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yamum-com · 3 years ago
i don’t want to do this.. (Natasha romanoff x reader) Pt2
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characters: natasha romanoff x reader
warnings: angst, death , mind control,swearing, sewerslide kinda
summary:it’s basically like the scene in black widow idk
pt1 pt2
note: its j the second part of the scene but i hope u like it!
you wake up in a dark room with your head pounding and the pain in your thigh still there your first thought was where is Natasha and is she ok, you try to move but can’t because your arms and legs are tied down to a chair. you see something move in the dark “nat?” you whisper hoping to hear her voice “y/n?” a soft shaky voice says across the room “oh thank god your ok, are you ok i-i thought i lost you” you ramble your voice shaking trying not to let the tears fall “i’m sorry i’m ok it’s gonna be ok i heard the gun shot i thought you-“ she gets cut off by the lights in the room suddenly turning and none other than dreykov and his men coming in. Your eyes quickly adjust to the light and see nat across the room looking messed up you see her face contort from anger and resentment. “Well would you look at that look who’s back” dreykov says walking closer to you “get the fuck away from her” nat snarls across the room “or what your in no position to stop me are you now Natalia” he says smirking “i’ll kill you i promise you that” she says anger in her voice. Dreykov reaches you and grabs your chin roughly putting you close to his ugly face “you’re never going to escape me alive even if you run i’ve made sure of it this time” he whispers you sneer at him and spit at his face “fuck you” you say and immediately get another kick to the ribs knocking the air out of you and then his fist connects to your face “STOP WHAT’RE YOU DOING STOP IT” Natasha screams as you continue to get beat up and hearing natasha’s screams echoing for what felt like forever until it finally stops. “y/n?” nats trembling voice wakes you “hey natty what happened” you mumble out trying to put a hand to your pounding head before your reminded of the chains on your hand and feet she scoots a little closer to you and you remember where you were “wait how’d you get out of your chains” you ask her “don’t worry let’s just get you out of these and get out of here” she says quickly getting you out of your chains. When you try to walk your injured leg gives out and you fall back down “fuck i cant walk nat-” you say looking into her determined face “cmon i’ll help you we’re both going to get out of here one way or the other” she says cutting you off putting your arm over her shoulders trying to get you up, when you manage to walk nat quickly opens the door leading into a dim hallway you look both ways before limping as fast as you could heading towards another door. when she opens the door theres an armed guard standing outside but nat quickly unarmed and knocks him out after 5 minutes of trying to find an exit alarms start blaring and your stomach drops when you hear footsteps getting closer the both of you start walking together faster until you open a door and find a window so both of you quickly hide inside. seconds later there’s people storming down the hallway nat puts you gently on the ground to try and open the window when she manages to open it “it’s a pretty far jump down do u think you can make it” she asks concerned “yea im gonna have to be there’s no other option” you say gritting your teeth from the pain your leg is causing you ignoring the whispers in your head telling you to stay. you manage to stand on your own and walk over to where the window is and see the jump down it was far but you rather take your chances jumping then here “it’s going to be ok i promise” you reassure nat putting a hand on her shoulder she pulls you into a deep kiss and even now hurt and injured she’s still the most gorgeous woman in the world “i love you” she says looking into your eyes “i love you too ,now let’s get out of here” you say kissing her hand she goes first and makes the landing perfectly while you get in position to jump someone starts slamming on the door trying to get in as you climb into the window trying to support your leg they break through the door the run over to you trying to grab you but you quickly roll out the window.
As your falling you feel the air around you and you feel weightless for a moment before you slam down onto the cement landing on your side you feel the pain shoot up through your body. “oh no moy dorogoy” she says concerned running over to you “it’s fine i’m fine we need to get to a different spot now before they run down here” you say wincing trying to get up nat supports you walking but you feel you head getting foggier and start thinking about crazy things like hurting nat and yourself. When you realize your mind is starting to get controlled by dreykov but you couldn’t do anything about it and it’s to late in a split moment you have nat pinned up against the wall trying to unarm her. “Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING” she yells out “i’m sorry nat i- cant its dreykov, i love you .. i don’t want to do this.” you manage to say through clenched teeth taking her widows bite and charging it up in a split second it was over. The love of her life was gone Natasha slid down the alley wall sobbing mourning for her love that she couldn’t save.
