yaesaras · 2 years
born in the right generation (just old enough to completely ignore tiktok)
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yaesaras · 2 years
theres been a lot said about ei and scara being parallels to frankenstein and while i can see the reasoning behind that, i think it paints ei in an exaggeratedly bad light simply for the sake of,,, idk skrunkly man woobification? like the difference between ei and scara and frankenstein and the creature is admittedly small, but it matters because the difference between these situations isnt circumstances, its intention. i think we all need to step back for a second and take ourselves out of scara’s perspective, because like it or not he’s a unreliable narrator, and we need to see what ei was thinking when she created him, because ultimately her perspective matters too. the reason she isn’t frankenstein and the reason he isn’t the creature is because the point of frankenstein is to condemn victor for intentionally creating a life that he was unwilling to care for. ei did not intentionally give scara life, at least by her own definition of life. what ei was trying to do was create a glorified nuclear waste container – possibly one with the capacity to move and interact with others, but not alive in the same way robots and computers irl are not alive. she accidentally ended up creating a living being, with the capacity to care about itself and with the capacity to feel emotion, and when she realised this she stopped experimenting on him. i feel like this is often glossed over in discussions of ei and scaramouche, but i want to highlight this because despite how scara feels about it, ei, once she saw that he was alive, did not attempt to harm him. it was miko who wanted him dead, not ei.
and as for her abandoning him, i’d make the argument that there… wasn’t really a better option? like what else did you want her to do? her options were: a) keep him and raise him, b) kill him, c) keep him, but dont bother to raise him, d) don’t seal his power and let him go, or e) what she did in canon – seal his powers and let him go. i think options b and c are both bad for obvious reasons, and i dont think d was viable in a situation where his powers may have allowed him to harm people. the only remaining option, if not e, is then option a. and idk about you but i dont think that giving a god who is struggling with grief and trying to avoid ruling her country a child to raise is remotely a good idea. and thats not even getting into her tendency to make impulse decisions and then stubbornly stick to them even when they cause harm to others. that environment would have been absolutely godawful for scara to grow up in, and thats not even getting into yae miko. further, even if she did raise him – there’s the issue of yk. ei going into the plane of euthymia. we can’t be certain that she would still go but like. she might! she absolutely might!! and i think that would again be fucking awful for scara to have to deal with, and while it might fix some of his abandonment issues,,,,,,, idk how you’re going to deal with all the other issues that would come from ei raising him.
i’d also make the argument that ei’s “abandonment” of scara is absolutely not the same as victor abandoning the creature – the biggest reason why being, once again, intention. i feel like when we get into discussions about fictional creation of life, a fair parallel to draw is the creation of life in the real world. victor intentionally created the creature to be a living being, over the course of several months, and when it came to life, he realised it was a mistake, and abandoned it. to me, at least, it seems aligned to someone who intentionally got pregnant, didn’t bother – for literal months – to think about the fact that they would have to take care of a child after it was born, and then when the child was born, decided that they didn’t like how it looked, and gave it away. ei, on the other hand, unintentionally created scara, and didn’t even realise that scara was alive, after which she decided she didn’t want to raise him, and left him. this is more paralleled to someone who unintentionally got pregnant, didn’t realise they were until they gave birth, and then decided they didn’t want a child and gave it away. the intention behind their actions makes a difference. i’m not going to pretend that ei is somehow not flawed or that she couldnt have handled that whole situation better but she’s not, you know. victor fucking frankenstein.
i understand and relate to the sympathy and empathy that a lot of people feel for scaramouche, and i even understand how he, as a character, sees ei as the villain in his story, but i feel like the genshin fandom really needs to stop and realise that they dont need to demonise one character in order to like another. you don’t need to demonise ei’s actions in relation to scara in order for scara’s emotions towards ei to be real and valid. if you want so badly for ei to be a bad person, there is literally so much you can talk about, including but not limited to: her actions during the archon war, the vision hunt and sakoku decrees, the way she treats the puppet, the way she treated miko post cataclysm, etc. there is no fucking shortage of things that ei has absolutely fucked up. however, getting mad at ei for *checks notes* not raising him when she was in an emotionally fucked up state that she might have compromised her ability to raise him is not remotely the argument you seem to think it is.
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yaesaras · 2 years
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yaesaras · 2 years
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Do it for the meme. http://blinkingguy.com
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yaesaras · 2 years
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yaesaras · 2 years
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Oof........ *I love her*
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yaesaras · 2 years
honestly i dislike how the emerites are lumped together so much… aren’t they supposed to consist of MANY different mercenary groups? all of which have separate goals, morals, and belief systems?
i mean, it’s not like the fatui, where they’re all united under a specific goal. most of them just seem like random people from the desert just trying to make a living (and tbh, most of the guards in the city sound absolutely miserable with their jobs. i mean just talk to some of the npcs and you’ll know what i’m saying…)
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yaesaras · 2 years
So, Dori: hybrid Arabian Nights and anti-Semitic stereotype. "Yay".
