The Wedding!
Hollie was jumping for joy because it was the best day of her life:I can't believe it's happening! I'm going to be marrying the man of my dreams!
Hizashi is in a dressing room with Shota:Does this look good enough? Shota! My man! Listen to me!
Shota looks up at him and back down at his phone:Yea, it looks great.
Hizashi rolls his eyes as he ties his hair back in a tight pony tail:Well, we should get out there before she does!
Shota gets up and follows him out:You seem happy but also really tense, everything okay?
Hizashi starts shaking as he walks into the hall:What if she didn't come? I'll die for sure! She means everything to me!
Shota reassures him as they walk up to the priest:She's here and you know that. She wouldn't miss this for the world.
Nemuri was doing Hollies make-up and hair:You look so beautiful, if you weren't taken, I'd hit on you!
Hollie laughs a little as she checks the time:We've only got an hour left!
Nemuri rolls her eyes at her:You'll be ready! We're almost done!
Hollie stands up and fixes her dress:I hope he likes this! He means everything to me!
Nemuri finishes by putting a nice final touch:You can keep this hair piece! I'm not gonna be getting married so you can have it!
Hollie hugs her tightly and hears her que:Alright! Let's do this! But what if he didn't show up!?
Nemuri pushes Hollie along:He's here! Trust me!
Hollie is standing at the open doors and All Might comes up to her:Hey! Thanks again for agreeing to walking me down the aisle.
All Might nods as they start walking:It is your big day! You should be happy about everything!
Hizashi is blushing like crazy as Hollie walks up to him:My lil Birdy, you look so fucking beautiful!
Hollie hands Hizashi's hand and gets into position:Language! There are children here!
Hizashi gives a cheeky smile as the priest starts:You know me so well!
The priest hushes Hizashi:Do you Hizashi Yamada, take Hollie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?
Hizashi smiles at Hollie:I do!
The priest looks at Hollie:And you?
Hollie has some tears forming in her eyes:I do!
The priest bows his head:If anyone thinks that these two can not be married, speak or forever hold your peace! You may now kiss the bride.
Hizashi flips up the vale and wraps his arms around her waist:I love you, lil Birdy!
Hollie reaches her arms up and wraps them around his neck:I love you too, Hizashi!
Hizashi leans in and kisses her passionately:Your so enchanting, Hollie Yamada!
Hollie blushes a bright red as they walk out of the hall and into another hall:Same to you, Love!
Hizashi pulls out her chair and pushes it back in:Comfy, lil Birdy?
Hollie smiles at him as he sits down:Of course! Everyday with you is always special!
Shota makes a toast:What can I say? These two have been chasing each other around forever! I'm only teasing but I can see that you two really love each other and I hope the best for you!
Nemuri goes up next:Hizashi? Be nice to that girl! She's quite the catch! Real shame you got to her before I did! But, all jokes aside, I hope you two live happily together!
Everyone starts eating:Lil Birdy? You seem like your on edge, you okay? We can go now if the crowd is too much.
Hollie shakes her head at him and stands up:I'm okay, I'm just very happy! Oh! I love this song! Let's dance!
Hizashi follows her onto the dance floor:This is your favorite, huh? Good thing I requested it then!
They start slow dancing as the cake comes out:Lil Birdy? Stop dancing or keep going?
Hollie stomps her foot:We'll dance first! Then cake!
Hizashi gently cups her face and kisses her forehead:Your so cute! I love it when you get all flustered!
The music stops and everyone goes back to their seats:time to cut the cake!
Hizashi places his hand on Hollies as they cut the cake:Looks so good! Hey! No fair!
Hollie laughs at him but gets cake shoved into her face as well:Hey! Hizashi! This is war!
Hizashi grabs her chin while he bites his bottom lip:We can fight this out later, in bed.
Hollie quickly stops and starts to eat her cake with a bright red face:Damn you.
Shota walks up to them:Congratz you two, I'm really happy for you.
Hizashi bumps his arm:Maybe you can find a woman?
Shota rolls his eyes as he walks away:Idiot!