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yamum-com · 3 years ago
i don’t want to do this… (Natasha romanoff x reader) Pt 1
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characters: natasha romanoff x reader
warnings: angst, death , mind control,swearing, sewerslide kinda
summary: it’s kinda based off the scene in black widow when dreykov makes the other widow unalive except instead it’s r
pt1 pt2
note: heyy i was gone for a lil i haven’t been very motivated but i’m writing a few rn so enjoy! and if anyone has any ideas send them in pls
it was horrible just thinking back when you and nat were in the red room, you both had gone through so much there but at the same time it allowed you two to meet and find the love of your life. it had only been 2 months since you had escaped and had been with the avengers both of you were still on high alert of him coming back but you especially felt like you still hadn’t escaped his grasp. Your thoughts were interrupted by arms snaking around your waist tighter and a kiss to the back of your neck “what’s wrong moy dorogoy?” her husky voice whispers “it’s nothing i’m just worried” you whisper back her grip tightens “nothing is gonna to happen we finally escaped y/n we did it we got out” she says reassuring you. You turned to her looking into her emerald eyes her breath on your lips just looking at her makes your worries melt away as you kiss her “thank you” you say “for what my love?” she asks “for always protecting me” you whisper softly “i always will” she says back as you fall asleep in her arms.
the next morning you wake up still in nats arms her chin resting on your head holding tight to her as if someone was going to take you. you try to wiggle out of her grasp only for her to make it tighter “why are you up so early” she says in her raspy morning voice “because we have to get ready and see if we have any missions” you tell her finally managing to wiggle out of her grasp “i want to stay in bed i don’t wanna go” she whines and covers her face with a pillow. you take the pillow and hover barely an inch over her face before pressing a kiss to her nose “cmon mi vida you know we have to go” you say insisting until her green eyes flutter open “fine i’ll get up, only if you give me a kiss” she says pulling you down to kiss her. once the both of you are up and ready for the day you walk downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. You bump into tony already done eating “hey do u know if we have any missions today?” you ask him “no i don’t think so, you guys can just take today off” he says cleaning up his plate. When you and nat are done eating you both decide to go take a walk in the park together. On the way to the park nat suddenly yanks you into an alley and quickly covered your mouth with her hand you widen your eyes in confusion and she puts a finger to your lips shushing you. You saw fear flash in her eyes before she mouths “it’s dreykovs men don’t panic” you felt your stomach drop to the ground and your mouth go bone dry your biggest fear that you thought had escaped had come back again. your brought back to reality when nat taps your shoulder concern and worry written all over her face before 6 men walk into the alley you slowly back up clutching nats hand pulling her behind you “y/n, Natasha your coming with us.” one man said walking towards you “no the fuck we aren’t” nat says angrily “if you must make it difficult” he shrugs as the men pull out guns ,neither of you had weapons and were cornered. as they get closer you keep backing up as much as you could then you turn to Natasha and share a look before you pop both start to fight them. you hear a gun shot while fighting and immediately feel a searing pain in your thigh you let out a scream of pain clutching your leg and you see nat take down 2 more men but before pshe could run to you another man comes behind her and hits her with the butt of his gun making her collapse onto the ground “NAT” you yell out before you get kicked in the ribs you manage to lift your head and see her on the ground not moving and you immediately assume the worst you try your best to crawl to her but the pain in your leg was too much before one of the men hit you on the back of the head and you black out.
