did, you agreed to meet him to catch up on things. But maybe it was a bad idea, you didn't know how to start a conversation, and neither did Jisung. What would you talk about to him? 'How have you been?' 'Isn't the weather today so weird?' 'Why did you leave without saying anything?'
"I hope you're not mad at me, for what happened between us." Jisung said, his eyes were on the floor since he couldn't bring himself to face you. He was not the best at dealing with serious situations like what was unfolding now.
You nodded, "Don't worry, I'm fine." No, you were disappointed, were absolutely furious. But you had to save face, and blowing up on him was not going to solve anything. When Jisung left, your entire group fell apart. As if he was holding them together, because Jisung was close to everyone and was a vital part. So when he decided that he have had enough with all of you, everyone began going on their own ways as well. Only a few you still kept in contact with, remained friends.
"The past is in the past." You told, your fingers digging into the glass surface of your drink.
"[Y/N], even if you are, it's fair, I understand." Jisung added. He knew, he knew it all that back then he shouldn't have left so sudden. And he knew, to ease his mind that would not rest; he had to mend things with the people he had once caused pain. Starting with you, the hardest person out of everyone. You weren't a terrible person per se; it was just that you were mentally straining for him to face. Especially after what he had done to you.
You meant too much to him, too much to bear for a fact. Everything, everything ached inside. His emotional unavailability, your romantic feelings; they didn't seem to mix. At night, he stayed up with his head filled with regrets. If only he could have been a better person for you, if only his dumb self could accept the love you gave him, if only things didn't end this badly. Was he too late already? Now that he was living better without you, it felt wrong to say so. Oh, he wished he could have been this version of himself when you two were still friends. Yet, as much as he hated to admit; he couldn't have progressed if he chose to stay. Maybe it was all written in the book; that he had to go on his own for the story to continue.
Jisung almost wished that you didn't say 'I love you' back then, all of this mess wouldn't have happened; and maybe you two could remain as friends. But no, he was so overjoyed when you asked him out—simply because you were his first relationship. Though there were doubts, he was afraid of something that he couldn't quite grasp just yet. Feelings stood in the way of friendship, no longer friends, but he couldn't comprehend the fact that you two were lovers either.
"How are the others? Have you been talking to them?" Jisung switched topic, an attempt to push away his emotions. Flashing a smile, forcefully, to the point where his facial muscles felt a bit sore.
You changed the direction of your gaze, sipping your drink as you gazed at the scenery out in the window. "I've only been talking to Felix, I'm not sure about the rest."
"Well, is he doing fine then?" He kept going, he wasn't in a good mental state to talk about 'us' right now. However, the more he tried to deviate from the main topic and his feelings with other trivial matters, they came for him when he began to notice how much changes happened in the duration of his absence. Even you, whom he thought he knew well, didn't feel like the you from his hazy memories. You talked differently, dressed differently, acted differently. Not anymore, the you he once fell in love with, the you he called his best friend. Who was this person sitting in front of him?
The atmosphere has never been as awkward as it was in this moment; he was trying not to cry and you were hesitating at addressing the actual problem. You didn't want to hurt him, though, you were denying the fact that he hurt you. Han Jisung disappeared and came back another person, you hated that you still would love him regardless of how much he may change.
"Felix is doing fine, you should give him a call sometime, I'm sure he would love to speak to you." You told, turning your eyes on him.
"What have you been up to, Jisung?" Asked, shifting the spotlight over to him. You were curious of where he went after leaving, he definitely had a glow-up from how much more attractive he became.
You could tell that he learned to take care of himself, developed a sense of style. But you saw right through that shell, after everything, he was still there. The boy you loved before, sitting across from you and chatting with you, as if none of the things that tore you apart ever existed.
A week ahead of this meet-up, he had a dream. Where you were there, in a house party full of people. As soon as he spotted you, his feet gravitated towards your direction. However, in a split second, he physically hesitated. Despite how much his heart yearned for you, his mind couldn't bring itself to be rejected. Maybe it was a way of self-defence, to further maintain the silence, keeping himself away from you was the best option. Much rather he would stay quiet, until you forget about him entirely so you wouldn't get hurt once again.
