yaaverageloser · 1 month
I embraced my inferior beta status fully and she loved me for it One time when I called her for another clap job, she texted me what kind of pants I love to see her in I spilled how much leggings makes me fucking hard thinking about it... which my pants bulged at that moment. After a while I heard my door knock and... I was greeted by such a sight, I bulged so hard at the sight of it. She bent over, that phat booty in them tight grey leggings. I didn't say anything, kept staring for about 15 seconds while she pretends to be picking something up or tying her shoes? I wasn't paying attention. I know she did that on purpose and yet she act like nothing weird happen, save for the smirk she gave after seeing my big bulge, which leaked pre cum.
This is the way: embracing your inferior beta status.
You don’t need to penetrate pussy for sex; you don’t deserve pussy.
Being a prejac beta who squirts too soon for superior women is our sex.
Your story reminds me of whenever I see my goddess walking around in her Lululemon leggings. How they squeeze her tight, perky ass and it just makes me desperately hard and weak for her.
All I want to do is rub my beta dick up and down her crack and spurt my loser cream pathetically fast!
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yaaverageloser · 1 month
Ooh Lululemon leggings! I should ask if she ca buy a pair, assuming they can fit due to her being so thicc. At first when I invited her in, I assume we'd get the quickie grind n bust thing going. Hell, why should I invite her in when it'll be seconds quick? She'd hump against me at the front door, and she'll be on her way. Instead, she wanted to watch a movie and she'll tend to my horny problem later. I held no objections as I played the movie she wanted and sat on my couch. Mind you, my big bulge was still there and the wet stain very noticeable in my white sweatpants Just then, she walked over and sat on my lap! She wasn't trying to get me off, it's here way of showing the guy she's with she loves em. Getting comfy swiveling her ass on my boner. I was in pure bliss. Eyes cross, mouth open trying not to moan like crazy. She didn't move as she watched while I was DAMN overwhelmed!! I pathetically try not to explode, but it was useless. only 20 secs, I gushed so much in my pants and the fabric stained so much, it stained her leggings. She noticed quickly as she wasn't wearing panties. She felt my cum through her soaked fabric. She turned to me and laughed and gave me the "awww" look. Told me it was so adorable how I can't handle her fat ass when she wasn't even trying to get me off. Still, she gave me a kiss as she loved me being so weak to her ass. I think it boosted her ego a lot.
Isn’t it the best feeling? Knowing you will lose control and, in the moment, becoming desperate to hold on and prolong the pleasure, only to pop too soon anyway.
What a euphoric mindfuck.
And nutting in your pants in no time at all is the way.
Of course it was an ego boost for her. As it should be!
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yaaverageloser · 1 month
Oh I love clapjobs. This girl loves to tease about me liking her ass. One time I met her at a club, and she really shook that cake. I danced behind her and felt it rubbing up my crotch, it didn't take long for her to feel that boner grow big. She then took me in a bathroom for a lap dance, God It felt so fucking good, I explode in my pants less than minutes. Had she kept grinding me on the dance floor, I'd cum hard there. She teased me so hard for that but considers it a compliment for loving that ass that much despite not having to even fuck it. Yet she was surprised to see it still hard and decides to do an encore. However, I didn't last longer than before and explode again all over her cheeks. I felt inferior when she said that its best for her to get me off with her cheeks only. She slipped a number to call again for more, which I did since. She's right, I can't handle pussy, I'd destroy my dick so hard, its best to stick to fucking cheeks for my sake of my stamina health.
I love reading the experience of fellow betas. It’s wonderful you’ve accepted that you can’t handle pussy.
Rubbing on her ass cheeks is all you need.
Lean into it and embrace being a helpless prejac!
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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“See sweetie, it’s just like I told you… I’ve turned you into a pathetic diaper wetting wimp!”
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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“Did you seriously just talk back to me? I don’t care that you don’t like wearing thick pink princess diapers! You’re going to wear what mommy tells you to wear like a good little boy. Not only are you going to wear diapers for me, you are going to wet them too! By the time I’m done turning you into a little sissy beta boy, you won’t know you have to pee until about 3 seconds beforehand. Do you think you’ll find a bathroom in 3 seconds? Ha! I think not. You’re going to suck your thumb with one hand and with the other you’re going to clutch the front of your diaper while you helplessly wet yourself. Once you have a warm, heavy and swollen wet diaper sagging between your legs, you’ll understand just how much power I have over you. Now go ahead and put that fluffy pink diaper where it belongs, now! That’s a good boy, you look so cute in your diaper. Trust me honey, you’ll be thanking me in the long run for turning you into a submissive little boy. You’re the lucky one, mommies do all the work while beta boys cry to get their wet diapers changed.
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yaaverageloser · 2 years
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yaaverageloser · 3 years
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yaaverageloser · 3 years
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Yes my clothes are censored. You need to focus on what's appropriate for you.
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yaaverageloser · 4 years
You look worried Sydney - what’s the matter ? Are you starting to feel that little pill kick in? The one I made you take before we left the apartment? The one that always makes you wet your pants? Hahaha! It’s a good thing you have your submission panties on then. I told you that you were going to need them.....that you were going to pee in your pants like a helpless little sissy. And today you’re going to wet yourself in public - isn’t that exciting? Now let’s go - and be sure to beg me when you’re gotten to the point you can’t hold on any longer...when you’re so desperate you’d do or say anything. Then I’ll make you tell me a few more of your “secrets” just before you lose all control and wet your panties. I own you baby - and don’t ever forget that (smile).
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yaaverageloser · 4 years
Sydney did it again
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yaaverageloser · 4 years
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“Okay we’re leaving in 15 minutes baby, so let’s get as many premature accidents out of you as we can so we can avoid sticky pants while we’re out.
Go ahead, take a long look at my tits.”
spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt
“Long look, ha! I should’ve said a quick look, that’s all you need anyways. Alright well don’t stop, we wanna get as much out of you as possible so you don’t take one look at a girl in a low top and cream your jeans.”
spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt
“Wow, that was fast. And a lot still. Well there’s still 10 minutes before we leave, keep staring.”
spurt, spurt, spurt
“A little less but not much... hurry up now we need to leave in 5 or we’ll be late!”
spurt, spurt, spurt
“Oh screw it. You’ll have to wear your pampers today, I don’t have the time to completely drain you. Now at least you wont have to complain about needing the potty too. Why do I keep your baby dick out of diapers at all?”
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yaaverageloser · 4 years
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“Don’t you just love the desperate look on his face when you show him your ass?”
“Yeah, it’s really funny. Also kind of flattering!”
“He’s trying sooooo hard not to cum in his little pull-up right now, but give it a few more seconds, and..”
spurt, spurt, spurt, spurt
“Oh wow! Did he just cum in his pants?”
“In his diaper, yeah. I was sick of cleaning his pants all the time so I picked up some little girls training pants from the store last week and he’s worn them ever since. I thought they wouldn’t fit but his cock is so small that they fit like a glove. It’s funny, he’s started having other accidents too.”
“Other accidents?”
“Well, to be fair, I’m responsible most of the time. But since he’s in a diaper anyways, he might as well use it for what it’s meant for...right? Which means well...I don’t let him use the toilet very often any more.”
“Awe, poor baby. Look, I bet he’s about to wet himself now!”
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yaaverageloser · 4 years
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“See sweetie, it’s just like I told you… I’ve turned you into a pathetic diaper wetting wimp!”
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