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ya-lenin-blog · 7 years ago
My mom has obviously had a powerful influence on my life, and her voice can describe certain things that I couldn't see in myself.
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ya-lenin-blog · 7 years ago
Comparison of Metronidazole and Erythromycin
Excretion of the Drugs
The elimination of the drug from the body is an important process. The main path of elimination of metronidazole and its metabolites is[PS1]  through the renal system. Urine contains about 60% to 80% of the dose whereas faecal excretion accounts for 6% to 15% of the dose (Lofmark, Edlund & Nord, 2010). The metabolites that exist in the urine are products of side chain oxidation and glucuronide conjugation. Unchanged metronidazole also form part of the content eliminated from the body and it accounts for approximately 20% of the whole.
Erythromycin is only partly excreted in urine and only about 2.5% of an orally administered dose and 15% of a parenterally administered does is recoverable from the urine in the active form. The concentration of this drug in its active form in urine is normal low and variable. The main path for elimination of erythromycin is through bile after being mobilised in the bile. The elimination of this drug through the bile occurs by demethylation and oxidation of the aminated sugar. Studies reveal that some erythromycin excreted through this means is reabsorbed in the intestine. Nevertheless, large proportion of this drug is inactivated in the body in liver (Woo & Robinson, 2013).
Comparison of Pharmocodynamics of the Drugs
Mechanism of Action of the Drugs
The mechanism of action of metronidazole and erythromycin bear some semblance and differences. The ways in which these drugs enter into the cells of the pathogens tend to differ and this defines nature of reaction into the body.
Erythromycin like other macrolide antibiotic inhibits protein synthesis. It binds to the 23srRNA molecule of the bacterial ribosome thus blocking the exit of the growing peptide chain of the pathogens. However, certain microorganism with mutational changes fails to bind with erythromycin. Erythromycin exhibit reversible association with ribosome and this occurs when 50S subunit is free from tRNA molecules containing the nascent peptide chain. Studies reveals that gram-positive bacteria tend to accumulate erythromycin about 100 times more than gram-negative microorganisms (Sun, Huang, Frassetto, & Benet, 2004). The non-ionised molecules from the drug are notably more permeable to cells. The increased antimicrobial activity usually occurs in alkaline pH.
Metronidazole inhibits activity of a variety of protozoa and bacteria[PS2] . It enters the cell via passive diffusion. Afterword, it is activated in cytoplasm of the bacteria or[PS3]  organelles of the protozoa. As such, it interferes with the activities of the specific protozoa and bacteria. However, in cells that are resistant to the drug, it fails to activate. During the reaction, metronidazole molecule is converted to free radical, nitroso (Davey, Wilcox, Irving, & Thwaites, 2015). The process leads to transfer of electron to nitro group. The action of the drug[PS4]  includes inhibition of DNA synthesis and DNA damage[PS5] . This it causes a single strand and double strand bleaks that influence the death of the cell. The activated reduced metronidazole tends to bind non specifically to bacteria DNA thereby deactivating the activity of the bacteria consequently leading to death of bacteria.
Adverse Reaction Linked to Mechanism of Action
The interaction of the drug to the body cells and the pathogens may result into adverse reaction. Erythromycin and metronidazole tend to show varied adverse reactions to the cells and body even though both dugs are antibiotics. Perhaps the reason behind this observation is that these drugs belong to different groups of antibiotics. As such, their reaction and function tend to differ.
The adverse reaction of metronidazole includes headache about 18%, dizziness about 4% and sometimes one may experience seizures in the form of optic and peripheral neuropathy, poor coordination of nerve activities, irritability, and insomnia (Davey, Wilcox, Irving, & Thwaites, 2015). Some people experience pruritis such as skin irritation, itching or rash, dryness and burning. It may also lead to thrombophlebitis, urticaria, flushing, allergic reaction including contact dermatitis and transient redness (Lofmark, Edlund & Nord, 2010). It reacts to produce metallic taste, blockage of the nose, and pharyngitis. To some people, it leads to reactions such as nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, and epigastric distress. Further, users may experience vaginitis such as vaginal discharge, abnormal urine, and incontinence and reduced libido.