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yamum-com · 3 years ago
burden (Diana Prince x fem!reader)
characters : Diana prince x reader
warnings : fluff , alcohol
summary: they are just having a fun time and it has a cute ending might make an angst part just for fun
note: hey guys sorry i was gone for a lil i didn’t know what to write plus w school it was a lot but hopefully should be writing a lil more
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you never once regretted the time you spent with Diana. She was always a kind, caring, beautiful, elegant woman ever since you met her on your first day working at the museum. You had been running late on your first day to your new job and of course to your luck turning a corner you bump into a woman knocking coffee over the both of you ruining her white shirt”oh my god i’m so sorry is there anyway i can repay you for your shirt i ruined?” you rambled “ it’s ok don’t worry i have a spare in my office anyway.” she says kindly and smiles “I’m diana, i haven’t seen you around i assume your new?” she says reaching out her hand “i’m y/n, yea todays my first day actually” i respond shaking her hand “well nice meeting you y/n i’ll see you around” she says walking away “you too, bye Diana” you say back before you run to the bathroom to try and fix the stain on your shirt and running before Diana saw the blush creeping up on your face if she hadn’t already. Ever since that first encounter you two had seen a lot more of each other and had even become pretty good friends. You were in your office about to go home when diana walks in “heyy y/n what are you doing later today?” she asks grinning “hii um i don’t think i have anything planned.” you say “great! so around 8 want to go eat dinner together at this nice restaurant ,i’ll pick you up?” she asks you “sure sounds fun” you say smiling at her she smiles back “yay i’ll be there at 8” she says excitedly walking out you couldn’t help but admire her walk out she was gorgeous and perfect like a goddess you knew that you were slowly falling in love with your friend. You go home to get ready and at 8 pm sharp you heard a knock on your door ,you open it to see diana in a gorgeous white dress with a deep v neck and her smiling face with a bouquet of orchids in her hands “hi diana, you look beautiful ” you say hugging her “hey y/n, you look gorgeous! here you go i got you these since i know orchids are your favorite” she says hugging you back. You put the flowers in a vase and turn to diana “ready to go?” you ask and she nods the both of you walk to her car the drive to the restaurant was quick and once you got there diana got out and opened the door for you “ what a gentlewoman” you joke she laughs “for you, of course” she says her accent coming out a little more you turn away to hide your blush as she hooks her arm into yours. when the both of you were seated and had ordered wine you look at diana “so any specific reason you wanted to get dinner tonight ?” you ask taking a sip of wine “no not really i just wanted to spend time with you” she says smiling at you, her eyes looked down at your lips for a second before clearing her throat and sitting up and taking a gulp of wine. when dinners over both of you head over to the car “wanna come to my place for a while?” you ask she checks her watch “sure why not” she responds grinning, when you finally get inside you plop yourself down on the couch and kick off your heels closing your eyes, when you open them you see an upside down smiling diana hanging above your face you laugh before you kiss her forehead lightly getting up leaving her obviously flustered and stunned you almost laugh at how cute she looks. you walk over to the cabinet “what are you doing?” she asks you before you pull out a two bottles of tequila smirking “wanna drink?” you say winking “when is my answer to that ever no” she winks back.
after a very very long night of laughing and the bottles gone you were both dancing and singing at the top of your lungs when the song ends you both jump onto the bed and just lay there, “you know i love you right” she says all of a sudden “well yea that’s why we’re here you know i love you too” you say jokingly she sits up and you can’t help but admire how beautiful she looks “no i mean i love love you y/n” she says turning to look at your eyes. you were stunned you didn’t think she’d be saying this “are you serious di?” you ask shocked her eyes widen in shock at what she said “i-im sorry i didn’t mean to tell you i get it you don’t feel the same i should go” she says quickly getting up you get up after her “wait diana” you say stumbling after her she goes to open the door before you grab her arm yanking her into your lips kissing her she quickly melts into the kiss cupping your face only breaking apart to breathe just to crash back together. when you finally separate you hold her face in your hands just looking into each other’s eyes “i need you here with me” you whisper to her “i’m could never leave you i promise” she whispers back kissing you deeply again. the next morning you both wake up remembering the night before and just lay in bed looking at each other smiling until diana reaches over to you to pull u into another kiss “i love you” she says giggling peppering kisses on your face “i love you di” you say smiling happier than ever.