Though, he didn't know what happened. Because he did approached you, and being face-to-face with his fear was terrifying. That was a sign, dreams were suspected to convey messages of our waking life. He had to, so much regrets and distress had built up throughout the long, lonely years about the same subject, make amends with his best friend—you.
"I missed you, [Y/N]." Jisung blurted out, his eyes glossy as he tried to look at you. His true dream was to be with you.
He couldn't stop thinking about you when he left, and he wondered, did you ever think of him too? Jisung despised himself for one thing, that deep down inside he wanted to see you miserable without him. If you were absolutely shitty when he wasn't in the picture, he would gladly come back to regain the position of the light of your life. But as he matured, he realized that he was the problem. Once making you the antagonist of his story, and everyone else treated him terrible. In actuality, he was the most toxic person. Abuser never really notice their actions to be abuse, guess he was the wolf in sheep's clothing all along. How could he?
Keeping a conversation going was never as difficult as it was for the two of you, there was just this invisible wall of sort that created distance between you and Jisung. The rain had stopped for a bit, hopefully you could get home by the time it start again.
"Do you have a ride? Or I can drive you home." Jisung offered, gesturing to his parked motorbike by the sidewalk.
"Wouldn't it rain soon?" You asked.
"It would be more fun." Jisung smiled, guiding you to his vehicle. You glanced down at his forearm, the scars of the past was still there and has yet to fade completely. You remembered, crying and begging him to not do anything stupid when he walked in with his arms all wrapped in bandages. Seeing them once more was strangely relieving, you were glad that he had chose to stay.
For old times' sake, you got on the back of his motorbike. You used to be the one driving, while he held onto you as you brought him sight-seeing. One time where he received a call from you, just minutes after you bid him goodbye and drove away; caught him off guard when you started crying because you fell off your motorbike on the side of the road. He didn't know what to do, why didn't you call your mom or the hospital instead of him? He was worried sick and was miles away from where you were. Your youth were filled with him, in a way, your friendship was all you knew.
You hugged his waist, leaning your body against his back as you rested your head on his shoulder. Things felt slow, with Jisung around and it was a comatose. If only this moment could last a little longer, and your destination was a little farther. You would absolutely trade anything to have things back to how it used to be—Jisung would happily do the same. As scared as he was to reconnect with you, he desperately wanted and needed to, because he treasured you too much.
You spoke up into the summer breeze, "You know what, Jisung? I am upset, and I hate you! What are you going to do about that?" You didn't want him to come back into your life, just to cause you pain. Both has grown from mistakes, both has came into terms that you and him has hurt one another.
"You're my best friend, [Y/N], I'll love you forever!" Jisung beamed, the gummy and bright smile whenever he think about you.
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
feel free to send in any questions or just anything you wanna say in my asks.
im a slow writer, so your request will be written after like .. a few ones that were before you.
i dont write for sub/btm reader.
idc if female readers read my work, or anyone else to be exact. read it to your hearts content
minors too, with nsfw posts. i cant stop you.
in no way do my fics represent the people in the fics.
feel free to message me! im happy to make new friends <3
the only pet names i use are; baby, angel. PLEASE SEND ME NON CRINGY SUGGESTIONS
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
so cuuuuttteee!!!!!!
hello!! can i request for a changbin x male reader where reader is stressed and changbin helps him destress ??
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yes yes!! love this req sm omg 🫶
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at ease.
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✦ - pairing ; seo changbin x m! reader
✧ - warnings ; none, just very fluff overall
✦ - summary ; you came back from work after a strenuous eight hours of getting yelled at, pressure, and more pressure. but as you step foot inside your house, you are greeted with rest.
✧ - wc ; 408
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You sighed as you looked at the clock while you were busy cleaning some tables, it had been very busy that day, numerous customers piling in with orders and complaints.
The clock read 4:51pm, a wave of relaxation flowing over you as your shift had almost ended, you finished the table you were cleaning as you headed behind the counter and packed up your items quickly, waving goodbye to your remaining co-workers and swiftly fished your keys out of your pocket.