Some time passes and the limo shows up:You got us a freaking limo!? Jesus! How much did that thing cost!?
Hizashi rubs Hollies back as he smiles at her:No price is too high for you, My lil Birdy!
Hollie walks up to the limo and Hizashi opens the door:Thank you, Love!
Hizashi sits down next to her and closes the door:Ready?
Hollie nods at him as the limo driver starts driving:Sure am!
Hizashi picks up a red rose and hands it to her:I hope you like it, I've got more, it's just for later.
Hollie takes in the flowers scent:Mmmm, smells so good! Thank you!
The limo driver stops at a famous couples hotel in the heart of, Tokyo:Enjoy your time!
Hizashi opens the door and helps Hollie out:Here we are!
Hollies jaw drops as she looks up:This place is like 2,000 a night! How many nights are we staying here!?
Hizashi chuckles as they walk in:3 nights!
They walk up to the counter:Your room is all ready for you, Mr. Yamada!
Hizashi takes Hollies hand and walks to the room:I promise to be gentle with you, lil Birdy.
Hollie quickly looks at him but he just opens the door and scoops her up:Hizashi! Is this really necessary!?
Hizashi nods at her:It is! It's a mans job to make sure that his wife is happy!
Hollie notices a bunch of rose pedals scattered all over the bed and a bottle of wine near the bed:Damn, you went all out, huh?
Hizashi lays her down on the bed and lets his hair down:Only for you, lil Birdy.
Hollie swallows hard as Hizashi starts undressing slowly:Hot dayum, keep going.
Hizashi sticks his tongue out as he slips out of his shirt:Like what you see, Hmmm?
Hollies face becomes even more red as he unbuckles his belt and lets his pants drop to the floor:Oh my god, yes! Your body is so fine!
Hizashi slips one finger under his waist band to tease her:Wanna see? Hmmm?
Hollie is biting her bottom lip as the silky boxers comes off:Yes, please!
Hizashi lets them hit the floor and crawls up onto the bed:Now it's your turn, lay back for me.
Hollie does as Hizashi said to and her face flushes a deep red as he goes for her zipper on the side of her dress:Hizashi? I hope you like my body.
Hizashi licks his lips as he pulls the dress off:Of course! Wait a minute, is that, put your hands up radio underwear!? My lil Birdy loves me that much!
Hollie covers her eyes in embarrassment:Don't look at me like that!
Hizashi grabs the waist band of her underwear with his teeth and pulls down:Such a pretty pussy, lil Birdy. Mind if I lick it?
Hollie quickly nods but she's covering her eyes:Please! I need it!
Hizashi tosses her underwear to the floor and spreads her pussy open:Looks so tasty! Don't mind if I do!
Hollie throws her head back as Hizashi pushes his tongue inside her:Hizashi! Fuck, yea! Don't stop!
Hizashi feels her start to twitch so he takes his tongue out and starts flicking her clit with it instead:That's right, cum for me, lil Birdy!
Hollie tenses up as she squirts all over his face:HIZASHI!!!
Hizashi licks his lips as he sits back:Want to return the favor?
Hollie gathers her thoughts and gets on her knees:Of course, Love!
Hizashi places his hand on the back of her head:Milk me dry, lil Birdy.
Hollie wraps her mouth around his dick and starts sucking hard:Oh, fuck yea! Deepthroat it for me!
Hizashi watches her go all the way down and starts gagging:Yea, that's right! Choke on my big cock!
Hollies eyes were rolling back as he tensed up:Gonna swallow for me?
Hizashi forces her head down hard as he released his load:FUCK!!! YEAH!!! NGH!!!
Hollies manages to swallow it all but suddenly, Hizashi moved between her legs and lifted them up:Hizashi? What're you- ah!
Hizashi rubs against her entrance slowly:Ready for me?
Hollie nods at him but quickly shuts her eyes as he eases into her:Ah, fuck! Your so big! It hurts a little!
Hizashi places sweet and gentle kisses on her forehead as he bottoms out in her:So tight! I still can't believe that you were saving yourself for me, lil Birdy!
