Where, the God/desses lusts for the unobtainable.
92 posts
Welcome, this my side blog where I'll be mainly writing for yandere greek mythology. My main blog is called Obsessionsposts. (18+) "You're the apple of my eyes, and never will I let you go as long as I am alive. Fate has already ruled that we are to be one and fate word is the absolute.” Requests: Open. WIP: 13.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Hey I was wondering if you could do yandere sadistic eris x female reader where we try to escape but we get caught head cannon
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
What is your favorite myth across all mythologies?
In terms of mythology, I’d say Babylonian/Sumerian Mythology. Since it is closer to my home(and my heart) and how severely underrated it is. In addition, it inspired many mythological gods and goddesses such as the Greek and the Roman.
For example: The origins of Mycenaean or war goddess Aphrodite can be traced to Inanna(Ishtar). Zues to Marduk, and so on.
In terms of myths, I like the epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad the most respectively.
Maybe in near future I will write for it, once I finish with my other requests and a story I am planning.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Hola could you do yandere Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades with a child reader?
The reader can be her biological daughter of the three?
Sure. Also, sorry for the late response. 😓
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
How are you?
I’ve been good, thanks for asking :D Currently working on my other blog, I have been neglecting it for bit. Plus, I want a little break from greek mythology so I do not get burnt out by it.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Could I have Yandere Harmonia Headcanons?
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Can you make Yandere Dione x Male reader.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Hi can you make Yandere chaos Father Platonic x Son reader
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Hi! I just read your Yandere Apollo x Reader Goddess. I was hoping you could a Yandere Tartarus x Reader Goddess. I really liked how you written your Yandere Gaia.
ps: If you are still taking request of course. I also understand that you will personify them as they're deities without bodies. I know there was a request for Tartarus x reader but I hoped the reader was going to be a goddess because the one you did for apollo was so good. it's ok if you already had plans for this though.
Sure, can do.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
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Tw: Yandere themes, Impersonation, Manipulation, NSFW, AFAB!reader, Extremely Dubious-consent (Bordering Non-consent) Handjob, Breeding kink, Bondage, Implied murder, Blackmailing, Time-period sexism, Degrading language(“harlot”), Stalking, Implied forced Pregnancy, Angst.
It was at the dawn of springtide, where larks sing paeans of joy and peace. In a place where flowerbed grows seamlessly, lays a lady with a child huddled in her lap. The (h/c) woman was crooning a melody of her own past to soothe her sleeping babe. Whilst her soft hands, tended to her child’s head tenderly as not to disturb them.
Mortals often refer to her as the symbol of femininity. With her gentle and compassionate soul, she was said to mother more than a hundred children equal in care and love. Be it hers or those whose parents had passed away. Never favoring a child over another, which solidified her as a representative of maternity as well.
On the contrary to most of the other deities, she always heeded her children and worshippers call be it in joy or otherwise. Which in doing so displayed her other attribute, that being talent. On one occasion, one of her many children tore their garment as they were playing fiercely with one another around her fields.
She took their garb and begun to weave the holes with precision, so much that it never tore again after the incident. It truly shined, when she has slain a three headed dragon with bare ease that had threatened her worshippers’ safety. Nonetheless, she was a pacifist unless aggravated.
She was a minor deity, but that did not bother her in the slightest. If anything, she preferred it that way. Her life was free from unnecessary turmoils that are caused by other deities for interfering with the lives of mortals.
For that reason alone, she made sure her presence was concealed from their prying eyes. Of course, she had not hated them for that or had the reason to do so. Admittedly, her faith in others -regardless whether they deserve it or not- can be a strength of hers as much as a vital weakness to be exploited.
After she has put her child to sleep and ensured their safety, she recoiled back into her safe haven for the day. Blissfully ignorant of the probing eyes that followed her fleeing figure.
Her sanctuary was brimmed with all kinds of life. Deer alongside its fawns were playing around her sacred meadows, while Hummingbirds’ chirping have set a tune for the ears to enjoy. The grounds were coated with various kinds of blossoming flowers, but was predominantly with Gladiolus and Lily.