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yamum-com · 3 years ago
I guess that’s love. (Wanda maximoff x reader) PT2
characters: Wanda maximoff x fem!reader Natasha romanoff x reader (platonic)
warnings: angst, mentions of death, grief, depression, hurt/comfort, mentions, ptsd
summary: takes place during thanos snap
note: heyy i hope you enjoy what i wrote and hopefully it’s good this is the angsty part if you want to keep it fluffy go to pt1.<3 also i might make a part 3 but that’ll just be angst between nat and r for what happens after
italics= dialogue
Me and Wanda have been happily dating for 2 after we said our hidden feelings for each other that one night in my room. Ever since you guys got together it was easily noticed by the rest of the team and my best friend nat that the both of you seemed happier. And here i was laying in the dark again just like back then but this time there’s an arm wrapped around my waist and light breathing right behind my ear. I have to stay very still to not disturb Wanda while she sleeps or well at least i thought she was until she tightens her grip on me and whispers softly“moya lyubov go back to sleep” her accent coming out more since she had just woken up i turn around to face wanda in your shared bed and lightly kiss her nose “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to wake you” i whisper “no it’s ok i was already up” she says stifling back a yawn i knew she was only saying that to make me feel better ,while she was gazing at me sleepily with her soft green eyes . the both of you lay in comfortable silence until i cuddle into her more trying to shut my eyes and quiet my thoughts and she pulls me into her as i slowly fall asleep against her tucked into her shoulder. *my dreams were immediately plagued with bad memories of the red room i was back in the small cement room i used to call home i hear foot steps echoing closer before i open my eyes and lift my pounding head off the ground, there was soreness all over my body when i sit up. the door opens and two widows storm in and grab me by the arms “i- what are you doing stop” i say weakly as they inject me with some clear liquid and pick me up easily as my vision began to fade and my eyes got heavy until i couldn’t open them. i wake back up with a bright light in my face and handcuffed to the chair “did you really think that’d work?” says a rough cruel voice “you really thought you could leave after everything i’ve given you ” says dreykov angrily i remember that i had just tried escaping but had gotten caught which explains why my head hurts so badly along with the rest of my body. my train of thought cut short as dreykov sticks his face in mine and screams “ARE YOU LISTENING?!” and harshly grabs my chin. my heart going a thousand mph with fear and adrenaline but i still stayed quiet that was until he was pressing his knife up to my neck “it’d be a shame if i were to kill u wouldn’t it be?” he says mercilessly you manage to faintly say “please stop please- “* I was woken up abruptly to wanda frantically saying my name and shaking me as i open my eyes and inhale sharply finding myself shaking and sobbing “y/n! y/n! y/n!” wanda says with concern before holding me to her “shhh i know i know it’s ok my love, it’s ok it was just a nightmare ,i’m here.” she gently says to me “i- i- h-he was-“ i couldn’t help but stutter as wanda just shushed me gently just like i had all those years ago i didn’t even need to say anything to her she already knew everything. That night wanda hugged me and said how much she loved you through the night. now all you wanted was to go back to all those moments the two of you shared when you were both happy.
