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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
There it is, Something...
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Enel threw a basketball at my face. He does these kinda things to me from time to time, so I've gotten used to it. Malcaroy was staring at the grey ghastly figure behind him in the mirror. He doesn't know it yet but I can see what he sees. As blood rushed down from my mouth, Mal was dragged down to the floor by Something. "Get yo ass up yo ass is always falling." Said Enel as he punctured Mal in the knee with his flag pole. Mal screamed, he gets abused a lot at home by his 3 older brothers when their parents are away. I wasn't going to say anything because I didn't Enel to jump me.
"You know Enel is so prideful" Mal said unto me "I understand he is my brother and all but, he thinks he is so..." Mal paused for a moment. The expression of grief and envy filled his face. "you know." He turned and looked at me. "Since the day my sister died by an overdose he hasn't been the same. He smokes and sets things on fire, he throws things at me and one time we got into an argument over who would get our grandfather's car, he pushed me onto the stove and I got third degree burns on my left arm. He tried to poison me and he set the cafeteria on fire and blamed me for it." "Damn." I said. I don't talk very much but Mal has been my friend since the 5th grade and I hardly ever talk in front of him, nearly at all. "Sometimes I just wish he would, die." Mal responded in a frustrated tone. Even though it didn't look like it I really sympathised for him.
I saw Mal and he was sitting alone on the benches crying so I walked towards him. He got up and wiped his tears off on his black Slipknot sweatshirt. "Hey Nyle..." he said as he waved at me. I patted him on his shoulder and sat right beside him running my hand down his arm, I pulled him into my arms and hugged him. I'm not to much of a touchy person but he has been my friend for years. "Nyle...my brother is dead." He wept in my arms. "And its all my fault. Enel is dead." He pulled away from my arms and ran off to the fields. "Malcaroy!" I yelled at him. He just ran and ran, and fast. So I chased after him for twenty seven minutes and finally I found him in the woods. There it is, Something... a tall grey ghastly figure standing right next to me and Mal.
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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
What I Wanted To An Extent
To An Extent chapter one vol.1 The Incident
Buzz* the sound of my alarm and my step dad making breakfast before he left for work. Mom goes to work at 4 in the morning so I never get to tell her good morning. And somehow Pedro manages to sleep through the alarm I don't know how he does it because it is at max volume.
Vincent's and Pedro's older sister named Courtney: "Dang y'all sleep for the longest time ever its been 13 minutes and you still sleep?" Says Courtney in a frustrated tone.
Vincent: "I am awake what is your problem?" I said to Courtney in a frightened tone of voice
Courtney: "The problem is" she says as she picks grabs Pedro's blanket off of him and hits him with it "-that you two take foooreever to get out of bed and dad yells at me because I can't get y'all morons out of bed"
Pedro: "We aren't morons its 2023 nobody uses words like " morons" anymore " he says as he rubs his eyes and sighs with frustration. "Look I'm awake my clothes are out and I'm going to take a shower" he says as he climbs off the bed half awake
Courtney: "Well good you haven't bathe in 2 days." She says as she follows him out of their room
I roll out of bed and go to my shared closet. I pull out my favorite pastel green collared shirt and put on my white jeans with laced up tan Sketchers. As I grab my glasses I notice that my tablet was missing. "hmm I probably left it at my dads house" I think to myself.
Pedro: Walks out of the bathroom 20 minutes later fully dressed and hair neatly groomed. "Have anybody seen my necklace I never go anywhere without it?" he says in a panic
Courtney's father who's name is not yet identified: "Which one the one with the cross or the one with the skull?"
Pedro: "The one with the cross bro"
Pedro doesn't really like our stepdad for some reason. I don't understand why though because we have lived with him since we were born. But I guess its okay, and I've always wondered why our last name is Valentino and not Smith but I never got the chance to ask our parents that.
Vincent: "Come on Pedro you can go without it you don't want to be late. Because every time we are late we-"
Pedro: interrupts in a sarcastic tone of voice "Yeah yeah I know, we get yelled at by the principal and our teacher and after that we have to clean up the yard at lunch I know what happens ok. Like stop talking to me right now I am looking for something very important to me and I won't leave until I found it." He starts pacing around the whole apartment back and forth frantically cussing under his breath
Vincent: "Have you checked our room, the bathroom, Courtney's room maybe?"
Courtney: "Now why would I have your stuff" she says as she gets in the car so he dad can get her to school "Besides you 2 are gonna have to walk to school because y'all are taking too long."