The Gladiolus commemorate her previous mortal husband who had perished, due to consumption. His probity alone enticed her, yet it was the way he valued his children wishes over his own that made her fall for him.
In her nostalgic reminiscence, she sang about him as if it was the day whence he was with her. Holding her close to his chest, as they have counted the stars together with their children.
Some of which had ended up building a legacy of their own. Whether constructing a kingdom of their own, or wind up as heroes to the locals. Which made her kind heart swell with pride at their achievements, as if it was her own.
In spite of that, she aches for her dearest spouse and the special connection they’ve had. The creatures surrounding her stilled in their places, to hear the goddess’s euphonious serenade.
Her voice was overflowing with melancholy at the loss of her late husband. It is true, that she had a plenty of lovers but not concomitantly. Nor were they as impactful as her former beloved. That or the woes of her bereavement has blinded her from seeking another.
“Beautiful, yet sorrowful. Please do tell what tragedy has befell you, my fair maiden.” lulled the being behind her. A familiar masculine voice rang through her ear canals, whilst his warm fingers held strands of her fallen tresses within its firm grasp. Surprised, she turned around only to be met with the burning gaze of the sunlight god.
Her face bloomed in embarrassment, as she finally laid her eyes on Apollo. He was undoubtedly an icon of youthfulness and elegance.
His epidermis shone bright with golden light like the hues of the sun at a morning day. Whereas his blond locks has fallen below his broad shoulders, with an aureate wreath crown that settled itself upon his temple. His taut and well-defined muscles were hidden behind his chiton and the winter white cloak that trails behind every step he takes.
Yet, the master of arts was known for loving in all the wrong ways. His first lover, a dryad named Daphne, was turned into a laurel tree just to escape his obsessive hold. She halted her serenade, as she stepped back in fear of the god. She may be strong against monsters, but what is she against a major deity?
“I beg you to continue your song, my muse. You needn’t fear me, for I hold no ill intentions against you. I apologize if I startled you it wasn’t my aim to do so. Your melodious song has enraptured me, for I’ve never heard a voice as pure as yours.” The male reassured with honeyed enunciation and modulated a charming smile on his sandy visage.
There was something intense and deceptive about it. How else could he see through the enchantments that surrounded her meadow? It did not sit well with her, so she did the thing that her gut instinct had told her to do. She has shape-shifted into her sacred animal, then bolted away from the male.
Leaving the god craving more of her gentle voice and care. For he has seen enough of the motherly female, to deem her worthy of him and his affection.
Day after day, Apollo sought her company. He wrote hymns in her name and ordered the nine muses to sing it, alongside her mournful poem that he heard in her domain. He even built a lofty statue made of the most refined marble in her honor. At every turn, she shied away from his gestures.
His desperation reared its ugly head, once he changed his form to that of her former lover in hopes of possessing her wholly. He dreamt every day and night of her soft caresses against his muscular frame, as he burrowed himself inside her moreish core and please her throughly leaving no area untouched.
A domestic life with her was all he asks for. He won’t let her get away this time. He was kind and gentle with her before, yet she begets the hunter within him now. Fortunately for her, he was a talented one.
Today, unlike other days, was peaceful without the intervention of the patron of music in her father’s garden. It made her wary and left her room to think through his persistent pursuits.
Guilt and shame was pooling in her gut, so she realized of what she did wrong. It was definitely unlike her to reject a soul -let alone run from-, regardless if they were a god or not, vying for her sympathy and attention.
Perhaps, she has judged him harshly. Maybe, she could garner her missing connection with him. He seemed earnest and passionate at least, unlike his previous fleeting affairs.
Sighing, the (h/c) woman continued to water the gardens until a sharp hiss was heard from the forest of tranquility. Her maternal instinct flared, as she ventured toward the forest to heal whatever creature was injured. Instead, she saw the last person she’d expected to see. Her iridescent eyes were surged with tears, as her following words were filled with euphoria. “ἀγαπητός?”