As you parked your car in the driveway, jumping out as you headed to the front door, unlocking it as you heard footsteps racing down the stairs the millisecond you unlocked the door.
It was your boyfriend, Changbin.
He greeted you with a pure smile as he peppered kisses over your face.
"I missed you so much.. You should've woken me up before you left!" He complained sarcastically, his arms now around your waist. "I know, i was in a hurry and i forgot, i would've stayed home if i could." You replied as you kissed him back on his cheek, your arms wrapping around his neck.
"Oh? Why's that? Usually you love going to the café, did something happen?" He asked, his tone now a mix of worry and confusion as you sighed in reply.
You didn't have to explain, he just knew.
"Go put on something comfortable, I'll treat you like the prince you are." You hummed in reply, heading to your shared bedroom as you quickly changed, as you entered the living room, you were in awe.
The whole room was transformed into a makeshift lounge, a never-ending pile of blankets scattered around the couch along with popcorn, fizzy drinks, and candy. The tv displayed your favourite movie, waiting to be played eagerly as you found Changbin walking from the kitchen, holding a bowl of marshmallows as he stopped, smiling at you softly.
"I hate seeing you all stressed, i want you to be happy." He grinned like a toddler, putting the bowl down as he pecked you on your lips softly as you both sat down on the couch. The night ended up like a movie, you two cuddled under a hoard of blankets as the wave of slumber hit you both.
The both of you remained cuddled up on the couch, snoring softly as another movie played in the background.
You love him, maybe a bit too much.
And so does he.
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
phenomenal read. my life changed for the better. my day was 0, reading this made it a 1000. i owe my life to kaz for writing this absolutely phenomenal fic. I can live happily now.
college dorms are small for a reason — yoon dowoon ( 윤도운 )
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you and dowoon finally have some fun during your free time at the college dorms. , warnings: 18+!!!, college au, bttm!dowoon, smoking, orgasm delay , a/n: ik it’s been a while since I wrote for an idol 😞🤧 take this as an apology.
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“Ah!- fuck, y/n- please slow down-” Dowoon yelped, concerned at the creaking sound his bed was making, it was already unstable as it is and with your sharp thrust knocking him forward each time he feared it would break. However you only smiled, cigarette hanging heavy between your lips as your hand pressed on Dowoon’s lower back, arching it further as another quick thrust made him yelp.
“Sorry hyung, you know it’s impossible for me to do that when you feel this good” you said, lips still pursed around the filter of the cigarette as you gripped Dowoon’s hips, fucking into him harder, hard enough to cause him to feel sore the next day; Dowoon feared the seats in the lecture hall would not do him any justice tomorrow. You took a drag of the cigarette, inhaling the thick smoke into your lungs before letting the remains rush out your nose, if Dowoon was able to see you he’d definitely combust on the spot, seeing you smoke always turned him on just a little.
You soon put it in the ashtray however, seeing as you had practically finished the whole thing. Dowoon always wondered how smoking never seemed to affect you, your stamina was amazing; he would know. And you never coughed uncontrollably, only a few times, and Dowoon feared you were choking when it happened. Nonetheless you always seemed fine so he never stopped you when it came to alcohol or cigarettes, it didn’t affect your relationship so he didn’t want to bother you too much by asking you to stop, he didn’t want you to anyways.
“Fuck hyung, so good” you grunted, leaning forward and turning Dowoon’s head so he’d face you. You both looked at each other for a moment, your thrusts slowing down and morphing into something more slow and sensual, you swallowed audibly before pressing your lips against Dowoon’s. Both your teeth clashed together, the kiss was messy, and you both swallowed each others moans and grunts, trying to taste the sounds as if they were something sweet. And as your saliva mixed together, you realised that everything about Dowoon was indeed sweet, wether it be the way he sounded or the way he tasted, he was like a walking candy bar.
Dowoon soon pulled away, just when you were getting used to the taste of him, the sweet flavour of his tongue, his head dropped; small pants falling from his lips as you continued to fuck him. You always knew how to fuck him well, it was as if you were made for pleasing Dowoon, sometimes he liked to think you actually were, especially with the way you made him feel. “Hng- y/n, fuck I’m gonna come..” Dowoon practically moaned, something you always thought sounded as if it came straight out of a porno, well, at least it sounded more realistic than a porno.
