xy0o · 7 months
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xy0o · 7 months
saw @theoriginaldick 's sinner!adam and exploded.
felt inspired to make my interpretation of it :) i imagine he'd slowly enjoy the hell life due to the fact he could flex his guitar skills and basically doing whatever the fuck he wants. hell, would be cool if he became a rockstar too
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xy0o · 7 months
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UHM??? “Am I doing it right?” HELLO???
Alastor a stripper confirmed??
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xy0o · 7 months
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I love it when their faces do this
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xy0o · 7 months
(Updated as the list grows)
After hours… (smut)
“Don’t let it all go to your head.” (Cheating Alastor)
I do not write for the following:
I do write for characters under 18 but those will just be fluff fics! Characters above 18 I will write for with any request.
(Requests are open!)
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xy0o · 7 months
“Dont let it all go to your head.”
Before you read this is based on a song! I would recommend you listen while reading, (Better People to Leave on Read by Emei)
Also this is not proof-read! So there maybe some errors!!
You’re an overlord, a powerful one at that.. and you always loved putting on a show. You loved to write and sing songs, especially back when you were alive. Your official debut when you were alive was with your ex husband, Alastor. You both sang love songs on stage your voice and his power due to his job as a radio host combined was, unstoppable.
Mimzy was a wake up call for you. You began to notice things you never noticed before, the way girls stared at your husband or the way their touch lingered on his arm for too long. Mimzy noticed the way you visibly tensed up when she touched him and she definitely used it to her advantage, in life and in hell.
At first the little details were small, him leaving the house often, getting texts from her in the middle of the night, and the way he pretended he didn’t hear you sometimes when you said you loved him.
You thought you were going crazy until you went through his phone while he was in the shower. He claimed to hate technology, (especially Vox) but it was weird he was on it so much.
You’ll never forget the way your heart pounded and the tears that flew down your face seeing the messages he sent and was receiving towards, Mimzy.
You couldn’t bring yourself to read more, after closing the phone and putting it like it was before you wiped your tears. If these fuckers really thought you wouldn’t find out, they were wrong. So undeniably wrong, and you were gonna show them you were better.
You packed up your things that you needed, immediately leaving the house.
Til’ Death Do Us Part, Right?
But we’re already past that phase, so you left your wedding ring and divorce papers on the bed.
Thank god for your powers or else you surely would’ve been dead by now. You owned millions of souls, and that made you able to own your own side of the pentagram.
Tonight, you were going to sing the song you wrote about how you felt. It was your own way of dealing with things and you were sure your loyal listeners will be there to hear the new song.
You walked into the dressing room, picking a black low-cut dress with a sliver necklace with your own initial. Once you were done and began to walk out you immediately heard a whistle from one of the people apart of your band, “Damn Y/N! You look too good tonight, is it because of the song? Good shit not gonna lie.”
You nodded, grabbing her hand and walking out to the stage. “Thanks, I hope they think so too.”
When you opened the curtains you heard the crowd erupt into cheers and catcalls. You grabbed the mic, turning to your band mates and back up vocalists making sure they were ready to go.
“God you’re just so obvious,”
You swayed your hips while walking around on stage, “Hit me up when I am killing it.”
The texts you received from him trying to apologize, assuming that you’d really go back to him.
“Do you really think I needed it? Your opinion means nothing to me.”
As you danced around stage, your eyes made eye contact with the last person you were expecting.
You didn’t flinch, and you sure as hell didn’t stop. You kept eye contact with her, smirking because this next part was about her.
“Did you happen to forget.. the little details like texting my boyfriend in the middle of the night.”
You bent over slightly in a suggestive way, “Did you happen to forget, all of the pictures that you sent him.”
You pointed the middle finger at her while watching her eyes fill with rage, “Recognized you from that tattoo on your thigh!~”
You stood up, continuing to dance around stage as you recall all of the vulgar pictures she sent him. “Love that you like to assume I’d waste a single second on you, but I’ve got better people to leave on read.. don’t let it all go to your head.”
Then you finally took a good look at the people in the crowd, it was filled with hell-borns and sinners with a few overlords. Your favorites at least, except for Alastor. He was standing right next to Mimzy, of course he was. You scoffed before singing with newfound confidence.
“Who’s your therapist? Fire your therapist.”
“Your audacity, reaching out to me, when the last text was a half-hearted apology!”
The texts he sent while still being with Mimzy, the good morning texts and all while acting like you two were still together. He signed the divorce papers at least, but he was still desperate for you.
“Love that you like to assume I’d waste a single second on you, but I’ve got better people to leave on read..” (x2)
You stopped singing, letting your backup vocalists do their part. You smiled as the song end, hearing people scream for an encore.