Immediately, her sleek hands has found themselves around the ebony’s male mid-waist. Bringing him close to her throbbing heart, as she silently cried. Philetor has drawn circles on her back, comforting his wife with a caring smile strewn on his visage.
“I thought you died.” She whispered grievously almost to herself, before moving away from her former spouse. She might’ve been an empathetic individual, yet she is not gullible. There was something uncanny, but she can not put her fingers on it.
Apollo was saddened at the sudden disappearance of her warmth. Yet, he kept his cool and continued with the innocuous act. That what he told himself it was only a matter of time, before they become one in union like a star in a constellation.
“I did. Yet, Hades brought me back to you. After all, he could not stomach seeing you miserable. That he told me, plus don’t you trust me? Orpheus got his wife back, so why couldn’t you?” Your husband’s dark complexion was torn into a hearty grin.
“If that did not satiate your skepticism, then you are free to look beneath my chiton.” He remarked flirtatiously. As he winked the same wink, that made her heart tremble the first time she met him.
Perhaps, she was just overthinking things. His words were true, Orpheus recently got his wife back and Hades is one of the few gods she had a cordial relationship with.
Seeing that his act began to ebb on her suspicions, made him internally simper. He doesn’t know how much longer he could abstain, before he finally surrenders to his primal temptations.
“Alright, my little minx. Come here. Let me heal you, then we could do whatever you wish to do.” She chortled, as her former tense expression shifted into a more playful one.
Naked as the day they were born, she shyly traced her fingertips from his bulging larynx to his dark unyielding muscles. The deed made him chuckle, as he guided her hands towards his well-endowed member. He might be in the image of the man he loathes the most, yet he will take the time to enjoy her pliant hand on him.
As much it breaks his heart to see his beloved upset at the death of her ex-husband, he will settle for it rather than let another steal her away from him.
Nonetheless, he moaned gravely once she started to pump his hard on with her diligent hand.
“Shy, are we? There is no one to blame, but yourself.” She drawled teasing her supposed husband with a harsh squeeze of his pulsated cock. Cream white precum was already leaking from the head of his erected member.
Whilst Philetor kneaded one of her breast in his calloused palms, eliciting a whimper from the woman above. “If that is the case, I would not be the one whimpering.” he retaliated by flipping her on the silky bed, so he was on top of her. She was utterly beautiful, underneath his bulk. He can’t wait to stuff her with his seed, then they could start a family together.
“What do you think of, my beloved? Your beautiful face is contemplating. Tell me, so I could provide you with it.” She muttered besides his ear, as she stroke his head and slowly splayed her legs apart revealing her dripping womanhood.
“Ever so considerate, my dove. What good did I do to garner your attention. To be frank, I’ve missed you greatly. It felt as if eons had passed while I was in Elysium without your blessed company. Most of all, seeing our children grow to become heroes made my day. For old time sake, would you bless me with another bundles of joy?” The dark-haired male rambled deliriously as he prepared his wife by fingering her tight cunt.
He coated her inner thighs with her juices and his precum, as not to hurt her when he enters her. By all that is Olympus, was she tight on his digits. Oh, he can’t wait for her hole to fit his cock in its firm grip. In a spur of moment, he crashed his chapped lips against her soft ones. His dark orbs began to fade, instead in its place burns a familiar light. His restless yearning akin to the sun flare, has smouldered through his disguise.
The former rich black pigmentation has vanished into a milky hue, whilst his onyx-like short hair transformed into a fair gold long mane. It wasn’t her husband all this time?! That means she was speaking to an impostor all along. No, No. She refuses to believe that.
“You?!” She pointed accusingly, as she tried to slither away from his vice grasp. To no avail, he didn’t budge. Instead, he further dug his nails on her waist and brought her closer to his bare muscly torso. “Let me go.” She cries, trying to alter her form to escape him. Yet, the golden chains restricted her from doing so.
It dawned upon her, that the chains she unwittingly agreed with this impostor - who she initially thought was her husband- were nothing more than a way to restrict her abilities and not for the sake of pleasure.