You clicked your tongue, shaking your head “Dowoon, not yet, hold on” you said, thrust instinctively speeding up so you could catch up to Dowoon’s state, you knew he always had trouble holding back an orgasm when you fucked him like that. And now he was pleading, begging you to hurry because he couldn’t hold back any longer, his cock was already spitting out copious amounts of precum and Dowoon’s legs were trembling, shaking so violently you figured sitting down wouldn’t be the only struggle he’d have tomorrow.
“Fuck- fuck hyung i’m coming” you said, voice cut off by a sharp grunt crawling out your throat and a rather loud yell from Dowoon. His body shook harshly beneath you as you both writhed within the aftershocks of your orgasm, breathing ragged as you gently thrusted into your boyfriend a few more times before you pulled out, flopping on the bed and laying next to him.
“Be careful, you’re gonna break my bed one of these days” Dowoon said, voice worn out as he snuggled closer to your rather sweaty torso.
“Well then you’ll just have to sleep in mine” You retorted, a small laugh falling from your lips before sleep pulled you into a peaceful slumber.
Let’s hope Dowoon was alright tomorrow.
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Ignore the mistakes my eyes are burning lol but I hope y’all like this, AND SOMEONE BETTER READ THIS OMG THE DOWOON TAG IS LIKE EMPTY???
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@jinniescorner 2023-2024
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
changed my life.
Sweater Weather
yoon dowoon x gender neutral!reader
word count – 0.7K
genre – FLUFF maybe maybe maybeee a tinie tiny lil bit of soft-angst
warning(s) – cliffhanger : )
synopsis – « inspired by the song sweater weather by the neighbourhood »
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"It's too cold for you here," you said, standing next to the drummer that had previously been on stage, he was sitting at the end of the peer with the cheap alcoholic beverage that they had given out at the party.
Summer trips with your large group of friends were amazing. Sure, being in a minivan for a few hours could be terrible, but that definitely not the case when everyone is an artist of some sort. But even artists need breaks, you guessed. Dowoon had poured his hearts out on the drums moments ago, giving his best performance with his closer group of friends. It was the final night of this trip, so everyone agreed to rent out the small on the beach so everyone can enjoy one last night.
Dowoon looked up at you, a small smiling gazing his lips, "You're more the welcome to keep me company, [y/n]."
You took the offer, sitting down next to him crossing your ankles as you looked off into the horizon. Vibrant colours of pink, orange, yellow, red hitting the end of the line; to which you couldn't help but admire. You turned to Dowoon, "What are you doing out here?"
Dowoon shurgged, his eyes still fixated on the sunset. "I needed a break. Only so much attention I can handle after a drum solo," he chuckled. "Yourself?"
You shrugged too, instead looking at him though, "Kinda just followed you out after a while. You were really good back there, Dowoo."
He turned to you, smiling. It was a nice one, soft, genuine, maybe even a little tired. "Thanks."
You two weren't really close, your relationship with the drummer was more of a friend-of-a-friend thing, but Dowoon had a pretty mild crush on you. He wasn't yet sure, though. Like he's debating with himself as to whether or not it's a romantic-crush or admiration-crush, but he can't take his eyes of you without being reminded to do so. He just takes in all your physical features and accidentally notices behaviour. It's your eyes he loves most though, they're really lovely in his opinion.
His thoughts were cut off when the wind blew slightly too hard, watching you wrap your arms around yourself to stop the sudden shiver that ran though your body. His eyes read compassion as he tried to think of what to do, "You didn't bring a jacket or something?"
You shook your head, "Didnt expect it to be this cold," You admitted, chuckling slightly.
Dowoo put his drink down, taking the hem of his sweater to quickly pull it off of his body. He still had a t-shirt underneath, but he handed the navy sweater to you, "Here."
Out of instinct, you shook your head, "Then you'll be cold."
"Don't worry," he said, rolling his sweater inwards so he could put it on you, "Trust me, I don't care. Wear it."