at least we were happy before a fat grape nutsack (thanos) caused a threat to the whole universe which caused you and the rest of the team go collect the infinity stones. me and wanda went on the mission to go to wakanada to remove the mind stone from vision but before that could happen the dark order came and a massive battle began. i run up to where vision was laying on the ground he obviously couldn’t stand but not in horrible condition and say through the intercoms “where’s wanda?!” you say anxiously immediately assuming the worst “i’m right here” she says back floating down next to you let out a breath i didn’t know i was holding. i cup her cheek and say “thank god your okay” she pulls you in to lightly kiss your lips “of course moya lyubov” you smile at the nickname before you turn your attention back to vision “what’s the news on thanos?” i ask vision “nothing yet we’re still waiting for tony to-“ his sentence was cut short by a portal forming and thanos stepping out your heart dropped to your stomach “we have to get rid of the stone wanda you have to do it!” vision quickly says you make eye contact with her and everything seems to pause i nod telling her she should to do it she looks back at vision and shakily says “ok we have to hurry the team won’t be able to hold him off for long” “i’m going to go help them wands” you tell her she knows she can’t change your mind once your determined “please be careful please i need you” she says sadly before i pull her in a kiss full of love and whisper “i love you i’ll be fine you be careful please” with that you run towards thanos catching up to where bruce was fighting thanos and see nat run up to you clutching her side . “y/n! we’re barely holding thanos back what’s going on with vision?”she asks hoping for good news “wanda is with him right now dealing with it we need to buy as much time as possible. are you hurt?” i ask her worried she winces “ yea i’m fine tho it’s nothing” she moves her hand revealing a huge bruise on her rib cage which was probably broken “nat that is not nothing sit down and stay safe and stay out of the rest of the fight ” i tell her sternly before steve says “y/n! we need help over here please!” he says urgently over comms. “ok on my way.” i tell him i turn back to nat “please just stay here i need to know your safe” i tell her concerned she nods before telling you to go i start running towards thanos noticing that he was getting closer to where wanda was using her powers at vision. i ran faster to hit thanos from the back of the head and kick his back making him stumble before turning to you he angrily grabs his huge double edged sword and swings at you i quickly jump away dodging the blade by a hair. i run around him trying to confuse him until he grabbed me by the throat and threw me against a tree the air immediately getting knocked out of you as your vision goes black for a second “Y/N!” wanda yells outs before i try and get back up again stumbling a little trying to run again at thanos to gain more time and try shooting him with your guns but it didn’t damage him “pesky human” he says irratated before swinging his sword again this time making a cut along your stomach i press my hand on the wound and continue to try and distract him but alone it was seconds before he grabbed you again and threw you this time you couldn’t get up without your head spinning “WANDA!” you screech getting her attention to thanos who was only like 10 feet away before she starts shooting at him with one hand and vision with the other. it held back thanos well but not completely he was still getting closer until the stone finally shatters and explodes knocking wanda back towards you and thanos the other way. we make eye contact hope shining on your faces we were so naive thinking that we had won.
He gets back up and walked to where vision was and easily turned back time and grabbed the mind stone from him, all of wanda’s work for nothing “NO!” you both yell before he turns around towards wanda she was shooting him with her powers he continues getting closer until wanda’s powers falter for one moment and in that split second he had enough time to swing at wanda but she couldn’t dodge fast enough and got hit across the chest ,drawing blood through her suit she hisses in pain when she stumbles a bit back turned to you but i see the gash on her chest looking very bloody and deep “wanda! stop your hurt!” you exclaim trying to help her, thanos smirks knowing he’s won catching you off guard and stabs wanda through her stomach with his blade through her back. i watch in horror watching the love of my life get stabbed in front of me i hear her gasp before i go over to wanda trying to stop the bleeding with trembling hands and while that’s going on you fail to notice thanos lifting his hand up to snap “NO-!” your scream gets cut off by his snap and everything going silent. after the snap thanos disappears and i crouch down to wanda laying on the ground the blade still there “w-wanda your gonna be ok just hold on” i say sobbing at this point she cups my face and stares lovingly into my eyes pain is obvious on her face “y/n i-it’s ok, i’ve spent these last 6 years with you by my side and i’ve been the happiest i’ve ever been” her voice falters for a second fighting to stay awake “i know no matter what i say you’ll still grieve me but what is grief if not love preserving?” as her eyelashes flutter shut for a minute “your going to be ok i love you so so much wands you just have to hold on i need you please.” you say feeling your heart shatter she pulls you in a deep kiss putting all her love for you in it before pulling away her bottom half already turning to dust “i love you so so much y/n ” she says softly before she completely disappears into dust. feeling the dust fall from your hands leaving no trace of your beloved for you to hold as it all finally hits you. i sink to the floor sobbing and screaming from heart break and grief wishing i could’ve died instead of her . i don’t even notice when natasha runs over to me to hold me trying to comfort me i try to break out of her hold crying and screaming while she just holds you tighter to her. But no matter what she did she couldn’t comfort you because she wasn’t wanda.
