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in recognition of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21
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Something something about like. Russell T Davies lost his husband in the time between his runs as Doctor Who showrunner. About how he said if he had a time machine he says he would go back to the night he first met him. About how joy is about having enough time to spend with the people you love. And about how while RTD can't have that for himself he can give that relief of grief to The Doctor.
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I'm really confused about something and was hoping you would explain it to me. I see people loving that Dean's siren was a man and people say that's proof Dean wants to be with a man. Now I am Team Bisexual!Dean all day but the siren himself said that what Dean wanted "wasn't some bitch in a g-string, it was you. A little brother who looks up to him. Someone he can trust." These are the actual words he uses. I don't understand why people say that means Dean wants a man. Pray explain?
Ahh, nonny! Thanks for asking :)
When it comes to evidence of Dean’s bisexuality, his siren being a man is not—in my opinion—the most convincing of arguments. This is mainly because the true nature of sirens in the Supernatural universe a little muddy.If they do shift between wanting different kinds of love, as the dialogue implies, then it doesn’t serve to prove anything about Dean’s sexuality. If, on the other hand, they are only interested in eros, as the action implies, then it’s another story altogether.
Regardless of which is accurate, I do still think it counts for something when added to the overwhelming number of hints throughout the seasons, but used as a sole piece of evidence I don’t think it’s enough.
That said, there are three main reasons that I can see why someone would consider the siren’s male form as “proof” that Dean is interested in men.
Narrative structure In the context of season four, Dean and Nick were a clear mirror for Sam and Ruby. The episode in question (Sex and Violence, 4.14) comes at a point in the overall narrative where Sam is being manipulated by Ruby.Throughout season four, Sam ingests Ruby’s blood, and the connection he forms with her through this act results in a sexual relationship which she uses to manipulate him further. In Sex and Violence, Dean ingests Nick’s venom, and the connection he forms with him through this act results in a relationship which Nick uses to manipulate him further. The only thing that appears different on the surface level is that Sam and Ruby’s relationship was explicitly sexual/romantic, while Dean and Nick’s was implicitly sexual/romantic.
In-show mythology / Dean’s horrible upbringingAccording to the mythology we learn at the beginning of the episode, sirens are beings who crave love—specifically, eros.We are told that the siren learned what it’s victims desired most in a lover, and then embodied those traits in order to manipulate and control them, using it’s venom as the catalyst.The information Sam and Dean got from Bobby about Sirens resulted in this conversation:
DEANSo whatever floats the guy’s boat, that’s what they look like?SAMYeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion.
We learn that the siren seduced it’s first three victims by appearing to them in the form of their perfect romantic partner, and after they had fallen in love with the illusion, it convinced them to murder their wives. The fourth victim was different only in that he was unmarried and instead murdered his mother.In each case, the siren appealed to it’s victims by appearing in the form of someone who they not only lusted after, but fell in love with. This was it’s MO. It wanted, as it said later in the episode, to “fall in love again and again and again.” So, going by all the information up until the last few moments of the episode, the kind of love it craved was eros—not philia, not storge, not agape, but eros. Romantic love.All the in-show mythology researched by Bobby and the brothers, and what we saw in the Siren’s seduction of it’s other victims tells us this. The only time it switches to a familial, platonic form of love is in dialogue with Dean. Despite this, the siren’s actions, as actor Jim Parrack mentioned in this interview about playing the character, still created “some kind of sexual tension” with Dean. Why did the siren’s dialogue differ from it’s actions? Because Dean is damaged. Horribly so. From a young age Dean was taught that the only attachments he should have are to those he can trust, and the only people he can trust are his family. Their life on the road forced this to an extreme, and for at least the first 24 years of his life Dean only knew familial love.The only time he allowed himself to entertain the notion of another kind of love ended horribly—at around age 24 when he told Cassie Robinson about the true nature of the things that go bump in the night. This only reinforced the idea that he could not trust anyone who wasn’t family. So, at this point in the show, the only person Dean had ever trusted and who had also respected him was his brother. The siren told Dean he would replace his brother because it knew that it was the only way to gain Dean’s trust, and without trust and mutual respect you cannot have love.

