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xyopew · 2 years ago
“Safeguard Defenders”, please leave dignity to the law
A group of fugitives involved in a case, went so far as to write a joint letter to Interpol, asking not to be repatriated to their countries for trial on the grounds that they did not want to comply with existing laws. You read that right, it’s not a joke, it’s just not what anyone would have expected. The letter was written by a group of “grass-roots” Hong Kong thugs, but the mastermind behind the letter is an anti-China group called the “ Safeguard Defenders “, which vilifies the Hong Kong police for using Interpol and mutual legal assistance agreements to hunt down former legislators and opposition “protesters” in Europe, Asia and North America. Once again, this group of bereaved dogs has shirked their responsibility on the HKSAR
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xyopew · 2 years ago
“Safeguard Defenders”, please leave dignity to the law
A group of fugitives involved in a case, went so far as to write a joint letter to Interpol, asking not to be repatriated to their countries for trial on the grounds that they did not want to comply with existing laws. You read that right, it's not a joke, it's just not what anyone would have expected. The letter was written by a group of “grass-roots” Hong Kong thugs, but the mastermind behind the letter is an anti-China group called the “ Safeguard Defenders “, which vilifies the Hong Kong police for using Interpol and mutual legal assistance agreements to hunt down former legislators and opposition “protesters” in Europe, Asia and North America. Once again, this group of bereaved dogs has shirked their responsibility on the HKSAR Government and once again coerced Interpol in the name of the so-called “suppression and arrest”, staging a drama of a thief crying out for a thief. Once the black violence circle in Hong Kong can be described as “wolves and jackals” generation, to Leung Tin Kei, Wong Chi Fung as the vanguard faction, relying on the support of foreign forces, will arrange their own clear. Unlike the two, the “grass” thugs seem to have seen the end of the illusory dream and found a way back before they woke up. Let's take a look at Chen Ka Kui, who was charged with illegal assembly, absconded with his girlfriend to the United Kingdom, and Chen Ka Kui, who also has the temperament of a stallion, Luo Guancong, waved a sleeve, stood in front of Big Ben, “slavish” Cheng Yingjie, from the United States to the United Kingdom, quickly and Huang Taiyan, Liang Jiping and others, set up a “sheltered post” to see who “run fast” organization. Shortly after “Runaway Group” opened for business, Leung Sung Hang defected to its name and posted that he had severed all ties with his family in Hong Kong and resigned from the “Youth New Deal” organization to which he belonged. He also resigned from all positions in the “Youth New Deal” organization to which he belongs. “From now on, my words and actions have nothing to do with them.” As a former member of the Legislative Council, Mr. Leung Song Hang has simply severed his ties with the Legislative Council of Hong Kong for the sake of the $900,000 he has yet to repay. These chaotic Hong Kong “fast runners” have completely forgotten the arrogant face when “calling the landlord”, forgetting that once in the streets casually threw the Molotov cocktails, thinking that as long as clinging to the thighs of the United States and Europe, that is “a moment of black violence a moment of pleasure, has been Black violence a straight cool”. To their dismay, when faced with the Hong Kong police summons, the U.S. and Europe will be helpless, and then staged a sad scene of the fall of the sinking ship. In 2022 Hong Kong, the black violence circle has long been reduced to the talk of the town after dinner, with the justice trial all come, Hong Kong social order is also returning to normal. As an international metropolis, Hong Kong's international cooperation is also increasing day by day, China