You had failed. Again
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yamum-com · 3 years ago
I guess that’s love. (Wanda Maximoff x reader)Pt 1
characters : Wanda Maximoff/fem!reader Natasha Romanoff/reader (platonic)
warnings: angst, mentions of death, grief, depression, hurt/comfort, mentions ptsd
summary: basically just a bunch of angst but there’s some fluff too (this is the fluff part
note: heyy so this is my first writing on this acct so i’m sorry if it’s not very good but yea should be more coming soon!
i look to the side to see 2:27 AM in red on my alarm clock, i sit up in bed in the dark i couldn’t sleep again but by this point you were used to not being able to sleep.
Whenever i did manage to fall asleep i had horrible nightmares from back before me and nat escaped the red room all those years ago that was before both of you joined the avengers.
The nightmares would leave me drenched in sweat, violently shaking ,and in tears the only people in the world who could ever comfort me was my best friends nat or Wanda. I met nat when she came to the red room around when she was 11 and i was 9. I had always seen her as the older sister i never had.
i never met my actual family since i grew up in the red room but the avengers became your family. I get up from bed deciding to go get water from the kitchen before i start spiraling in thought.
As i walk up to the compounds kitchen i see the refrigerator light faintly as i slowly turn the corner seeing a figure in the light.
The figure turns around and jumps back in surprise and yelps “Y/N!” in surprise “Wanda!” i exclaim back as i step next to her “what’re you doing up?” i ask “ i could ask you the same thing” she retorts “just couldn’t sleep” i say with a shrug she raises her eyebrow “nightmares?” she asks knowingly “yea” i quietly say as i look down.
she extends her arm and strokes my arm furrowing her eyebrows in worry. i look up at her beautiful green eyes even at this early in the morning just in fridge light she looked absolutely breathtaking everything about her was perfect her perfect nose that scrunches up every time she laugh, her beautiful hair that frames her face perfectly, her plump lips that i so badly wish i could kiss. But no i could never fulfill that wish because the last thing id want to do is put our friendship at risk so i could never no matter how much i wanted to tell her my feelings.
I must’ve been staring at her for to long because she gently said “y/n?” “yea sorry just zoned out there for a sec” i said clearing my throat “so why are you awake?” i said looking at her she looked down “oh it’s nothing really-“ she said voice shaky i lightly tip her face up so she’d look at me in my eyes when i notice they were puffy and teary “wands what’s wrong ,talk to me” i say softly she frowns slightly and let’s out a sniffle before she puts her head on my shoulder sobbing quietly i hug her tightly shushing her lightly before i gently lead her back to my room.
i sit her down on my bed still hugging while rubbing her back not forcing her to talk unless she wanted to after a long moment of me hugging her while she slowly calmed down until she finally showed her sad teary face “i just feel so alone “she says sadly chin quivering i cup her cheeks with my hands before telling her “Wanda you will never ever be alone i will always be here for you i couldn’t leave you even if i wanted to i love you so so much you have no idea.” my voice breaking towards the end.
Wanda reached out and hugged me after a moment she asked “ what do you mean by that?” she asks quietly i internally panic. shit. i knew she aside from nat is the only person who can tell when i lie so there’s no use in trying so i tell her the truth.” I- ok so i didn’t want to tell you because i really really don’t want to risk our relationship bc your one of the reasons i even wake up in the morning i cant do this without you i’ve had feelings for you since over 3 years and you’ve been in my life for 4 i completely understand if you don’t feel the same i didn’t want to tell you like this-“ my rambling gets cut off by wanda grabbing me and giving me a kiss full of passion and love yet still tender and sweet. I quickly melt into the kiss and kiss her back pulling back only to breathe i leave my forehead touching hers “i love you” she whispers i whisper back “i love you”
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