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xymalf · 7 years ago
Grenfell – fraud
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Over 30 people have been charged with fraud regarding the Grenfell fire. Surely if I said I was Mr Jones living in Flat 22. The council must have had a list of the residents of each flat. If this was Mr Smith at 22 then either the flat was being sub let or the tenant is bogus and thus a fraudster. Yet some of these fraudsters could not give the floor which the flat was on. So why were they homed in hotels and given free credit cards for free meals? They need to have all assets seized to pay for this fraud and pay for bed and lodging whilst in prison.  Why are those sub letting not facing convictions? There are many social housing stocks all over the UK is being sub let.
Then we must ask how many in Grenfell were working. Many seem to come from outside the EU and where they come from they would not get social housing, welfare or a free NHS. So why does the UK not only home economic migrants but house them in the most expensive areas of London.
London only got the Olympics as it has been turned into a multi-cultural hell hole where the English are now an ethnic minority.  The result of this open door immigration is moped gangs and knife crimes in our capital city. The welfare system has created a whole generation of young boys being brought up with an unemployed mother and no father.
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from Grenfell – fraud
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xymalf · 7 years ago
The land of Eldorado.
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We live in such a great country that people from all over the world want to live here. You can retire here and despite the fact you have never paid a penny in tax you get free NHS treatment. Migrants are given free homes in most expensive parts of London with rents paid and council tax paid and other benefits. They would not get any of these if they stayed in their country of origin. Prisoners get much better meals than those in hospital. There is no incentive to do well at school as the system will provide free social housing, welfare and child benefits and a free NHS. Yet those of us who work and get made redundant and have to sell our properties get no welfare and are banned from social housing due to having money in bank from the sale. Thus slowly all the money you worked for and put into a mortgage is used up. We have people in social housing who can afford luxury cars. Why are the rich given social housing likewise why are people who choose never to work given free housing? We need a country where everyone has to pay something towards the NHS and that the workshy don’t get all their rent money paid.
I am not against immigration just economic migration. People who can afford to pay for their children to be educated and not use the NHS and not claim benefits should be allowed to come in but not economic migrants.
We can see the result of immigration with scooter gangs robbing people in London and drugs gangs killing each other. The irony is where many of these gangsters come from the Police would beat them up in the streets if back in their country of origin. Immigration may have produced more places to eat out in but has lead to over crowded streets and a fear to shop in the high street. My Granddad fought for this country in World War 2 to stop us being invaded. We have been invaded by German cars and our country full up with migrants. I worked with one Muslim migrant who had over 40 brothers and sisters. So we can see that it is only a matter of time before the English are an extinct race and our history and culture forgotten. Why did the EU allow the Dublin Accord when Africa has many safe lands and Saudi Arabia has Sharia laws that Muslim migrants want?
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    from The land of Eldorado.
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xymalf · 7 years ago
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Ayahuasca: Vine of the Soul
Price: $3.99
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Ayauasca Experience
Price: $1.29
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from some videos
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xymalf · 7 years ago
2 videos
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John Dee and the Empire of Angels: Enochian Magick and the Occult Roots of the Modern World
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The Hieroglyphic Monad
Price: $12.58
Was: $14.95
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The Complete Enochian Dictionary: A Dictionary of the Angelic Language As Revealed to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley
Price: $16.40
Was: $21.95
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Enochian Evocation of Dr. John Dee, The
Price: $15.33
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John Dee: Essential Readings (Western Esoteric Masters)
Price: $13.22
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John Dee's Five Books of Mystery: Original Sourcebook of Enochian Magic
Price: $36.35
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Enochian Vision Magick: An Introduction and Practical Guide to the Magick of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley
Price: $16.40
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The Complete Mystical Records of Dr. John Dee: Transcribed from the 16th-Century Manuscripts Documenting Dee's Conversations with Angels
Price: $141.80
Was: $200.00
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The Queen’s Conjuror (Science and Magic of Dr Dee)
Price: $14.99
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The Freemasons: A History of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society
Price: $12.27
Was: $14.95
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Freemason 3D Embroidered Adjustable Hat Mason Masonic Lodge Baseball Cap (Black & Yellow)
Price: $10.95
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Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.
