yainejaine · 6 years
Being aware doesn't help
I feel like my anxiety is killing me slowly, I’m getting less good days and I’m starting to feel like I’m not really here
It’s horrible that I can’t even make a call to order take out, or that I would rather not buy anything somewhere if that means I would have to ask someone for help or ever order food.
I’m talking less to my friends because I feel like I’m nothing, unimportant and not enough for their time
I feel like I don’t belong anywhere because I see people enjoying life and idk talking to each other and singing out loud and going places, it took me a whole month to adapt in my new work place but I see the new guys adapting in a day or two and I feel like a freak!
And I wonder how would it be like to live without anxiety? I bet it’s awesome to not have anxiety attacks daily over such stupid things like “I didn’t say good bye to my boss! Oh no she must think I’m rude and she will think less of me and she is gonna fire me!”
And damn, even if i am aware that this horrible anxiety I get is unfounded and that everything will be alright, i still can’t help but panic and I feel like I’m suffocating and I hate it.
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yainejaine · 7 years
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Decided to design some Poké Balls for practice, quite happy with how they turned out! 
EDIT: Idk why is the image so blur ugh. 
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yainejaine · 7 years
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This poor dude is waiting for his date for the prom unknowing he is being watched by the crew of a hit TV show
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yainejaine · 7 years
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Not out of context, but can I just say that this type of behavior is not okay! When I heard about the cast change, I knew people were posting hate comments on social media. The fact that they actually addressed it on the show is even more embarrassing. It’s understandable if you’re upset about the casting change. Hey I was apprehensive about it too. The cast have been together for so long. Having new people on the show is gonna change things. 
But even if you’re upset, don’t leave mean comments on the cast’s social media! It’s rude! Look at what Sechan said. He’s not good at English, but he knows enough to realize what a hate comment is. On the show, they were laughing about it but it’s still upsetting to read mean comments when all you did was sign up for a show.  
What’s worse is that it’s so called “fans” who are writing these comments. I guess these people think that they’re protecting the original members by hating on the new members. But you know what? The original cast have totally embraced Sechan and Somin. Do you really think they like seeing people hate on their new cast mates? You don’t have to like the new members but at least have some respect and don’t leave hate comments on their SNS. 
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yainejaine · 8 years
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How to Feel Better Each Day
Written by Emma, Photography by Isabella
Life gets hard, and sometimes I wish there was a way to pause it and go back in time to when I was happier but unfortunately life doesn’t work like that so I have to figure out other ways to deal with it. Small changes in your everyday life can add up to big improvements over time, simple things, that don’t even require a huge lifestyle change.
Keep reading
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yainejaine · 8 years
when will tumblr give us color coded text i wanna talk shit in pink
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yainejaine · 8 years
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Vegeta is 6 million times a better dad and husband than Goku will ever be
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yainejaine · 8 years
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yainejaine · 8 years
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yainejaine · 8 years
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We’re together again after a long time.
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yainejaine · 8 years
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Anxiety and depression. 
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yainejaine · 8 years
the worst part of any kitchen is that one lower cabinet that’s just a terrifying precarious loud pile of baking pans
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yainejaine · 8 years
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yainejaine · 8 years
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Boyfriend Tips from Kang Gary.
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yainejaine · 8 years
Sports anime requirements:
-manager(s) must be female -awesome third years -dorky second years -sports prodigy that looks like haru
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yainejaine · 8 years
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yainejaine · 8 years
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