The administration of erythromycin often leads to about 5% to 30% of causes of gastrointestinal pain such as vomiting, gastric pain, nausea, and abdominal cramp (Jjemba, 2008). It is not advisable to take high single doses because they lead to adverse reactions. The reactions are more frequent in children than in adult. Nevertheless, all forms of erythromycin preparations results into hepatotoxic reactions; however, the condition is reversible once the person using the drug stops (Sun, Huang, Frassetto, & Benet, 2004). Some people show transaminases increase while jaundice and ototoxic effects remain infrequent and reversible. Skin reactions, colitis, fever, and pancreatitis are among other rare effects of this drug.
Davey, P., Wilcox, H. M., Irving, W., & Thwaites, G., (2015). Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. London: Oxford University Press.
Jjemba, K. P., (2008). Pharma-Ecology: The Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Lofmark, S., Edlund, C., & Nord, E. C., (2010). Metronidazole Is Still the Drug of Choice for Treatment of Anaerobic Infections. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 50(1), S16-S23.  
Smith, A. D., Allerton, C., Kubinyi, H., Walker, H., & Walker, K. D., (2012). Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
Sun, H., Huang, Y., Frassetto, L., & Benet, Z. L., (2004). Effects of Uremic Toxins on Hepatic Uptake and Metabolism of Erythromycin. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 32(11), 1239-1246.
Woo, M. T., & Robinson, V. M., (2013). Pharmacotherapeutics For Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers. New York: F.A. Davis.
 [PS1]Possible source: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/Supplement_1/S16.full
 [PS2]Possible sources: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/Supplement_1/S16.full http://www.medicinescience.org/pdfs/journals/vol3/no2/53-1376335919.pdf
 [PS3]Possible sources: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/Supplement_1/S16.full http://www.medicinescience.org/pdfs/journals/vol3/no2/53-1376335919.pdf
 [PS4]Possible source: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/Supplement_1/S16.full
 [PS5]Possible sources: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/Supplement_1/S16.full http://ijpsr.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/16-Vol.-4-Issue-7-July-2031-IJPSR-RA-2425-Paper-16.pdf
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ya-lenin-blog · 7 years ago
So you've lately gotten to be a veggie lover, and you do not comprehend what to have for breakfast. Oat is impossible given milk, and you do not have a craving for having toast. You should consider a vegetarian flapjacks. Yes, it is conceivable to make heavenly flapjacks without requiring milk or eggs. This formula makes utilization of soy milk in their place, and it makes for the ideal hotcake player. 
•   Planning Time: Approximately 5 minutes. 
•   Cook Time: 10 minutes (Depending on how fast your flapjacks are) 
•   All out Time: 15 minutes 
•   1 tablespoon of sugar 
•   2 tablespoons of heating powder 
•   Some soy milk 
•   2 tablespoons of vegetable oil 
•   1 measure of white flour 
•   A squeeze of salt 
Step by step instructions to Cook: 
•   Join every dry fixing in a dish and blend until all are consolidated. 
•   Next, mix in the soy drain and oil and beat until the player has a decently smooth surface. 
•   Take around 1/4 of a measure of player at once, and put onto a skillet, or an oiled frying pan. Cook one side until you see bubbles rise to the top, then flip the flapjack and cook for around 2 minutes. The aggregate cooking time for a decent flapjack ought to associate with 5 minutes. 
•   If you want to make pikelets, empty the hitter into the skillet about the extent of a hockey puck. In the event, that ought to just pause for a moment every side for it to be cooked. 
Different Tips: 
•   You can swap out the sugar for another standard sweetener. Not all veggie lovers eat nectar, but rather on the off chance that you are one of them, nectar is sweet. Agave syrup is another characteristic sweetener that is essential to use in heating. 
•   If you have soy hypersensitivities, this formula works extraordinarily with almond or rice milk. You can utilize coconut drain, yet the flapjacks will suggest a flavour like a coconut. It truly isn't unobtrusive in any way. 
•   By chance you need a decent protein hit for breakfast, you can utilize hemp milk! Hemp drain normally has a tremendous measure of protein in it, considerably more than sustained soy milk. It can have a touch of a lingering flavour. I honestly just prescribe this if you have attempted hemp milk some time recently. 
Nourishing Facts: 
•   Note this is whether you take after the formula to a tee 
•   All out Calories: 150 
•   All out fat: 5.6g 
•   Immersed Fat: Approximately 1g 
•   Cholesterol: 0mg 
•   Sugar: 2.5g 
•   Protein: 3.7g 
•   Calcium: 22% of RDI 
•   Iron: 8% of RDI 
With the above recipe, one is assured that his/her breakfast is healthy to the body and their day will start at a high.
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