“Never.” He whispered melodiously in contrast to the harsh bite on her shoulder, that invoked a painful hiss from her. Leaving a red hickey, and a rivulet of blue ichor flowing from the jarring action. He turned to face her with an obsessive look in his sky-like irises and a smirking mouth dripping of her succulent essence.
“Hush, now. Don’t waste those teary eyes and beautiful melodies. Aren’t you tired of catering to mortals all the time? Let me take care of you, by Olympus you deserve it and more. All I need from you is your love and care. I could never ask for more.” He stated stroking her in all the good places. His words were dripping in honey and praises, yet she would not yield as she felt bitter and indignation at his delusions. Due to being taken advantage at her lowest point.
“You ask of my love and care? When you dare to impersonate and desecrate the image of my dear husband. All that for your selfish desires, have you lost your mind or did Eros addle your mind again? You’ll never be half the man Philetor was.” She spat venom lacing her words as she squirmed to display her discomfort with his misactions.
Suddenly, she felt a scalding heat -similar to the sting of thousand needles piercing her skin-burning through her flesh from where her chains was attached. It pales comparing to the jealously that shined in the gods expression. His brows were furrowed, while his mouth were carved into a loathsome scowl, and his grip so tight that it may as well cut off her blood circulation.
“What does that filthy mortal have that I don’t? I am the lord of medicine, music, and the protection of the young. Besides it had been a long while since he had died, so why won’t you give in to me.” Apollo clenched his teeth as he retained from cursing the mortal further, whilst his nails clawed desperately at her back.
“Honesty. Trust. Something that you breached upon, when you decided to take advantage of a mournful woman at her lowest point.” She replied holding a moan down as a burst of pleasure began to dwindle her senses. He had to administer something for her to react that way, for she felt no greater pleasure than this.
“I would’ve given you the truth, if only you gave me the chance. You know nothing of my agony as I watch you everyday reject my courtship. Now, relax and enjoy. Otherwise, it would be a shame if it got out that the patron of motherhood turned to be a harlot.” The blond god tittered mockingly, as he very much knew once he consummate with her that she will be his eternally. After all, she is completely binded to her monogamous principle. If it was known of her to break it, then she will be punished severely.
Epiphany has stroke her, as her previous guilt and sympathies regarding the god has vanished into resentment and despair. Her false hope was nothing more than a mere nightmare in the guise of a daydream.
Perhaps, if she disassociate from the situations then everything will be well. Fool, her mind screamed as a sandy hand caressed and twisted her perked bosom.
Leaning down his golden threads tickled her bare figure, whilst his pulpous mouth latched on hers begging for an entrance. An entrance she willingly ceded, lest her honour be vanquished.
His wet appendage exploring every acre of her mouth, his expert palms twisting her erect nipples, and his strong hips rolling into her core with his hard on. As he continued his assault her chest with gentle ministration, his flushed baby blue met her lachrymose ones.
“Shh.. No need to be fear me. I’d die a million time in river Styx than to harm you. Let me give you the love you deserve, my beautiful muse.” His lips waxes out delusions of devotions and of eternal love near her ears. His warm and hypnotic words began to chip at her will.
‘If I didn’t have a choice to begin with, then it is better for me to enjoy this sick reality. Could I be at fault, when I did not give him a chance?’
Soon, she felt a prick from her cunt as bulbous head of his cock began entering her. The vastness of the room was filled with carnality of their groans, mashed together to form a chant of their own. Once his prolonged length has settled within the lips of her vagina, he began by removing it slowly. The sudden feeling of emptiness made her whine, craving more for the feeling of fullness provided by his member that reminded of her precious former husband.
“Eager, are we? Don’t worry I will ensure that your full of myself and swell with our future children.” Apollo muttered titillated at the notion of jamming his seed into his beloved muse. Finally, he was at peace with her delicate and warm frame against his.