You smiled, putting on the piece of clothing. It smelled like him; like fruit and what men's cologne would smell like. It wasn't too thick but it wasn't thin either, it suited the beach-at-night aesthetic nicely. You fixed your posture to put the sweater on properly, only to feel a small bit wind rush through the material, making you giggle lightly. "Dowoon, it's got holes in it," you said, and it made him laugh a little too.
"Shit, " He chuckled, taking the liberty to wrap his arms around your shoulders. The warmth of his body doing just enough to make you melt. Figuratively, seen as the weather was still chilly. "That okay?"
You grinned, looking up at him. "Yeah. This is great."
He provided a replica smile, kind of loving this innocent physical contact he was having with you. Yeah, you were definitely his crush. Sure, hearts beat that little bit faster when you're close to someone you admire, but not the way his heart was going, that wasn't admiration. That was... Something else.
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yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
princess ( han jisung )
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btm!jisung x top!male!reader
jisung has a secret love for a pet name his boyfriend uses.
content : 2.1k words, alcohol, some suggestive lines, idol!sung x non celeb!reader, princess pet name, reader is taller than sung
( a/n ) i lowkey kinda wanna see an nsfw version or like part two for this, i might just end up asking someone to write it tbh 🫂
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"hi y/n!!"
"hi princess, just calling to let you know i'm finally out of work. i'm already in the car so i'll be at your dorm soon!"
"hurry up, pleeease. miss you.."
"i'm hurrying baby, i promise!"
"okay, drive safe..!"
"i will. see you soon, princess."
jisung lowered his phone from his ear with a racing heart and flustered cheeks. before he knew it, he was pacing around slowly in the dorm while waiting for his boyfriend's arrival. he kept taking quick, impatient glances outside without even realizing.
after a couple minutes, he released a heavy sigh and sat on the armrest of the sofa, where he had a view from the window.
"you're so cute, han."
jisung's head whipped around to see chan with his hands on his hips, smiling at his groupmate's smitten behavior. jisung scowled and shooed the man away.
"shut up. and put some clothes on before y/n gets here please," jisung said in disapproval. chan rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen to grab a water from the fridge.
"i just put sweatpants on, isn't that enough?" he asked. jisung didn't answer while chan made his way back over to him. "or are you afraid y/n won't be able to keep his eyes off me?"
jisung looked at him blankly.
"i'm joking, jisung. i will be fully clothed while he's here," chan promised as he gave the other a small one-armed hug.
"thank you," jisung mumbled. chan chuckled at him before disappearing back into his room, leaving the male alone in waiting again.
he wouldn't be waiting much longer though, as he finally saw y/n's car come into view from the window. he jumped up eagerly and threw the door open before running out to greet him.
"y/nnnn!!" he shouted happily while y/n got out of the driver's seat and closed the door. y/n's attention was instantly grabbed by the shorter, a large smile growing at the sight of him.
y/n caught him in his arms, hugging him tightly and lifting him up a bit. after setting his feet back onto the ground, he looked at jisung lovingly.
"how's my princess, hm?"
jisung blushed and looked around to make sure the other members hadn't followed him outside and heard the name. looking back at his boyfriend, he showed him a big grin and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"i'm really good. i missed you a lot."
"i missed you too, cutie," y/n replied happily. jisung watched him grab a bag from the backseat for overnight before taking his hand in excitement.
"game night!" he cheered as they made their way inside together. "changbin picked up some drinks for everyone too so we can get blankets and cuddle and game and drink all night!"
y/n felt his heart swell at his boyfriend's endearment. he pulled jisung to a stop by their connected hands once they were inside, taking him by surprise.
"what?" jisung asked before seeing y/n's eyes lingering over his lips. a smile instantly shifted on his face in realization, now leaning in to kiss him. y/n's hands snaked around his waist comfortably while their lips connected.
"hi y/n!!" hyunjin shouted upon entering from his room, unfazed by the duo's kissing as it was a pretty common occurrence.
jisung quickly separated from the taller. his face had grown incredibly red in the time span of two seconds. y/n let out a silent laugh at his bashfulness before nodding a hello to hyunjin, who flopped down onto the sofa with his phone.
jisung was about to walk away to put y/n's bag in his room when the latter quickly grabbed his hand to pull him back again. jisung's eyes grew wide, y/n's mouth now hovering over his ear.