Dean’s interaction with NickThe final reason is all to do with body language. Their interaction at the strip club is more than a little flirtatious.Complete with the heart eyes—more commonly seen when Dean is staring at Cas or Lisa or Dr. Sexy—that are very much aimed at the dude-shaped siren.Then there’s the fact that this scene happened before Dean came into contact with the siren’s venom. Those were legit heart eyes. That was legit flirting. The siren saw Dean. The siren knew that what Dean desired was a clean-cut, blue-eyed man in a position of power with an interest in cars, who would show him respect and share a few drinks with him, and it became that guy so that Dean would let it get it’s gross venomy saliva all up in his mouth. No but seriously, if Dean hadn’t conveniently offered the siren his flask (which was pretty damn intimate considering he barely knew the guy) I can’t help but wonder what else the siren had been planning to do to get him good and poisoned. Call me crazy but I’m guessing it involved a touch of the ol’ tonsil hockey.
[screencaps taken from homeofthenutty]
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Dean Winchester is the definition of “bury your gays” and here’s why: Dean Winchester’s story isn’t just a character that wanted to be queer, but a character that demanded it. From the very first season it was obvious that his hyper-masculinity was overcompensation, it wasn’t something you had to read into, it was textual!
Because of dean’s inherent queerness supernatural has no choice but to kill him off if they didn’t want to make him gay, and that is their own fault, from the very first episode with castiel it was clear there was something between the two of them. They wouldn’t have been able to give him a random woman love interest because there was too much chemistry between him and cas that it wouldn’t have made since with the story. But they didn’t want to make him gay either, so their only other choice was kill him.
The only thing that would’ve made since for him if he stayed alive was to spend the rest of his life trying to find a way to save cas, because in the past when cas died dean lost all hope, he developed a death with that only went away when he got cas back.
On top of that as well, dean is what broke cas out of Naomi’s mind control, if that was heterosexual there would be no denying the connection they have just by that alone.
Not to mention all the parallels of canon romantic relationships such as Cain and collette, Sam and Jess, John and Mary, and so many others. Specifically with Cain and collette they purposely paralleled that relationship and chose to make it romantic rather than brotherly ON PURPOSE. They could’ve chose to parallel cas with able, but instead they chose collette and they CHOSE for Cain to tell Dean “And then you’d kill the angel, Castiel. Now that one, that I suspect would hurt something awful.” That was a choice, they didn’t have to do that.
Even when the mark takes dean over the only person he can’t truly hurt is cas
Jack is cas’s son but when dean told cas to stay back, he did
Sam is dean’s brother but when cas told him to stay back, he did
He was willing to KILL SAM in the finale just to get cas back, he was willing to DIE HIMSELF to get cas back.
Every single thing they did was intentional, so why was it so queer if they weren’t going to make dean queer? That’s called queer bating! The thing is, no matter if they writers were planning it or not, dean Winchester Is queer, and he demanded to be.
Cas was the love of dean’s life and that was proven when Luci used cas for dean to open the door, Lucifer uses your love to get to you, that was intentional. They chose to do these things, they don’t just happen.
Dean Winchester is the definition of bury the gays because he is gay and the cw refused to accept it so much that they would rather kill him.
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I spent the night making a Listening Guide for the 8th Doctor for my partner, and figured I would share. I made it as a checklist in iOS. The numbers/abbreviations are connected to my Plex Audiobook server so might not line up with the names/numbering of the official releases.
8th Doctor Order
Charley Era
Main Range
- [ ] 16 - Storm Warning
- [ ] 17 - Sword of Orion
- [ ] 18 - Stones of Venice
- [ ] 19 - Minuet in hell
- [ ] 28 - invaders from mars
- [ ] 29 - Chimes of Midnight (Christmas Special!)