It was only an infinitesimal, before he plunged back into her wet pussy. Then removing it again. Hips smacking each other, as the process repeated itself. Soon, she felt a warm feeling washed over her as she cummed all over his thick girth.
“Cumming, without my permission? Tsk. Tsk. What a naughty women you are, my muse. I’ll forgive you this once, as you will be carrying our child. Otherwise, a punishment is in due.” Apollo teased with his seductive tone, while feeling his own orgasm is nearly coming.
As her pussy has enclosed on his girth, she felt hot sticky fluid has flowed over walls. It was done, her body felt sore all over. The session has ended with her being tired, with the last thing she saw was his maniacal grin as he traced her lower abdomen where her womb was located.
“Sleep well, my dear Nightingale. For tomorrow, the world will witness a new rebirth and union.”
Perhaps, if she closed her eyes hard enough then hopefully this ephialtes will be gone. In its place, would be her husband smiling at her and pecking her cheeks as he welcomes her in his comforting embrace.
An: Well, I finished my finals. I hope I delivered well. I’ve been thinking doing yandere elder scroll games in my other blog, cause Imma big simp for Lucien Lachance and Ondolemar (Don’t condone Thalmor, ofc. Just bring the horni in me or he has decent respect unlike his contemporaries.) Remember reblogs are much appreciated.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
good luck with ur finals!! :))
Thanks! :]
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Yandere Aphrodite headcanons? 👀
It’s already in the list, I’ll start with it once I finish my finals.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
im doing good too :) also uh very random question but whats the average height for greek gods in your au?
This one is mainly inspired by Blood of Zeus. The gods are able to alter their size at will, but their true form are much larger than they display toward their darlings. Imagine somewhere between 15ft to 30ft (Min. 459.74 to Approx. 914.4 centimeters) tall.
Primordial gods are immeasurable, as they’re essentially forces of nature. (For example: Khoas represents the void and space, which is beyond measurable. We barely know the extent of our own seas, let alone the limit of space. They’re obviously larger than other gods, though.)
Some change their form not to scare their darling, especially if they were mortal. Other don’t, as a way to intimidate their darling into submission or a way to punish them.
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
can i send asks about your greek mythology au ? :DD (not as a request btw just an ask) (also hru?)
Sure, I don’t mind. Also, I am doing good. What about you? :)
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
hello, sorry but I forgot to ask but can the Athena one be not platonic? (romantic)
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
athena x fem reader who is a priestess at her temple? 👀💗 (i dont mind if its hcs or a scenario so do whichever u want to :D)
Say no more :)
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
🗡Yandere!Achilles (General) Headcanons🤺:
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Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, murder, desecration of the dead, captivity, implied Stockholm Syndrome, implied manipulation, implied adultery, angst, Eris and Aphrodite being drama queens, forced isolation, Time period sexism, mentions of forced marriage, Violence, slight gore.
You were born at Dodona, Epirus. To a bloodline of obscure priests and priestesses, that used to attend to Mother Goddess then later to Zeus. Apart from the oracle that lives here, there wasn’t anything that distinguishes it from the other different states. One would argue, that Delphi is much more significant than your mundane city.
Yet, it was the oddity of your birth that attracted the other city-states to your city. You were said to be born with the ability to cure even the deadliest of diseases, including the prolific tularemia. Some would even say death itself.
Rumors like these tend to spread like wild fire. Especially, that your mother may have went behind your father’s back with Apollo- as he was the patron of medicine- to birth you. Which infuriated your father so much, that he murdered your mother in blind rage. You recalled that night, as you took care of your “supposed” dead mother. One simple touch from your fingertips, has awoken her from her deep slumber startling your father. As for father, he ran away with his tails between his legs to gods know where.
From that incident, the head priestesses has delegated you as the head healer of Dodona. Despite being a young woman, your reputation has soared all over Greece for your innate gift. Those who mocked Dodona started visiting it for your services and may-haps a glimpse of your face.
