Me , Myself And I
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yanasprinkles88 · 5 years ago
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Yuzu getting a pep talk from Pooh before his gala performance. Sooo cute!!! 😍
Rika_Ciontu on Twitter
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yanasprinkles88 · 5 years ago
Jurina: I may legally be an adult, but don't be fooled, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing.
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yanasprinkles88 · 5 years ago
Nako when she meets Sheki from MNL48: *tearing up* She’s smaller than me
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
The Ice 2019 was basically Shoma channeling his inner otaku cosplay
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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now that Disney has confirmed Halle Bailey to play the lead role in the Little Mermaid can we please get Hendery cast as Prince Eric? Make this an amazing diverse cast?? Plus they’re both 19 so that’s good that they wouldn’t have a crazy age gap, they’re both good looking and talented @ Disney do it you cowards!!
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
so our Japanese professor is basically a mix of yuzu and shoma ...... (sadly we might not be meeting him because there is a mix up of schedules)
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
Master Post for Beginner Witches
Remember that you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, and this list isn’t a requirement for witchcraft, just suggestions. Don’t let ANYONE invalidate you as a witch. Whether you have been doing this for 5 mins or 50 years, you are still a witch. Special love, energy, and snaps sent to all the people responsible for these amazing posts: ♥
Basic Information/Anthology etc.
• Good things to research when you don’t know where to research (START HERE)
• Types of Witches & Witchcraft
• The Boring but IMPORTANT Basics of Witchcraft
• Beginner Witchcraft
• Crystals to Have on Your Altar (Altars aren’t required but if you do use one, this may be helpful)
• Familiars (The Who What Hows)
• The Goddess and the God (If following a Wicca Path, and just remember you need to find the path just for you. No one else can tell you how/who to worship)
Spell/Ritual Work
• Ways to Cleanse
• Magick of the Moon Phases (Familiarize yourself with this, many witches use the phases of the moon for spells, rituals, etc)
• Spirit Work for beginners 
• Crystal Cleansing (Important if you are going to work with crystals)
• Salt & Witchcraft (You know witches love their salt)
• Spell Writing Tips for Beginners
• Divination Tips for Beginners
• Spell Loopholes (A Must Read)
• Reading a Candle
• Color Magick (Lots of great ideas on how to include color witchcraft in your daily routine)
• Simple beginner Spells 
• 50 simple Charms
Stock Up & Set Up! (Materials, meanings, etc.)
• Basic Herbs List
• Magical Correspondence and foods
• Cleansing and Charging Items
• Some Crystals for Beginners
• Crystals/Stones Grouped by Use
• Witchcraft Basics plants
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
Types of Witches & Witchcraft
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What is a Witch? A witch can never be truly defined. It is a broad term used to describe a variety of people each of which follow their own paths with no two truly alike. 
Types of Witches
Kitchen Witch: (Cottage witch, Hearth witch) Works mainly within the home. Cares for the house and the family inside it. Prepares the meals and adds there own special magick to it. Provides the home with protection and keeps the house clean. 
Green Witch: Works with nature. Includes working with plants, nature deities, herbal remedies, earth, crystals, and faeries. Incorporates nature deities in their craft such as Pan, Demeter, Epona, Gaia etc.  
Eclectic Witch: Creates their own practice based on information and traditions borrowed from different practices and religions in. In order to create a path that works best for them. (Make sure you are not stealing from closed religions!)
Elemental Witch: A witch that works with the elements (water, earth, fire, air) in their day to day practices.   
Hereditary Witch: A witch that is born into a family of practitioners. They create and continue their families rituals and ceremonies. They commonly have a family grimoire or book of shadows that they pass down through generations. 
Sea Witch: A witch that uses the sea and its materials in their practice. Gets their power from the seas energy. Incorporates shells, salt, saltwater, driftwood, etc into their practices. Works with deities such as Poseidon, Njörðr, Neptune, etc. 
Solitary Witch: A witch who prefers to practice on their own.     
Faerie Witch: Someone who works in peace and harmony with the Fae. They take great care of their garden, place offerings out for the Faerie, and make them feel welcome and at peace.
Cosmic Witch: One who works with the stars, moon, sun, etc.  
Urban Witch: A witch that lives in the city and uses the objects they find for their practice. They come up with creative ways to garden on there small patio and store things in the little space they have. 
Pop Culture Witch: A witch who incorporates characters and ideas from movies, TV shows, and books into their practice. 
Science Witch:  Science witches are basically witches who incorporate the scientific method and ideology into their craft. In my experience no science witch is alike since each individual has their specific idea of how the relationship between science and magic works. A large part of being a science witch seems to be the belief in the placebo effect in relationship between the spellcaster and the spell. Science witchcraft is kind of a blurred line between the laws of science and the known universe and the realm of magic and the laws we can’t see. We believe in the possibility of a crossover between the two and embrace it and use it to our advantage in our craft. Taking into consideration the effect science has on the magic we are using and sometimes crediting the spell result partially to magic and partially to science - sometimes even considering the same thing. -This definition is from @drinkthemoonlight, Very appreciated, Thank you so much! - 
Druidism: A Celtic, nature based religion that works with Mother Earth. 
Wiccan: A  religion that follows it’s own set of rules and guidelines.  Such as the three fold law and “hurt none and do what ye will.”
Pagan: A religion that works closely with nature and it’s deities.
This list barely covers the different types of witches but it is all I can think of for the moment. I will be updating soon. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
emoji spell for fast and permanent subliminal results
Like to charge, reblog to cast
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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I stopped myself at these, but I could could go on  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
Baby Cha Jun-Hwan crying after being eliminated on SBS program Yuna Kim’s Kiss and Cry. TVXQ’s Yun-Ho comforts him by saying “This isn’t your goal, your goal is the world. You’re going to head out towards the world.“ His whimpers … aww!
Fast forward to 2018. He’s an Olympic Champion and a Bronze Medalist at his first Grand Prix Final 😊
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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shoma uno after his free skate performance || 2018 NHK Trophy
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
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Shoma’s reaction to having to wear a wreath: the cutest
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yanasprinkles88 · 6 years ago
ASCENDANT signs indicate SOCIAL compatibility  (the impression you give others/ the “face” you put on when confronting the world)
SUN signs indicate TEMPERAMENT compatibility (how your personality interacts with others under stimuli/changing environments).
MOON signs indicate EMOTIONAL compatibility (how you relate/ connect/ empathize. This is internal and may not be necessarily obvious).
MERCURY signs indicate INTELLECTUAL compatibility (how you communicate and share thoughts).
VENUS signs indicate ROMANTIC compatibility (how you love/ receive love. What you idealize and fantasize for in relationships).
MARS signs indicate PHYSICAL compatibility (the personality of your aggression. how you interact physically or sexually).
JUPITER signs indicate IDEOLOGICAL compatibility (how you react to each other’s beliefs, values and opinions).
SATURN signs indicate LONG-TERM compatibility (how your relationship may develop and be sustained over time).
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