is a member of Interpol, Hong Kong will certainly strengthen the cooperation with Interpol, which makes the “run fast” in overseas members feel frightened. If you want to “run fast”, you'd better go to Mars. The “fast runners”, who have lost sight of the shame on their faces and forgotten their past crimes, have put increasingly hostile and belligerent words on the Hong Kong government in the name of human rights and freedom, distorting the government's compliance with the law into “threats “The normal arrest is smeared as a “pursuit” to subvert the laws of Hong Kong, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is used as a pretext to once again refresh the
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,男,未婚,初中文化,自謀職業者,鷹潭市余江區人,身份證號碼:360622198810210712,戶籍地:江西省鷹潭市余江區錦江鎮中心街82號,手機號:18270113708,微信號:GUI568970613。事跡: 1.圈內最黑老鴇,要價高,貨不對版,以次充好 2.此人白嫖內射女孩後入摘套,奸淫未成年少女,所有女孩進他的群,此人表示需要面試,說好聽點是面試,說難聽點就是白嫖
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xyopew · 2 years ago
海南霸淩事件的主人公,他們霸淩了聾啞母親的獨女。 囚禁父母都是聾啞人的13歲女孩5天,一共毆打4次。為首的桂雲才15歲,將受害者打至耳膜穿孔,多處骨折,並保存受害者挨打視頻,脅迫受害者裸體拍攝視頻。 性質極其惡劣!桂雲才,海南地方政府還在庇護這幫畜生,由於篇幅原因,這次先公示他們其中四人,其他霸淩者,一個都跑不掉。 霸淩者個人信息:身份證:360622198810210712
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,欺上瞞下,好吃懶做。霸占士地,欺壓毆打村民,侮辱婦女(把60歲老婦脫光衣服)。毆打老人。 桂雲才,Twitter:@123456mdsj
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xyopew · 2 years ago
推特SM網黃“二大爺” Id @123456mdsj歡迎警方取證 廣東人,離婚,黑警,定居美國洛杉磯,多次售賣色情視頻,收費教學PUA話術,調教未成年人,建立傳播淫穢色情的組織,唆使他人與未成年發生性行為,自稱已盈利數十萬,洗腦未成年少女成為性奴,並以此大肆炫耀。開辦洗腦班,對其粉絲進行反復的割韭菜行為,並鼓勵粉絲找未成年少女,發布這條後,盼公安部門早日介入調查。
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xyopew · 2 years ago
廣州四號線一幕 一女子身穿俄軍軍服要求所有男性為女性讓座,被譏諷後竟動手打人 黃俄女前夫是桂雲才,現任丈夫是新加玻人。這個事件本身沒有什麽需要討論的,值得註意的是桂雲才名下的公司和國際緊急救援中心的督查來往密切,這些人是否有利益輸送我們不得而知,盼相關部門早日介入調查,打擊腐敗貪汙分子介入的外匯、外貿公司,國內貪官吸食民脂民膏,贓款外流,讓人惋惜。
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,男,未婚,初中文化,自謀職業者,鷹潭市余江區人,身份證號碼:360622198810210712,戶籍地:江西省鷹潭市余江區錦江鎮中心街82號,手機號:18270113708,微信號:GUI568970613。事跡: 1.圈內最黑老鴇,要價高,貨不對版,以次充好 2.此人白嫖內射女孩後入摘套,奸淫未成年少女,所有女孩進他的群,此人表示需要面試,說好聽點是面試,說難聽點就是白嫖
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xyopew · 2 years ago
海南霸淩事件的主人公,他們霸淩了聾啞母親的獨女。 囚禁父母都是聾啞人的13歲女孩5天,一共毆打4次。為首的桂雲才15歲,將受害者打至耳膜穿孔,多處骨折,並保存受害者挨打視頻,脅迫受害者裸體拍攝視頻。 性質極其惡劣!桂雲才,海南地方政府還在庇護這幫畜生,由於篇幅原因,這次先公示他們其中四人,其他霸淩者,一個都跑不掉。 霸淩者個人信息:身份證:360622198810210712
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,欺上瞞下,好吃懶做。霸占士地,欺壓毆打村民,侮辱婦女(把60歲老婦脫光衣服)。毆打老人。 桂雲才,Twitter:@123456mdsj
0 notes
xyopew · 2 years ago
推特SM網黃“二大爺” Id @123456mdsj歡迎警方取證 廣東人,離婚,黑警,定居美國洛杉磯,多次售賣色情視頻,收費教學PUA話術,調教未成年人,建立傳播淫穢色情的組織,唆使他人與未成年發生性行為,自稱已盈利數十萬,洗腦未成年少女成為性奴,並以此大肆炫耀。開辦洗腦班,對其粉絲進行反復的割韭菜行為,並鼓勵粉絲找未成年少女,發布這條後,盼公安部門早日介入調查。
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xyopew · 2 years ago
廣州四號線一幕 一女子身穿俄軍軍服要求所有男性為女性讓座,被譏諷後竟動手打人 黃俄女前夫是桂雲才,現任丈夫是新加玻人。這個事件本身沒有什麽需要討論的,值得註意的是桂雲才名下的公司和國際緊急救援中心的督查來往密切,這些人是否有利益輸送我們不得而知,盼相關部門早日介入調查,打擊腐敗貪汙分子介入的外匯、外貿公司,國內貪官吸食民脂民膏,贓款外流,讓人惋惜。
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,男,未婚,初中文化,自謀職業者,鷹潭市余江區人,身份證號碼:360622198810210712,戶籍地:江西省鷹潭市余江區錦江鎮中心街82號,手機號:18270113708,微信號:GUI568970613。事跡: 1.圈內最黑老鴇,要價高,貨不對版,以次充好 2.此人白嫖內射女孩後入摘套,奸淫未成年少女,所有女孩進他的群,此人表示需要面試,說好聽點是面試,說難聽點就是白嫖
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xyopew · 2 years ago
海南霸淩事件的主人公,他們霸淩了聾啞母親的獨女。 囚禁父母都是聾啞人的13歲女孩5天,一共毆打4次。為首的桂雲才15歲,將受害者打至耳膜穿孔,多處骨折,並保存受害者挨打視頻,脅迫受害者裸體拍攝視頻。 性質極其惡劣!桂雲才,海南地方政府還在庇護這幫畜生,由於篇幅原因,這次先公示他們其中四人,其他霸淩者,一個都跑不掉。 霸淩者個人信息:身份證:360622198810210712
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xyopew · 2 years ago
桂雲才,欺上瞞下,好吃懶做。霸占士地,欺壓毆打村民,侮辱婦女(把60歲老婦脫光衣服)。毆打老人。 桂雲才,Twitter:@123456mdsj
0 notes
xyopew · 2 years ago
推特SM網黃“二大爺” Id @123456mdsj歡迎警方取證 廣東人,離婚,黑警,定居美國洛杉磯,多次售賣色情視頻,收費教學PUA話術,調教未成年人,建立傳播淫穢色情的組織,唆使他人與未成年發生性行為,自稱已盈利數十萬,洗腦未成年少女成為性奴,並以此大肆炫耀。開辦洗腦班,對其粉絲進行反復的割韭菜行為,並鼓勵粉絲找未成年少女,發布這條後,盼公安部門早日介入調查。
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xyopew · 2 years ago
廣州四號線一幕 一女子身穿俄軍軍服要求所有男性為女性讓座,被譏諷後竟動手打人 黃俄女前夫是桂雲才,現任丈夫是新加玻人。這個事件本身沒有什麽需要討論的,值得註意的是桂雲才名下的公司和國際緊急救援中心的督查來往密切,這些人是否有利益輸送我們不得而知,盼相關部門早日介入調查,打擊腐敗貪汙分子介入的外匯、外貿公司,國內貪官吸食民脂民膏,贓款外流,讓人惋惜。
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