Price: $11.08
Was: $14.95
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Freemasons: In the Very Heart of the Republic
Price: $7.99
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Ebros Masonic Symbol Freemasonry Square and Compasses Ritual Morality Hinged Book Box 5.75"Long Small Jewelry Box Container
Price: $29.99
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Freemasons: A History and Exploration of the World's Oldest Secret Society
Price: $5.87
Was: $14.95
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Freemason Camo Embroidered Adjustable Hat Mason Masonic Lodge Camouflage Baseball Cap
Price: $9.49
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Inside the Freemasons: The Grand Lodge Uncovered
Price: $7.99
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Freemasons For Dummies
Price: Check on Amazon
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from 2 videos
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xymalf · 7 years ago
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Clearly Politicians negotiating our terms of Brexit have never played Poker. We simply tell E.U that we don’t want free trade or free movement of people. We then tell E.U that we will put Tariffs on all German and French imports. It would only be a matter of time before they then said No we will give you a free trade deal costing us nothing as Germany and France export far more to us than we do to them! If they didn’t do this the tariffs would hurt jobs in Germany and France.
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from Brexit
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xymalf · 7 years ago
illegal immigrants taking the piss.
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ANOTHER Grenfell fraudster: Business student, 31, is fifth to falsely pose as a victim as he is jailed for 18 months after claiming his father died in blaze to get £5,000 and free hotel stays
Muhammad Gamoota said he lived on the 24th floor of tower block with father 
31-year-old said he survived blaze because he was attending midnight prayers 
He was arrested after police found father Abdul Salam was alive and overseas
He admitted two counts of fraud and was jailed at Isleworth Crown Court today
A business management student who pretended to be a Grenfell Tower victim’s son to get £5,000 and free hotel stays was jailed for 18 months today.
Mohammad Gamoota, 31, claimed he was living with his father on the 24th floor when the fire ripped through the building and he only escaped because he was praying at his local mosque.
The court heard a booking was made for Gamoota at a Holiday Inn where he racked up a £374 room service bill.
He was also put up at a second hotel and the total fraud amounted to £6,784, Isleworth Crown Court heard.
Gamoota has become the fifth convicted Grenfell fraudster, following Joyce Msokeri, 47, Anh Nhu Nguyen, 53, Elaine Douglas, 51, and Tommy Brooks, 52.
Judge Robin Johnson told him: ‘You claimed your father Abel Salem had died in the fire. That was a name that had been reported in the press.
‘You had no connection with this family. A cash payment was made for £500 and a further payment was made for £5,000.
‘Due to a technical hitch you were only able to obtain £500 of that payment. You were not deterred and continued to call your social worker in pursuance of this claim.
‘This was not a moment of madness. You spent days in accommodation that was set aside for those who were grief stricken, homeless and no doubt in a state of shock.
‘That did not stop you tapping into the funds that had been rightly made available for those people.’
Gamoota first approached staff at the Westway Centre two days after the devastating fire in North Kensington, West London, on June 16.
He was assigned a social worker by Harrow Council, who was tasked with taking care of Gamoota while he was given hotel accommodation.
The social worker spoke with him on June 22 and met with him in the lobby of the Holiday Inn where he told her he lived at flat 219 on the 24th floor.
The court heard that he claimed to have been a resident there for seven years and at the time of the blaze he was at midnight prayers.
Gamoota was given £500 and told he would receive a total of £5,000. But due to issues with his bank account, he only ever received £500.
Gamoota approached the social worker again to say that the payment of £5,000 had not materialised.
The latest fraud conviction comes two days after two illegal immigrants who lied about living in Grenfell to claim more than £120,000 in handouts pleaded guilty to fraud on Wednesday.
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Elaine Douglas
Jamaican nationals Elaine Douglas, 51, and Tommy Brooks, 52, spent eight months living in a four-star hotel at the taxpayers’ expense at a cost of £400-a-night.
Tommy Brooks
They also spent more than £20,000 on meals and clothing on pre-paid credit cards which were given to them by the local council. They are yet to be sentenced.
Joyce Msokeri
In April, Joyce Msokeri, 47, was jailed for four-and-a-half years at the Old Bailey for fraud after posing as a Grenfell survivor in a £19,000 scam.
She claimed around £19,000 in cash donations, electronics, handbags, dresses and hotel costs – and filled a room at Hilton hotel with donations from charities.
Two months prior, in February, serial conman Anh Nhu Nguyen, 53, was jailed for 21 months after pretending his family died in the Grenfell fire.
He claimed his wife and son were killed in the atrocity to obtain about £12,500 from funds intended for victims – and even met Prince Charles as he posed as a survivor.