Fortunately, you hid your face behind a carefully constructed bronze mask to protect your anonymity. You did not want to sacrifice your freedom for a man’s whim and you’re yet of age. It was the beauty of Helen and the greed of a man that locked her in an unwanted marriage. Marriage is nothing, but fine breeding. It is often propagated as love, to lure naïve people into its trap.
At the behest of King Peleus, you were invited to his matrimony with Thetis. After dressing appropriately for the event. Euphro -the head priestess- instructed that you are to be escorted by Philogus, alongside his family, to Phthia.
The journey to Phthia was awkward, until a young dark haired boy greeted you with a smile tearing his visage. It made you slightly anxious, perhaps due to your solitary life. Aside from your duties, you knew nothing of the outside world. As a result, skepticism was the norm for you considering your societal value.
“Greetings, (Y/n) the great healer of Dodona. My name is Telephos. It is a great honor to finally meet you. I was wondering, would you like to be friends? I’ve never seen you with anyone and it doesn’t make sense for me that a person with such prestige lacks companions. So, what would you say?” The boisterous, yet innocent boy extending his tiny hands for you to grab. He was shaking in his boots to meet you. You were a celebrity, that he held in high regards and wishes to follow your footsteps into becoming a physician.
Despite the intricate owl mask you were currently donning, you filled him with a sense of safety. Yet, he felt a bit sympathetic and sorrow for you especially after recent events that happened to you. Perhaps, he was being inconsiderate for prying into your personal space. After all, you needed the space to recover from the recent trauma. Before he could retract his hand, you grabbed it and shook it. With a voice as gentle as the northern wind, you replied.
”I’ll gladly be your friend. I never had any and I wish to know what it is like to have one.” That alone made the day for the boy. He is your first and only friend. He selfishly hoped it stayed that way, but due to the nature of your duties he doubts it will stay like this. So long as you are happy, then he is.
With that, you and he bonded together. Sharing ideals, dreams, and hopes for the future. You were similar, yet different and complementary to each other. Where he lacked precision, you taught him the value of patience and persistency. Where you lacked in social experience, he taught you -despite the ongoing political strife of Greece- the value of friendship or in his own words “Philoi”.
From afar, Philogus was watching his son interacting with the head healer and it melted his heart at sight. Perhaps, he could be the father that she lacked. His thoughts were halted, as the ship landed on the harbour.
The guards were kind enough to guide you through the King’s palace. It was larger then you thought, yet it was the inside that stunned you. There were many people invited from different backgrounds. Nymphs, gods, goddesses, mortals, and plenty more as this was expected from this grand event.
Your doe-like eyes ventured to meet the eyes of sunlight god. You immediately pivoted your irises, as your boiling anger rises with every glimpse at the god who ruined the matrimony of your parents. However, a familiar honey beige hand clasped your hands in his to calm your ire from resurfacing. With one look toward his bright emerald eyes, you understood what he wants to convey. ‘Don’t let your past strife, open a new gate to another strife far worse than the one before.’
Prior to the arrival of the King and his bride, you continued to talk with Telephos a few more before you were snatched by Philogus to be introduced to the gods and other royalties. You were fearing the worst, as you slowly kowtow before the gods and introduced yourself.
“My, my. What an eloquent lady you are, (Y/n)? I’ve been dying to meet you. After all you’ve been the talk of Greece lately, apart from this wedding. Tell me, do you have someone in your mind?” The divine goddess of all that is beautiful and lovely asked as her golden hues were burning on your figure.
“No, my fair goddess. I’m fairly young for love and the joy it brings. In addition, I’ve a sworn duty toward my people.” Choosing your words with utter care, as not to anger the goddess. That was the last thing you have in mind, if you wish to survive.
“Hmm, seems reasonable. Perhaps, when you’re older then. It’s such shame to let a girl such as you without a fitting spouse, don’t you say? It seems Athena has taught you wisely, or was it Artemis? Or was it our dear, Apollo? Please, do tell.” Aphrodite remarked jabbing the patron of medicine in her drawled spiel. As much as that name brought a foul taste, you remained stoic and respectful to her.