"you owe me more kisses later, princess."
blushing again and looking at hyunjin to make sure he hadn't heard, jisung gently smacked y/n away from himself. his growing smile wasn't hidden well as he hurried off to his room. he knew y/n loved to tease him, and he hated how good he was at it.
eventually, a few hours had gone by and the group, plus y/n, were indulged in their game/drinking night. there was music playing in the background and the dorm's lights were dimmed with the late hour.
y/n watched as jisung downed another shot along with changbin and minho after losing a round of never have i ever, the dirty version.
"i still say this game is stupid.." minho declared with a small pout.
"you're just upset you're losing," seungmin countered. minho sent him a side eye in response.
"alright, who's next?!"
"uhh, jinnie!"
as the others talked, y/n's eyes stayed on his boyfriend beside him. the smaller poured more alcohol into his shot glass, but before he could consume the liquid, y/n stopped him.
"babe, do you think you've had enough to drink tonight?"
a couple of the others now looked at their drunken member while he pouted and took his shot back.
"nuh uh," he answered stubbornly. y/n sighed in defeat and watched the alcohol disappear into his mouth.
y/n never minded when jisung drank. in fact, he liked seeing him let loose and have a good time, especially with all the stress of being an idol. however, he couldn't help but get worried when jisung would drink a little too much. drunk jisung was very different from sober jisung in that he was a lot more shameless. and as easily embarrassed as he usually got, there had been many occasions where jisung was not a happy boy in the morning after finding out what he'd done in public or in front of the members the night before.
"i don't think anyone can stop him, y/n," jeongin said while patting the male's back. y/n's lips thinned into a line as he continued to watch his boyfriend.
"guys, it's hyunjin's turn!" seungmin said in efforts to get their attention.
"alright, umm," hyunjin paused in thought before his face lit up with an idea. "never have i ever fucked in a public space."
"shit, i'm out," chan muttered while putting his hand down and filling his shot glass. the others burst into laughter at this.
"no one's surprised that you're the first one out," changbin said, amused.
y/n laughed as he lowered one of his fingers and filled his and jisung's shot glasses, both losing this round. he was grateful that jisung didn't notice he only filled them halfway.
"woah, you two did it in public?!" felix asked. y/n nodded while jisung smiled proudly.
"what?! han??! where??" chan questioned, the others leaning toward the couple from intrigue. y/n rolled his eyes at their nosiness, knowing jisung would not want to answer that. however, drunk jisung said otherwise.
"in a store's fitting room," jisung answered quickly while heat rose to his cheeks. y/n's eyes widened at this.
"damn, okay?!"
"wait, that's kinda hot.."
"okaaay, who's turn now?!" y/n interrupted their reactions, making them laugh again. jisung smiled sheepishly and laid his head on the taller's shoulder. y/n couldn't help but smile at this before wrapping one arm around him while his other hand firmly gripped his thigh.
"you're a little shit, you know that?" he muttered jokingly. jisung snickered and shook his head, now laying his legs across his boyfriend's lap.
"no, i'm a princess. your princess, remember?" he cooed happily. y/n's heart skipped a beat as he looked around at the other members. but it was too late, they'd heard.
"awhh, princess jisung!! that's so cute," felix said brightly while reaching over to pat jisung's head. y/n was a bit surprised to see jisung take the compliment without getting embarrassed, even if he was drunk. the rest of the members continued showering him with love and compliments while y/n looked at him a little worried.
"what's wrong?" jeongin whispered from beside him. y/n frowned a bit as his eyes now moved to him.
"nothing, just.. i don't think sober jisung wanted them to know that," y/n admitted. jeongin was a little confused, but before he could ask anything else, the game continued with the next person's turn.
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jisung groaned as his eyes opened the next morning. he quickly shut them back after seeing the small amount of light that managed to seep into his room despite the closed curtains.
rolling over, he expected to bump into his sleeping boyfriend and cuddle up next to him. but to his disappointment, there was no sleeping boyfriend. he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes before opening them again.