Before you could began to speak into the mic, a familiar blonde blob made her way onto your stage.
What the hell did she think she was doing?
“Don’t go trying to charm my man! He’s mine, and clearly he picked the better one out of the two of us.”
Oh she wanted to go there?
Fine, you’ll go there.
“It seems like he just needed a new thrill in life Mimzy, because all your man has been doing is hitting up my phone everyday.”
She whipped her head towards where Alastor was supposed to be only to find out he’s teleporting away, “Y-YOU BITCH!”
She desperately tried to swing at you, but the height difference worked in your favor. All you had to do was kick her off stage and problem solved, so that’s exactly what you did.
You looked down at her, “Mimzy.. if you ever think that you’re welcome here oho, you are SO wrong! If I find out you come into MY territory again, it won’t end so well for you will it?”
You watched as she cried and ran towards the exit, she really is pathetic. Realizing you had a crowd to entertain, you began to do an encore because..
the show must go on.
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xy0o · 7 months
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the collection grows
38K notes · View notes
xy0o · 8 months
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THEY CAN BE REDEEMED!! Sera looks like she shit her pants
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xy0o · 8 months
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Sir pentious got the girl and went to heaven he stays winning
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xy0o · 1 year
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Artist: hirono_murui (click on name to be taken to their Twitter)
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xy0o · 1 year
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rengoku commission :)
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xy0o · 1 year
After hours..
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You were currently in your favorite college class, history. 
It was your favorite class for probably the wrong reasons. It’s not that history isn’t interesting, it’s just..
Your professor, Rengoku Kyojuro, was undeniably attractive. 
The way his shirt tightened around his abs, the buttons threatening to pop at any moment. The red tie that you wanted to do badly loosen. His black slacks gave him what looked like a boner whenever you got close to him, but you always brushed it off as ‘pant boners.’
God did you hate those whenever YOU wore certain types of jeans.
The way his brown classic shoes clacked against the tile floor in his classroom, and the way he puts his hair up. At first when you entered his classroom at the start of the year, you thought ‘oh it’s probably another old guy.’
Oh boy were you wrong.
The moment you laid your eyes on him, you were smitten as well as the rest of the ladies. Some students even went as far to audit his class, much to Professor Rengokus dismay. 
He was happy students wanted to learn from him, but he was upset about the reasoning. He knew some students were only there due to his physical appearance, but nonetheless he was glad to have a bigger class.  
Whenever a female student in your class would go to talk to him, they would always try to show their cleavage or push up their chest to try to seduce him. It never worked on him though, he only had his eyes on his only favorite student.
From the moment you walked in, he wanted to learn more about you. He even asked you to stay a few times after class just to ask how you were doing. He was glad you didn’t try to seduce him like his other students. 
It just made him fall even more for you.
He noticed the way you had clenched your thighs or quivered under his gaze, and the way you squirmed in your seat after he spoke to you. 
You were like a goddess in his eyes.
He’s thought about you while jerking off constantly, wanting to feel your pussy clenching against his hardened dick. Just the thought of your curves and cute tits being against him or seeing them was enough to make him cum. 
He’s thought about just going to your dorm room in the night and stealing a pair of your underwear to jerk off with. 
Or to just fuck you right there and then. 
But he knew that would be too risky, and he didn’t want to seem like a creep either. 
He flashbacks to when you got a boy-friend, and he was furious. The day he found out was the most hellish day for his class periods. He made everyone write a few essays and assigned extra homework to everyone with a scowl on his face. 
He watched as your boyfriend had tried to kiss you that same day, only for you to push him away. After a few weeks of you being with that boy, he wondered if you had ever fucked that pathetic boyfriend of yours. 
He could do it better, so much better. He would make you feel so good and treat you right. Unlike that douche who probably was only with you for your looks. 
When he had found out the two of you broke up, he was ecstatic. He gave all of his class periods a free period, letting them leave or do whatever they wanted. 
When he saw your eyes were puffy, he went up to you and asked what’s wrong. You had responded that your boyfriend had cheated on you with your ‘best friend.’ 
He had rubbed your back, feeling you shiver under the palm of his hand. He pushed away the inappropriate thoughts and comforted you the best he could. He had offered you to stay after class that day, and you did. 
You spoke to him about your problems, and he let you cry on his shoulder until you felt better. Once you did, he gave you a hug and let you leave. 
He was furious when you told him everything, immediately giving your ex a failing grade and getting him expelled. Turns out your ex was using others to do his work, so Kyojuro took that opportunity to get him expelled. 
And for that best friend of yours?
