CAS Blog: Karpenko Yaroslava
55 posts
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 4 months ago
Swimming (Activity: August)
The local swimming pool closed for almost three weeks of repairing, and the start of the school year kept me busy. I still though managed to attend a pool with my sister a couple of times. Bringing the fins there was a mistake, they could not be used almost anyhow, but swimming was still great.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Writing drabbles (Creativity: August)
Along those drabbles, I was developing texts that rather explored specific issues and traumas. I was concentrated on developing my understanding of how is bulit one's characters and how differences in them influence interactions.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Exercises (Activity: August)
Having no immediate plans in the morning and being flexible with the set of exercises really were the choices that helped me incorporate more movement into my routine. I feel livelier after them and it's, surprisingly, pleasurable to feel my body moving. I still tend to forget about it sometimes, but not having a specific time for it allows me to do it anytime and raises chances that if I do forget it early in the morning, I will still exercise further into the day.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Colour and texture (Creativity: August)
I explored combinations of texture and colour and their influence on depth, contrast, unity, and attractiveness of the picture. I limited my second colour to three
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Helping out with actoring (Service: August)
The same students asked for people again, but I was the only one to come outside of preexisted circle of actors. We had to manage out the weather (that didn't correspond with the in-shooting scene), lack of people and a vast crowd the scene had to have.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Helping out with actoring (Service: August)
DP2 of 2023-2024 was asking out students during the break to help them with the background during the shooting. I came and brought my sister to help as well.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Writing drabbles (Creativity: July)
Another activity I came up with to ease myself into writing was those wheel drabbles. I created a couple of randomizer wheels which would narrow the topic for me so I could come up with conflict ideas (which I determined what I usually lacked in writing: a solid driving force that would steer characters and plot, the why and what for) and develop them into a text. I also aimed at not worrying too much about perfecting the text, finishing it, and cetera, as those overthinking processes usually slow down my writing.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Earrings (Creativity: July)
Next step for me was creating earrings that I would be able to wear. As my ears are not pierced, I had to either come up with clips or structures that would hold anyways.
I researched and really liked that design.
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I experimented a bit with wire and after a successfully holding prototype made one out of wire and candle packaging.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Swimming (Activity: July)
Limiting fins usage was slightly boring at first. It made me turn my attention more to the specifics and details of movements I did, such as length of strokes, placements of arms, tension in feet. Practicing butterfly though became painful as I wasn't quite able to produce enough thrust for comfortable rise part of the style, which I suppose is a skill issue I want to concentrate on futher on.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 5 months ago
Earrings (Creativity: July)
I got interested in creating earrings with accessible materials.
I watched different videos on youtube on how to DIY earrings, researched a bit of internet photos and created a couple of them.
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The most interesting part for me was finding things at home that I wanted to include, like feathers (which were a pain to attach without breaking) and puzzles (which made for a very nice modern-loking pairs).
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 6 months ago
Embroidery (Creativity: July)
I wanted to create a little 'poster' of flowery branches and created a couple of sketches regarding how, researched flowers I would portray and calculated approximate canvas.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 6 months ago
Exercises (Activity: July)
I decided to improve my physical state by including little 'morning' exercises during the day. As it is summer, For me it would be easier to not rush in the morning and swiftly progress in my routine. I didn't go for any particular set of exercises as I considered the preparation too much responsibility that may just scare me off; I start from just moving more and spending around 15-20 minutes just for stretching my body and remembering the set of exercises from my school PE that also comes naturally.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 6 months ago
Embroidery (Creativity: June)
I practised my stitching while creating a little composition of flowers using a woven wheel and the fishbone stitch.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 7 months ago
Embroidery (Creativity: June)
I did a research on research on flower designs and made a collection of stitches for my further projects.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 7 months ago
Swimming (Activity: June)
I decided to have a couple of weeks of training without fins specifically. It's a lot of fun to use them, and my endurance grow, but I feel like my technique suffers exsessive reliance on this equipment. I limited usage of fins to five munites in the end of the session, that ended up being roughly three runs.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 7 months ago
Sewing (Creativity: June)
-French knot, woven/wagon wheel
I continued my research on sewing. My next point of interest were flower designs. I was doing research on the embroidery market and saw the woven wheel - way to create a 3D flower very quickly and easily. I also saw this design,
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so wanted to learn how to do such stuff as well.
The wagon wheel was researched purely through the google pictures search as the visual instruction is very easy for me to grasp; the French knot, as the technique used in my inspiration is called, required my to read through makestitch article on the design.
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The woven wheel was super easy as long as I didn't make my first mistake: the 'wagon' used as a base and guidelines must be of uneven number or it does not work as intended. Further it was easy and looked fun.
Leaves were done with a fishbone stitch, quite easy as well. It didn't require much more than just angling long straight stitches and minding the meeting line in the center.
Branches were more interesting to sew as I used a 'chain stitch' without any previous research. I based my work purely on the end result from the inspiration and as I look guides afterwards, chain stitch is not done the way I did it. It worked nevertheless.
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If the sewing until this moment was entertaining, the French knot made me rather miserable. First three, four tries happened naturally, next ten my knot kept getting stuck or pulled through or whatever and I couldn't understand why. I did all correctly to the intrsuctions and looked up other sources.
The problem was solved when I stopped pulling the thread around the needle too tight.
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In my little design, I tried to imitate the usage of different colours to make the flower more 3D through shades, but I didn't have dark enough blue. My French knots look a bit messy, but I learned some of how to be mindful of the force applied and even to consider puffing the knot more or less.
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yaroslavakarpenkoibblogcas 7 months ago
Swimming (Activity: May)
After missing a couple of weeks, it is extremely difficult to return in the line. I barely set up a routine, as I am inclined to more spontaneous ways of spending my time than organizing it in schedules, and the facts that both my abonnement run out in April and I can easily shake the swimming sessions aside under the excuse of 'there's no place in my schedule with school work' don't help my case.
I also feel that the pause made me lose some of my stamina.
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