"y/n?" he called quietly as he looked around. the male was nowhere in his room, making him frown. he very slowly got out of bed as he felt his head begin to bang from his hangover. he pushed the feeling aside, as all he wanted right now was to find his partner.
trudging sleepily into the common room and then the kitchen, he finally saw him talking and drinking coffee with seungmin and hyunjin. y/n's eyes found jisung's quickly, a bright smile lifting on his lips.
"oh, hi baby, you're up! i have some water and meds ready if you need them," y/n informed him while setting his coffee down. jisung didn't answer, only hurrying over to him and hugging him tightly. y/n released a small laugh at the sweet action and hugged him back.
"good morning to you too, my love," y/n teased. he placed a kiss on jisung's head before the latter looked up at him.
"you weren't there when i woke up.."
y/n frowned and tightened their hug.
"i know bub, i'm sorry. i needed coffee."
after jisung didn't respond again, y/n held up the medicine bottle.
"how's your head? do you need anything?" y/n asked, still receiving no answer from the stubborn smaller.
"yeah, we wouldn't want princess sungie having a bad hangover, would we?" hyunjin teased with a sweet tone. jisung's head quickly snapped over to look at his group member.
"what??" he panicked. hyunjin and seungmin exchanged confused glances.
"what?.." hyunjin repeated, genuinely confused.
jisung looked back up at y/n, who now had worry etched onto his face.
"did you tell them..?" jisung asked, flustered. y/n sighed and stroked his hair softly.
"no, baby. you did," he replied. jisung's brows furrowed. "last night, you did," y/n specified.
"wha- i.." jisung's face had gone completely red as embarrassment and anxiety filled his chest. he left the security of his boyfriend's arms and rushed back to his room, leaving the three in confusion.
"was i not supposed to say that?.." hyunjin asked. y/n shook his head and took one last sip of his coffee.
"no no, you're fine. i'll go talk to him."
y/n carefully made his way to jisung's room, seeing him curled up in his blankets.
jisung uncovered his head to look at him. y/n felt his heart sink after seeing the former's eyes grow a little watery. he instantly went to wrap his arms around the smaller.
"baby, what's wrong? is it really so bad that they know you like that name?" y/n asked.
jisung didn't respond, staying quiet while he hugged back.
"sung, please talk to me. you're making me worried.."
jisung sniffled lightly, finally looking at him.
"i just.. i didn't want them to know."
"hm.. i'm sorry, pretty. but, can i ask?.. why are you so secretive about it? there's nothing wrong with it," y/n assured.
"..i'm scared people will think i'm weird," he finally admitted. y/n frowned again.
"the only people that matter are the people you care about. none of the others are gonna make fun of a nickname your boyfriend calls you. the members actually thought it was very cute last night."
jisung blinked as he processed what y/n was saying.
"they did?"
y/n nodded. he moved his hands to cup jisung's face, kissing his nose cutely. jisung continued staring while bits and pieces of last night started coming back to him.
"you're just overthinking as usual, babe," y/n assured.
"..you're not embarrassed by it at all?" jisung asked. y/n's brows raised at the question.
"me? absolutely not. han jisung is my princess and i don't care who knows. my most adorable, precious, beautiful boy ever. okay?"
jisung finally let a smile show and nodded before y/n leaned down to connect their lips for a moment.
"now, how about we go make some breakfast together?" y/n suggested. jisung's expression lifted at the mention of food.
"can we make pancakes?? i need hangover food."
y/n laughed lightly, not surprised.
"we can make anything you want, princess."
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390 notes · View notes
yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
fucking him and making him cum blanks. (NSFW)
hongjoong takes care of you. (FLUFF)
overstimulation with seonghwa. (NSFW)
not satisfied. (NSFW)
princess. (NSFW)
somno. (NSFW)
35 notes · View notes
yayyyyyyuuuu · 2 years ago
Foot kinks
Piss/scat kinks
Just basically weird kinks, questions can be asked in messages if you're unsure
Any questions can be asked through this account or my main account <3
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