Anh Nhu Nguyen meets Prince Charles
Facing jail: Illegal immigrant couple falsely posed as Grenfell victims then spent £120,000 living at a luxury hotel for eight months despite moaning about quality of the menu
Tommy Brooks, 51, and Elaine Douglas, 51, grabbed £120,000 of taxpayers’ cash
Couple came to the UK from Jamaica in 2002 and then vanished into Britain
After Grenfell fire they turned up at reception centre claiming to be residents 
But door number on flat didn’t match the floor they claimed to live on in tower
By then they had 243 nights in Kensington hotel where they had £11,000 of food 
Two illegal immigrants lived in a luxury hotel for 243 nights costing the taxpayer almost £120,000 after falsely claiming they were victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.
Couple Tommy Brooks, 51, and Elaine Douglas, 51, were unmasked as fraudsters after giving an incorrect flat number in the West London block where 72 people died last June.
But before their arrests they racked up bills for £104,000 for accommodation alone while Douglas ran up a food bill of £11,000 while also complaining about the quality of the menu, Isleworth Crown Court heard.
The couple came to the UK from Jamaica in 2002 and were booked on return flights but did not show up and disappeared into Britain for 15 years until their arrests.
Brooks and Douglas turned up at the Grenfell support centre claiming they had narrowly escaped death from their flat on the 19th floor of the block.
The couple were housed at the Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, in Kensington, for 243 nights and issued with credit cards and Oyster cards so they could travel around London for free.
But they were caught out when they gave investigators the number of their flat – not realising it was on a different floor.
Benjamin Holt, prosecuting, told Isleworth Crown Court: ‘These two defendants falsely claimed to be residents at Grenfell Tower at the time of the fire.
‘Both made representations they were living in flats.
‘Ms Douglas spent 276 nights at Madison Blue Edwardian Hotel costing £55,000.
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from illegal immigrants taking the piss.
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xymalf · 7 years ago
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For many years now China has been dumping steel on world markets at prices lower than it costs to make. As soon as the competition has been destroyed they will then increase the price to the true market value. The EU puts tariffs on food imported from outside the EU making food more expensive for poorer people. The EU also props up unsustainable farms though the CAP policy. We have seen most of our utility companies and airports took over by foreign firms some state sponsored – yet the same counties would never allow UK companies to buy their utility companies.
I once worked for a lift company employing over 2000 people. The American company Otis took over the company then the company was closed down just to wipe out a competitor.
We need tariffs on all German and French imports and the money used to rebuild British Manufacturing. There are many areas in England with lots of empty houses due to no jobs in these areas. Outside the EU we could grow food in Africa then ship to the UK making food cheaper for all. The UK has allowed in millions of economic migrants from third world countries. Many of these are given free homes in London; they get welfare, rents paid council taxes paid and free use of our NHS. Yet most never contribute to our economy. They use the ruse refugee yet Africa has safe lands and Saudi Arabia is closer to Syria. How many safe lands must one pass through to get to the UK? We have no obligation to these economic migrants and asylum must be stopped. We should also stop giving free homes to none working people and child benefits. Everyone even if unemployed must be made to contribute to our NHS. We could also end Foreign Aid – at the moment we give it to an African country that then uses the cash to sponsor an English football team advertising this country. Also why should countries with Nuclear power get British aid? Or help for pop stars in Africa? Just like Rome we have created a system that will destroy England and the English. People like me in low paid jobs are taxed just so economic migrants can live in London for free.
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from Tariffs
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xymalf · 7 years ago
2 videos
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from 2 videos
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xymalf · 7 years ago
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from N.D.E
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Wars – a rich mans game.
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from Wars – a rich mans game.
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Grenfell – full of economic migrants
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Looking at the tragic list of those who lost their life’s in the grenfell inferno. Very few of the surnames are English. Most seem to originate from countries that have no welfare ,social housing,child benefits or a free NHS. I would thus conclude economic migrants. How many more have we given free homes to at taxpayers expense? How many were working and paying taxes?
As we say a dog born in a stable is a dog not a horse. Being born in England does not make you English only those with Anglo-Saxon history are English.
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from Grenfell – full of economic migrants
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xymalf · 7 years ago
joys of immigration. my family fought for uk to stop it being invaded. this is treason
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Record 6,200 foreign criminals including killers, sex attackers, robbers and drug dealers are living in the community instead of being deported
Record numbers of foreign criminals are living in the UK without being deported 
6,231 foreign offenders were in Britain in December despite committing crimes 
The Home Office said more than 41,000 people have been removed since 2010
A record 6,200 foreign criminals are living in the community instead of being deported.
Killers, sex attackers, robbers and drug dealers are among the thousands released back onto the streets at the end of their jail sentences.
Although they are due for deportation, the offenders are not kept in prison. Many then simply slip off the radar.
Others challenge their deportation orders, often using human rights or asylum laws.