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The "amoral Mora-grubbing fiend" characterisation is so... how do I put this nicely?... uncritically Merchant of Venice-esque. The silver tongue, the love of Mora rivalling Ningguang's combined with the amoral black market implications... and yes the fact that she's short[1] and wears gaudy glasses and her attack animations have everyone else doing the work for her. It's not hard to see which body of tropes HYV drew upon here.
And where her characterisation differs from our other Mora-happy characters like NG and HT, it's mostly that the love for Mora is the core of her characterisation and there's not much else to see. It's not exactly a sympathetic depiction.
(And ofc, Dori isn't a particularly common Arabic name; Duriya is the more common form [2]. AFAICT, Dori is more commonly a Greek or... Hebrew name. Hahaha funny coincidence I'm sure)
And her Vision story completely contradicts her characterisation! The girl in the Vision story sees Mora as a means to an end: security, safety, being a provider, never having to worry. The Dori we see today seems to have an intrinsic Mora-lust. And even with a bit of having lost sight of her goal along the way (why hello there Electro Vision weirdness) that just seems... inconsistent. Like HYV realised they were writing a pure stereotype but decided to make an exception for her Vision story.
(I guess maybe you could say it's an act / a mask she wears? Not entirely convinced.)
Meanwhile, the rest of her design is shallow '1001 Nights' theming (actually, let's be real, it's basically Aladdin theming and that was added to the 1001 Nights during translation [3]). The unironic magic lamp trope, the puffy pants plus open navel, the bangles and hair accessories...
...at least she's not wearing a fez I guess? :S
There's not really an end point to this post. I'm just echoing the disappointment others have expressed in HYV's choosing to have this character design be a thing.
(Writing her into fic is stressing me out a lot right now etcetc. The various redesigns/art the fandom has made are cool at least, kudos to everyone doing that!)
[1] subjective headcanon, sure, but yes short adults exist and the way she's written and voice directed supports this.
The funding, construction and obvious non-newness of the Palace of Alcazarzaray puts a strict lower bound on how long she's had her Vision, and her existence as a business institution (the way that Ningguang is) doesn't happen overnight. Even with anime logic it's weird if Dori's been at this for a lot less time than Ningguang has; they're both supposedly business geniuses.
[2] see excellent discussion in the below link
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yaesaras · 2 years
overall, i think my least favorite part of the whole ei/puppet plotline is just how so much of the blame for the state of inazuma gets deflected back onto the raiden shogun instead of ei like… isn’t it implied/said at some point that everything she does is specifically a result of the way ei has ‘programmed’ her? and she doesn’t even seem to have enough control over herself to change if she wanted to (because you know, ei can control her settings). that’s why i’ll never understand why so many people love ei and hate the raiden shogun, i mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions about fictional characters but i really dislike the idea that the shogun is this evil clone version of ei… and i feel like labeling ei as Good and the shogun as Bad ends up becoming a huge disservice to both their characters tbh
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yaesaras · 2 years
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Anon asked for Winter Kaeya and iiii think is is the one they referred too, although I think this a little outdated now because I changed the shape of it later on my “snow”  comic, probably the same colours and such but maybe I will revisit it later
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yaesaras · 2 years
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surprisingly i dont actually have a lot of my kaejean stuff up on my blog so here’s some of the more recent ones? I have a lot of scraps and stuff idk i have a lot of thoughts about them <3 
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yaesaras · 2 years
i love you betrayals between people who still love each other i love you devotion to the point of destruction i love you selfish choices made in the name of love i love you devastating consequences of those choices
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yaesaras · 2 years
two ppl with shared history is the bestest most delicious compelling dynamic in the world... exes. old friends. childhood friends. old friends who are no longer friends. decade long slowburns. multi decade slowburns. etc
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yaesaras · 2 years
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She's too cute. I love her. Omg.
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yaesaras · 2 years
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some guy in the forest talks about plants at you for hours
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yaesaras · 2 years
Al Haitham this Al Haitham that YOU GUYS WHAT ABOUT DEHYA
She's literally so pretty and muscular and strong and she kept threatening to carry DUNYARZAD like a sack for potatoes like yes ma'am, please do that, I wanna see you flex your muscles and she's so... Fruity?!?! I thought she'd be more like Eula but turns out, she's a slightly less chaotic version of Beidou??? Plus literally one of the prettiest eyes in the game, plus she has abs!!!! They actually gave her abs and it's not a hc! I mean mist Genshin women obv have them I mean, Beidou, Jean, Eula, etc., But they actually put in the details! I just hope it would've more detailed, like Itto's ig
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yaesaras · 2 years
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Jean/Lisa week - historical AU, 1910′s ♥
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