real puppy 4evrrrrr it/its /anyth1ng else paraphile cisautism/cisbpd/cisaphantasia chronoadult disabled
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How Much I Miss You acrylic paint on stretched canvas 30”x40” meowgirl300
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real and fake
[ID: A two-panel "pills that make you green" comic, showing two crudely drawn stick figures, one plain black, the other green.
Panel 1 shows the plain figure has their hands in the air, saying, "I mean, of course I support real green people, but-" and is interrupted by the green figure, who says, "Bullshit." The plain figure says, "what". Green continues, "Bull. Shit. I don't believe you. You don't support any green people.".
Panel 2 zooms in on the green figure's face as they say, "Every time you creeps start trying to decide who's a 'real' and 'fake' green person, it eventually boils down to the ones you like being 'real', but always at risk of being downgraded to 'fake' if they get sick of your shit".
End ID.]
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Hey. Genuinely neutral tone, to the RQs who use the term CSEM:
What you mean is CSAM (child sexual abuse material). This is the term for pornographic material depicting real children.
CSEM (child sexual exploitation material) is about non-pornographic objects related to youth that could be interpreted sexually—even if it's not for sexual purposes. This can include self-made nudes, beach photos, nude art-posing, and in some countries includes fictional children.
For now, the acronym CSAM is more specific to real sexual abuse of youth. Please use that one instead so that the definitions are further separated.
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people using pedophile/psychopath/narcissist/zoo as an insult gives me such an ick. like wtf
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Folx who identify with transids for fun or fetish reasons are just as valid as those who identify with transids because of dysphoria btw
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plurality is not defined by switching.
plurality is not defined by headcount.
plurality is not defined by an inner world.
plurality is not defined by distinct headmates.
plurality is not defined by communication.
plurality is not defined by getting along internally.
plurality is not defined by an origin.
plurality is defined by multiple consciousnesses/identities in one body. if you say you’re plural, we and many, many others will always believe you. no two plurals are the same, and no one can tell you what you are or aren’t 💞
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incorporating “everypuppy” into my everyday vernacular to scare off boring people
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people saying that they’d harm their child if they ever start identifying as an animal is so fucking concerning.
therianthropy aside, that’s such a Normal child phase to go though. running around and roleplaying as a wolf is fun and so common. i pray those parents never have kids, let alone therian kids.
just say you’d make an awful parent and move on
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since i do this too i just wanna say. shoutout to autistics who pull their hair, hit their heads on walls, throw things, slam things, etc. when they're having a meltdown. ur not alone.
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why do all of the coolest Tumblr users get termed :<
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hey here's a website for downloading any video or image from any website.
works w/ youtube, soundcloud, twitch, twitter (gifs and videos), tumblr (video and audio), and most other websites you're probably lookin to download stuff off of.
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You're transage around 11-15 and dysphoric about not being that age?
Enjoy the things you used to enjoy around that age! Play that 'cringy' mobile game! Listen to Nightcore! Write a fanfic for the fandoms you used to love! Do the small things that made you happy at that age!
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