In total, there were 6,231 foreign national offenders living in Britain in December who were due for deportation. This was up 10 per cent on the figure in December the previous year.
Nearly a third – 2,032 – have been out of jail for more than five years. Another 1,502 have dodged being removed from the country for between two and five years.
Conservative MP Philip Hollobone said: ‘There is no excuse for these deplorable figures. If foreign national offenders are subject to deportation they should be deported straight away.
‘It is easier to deport people straight away as once you leave them in the community things get more difficult as years go on.’
Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Sir Ed Davey added: ‘Yet again the Government have got their immigration priorities wrong.
‘At the same time as treating British citizens from the Windrush generation so unfairly, ministers have failed to get to grips with foreign criminals. We need a common sense approach that puts the public and the taxpayer first. Where someone is a threat, we can’t afford the risk they might abscond.’
Britain can deport EU criminals who serve time in jail while non-EU offenders must have served at least one year behind bars.
Once convicts have served a sentence, they can only continue to be held if there is a good chance of them being deported imminently.
But many slip off the radar while others fight deportation orders, often using controversial human rights or asylum laws to trigger a lengthy and costly legal battle.
In November, a report by David Bolt, chief inspector of borders and immigration, found that in April last year, 753 foreign criminals were missing after being freed from jail. He added that a third of planned removals failed: 7,772 out of 24,289 dating back to 2014-15.
A team set up to finding missing criminals had only 11 staff.
ex attacker Aliou Bah was given £110,000 compensation for being locked up for 21 months after his own country refused to take him back.
Making the award, Judge Nicholas Madge said he ‘wholeheartedly’ agreed that many would think his victims should get payouts instead.
Bah came to the UK in 2007 from Guinea to join his refugee father. Four years later, he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl and was jailed for 18 months.
He was also jailed for two years for another sexual assault three years later.
But last year, the High Court ruled Bah, 28, was held unlawfully as there was little prospect of deporting him.
Officials in Guinea had refused to process his case and another obstacle was that Bah had been granted permission to stay in the UK as a refugee.
time to bring back hanging. if you are white you are far more likely to be attacked by a nog nig than a black person attacked by a honky.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5742933/Record-6-200-foreign-criminals-including-killers-sex-attackers-living-community.html#ixzz5Fsq2XWfr Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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from joys of immigration. my family fought for uk to stop it being invaded. this is treason
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xymalf · 7 years ago
TO the communists who want open door immigration this is what happens
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Two illegal immigrants who assaulted a woman walking home from a nightclub came off worse after she used her karate skills to beat them up.
The pair were jailed for six years after they were found guilty of following 29-year-old Kelly Soutar.
The brave victim has spoken of her ‘complete relief’ after the pair were jailed for a  six years.
  Kelly Soutar, 29, fought two illegal immigrants who followed her home from club
Shehab Smekramuddin and Mohammad Islam have been jailed for assault 
Court heard how brave Ms Soutar used her karate skills to stave off the attackers
  If these Muslim economic migrants were in Saudi and did this they would have been executed.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5744593/Two-illegal-immigrants-tried-follow-woman-shocked-used-karate-strike-back.html#ixzz5FsoYxic3 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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from TO the communists who want open door immigration this is what happens
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Good Natural Law video
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from Good Natural Law video
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Good History
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from Good History
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Time to make work pay??
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If I was not working I would get £78 week welfare. £105 rent paid per week. £20 Council Tax paid. This equals £203. If we divide £203 by number of hours in a week we get an income of £1.20 an hour. This is the minimum it excludes free prescriptions, free dentist, free eye tests and glasses.
I am working and take home £250 a week. I then have to pay my rent of £105 and Council Tax of £20. This leaves £125. This gives an income (when you divide by 168 [hours in a week]) of just 75 pence per hour. I then have to pay for my prescriptions and dentist etc.
It is no wonder that over 30 percent of people in social housing where I live are choosing not to work. And many have been given free housing as well.
I know many who have never worked and they were given free social housing flats. Some said they were homeless to jump the housing waiting lists yet move in with TV’s and computers and other electronic equipment. Many have never worked in over 10 years. They have never registered with any job agencies nor do Job Centre staffs ever check if they have applied for any work. Surely you know who the long term unemployed are? Why are these freeloaders never made to work? As a tax payer I am sick of paying for lazy English who don’t work and economic migrants who are given free homes in expensive areas of Londonistan. These none workers get free NHS yet never pay into the system and full state pensions.
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from Time to make work pay??
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xymalf · 7 years ago
Global warming lie exposed.
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from Global warming lie exposed.
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