18+ only please! SFW blog! All characters portrayed are minimum 20 human years old. Come say hello! M!A: None. [I interact from @theoreticallyPale]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Reblog if your askbox is always open !
You can bother the mun or muse with ooc or ic asks regardless of prompts, inbox calls , or interactions
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Ahhh, okay..! In that cas3, um.. Would you b3 oppos3d to g3tting a visitor, som3 tim3-?
Oh! Um- H-H3llo, m-miss..! I hop3 you’r3 doing w3ll..!
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Ahh, okay..! And, y3ah..
If you don’t mind my asking, um-
Do ghosts, lik3.. Hav3 a body, th3y can us3, still, or-?
Oh! Um- H-H3llo, m-miss..! I hop3 you’r3 doing w3ll..!
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Ah- I s33..! I didn’t r3aliz3 you w3r3 stuck.. Thank you though, for b3ing kind.! Th3 last tim3 I ran into a Jad3blood, sh3 uh.. shov3d m3 out of th3 way, b3caus3 i didn’t know sh3 was b3hind m3-
Oh! Um- H-H3llo, m-miss..! I hop3 you’r3 doing w3ll..!
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Oh gosh oh no-
Th-That’s a c3rul3an-
Sh3’d probably y-y3ll if I tri3d to introduc3 m-mys3lf-
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Oh! I do apologiz3, miss Porrim, ah- Admitt3dly, I don’t r3ally g3t out and about m-much, mys3lf-
It’s a p-pl3asur3 to m33t y-you.! I’m T-T3misa Iv3rac..!
Oh! Um- H-H3llo, m-miss..! I hop3 you’r3 doing w3ll..!
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send 'calm down, you are safe' for my muse's reaction.
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Oh! Um- H-H3llo, m-miss..! I hop3 you’r3 doing w3ll..!
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“Oh- H3llo! I do apologiz3, um- it’s b33n a whil3 sinc3 I’v3 b33n h3r3! But, I think I r3m3mb3r you..!“
“You’v3 always s33m3d pr3tty chill- I’d say a 7/10..!”
Y’know what?
It’s about time for another judgement run!
Feel free to reblog with up to two characters of yours, canon or not, and the smallest, 3’ tall rustblood bean will tell you what he thinks of them!
Judgebacks are allowed, as well, of course :>
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// how about a smol oliveblood from beforan times, catapulted into Alternian times by her session’s psychotic time player? c:
// Bonus facts: She’s a Sylph of Life, and works in a hospital!
💉 Anahit Judgements 💉
Come see what this darling surgery has to say about you~
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// offers up a smol rusty boi, who is extremely shy-
💉 Anahit Judgements 💉
Come see what this darling surgery has to say about you~
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Y’know what?
It’s about time for another judgement run!
Feel free to reblog with up to two characters of yours, canon or not, and the smallest, 3’ tall rustblood bean will tell you what he thinks of them!
Judgebacks are allowed, as well, of course :>
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Character Intro: Teuthi Koukku
TEUTHI: hiiiii!!!~
TEUTHI: ummm i don’t really know how this website works but i think it’s a bit like grublr soooo~
TEUTHI: my name is teuthi! i’m a v10letb10od and i live in the sea with my lusus ^_^ i’m super eXtra eXcited to make some new friends!~
TEUTHI: i really love drawing and writing and stuff! and i especially love CUTTLES!!!!!!!!~
TEUTHI: wait, you do have cuttles here don’t you? o_O~
The silliest and most squid-themed cryptozoologist and Grublr fandom celebrity you know! Confirmed by our team of expert medicullers to be 100% free of weird bottom-of-the-ocean diseases and NOT have a brain full of horrorterrors.
Send ‘em an ask! Or don’t, I’m not your mom. But I’ll use their answer to draw some sprites!
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OKAY hi I’m new to the fantroll community SOOO other fantroll blogs please rb this so I can follow you and then we can all hold hands and whirl around in a circle together ❤️
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Send ⛈️ to be stuck with my muse during a thunder storm in a cabin in the woods.
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Your muse discovers my frozen nearly to death in the snow
How does your muse react?
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