“Dear Aphrodite, no need to drag the little mortal into your shenanigans. You know how it usually ends. We do not wish for that to happen to the little sunlight here, or else father might intervene.” The blonde deity responded back not bothering to hide his spite.
The atmosphere was tense with the bickering of the two deities, so you left to greet the other guests. Unaware of the hidden eyes of a certain goddess, that lurked around the shadows to observe you and waiting for the right moment to ensure that her plans will go as she wishes.
It was about time, when the two main people have arrived. In the middle of their wedding vows, the bronze gates were open suddenly to reveal the winged deity of discord. Eris. Her sudden appearance has startled you and everyone else, even more when her sight was locked on you.
“ O’ Blessed King Peleus and Thetis, you deny me an invitation. Why is that? Especially, when I wish more then nothing to meet this famed healer of Dodona.” A sly smirk tugged at her lips, as she slid close to your vicinity. Her cold slender arms encircled your shoulders, bringing you closer to her in an embrace.
‘I’ll tell you a secret, little one. Between you and me, you hold a major role in this more than you think. You will understand soon enough. Do not tell anyone, we don’t want to spoil the surprise.’ She whispered in your ears, before letting you free from her grasp.
Telephos ran and caught your falling frame, before you could meet the harsh surface of the cold marble grounds. “Are you okay?” Your safety was of the supreme concern for him. Not only are you valuable to his city, but to him personally. To see you being pawned around by deities angered him, yet it made him feel helpless.
After all, what a mere child could hope to achieve against the might of divine deity? How could he be a great practitioner of medicine, if he could not protect his role model from harm? Yet, it begets the question. Why were you so important in the eyes of the gods?
“Yes, I am fine. I appreciate your help.” You replied, refraining the information that Eris has told you in fear of endangering him and yourself in the process.
“Is that why you came here, Eris? To steal the sacred healer away, if so then I will not tolerate such thing under my care.” The king retaliated firmly, standing his grounds against the winged goddess.
“By Olympus, no. If I wanted to kidnap her, wouldn’t you think I would’ve done it earlier? No, I am here to leave a gift for the fairest of them all. That’s all.” Eris said. In her pale hands, a golden apple shone with the title of the fairest of them all.
You’ve got a premonition that things won’t end well. “Why are you down, (Y/n)? Is something wrong?” Telephos asked sincerely. “ I..think as long as the deities intervene like this. Things won’t end well for us. I never liked the gods, apart from Mother Goddess. In their amusement, they bring nothing but misery and tragedy.” You responded bitterly, with the latter part being nothing more than a whisper to yourself.
The cheery festivities has upturned to chaos, the female deities -notably Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite- were paltry fighting amongst themselves for an insignificant title. It’s enough as it is that you got the unwanted attention of the entire court, so you decided to recluse at the corner of room.
However, your peace did not last as Philogus approached you with his face sunken and grave. Unlike his usual calm demeanor, that brought nothing but relief in your turbulent life. “Head healer, I need to speak with you this instance. The matter is of utmost urgency.” He urged, as his son followed behind him. Follow him to the guest room, you did.
“What seems to be the issue?” you inquired, hoping for a semblance of good from this horrible day. Based on his previous expression and tone of his voice, you doubt that is the case.
“Dodona is under siege. We cannot go back, especially with you on board. I cannot endanger you.” His confession did not shock you as much as you thought. It was only a matter of time, before some megalomaniac decided to invade it searching for you. You could see the anguish already painting Telephos visage, that did nothing but hurt you seeing the optimistic boy down.
“Where do we go, then? We cannot trouble the Pthiains with our troubles?” You sighed as you racked your mind for solutions.
“Aren’t you disturbed that our city is under attack? If so, then why aren’t you perturbed?!” The chocolate haired boy shouted as tears cascading his honey cheeks. “If I wasn’t, then I’d not be thinking of ways to return back. Don’t you think?” You replied snidely.
“Stop, both of you. This is no time for petty arguments. (Y/n), I know you’re looking for answers and I’ll give it to you. As for you my dear boy, this war will end as soon as possible.” Philogus chastised the pair and took them to their designated bed.
