2 posts
hello i write about genshin rarepairs stick around if you’re interested!
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yakult0 · 4 years ago
Title: The act of being in love
Pair/s: 4nemo! (headcanons)
In which 4nemo is in a poly relationship and they go through their morning chaos @(・●・)@
this will probably be a series!
•Aether is the first one to wake up and it’s practically a struggle to get out of bed
•There’s always a foot on his face or someone is literally laying on him, no in between
•When he does get out of bed tho he makes breakfast for everyone!
•The next is venti who acts like a five year old and demands kisses
•“gib me a lil kith aether”
•He won’t stop nagging until he gets them (Aether secretly loves it)
•After that venti will go bother xiao and try to wake him up
•Of course xiao isn’t a morning person, he’ll try to push venti away but of course that doesn’t work
•In the end venti will always succeed because he’s a little shit ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
•Kazuha is always the one who’s up late
•(Because he stays up all night playing video games or watching the office)
•It’s hard to wake him up especially if they need to leave early for practice or they have a show
•When they all wake up it’s like every Asian family trying to get to the airport 6 hours early
•Xiao and Kazuha are fighting over who gets to use the bathroom first and they’re like trying to push each other away from the bathroom door
•“I got to the door first, Move!” “I’m the one who got in first! So you move!”
•Venti is just hollering at something on the tv or his phone or playing loud music even tho it’s 8 am
•omeone save Aether from this chaos
•Somehow someone threw smth and now there’s a flying shoe idk
•When they all settle down, they’ll eat breakfast together
•They all help each other get ready for work tho
•They will all most likely forget a lot of things and have to keep going back inside the house before they actually leave for work
•“Wait I forgot my phone”
•“Aether did you bring your laptop??”
•“Guys I think we forgot to bring my wallet!”
•“Where’s the house keys?!”
•All in all they’re a happy family
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yakult0 · 4 years ago
Title: on rainy days
RarePair: Kazuha and Xiao
warning: none!
ambiguous ending!
Rain. Kazuha loved the rain. It made him calm and at peace with himself, the soft drizzling that padded on the grass, and the way it smelled made him feel like he was home again.
But right now that was not the case.
“Goddamit!” The poor boy exclaimed as he ran, almost slipping due to the mud. He prayed to the archons to stop pulling at his leg as dozens of hilluchurls chased after him with their weapons. Any day he would have fought against them, but unfortunately, he was already severely injured due to another gang of monsters.
Thunder boomed and the harsh weather made it difficult to see, he cursed as his sense of direction disappeared. But it seemed the gods had finally blessed him as he saw a cliff, immediately he made a dash for it and was successful as his gliders opened.
Kazuha sighed in relief, as the clouds started to clear he could see a building in the distance.
“Oh I never thought I’d be this glad to see wangshu inn” he said with a grin. As he slowly glided down to the balcony. He patted down his clothes and stretched his arms.
“Who are you?”
He turned his attention to the new voice. Another boy his height stood not too far away from him, with short dark hair and teal highlights.
‘Pretty..’ Kazuha thought, as he stared. The boy seemed to be confused and tilted his head.
“Ah! I’m kazuha, just a guest here!” He exclaimed, chuckling nervously. The other nods his head. “The owners are away, gathering supplies not too far, they’ll be back soon” he replied. Kazuha nodded in return.
“I see...so then..uh, what’s your name?” He smiled. The other’s frown seemed to deepen at the question. “Xiao” Replied, in a blunt tone. This time, Kazuha frowned on his own. Walking closer and standing next to him.
“Not much of a talker, huh?” Kazuha asked. Leaning on the railing of the balcony, Xiao shakes his head. “It’d be pointless to talk, it’s not like we will see each other again”
“You may think that but what if I want to get to know you better?” Kazuha replied, stubbornly.
Xiao stared in confusion once again. Get to know each other? It seemed pretty pointless. But as he continued to look at the other boy, his worry’s seemed to fade little by little as he relaxed his shoulders.
“Don’t get too comfy”
Kazuha grinned. Excited for his newfound friendship that’ll maybe blossom into something more.
I apologize for any grammar mistakes! English isnt my first language ;;;
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