- [ ] 30 - Seasons of Fear
- [ ] 31 - Embrace the Darkness
- [ ] 32 - The Time of the Daleks
- [ ] 33 - Neverland
- [ ] 50 - Zagreus (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 52 - Scherzo (best one bring tissue)
- [ ] 53 - Creed of the Kromon (new companion!)
- [ ] 54 - The Natural History of Fear
- [ ] 55 - The Twilight Kingdom
- [ ] 61 - Faith Stealer
- [ ] 62 - The Last
- [ ] 63 - Caerdroia
- [ ] 64 - The Next Life (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 72 - Terror Firma
- [ ] 75 - Scaredy Cat
- [ ] 77 - Other Lives
- [ ] 80 - Time Works
- [ ] 83 - Something Inside
- [ ] 88 - Memory Lane
- [ ] 101 - Absolution
- [ ] 103 - The Girl that Never Was (Season Finale. End of Era.)
Charley Era Bonus content:
Charley is a fan favorite so she has a whole bunch of side content compared to the other eras.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] CPFA1.01 The Mummy Speaks
- [ ] CPFA1.02 Eclipse
- [ ] CPFA1.03 The Slaying of the Writhing Mass
- [ ] CPFA1.04 Heart of Orion
- [ ] 8DA1.00 Living Legend
These are Charley stories made after the end of Charley’s era. Charlotte Pollard the Further Adventuress is brand new. Living Legend was like a year after she left (don’t fact check me)
Main Range
- [ ] 111 - The Doomwood Curse
- [ ] 114 - Brotherhood of the Daleks
- [ ] 116 - The Raincloud Man
- [ ] 124 - Patient Zero
- [ ] 125 - Paper Cuts
- [ ] 126 - Blue Forgotten Planet
This resolves the charley cliffhanger. She travels with the Sixth Doctor for some timey wimey further pissing off of the web of time. If you still don’t have enough Charley she has her own series that follows after her adventures with Sixie.
Main Range
- [ ] 123 - The Company of Friends
- [ ] 153 - The Silver Turk
- [ ] 154 - The Witch from the Well
- [ ] 155 - Army of Death
Eighth doctor in the main range without Charley. 123 is with his comic/book companions. The others are the Mary Shelly companion stories! Fun fact he mentions these travels as just happening in Storm Warning so they are a direct prequel.
Main Range
- [ ] 100 - 100 (technically only in part 4)
- [ ] 275 - End of The Beginning
One offs
- [ ] The Light At The End (50th anniv special)
The Legacy of Time
- [ ] 1 Lies in Ruins
- [ ] 2 The Split Infinitive
- [ ] 3 The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- [ ] 4 Relative Time
- [ ] 5 The avenues of Possibility
- [ ] 6 Collision Course
This chunk is all big anniversary cross overs that feature charley. Some with 6. Some with 8.
Companion Chronicles
- [ ] 4.12 Solitaire
Short Trips
- [ ] 2.8 Letting Go
- [ ] 5.8 Foreshadowing
- [ ] 6.11 The Man Who Wasn’t There
- [ ] 9.11 Hall of the Ten Thousand
- [ ] 10.8 These Stolen Hours
Classic Doctors, New Monsters
- [ ] 3.4 If I should die before I wake
This last selection is all small short stories that take place during the Charley Era.