She was one of the students trying to seduce him. He had filed her down for trying to do inappropriate acts and got her expelled as well. 
After that, he saw your mood lighten up drastically and 
you talked to him much more than before. 
The both of you even ate lunch together in the classroom many times, or he would buy you lunch. 
Once when the two of you ate together, you sat next to each other. Your shoulders were touching, same with your legs. The action was comfortable but it made you go crazy. 
Your thoughts were far from innocent, you imagined him going down on you or thrusting into you with his cock. You wondered what it looked like, and how it would feel to have it inside you..
You squirmed in your seat a bit, catching his attention. Your thoughts now interrupted as he put his hand on your shoulder, asking if you’re okay. You only muttered a small ‘Yes.’
Enough with the flashbacks, onto the present. 
On this particular day, you were wearing a gray plaid skirt and a white button up top with short sleeves.
That’s what sent him off. 
Your outfit received stares from other male classmates, they weren’t hiding their newfound lust for you. How dare they stare at you when he’s been doing that since the moment you walked in here.
He watched as a male student went up to you, and tried to ask for your number. 
“Hey, W/N right?” The male chuckled as you narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s Y/N, get it right.” You glared at him as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. “Well I’m Mark and I wanted to know if I could get your number?”
 You stood up immediately, “Well, ‘Mark.’” You said as you put quotation marks in the air. “As much as I'm flattered to know that you are suddenly attracted to me due to my clothing, it’s gonna be a no.” You pointed at him, still glaring. 
“You can’t even get my name right, and why would you ask me now if you could’ve asked me at the start of the year?” You watched as the boy scoffed at you, obviously starting to get upset.
 “Y/N I can show you such a good time, maybe we could even go to my house afterwards?” He smirked, his eyebrows going up suggestively. “No, and that’s final.” You were about to sit down when he grabbed your wrist, “Well I’m not talking no for an answer, so you’re giving me that number.” 
He gripped your wrist tighter, causing you to wince in pain. “Hey asshole let go of me!” You yelled, unbeknownst to you Kyojuro was watching the whole thing.
 Your professor walked over to the two of you, putting a hand on your shoulder. “Is there a problem here?” He immediately noticed Mark gripping onto your wrist, “If you don’t let go of Miss L/N right now, it won’t end well for you.” 
The boy scoffed and grumbled while walking away. You turned to face Rengoku, “Sorry sir, things got out of hand.” In response all he did was smile at you, “It’s alright Miss L/N, can you tell me about it during lunch break?” 
His eyes lidded, “Or you can stay after class yeah? We can discuss your grades then.” Without giving you a chance to respond, he patted on your back smiling softly with his eyes back to their normal state. 
“Talk to you later Miss L/N!” He left, leaving you in a flustered state as you sat at your desk. 
Professor Rengokus' eyes went lidded, was that supposed to be suggestive? 
You clenched your legs together, trying to shake away the thoughts. Although.. you wished he stared at you like that when you two were alone. 
But why would he ever look that way towards a student?
You sighed softly, confused and horny. 
The bell went off, signifying it was time for you to spend alone time with your professor.
The thought of you both being together alone right now seemed so.. lewd. 
You watched as students filed out of the classroom, some eagerly wanting to leave while the others didn’t care. You got up from your desk, leaving your bag behind. You walked over to his desk, patiently waiting for him. 
You watched as the last student left, he hurriedly shut the door and locked it. 
He’s never locked it before? 
You shrugged off the thought, simply believing that he must’ve had some type of reason. He made his way towards you, his shoes clacking against the floor. 
He sat in his chair in front of his desk, “Miss Y/N, I wanted to speak to you about your recent grades!” He turned around and pulled out a blue desk seat and put it next to him, “Please sit!” 
You sat in the chair next to him, “What about my grades Mr. Rengoku?” He quickly grabbed his laptop, facing it towards you as he scooted closer, both of your legs touching. He went to your student profile and went under assignments. He pointed towards the recent assignment, seeing a 0/200 on it. 
You frowned, “Do you see this Miss Y/N? You turned in your assignment late by a few days, the deadline was Friday and you had turned it in on Monday.” His smile never faltered or faded, “Oh.. I’m sorry Mr. Rengoku, I didn’t realize.” 
He turned his face towards yours, inches from your lips. Your face flushed red, trying to calm down. “It’s alright Miss Y/N, I’ll give you a 150 alright?” He turned his face away from yours, as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
He frowned, looking back up at you. 
“Is something the matter Miss Y/N, are you upset?” He stared into your e/c eyes, as your face went up in flames again. “N-No not at all professor! I think I just might be feeling a little under the weather.” 