“It was Agamemnon. Indeed, you were right. He was seeking you.” The elder man spat his name as it was the most foul thing he had said. That man’s megalomania knows no bound. “Of course. My presence has been nothing, but a curse to you both. For that I apologize. If you want to leave me behind, leave. You are no longer obligated to protect me.” You spoke solemnly. Perhaps, your birth was a catalyst of horrid luck. First, it was your mother death then this war.
Before you can indulge further in your misery, you’re tackled by Telephos in a tight embrace. “Don’t ever say that, (N/n)?! You have saved lives more than anyone in Greece, since Asclepius.” He cried as he tightened his grip, seeing your stolid reaction.
“My Telephos is speaking the truth. To lose you, is to lose the greatest treasure Greece has ever offered to us. I have bright news for you two.” The brunette announcement has snapped you from your melancholic stupor.
“From now on, we will be living within the palaces. In exchange, (Y/n) will offer her service free from price. You do not mind, do you?” Philogus continued. “No, it was and will always be my duty to help those in need. I must thank you too, today overall was not great.” You replied back, as you cuddled the already drowsy Telephos for warmth.
Years has passed, since then. In these years, you have strongly bonded with Telephos and made new ones. Achilles was interesting to say the least. You both connected immediately like two peas in a pod. Whilst you felt a surge of protection, which you shared with Achilles, regarding the exiled prince Patroklus.
Achilles is definitely a possessive, obsessive, and an overprotective yandere. It started slowly, be it with the intervention of the gods themselves or how she held herself. Her integrity was what initially attracted him to her. However, it was her wisdom that beseeched him as he grew alongside her. Yet, her lousy companion is grating on his nerves.
His pride will never let him live, if he let any man court his beloved. Whether it was her childhood friend, or otherwise. What did that man have that he didn’t already have? Isn’t he the greatest Greek warrior to ever live? Wasn’t he as much of a companion to her as he was? As much as he want to rid of him immediately, he is smart enough not to do it in front of her. He might be impulsive, but certainly not an idiot.
His possessive tendencies overlaps with his overprotective nature. He would rather be slain a thousand times, then let a single hair on his darling be harmed. If that would to be happen, then his rage will reach the vast skies of Olympus till the depths of the Underworld.
He will not rest easy, until he had dealt with the perpetrators. Amplify his overprotectiveness if Patroklus was already dead by then, his darling will never be outside his sight. He will drag the aggressor’s corpse, similar to what he did to Hektor, all over Greece with his chariot, only this time no deity will interfere. Unless, they’d want to end up like them.
Assuming that he didn’t die, he will live with his darling somewhere seclusive. Somewhere where he can fully be attentive to the needs of his darling, without any distractions. Glory had it place in his heart, but so is the safety and the happiness of his darling.
His greatest dream is to have a domestic life with his dearest. To awaken besides his sleeping beloved and count the constellations with them. Maybe have a child or two together. Nothing brings him more joy, than seeing his and darling’s children interact with his most beloved companion’s (assuming that Patroklus didn’t die) children. Growing, living, and dying together. Perhaps, even uniting together in the fields of Elysium.
Even if it meant to go against the fates and the gods to achieve that, then so be it. What will he not do to protect his beloved? He will go to the end of the earth to protect and provide for them. Anyone who goes against his path will be met with the harsh end of his blade.
Ps: I have enjoyed writing for this one. If we reached 150 hearts on this post, then I’ll write a Yandere story. Here’s the catch, it will be him and my boy Patroklus involved as Yanderes. I’ll also include Telephos as normal love interest to add drama and action to the story. However, I need to see your support. 😉
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yanderesmythos · 3 years ago
Oo request time, it's Hera love hours, I love how wrathful she is. Can I have a request where she falls in love with a mortal king? Maybe he puts his family first before his kingdom, and it reminds her of Zues when they first fell in love, sort of longing for something that doesn't exist anymore and bitter that someone else is lavishing in it
Definitely :)
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