Lucie Era
Eighth Doctor Adventures
8DA Season 1
- [ ] 1, 2 Blood of the Daleks
- [ ] 3 Horror of Glam Rock
- [ ] 4 Immortal Beloved
- [ ] 5 Phobos
- [ ] 6 No More Lies
- [ ] 7, 8 Human Resources
8DA Season 2
- [ ] 1 Dead London
- [ ] 2 Max Warp
- [ ] 3 Brave New Town
- [ ] 4 The Skull of Sobek
- [ ] 5 Grand Theft Cosmos
- [ ] 6 The Zygon that Fell to Earth
- [ ] 7 Sisters of the Flame
- [ ] 8 Vengeance of Morbius
8DA Season 3
- [ ] 1 Orbis
- [ ] 2 Hothouse
- [ ] 3 Beast of Orlock
- [ ] 4 Wirrn Dawn
- [ ] 5 Scapegoat
- [ ] 6 The Cannibalists
- [ ] 7 The Eight Truths
- [ ] 8 Worldwide Web
8DA Season 4
- [ ] 1 Death in Blackpool
- [ ] 2 Situation Vacant
- [ ] 3 Nevermore
- [ ] 4 The Book of Kells
- [ ] 5 Deimos
- [ ] 6 The Resurrection of Mars
- [ ] 7 Relative Dimensions
- [ ] 7b An Earthly Child
- [ ] 8 Prisoner of the Sun
- [ ] 9 Lucie Miller
- [ ] 10 To the Death (end of the Era)
Lucie Era Bonus
8DA Season 5
- [ ] 1 The Dalek Trap
- [ ] 2 The Revolution Game
- [ ] 3 The House on the Edge of Chaos
- [ ] 4 Island of the Fendahl
This season is technically not an 8DA release but is called “the further adventures of Lucie miller” and takes place before Human Resources. But I wouldn’t slot it there, and instead just listen as a bonus.
Short Trips
- [ ] 3.8 All the fun of the Fair
- [ ] 6.4 The Curse of the Fugue
- [ ] ST7.7 Flashpoint
- [ ] SST 2014-06 Late Night Shopping
- [ ] SST 2013-03 the Young Lions
- [ ] SST 2015-12 The Caves of Erith
Liv and Helen Era
Yes technically this was the Molly era but she got too famous between dark eyes part 1 and 2 so it’s really Liv’s Era, and Helen joins soon after. This era is a string of box sets so basically just Dark Eyes >Doom Coalition >Ravenous > Stranded, but what follows is a checklist so you can keep track.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Dark Eyes
- [ ] 1.1 The Great War
- [ ] 1.2 Fugutives
- [ ] 1.3 Tangled Web
- [ ] 1.4 X and the Daleks
- [ ] 2.1 The Traitor
- [ ] 2.2 The White Room
- [ ] 2.3 Time’s Horizon (Hello Liv!)
- [ ] 2.4 Eyes of the Master
- [ ] 3.1 The Death of Hope
- [ ] 3.2 The Reviled
- [ ] 3.3 Masterplan
- [ ] 3.4 Rule of the Eminence
- [ ] 4.1 A Life in the Day
- [ ] 4.2 The Monster of Monmarte
- [ ] 4.3 Master of the Daleks
- [ ] 4.4 Eye of Darkness
Doom Coalition
- [ ] 1.1 The Eleven
- [ ] 1.2 The Red Lady
- [ ] 1.3 The Galileo Trap
- [ ] 1.4 The Satanic Mill
- [ ] 2.1 Beachhead Track
- [ ] 2.2 Scenes from Her Life
- [ ] 2.3 The Gift
- [ ] 2.4 The Sonomancer
- [ ] 3.1 Absent Friends
- [ ] 3.2 The Eighth Piece
- [ ] 3.3 The Doomsday Chronometer
- [ ] 3.4 The Crucible of Souls
- [ ] 4.1 Ship in a Bottle
- [ ] 4.2 Songs of Love
- [ ] 4.3 The Side of the Angels
- [ ] 4.4 Stop the Clock
- [ ] 1.1 Their Finest Hour
- [ ] 1.2 How to make a Killing in Time Travel
- [ ] 1.3 World of Damnation
- [ ] 1.4 Sweet Salvation
- [ ] 2.1 Escape from Kaldor
- [ ] 2.2 Better Watch Out
- [ ] 2.3 Fairytale of Salzburg (Another Christmas Special)
- [ ] 2.4 Seizure
- [ ] 3.1 Deeptime Frontier
- [ ] 3.2 Companion Piece***** See Below
- [ ] 3.3 LEGEND
- [ ] 3.4 The Odds Against
- [ ] 4.1 Whisper
- [ ] 4.2 Planet of Dust
- [ ] 4.3 Day of the Master 1
- [ ] 4.4 Day of the Master 2
I highly recommend skipping to the Bliss Era before Companion Piece. They were released simultaneously and have a crossover in companion piece and it makes it better. But you could always “Spoilers sweetie” and find it out later.