He leaned in closer, close enough for you to feel his hot breath on you. He brought his hand to your forehead, “Well you are burning up, do you want to go home now?” 
 He pulled back his hand as you immediately shook your head ‘no.’
You grabbed onto his arm, “No.. I want to stay Mr. Rengoku, please?” It’s his turn to go red, his smile quickly returning. 
“How could I say no to you Miss Y/N?” He smiled softly, closing his laptop and putting it on the desk. “Mr. Rengoku?” You asked innocently, regaining his attention. 
“Yes, Miss Y/N?” He stared into your eyes lovingly, but you didn’t notice. 
“How do you feel about the girls that try to.. seduce you? Sorry that’s the only way I can put it!” His eyes widened, “Don’t tell me Miss Y/N.. are you one of them?” He frowned, smirking in his thoughts. 
“No not at all, I was just wondering. It must be uncomfortable, huh?” He nodded, smiling again, “I don’t like it when students do that, I only have my eyes for one person, Miss Y/N.” 
Curiosity got the better of you.
“Who is that person, can you tell me Mr. Rengoku?” He nodded slowly, gulping loudly. He started sweating until he noticed you placed your hand on his thigh, while squeezing your legs together. 
He quickly regained his confidence, he leaned into your ear. His wet breath makes a heat pool between your thighs. “It’s you, Miss Y/N.” 
Your lips parted, shock written all over your face. “Me? Really sir?” 
He nodded, “Yes.. now tell me, what do you feel right now Miss Y/N?” His signature smile makes you lose your self respect. 
“I feel so unbelievably horny for you right now professor.” He smirked softly, leaning back towards you.
“That’s all I’ve wanted to hear, may I?” He asked, his eyes lidded as he inched his lips closer to your own. 
“Please, I need you sir.” With that he pressed his lips against yours, going slow before it turned into a heated make-out session. The sensation of his tongue against yours was ethereal, it made you wetter. 
You got up and climbed into his lap, him slightly parting his lips and groaning. You pulled away from the kiss, starting to grind against his lap. 
Low grunts and groans left his mouth as you grinded against his clothed cock. “Just like that, good girl~”
“You won’t be needing these anymore hm?” He asked as he hooked his fingers against the waistband of your skirt and panties, you nodded. 
“I need your words M’lady or else I won’t continue, understand?” You huffed, “Please take them off Mr. Rengoku..” 
Your voice was desperate and needy, music to his ears. 
“As you wish, M’lady.” 
He stranded up and hoisted you up onto his desk, quickly taking both your panties and skirt off in one go. You moaned at the feeling of the cold air hitting your cunt. You pressed your hands against his bulge, “I wanna see you sir, I wanna see your pretty cock.” 
“How could I say no to that, if that’s what my student wants then I’ll give it to her.” He unbuckled his belt, dropping it to the floor as he took off his pants and boxers. 
He captured your lips in a hungry kiss, your lips meshed together as drool collected at the corner of your mouth. His grunts and your moans filled the room, and he lifted you up bringing you down with him onto his office chair. 
You grinded on him again, repeating your actions from earlier but now.. now it felt so much better. His hardened bare cock touching against your folds. He pulled away from the kiss, “Grind on your professor's cock, such a naughty student aren’t you Miss Y/N?” 
You nodded, small whimpers and moans escaping your lips as your eyes closed. His own eyes trailed your body, he began to unbutton your shirt. 
Your grinds came to a stop, pushing his hands away from yours and opening your eyes. He watched as you took the edges of your shirt and threw it off over your head onto the floor somewhere. He unclasped your bra and threw it behind you, after he immediately took off his shirt. 
“Should’ve just done this from the start, huh princess?” 
He cupped your left breast into his hand, taking it into his mouth and sucked hard. You mewled and wrapped your hands behind his neck. Your back arched at his touch, wanting more. 
“Hnn~, Mr. Rengoku! More! Please!” 
He touched his palm against your clit, “Ngh~, so wet for your professor huh?” He teasingly put a finger at your entrance,  “You have no shame being this wet for me?” 
You began grinding your hips against the palm of his hand, “N-No sir!” 
He shoved his finger into your pussy, feeling your walls clench against his finger. “Have you ever done this with anyone else, Miss Y/N?” 
You shook your head no, feeling a pressure build up in your stomach. “Good, you’ll only be doing this with your professor now hm?” 
When he didn’t receive an answer he shoved another finger in and spanked you, hard. “Answer me Miss Y/N.” His voice was raspy and stern, “I-I.. ahh~, I’ll only do this with you sir!” 
He smirked, “Good girl.”