Hollie opens her eyes and finds Hizashi face to face with her:So close!
Hizashi chuckles a little as he starts moving slowly to let her adjust:Does it feel good?
Hollie nods at him and looks into his bright green eyes:Yes, go faster! Please!
Hizashi places her legs on his shoulders and starts thrusting his hips faster:Fuck! Your pussy feels so fucking good!
Hollie covers her eyes again as he speeds up:This is too much!
Hizashi Grabs her wrists and pins them down:Look at me when I fuck you, lil Birdy.
Hollie is on the edge so she wrap her arms and legs around him tightly:Hizashi! I can't- ah!
Hizashi knows exactly what's going on:Yea? Cum for me, lil Birdy!
Hollie clamps down on him so hard that he releases his load deep inside her:HIZASHI!!! FUCK!!!
Hizashi slowly pulls out and falls down next to her:Damn, I'm beat! How was your first time?
Hollie smiles at him and cuddles close:Amazing!
Hizashi kisses her forehead as they drift off to sleep:Goodnight, lil Birdy.
Hollie kisses him back:Goodnight, Love.
Little extra bit for ya!
Hollie walks into their bedroom:I'm pregnant, Hizashi.
Hizashi jumps up and down in joy:Yay! I'm gonna be a dad!
Hollie squeaks as Hizashi scoops her up and starts attacking her with kisses:Hizashi!
Hizashi puts her down and kisses her stomach:What? I'm just so happy!
Hollie rolls her eyes at him:Yea, I know. Me too!
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Fanfic Idea!
I'll be posting fanfic here but which one?
1 - EraserMic
2 - EraserMic + Self-Insert
3 - Mic + Self-Insert
4 - Shota + Self-Insert
Let me know which one I should start! Don't be shy! Until next time my wonderful listeners!
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Shota Aizawa And Cuddle Time
Me wakes up from sweating:Daddy? You awake?
Shota pretends to be sleeping by fake snoring:Noooooooo.
Me calling him on his BS:Shota! I know when your faking it! We've been together how long!?
Shota turns over as Hizashi walks in:Your giving me my cuddles first.
Me looking at Hizashi for help:Master? Help me? Please?
Hizashi peeks at us and turns around:Nope! Your problem!
Shota gives an evil chuckle as he wraps his legs around me:Gotcha, bitch!
Me gasping for air as Hizashi is sitting at our desk:Hizashi? I trusted you! How could you do this to me!?
Hizashi spins around with a evil grin:Because! You look so damn cute like that! Being held down!
Shota starts nibbling on my ear:So sensitive, maybe I'll go down to your neck and bite down.
Me squeaked as Shota bite down on my neck:Ahhh!! Daddy!
Hizashi spins around again and walks up to the bed while he's unbuckling his belt:Let's have some fun!
Shota nods at him as he releases me and starts undressing me:Agreed, I'm very horny this morning.
Me swallowing hard as they both have hunger in their eyes:Oh no, help me.
They both grin at me:No one can save you now.
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Hizashi Yamada is so sweet!
Me sitting at my desk, all stressed:Damn this! I'll never get done!
Hizashi walks up behind me and hugs me:My pet? You really should go and lay down. You can finish that tomorrow, you know?
Me rubbing my eyes as he turns my chair around:But, Master! I need to finish this tonight!
Hizashi rolls his eyes at me:You could finish that or you could let me finish you? Hint, hint.
Me starts laughing as he scoops me up:Hizashi? I can walk, you know!
Hizashi shakes his head at me:Nope! Your 3 months pregnant and I'm not hearing that BS!
Me gives in as he lays me down on our bed and grabs the lotion:Fancy! Gonna give me a full body massage?
Hizashi nods at me as he sits down:Yup! Anything for my sweet heart! I love you so much!
Me rolling my eyes as he starts massaging:Your such a dork! But your my dork! I love you so much too!
Hizashi kisses my forehead as he places an ear on my stomach:You better believe it! I can't wait to meet this little one!
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