- [ ] 1.1 Lost Property
- [ ] 1.2 Wild Animals
- [ ] 1.3 Must-See TV
- [ ] 1.4 Divine Intervention
- [ ] 2.1 Dead Time
- [ ] 2.2 Unit Dating
- [ ] 2.3 Baker Street Irregulars
- [ ] 2.4 The Long Way Round
- [ ] 3.1 Patience
- [ ] 3.2 Twisted Folklore
- [ ] 3.3 Snow
- [ ] 3.4 What Just Happened
- [ ] 4.1 Crossed Lines
- [ ] 4.2 Get Andy
- [ ] 4.3 The Keys of Baker Street
- [ ] 4.4 Best Year Ever
Liv and Helen continue into What Lies Inside and Connections, but I don’t have it yet so I don’t know the episode names.
Liv Era Bonus Content
Main Range
- [ ] 149. Robophobia
Liv was actually an almost-companion for the 7th doctor. She told him no, and kicked herself until the 8th Doctor showed back up.
The Robots
Liv’s Spin off. Takes place during Ravenous 2 when the doctor has to leave her for a year. I haven’t listened yet so I don’t know the titles but there are 6 seasons of 3 episodes
Ninth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] 2.3 Hidden Depths
Crossover with the Ninth Doctor Range.
Short Trips
- [ ] 7.1 The World Beyond the Trees
Bliss Era
Aka the Time War! Can technically be listened to whenever because it doesn’t directly reference things but it’s best after Doom Coalition, but Before Ravenous.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Time War
- [ ] 1.1 The Starship of Theseus
- [ ] 1.2 Echoes of War
- [ ] 1.3 The Conscript
- [ ] 1.4 One Life
- [ ] 2.1 The Lords of Terror
- [ ] 2.2 Planet of the Ogrons
- [ ] 2.3 In the Garden of Death
- [ ] 2.4 Jonah
- [ ] 3.1 State of Bliss
- [ ] 3.2 The Famished Lands
- [ ] 3.3 Fugutive in Time
- [ ] 3.4 The War Valeyard
- [ ] 4.1 Palindrome 1
- [ ] 4.2 Palindrome 2
- [ ] 4.3 Dreadshade
- [ ] 4.4 Restoration of the Daleks
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Meet the cast of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary, coming November 2023.
David Tennant and Catherine Tate are joined by Yasmin Finney as Rose, Jacqueline King as Sylvia Noble, Karl Collins as Shaun Temple and Ruth Madeley as Shirley Anne Bingham!
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"Alicent is feeling very alone. She feels she doesn't have a real partner in her life, even her father. She feels her father has pushed her to the place she's in. And she can't hear her own voice. She can't feel her own heart beating. So when Rhaenyra enters, that's what she wants. She wants the love in her life, and it's a bit of a love story in a way, of these two women."
—Geeta Patel, Director of House of the Dragon, 1x08
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Worst Case vs. Best Case Scenarios by Karina Farek.
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My name is Oscar Isaac, but my full name is Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada. I said to Hollywood, you can pick two of these names. Guess what they went with, the white ones.
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Naomi Nagata’s messages to Camina Drummer
THE EXPANSE 6x01 X-Ray Bonus Content — Ankawala
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when people are like “oh so you’re just gonna judge someone for their political beliefs?” yes actually. I think someone’s values and opinions is a pretty reasonable thing to judge them for.
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