He stretched your walls further, prepping you to take his cock. “Sir..! I’m gonna.. ngh!~” 
His fingering came to a stop, pulling out his fingers from your sweet pussy. 
“Wh..Why’d you stop Mr. Rengoku?” 
“To do this, Miss Y/N.” He claimed your lips eagerly, grabbing your waist and lowering you onto his cock. 
As you fully took on his length, he felt your walls clench around him. The feeling was euphoric, along with the feeling of having taken your virginity. He growled, “Tell me M’lady, who’s pussy is this!” 
“Yours!” You exclaimed, mewling and scratching his back at the feeling of him beginning to thrust in and out of you.
“Wrong! Try again!”
“Wrong, Miss Y/N!”
His thrusts began to pick up speed, him ruthlessly assaulting your pretty pussy. 
“It’s yours, professor!”
You felt him lift you onto his desk and pushed you down, your back feeling the coldness of it. Once he had you settled on his desk, he shoved papers out of the way. Then he began to thrust even quicker than before, gripping onto your waist as your legs wrapped around him. 
Bringing the two of you closer than before. 
“Close but not quite!”
Your moans filled his ears, he took his right hand and spanked your ass and massaged it. 
“Give me an answer Miss Y/N!” He roared, grunting loudly. 
“Mr. Rengoku ha.. it’s yours! It’s Mr. Rengokus! Ngh!~”
He leaned down and quickly kissed you before going back up, “Correct Miss Y/N!” 
The pleasure was so intense, “I’m your naughty student professor! Please fuck me faster!~” 
He stiffened for a moment, regaining his senses as he thrusted into you deeper. 
“Your wish is my command!” 
Your eyes rolled back, the knot in your stomach slowly beginning to snap. Your back arched painfully as you let out a moan of cries, thighs shaking against his rapid thrusts. 
“You wanna be filled up with your professor's babies?” 
He reached closer to his own high, “You wanna be filled and dripping with my cum? Such a whore for your professor ngh!~” 
His thrusts slowed down to a shaky pace, “F-Fill me up.. hnn~, please professor!” 
He leaned down and began sucking on your perfect skin. “So naughty, you’re mine!” 
He repeated a mantra of ‘Mine!’
His cum shot into your womb, filling it to the brim. He bit your neck, “Your.. haa.. mine,.. Miss Y/N!” 
Your moans got even louder as you felt the heat of his seed enter your womb, your body heating up as you came undone a second time. “Show me how good you feel baby, that nobody can ever do this to you!” 
He unlatched his mouth from your neck, kissing your face to help you calm down as your nails dug into his skin. 
“You’re doing so well for me baby, breathe M’lady.” 
Your nails slowly loosened from out of his back, “Ha.. Mr.. Mr. Rengoku that was.. amazing.” 
He let you breathe for a moment before covering your face in kisses, “You’re.” Kiss “So.” Kiss “Beautiful!” He finished with the last kiss on your lips, a peck. 
”Thank you Kyo..” 
He smiled brightly at the new nickname, “No need to thank me M’lady!” He leaned down and kissed your lips, “I’m simply stating the truth.” 
His cock slid out of you, earning a lewd gasp from you. 
He immediately stiffened, cupping your face in his hands. 
“Don’t do that to me baby, or else we’ll have to go for even more.” 
You smirked, “We could always do more another day sir..”
He kissed your cheek, helping you sit up on the desk. 
“The things you do to me..” He grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles softly. 
“I’m not doing anything Kyo, you’re just horny for me.” He smirked, trying not to look in between your thighs. He didn’t wanna break you if he got hard again.  “Oh yea? Then why did you always squeeze your thighs together during my teaching hm?” 
He planted your faces in kisses so you couldn’t cover your face in embarrassment, “You saw that?! Oh my god that’s so embarrassing!” 
He shook his head, “How could I not? I always stared at you M’lady.” 
You slowly stood up with the help of Rengoku, your legs shaking. “We need to clean you up yeah?” He said, earning a nod from you. 
He helped you put your clothing back on before putting on his own. 
He adjusted his tie before looking at you lovingly, “How do I look my love?” Your heart fluttered at his words, “You look as handsome as always Kyojuro.” 
“Thank you M’lady.. Are you ready to go now?” He held out his arm, letting you hold on to it. 
“Go where?” 
“To my house of course!” 
“Okay Kyojuro, okay..” 
You smiled at him, love filling your eyes as he stared at you the same. He planted a kiss on your lips before the two of you left campus (uncaught) towards his car.
The sight of him sitting in the drivers seat was enough for your heart to beat. 
Oh how you loved this man with all of your heart. 
And he loved you with all of his. 
This was also posted on my ao3 account Xy0!!
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