Vincent: "Pedro please calm down you are scaring me and I don't like it when you're angry. Please please calm down this is not good for you Pedro not at all."
Pedro: He walks up to Vincent and backhands him. "Look you don't EVER TELL ME WHAT TO F* DO WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME IS ONLY FOR ME AND GOD TO DECIDE! I AM EXASPERATED RIGHT NOW SO I ADVISE YOU TO GET OUT OF MY F* FACE BEFORE YOU GET HURT!NOW VINCENT LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" He yells at Vincent and that scares him very much.
Vincent: "Pedro..." he says as he walks up to him "Pedro calm down ok calm down it will all me alright please trust me it will be okay-"
Pedro: He grabs Vincent by the neck and punches him in stomach he instantly realizes that his brother is in pain and regrets what he did "Vincent I'm sorry I didn't mean to get all upset please forgive me-"
Vincent: Sighs "Why in the WORLD WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" he screams as he scratches Pedro in the face
Vincent and Pedro start arguing at each other. All the noises attracts attention to the neighborhood especially the people in the apartment next to them. Mr and Mrs Fwine call Vincent and Pedro's father to tell them that an altercation is going on next door. Their dad works at home in this condo 4 blocks away from them so he is able  to get there in time before things get out of hand. 
Vincent: "All this is YOUR fault!-" 
Vincent and Pedro's father got there just in time before things got worse. He broke up the fight and took Pedro to his house while leaving Vincent all home with his mom and step dad.
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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
What is your Ethnicity?
African - Indian - Asian
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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
What I Wanted To An Extent  The roller coaster ride
Vincent: At this point there ain't no going back. We are already on the ride, well, (Vincent looks over at his brother Pedro who is sleeping like a baby) I am.
Courtney: How is he sleep on a roller coaster
The ride starts to move at 6 miles per second, the fastest ride in the world well, so far. The Springer of Death. Vincent and his older sisters Courtney are screaming to the top of their lungs meanwhile, Pedro. Pedro is still sleeping lightly snoring.
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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
can I use this for something
✨ Confused Purgatory Boys ✨
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xxzineraxx · 2 years ago
What I Wanted To An Extent Vol.1 Chapter 1 Fresh Not Liquid. Part 1
This is part 1
Ananias: "Ok so why did you break it you don't know how much that phone cost?"
Robert: "He doesn't he is immature and thinks that he can get anything he wants since he is young. But when I was 12 and I asked dad for a phone he yelled at me and when I broke things he grounded me" he says as he zips up his jacket
Rocky: "That's not true I am the most mature person you will ever meet"
Robert: "Oh please you don't even touch grass. Nor can you cook" He responds in a joking tone of manner while also being serious
Ananias: "Arguing with your family is unholy and unhuman. Besides you should be focusing on what you will tell your father about your phone being broken. And the fact that you did it on purpose is what will make it worse."
Robert: "The damages look intentional" he says as he leans on the bridge "He is going to know Rocky. Breaking things isn't going to get you what you want"
Rocky: '"I know but....what if we made A lemonade stand we could make enough money off of it so that I can buy another phone just like this one. Dad won't notice "
Robert: "What will it look like? Two fifteen year olds and a twelve year old selling lemonade near the interstate 5?"
Ananias: "Like creativity! Like people with ambition! Like something God would want."
Robert: "You always see the good in things" he sighs "and it is a little bit annoying. Do you ever get mad?"
Ananias: "I'd prefer not to. There is nothing for me to get mad about."
Robert: "Hmm interesting. But what if someone stole your car what would you do?"
Ananias: "I don't have a car but if I did, I would be disappointed but I know that God would work thinks out for me" he responds as he kneels over to tie his shoelaces
A business woman walks up to Ananias her name is Julie
Julie: "Wow your hair is so beautiful young man" she says in awe "Is it real?"
Ananias: He looks up at the lady who appears to be in her mid 30's dressed in a Emerald Green Mylie Kennal dress with a long tan trench coat. "Thank you miss that was very kind of you. And yes it is real" he says as he gets up "My name is Ananias Monsole and this is Robert and Rocky Colton"
Julie: "I'm Julie Sway and I work for Sway Enterprises and you two are absolutely handsome young men. Your son Robert is absolutely gorgeous, very adorable! How old are you young man?" She says as she reaches to shake Rocky's hand
Rocky: "Um... thanks I guess. I'm twelve by the way this is actually my brother not my dad" he says as he shakes her hand
what happens next? Follow for more
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