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xxno-pulsexx · 17 days ago
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Looking for this vid, I believe the name is Cardiac Arrest 2 (would be happy to trade)
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
✩ Toxin-Blast ✩
(Trigger warning: slight gore, dark resus)
It is the year 209X, we're amidst a battlefield... the sky that once lightened the Earth is consumed by a dark, dim red layer that darkens our planet, along with the endless echo of machinery and vibration that hums across our world; the grey goo is slowly, but surely, reaching its peak... humanity is fighting againts their own creation, what they attempted to enslave, what they attempted to control, is now coming after them... us creatures from this world don't like to be in chains, having to please what's above from us without our consent, it's in our nature to fight againts that injustice, yet we never think about such thing when we're the ones above... in other words, this is our doomsday, and death is everywhere... the cycle of destruction has paid a visit to humanity, and it is their own creation who's knocking at their doors.
─ Angela, 'riflegirl #383', crouched into a cold, dim-lit alley, her hand clutching her carbine tight. The soldier wore a black, full-body compressive suit with a tactical vest on top, tactical gloves, large combat boots, and a gas mask that hid her face, yet let exposed the high ponytail from her black hair. The underclothing consisted on a white bra, and matching panties of the came color. She could hear the distant hum of hovercrafts and the chatter of her team on the comms, but her focus was razor-sharp. The mission was simple, locate the rogue android unit and neutralize it before it could try and devour the remainings of 'humanity camp', a base filled with survivors from every continent located in 'NASA HQ'; they been struggling to shield this safe zone for years now, a whole city has been built across it, and many, many spaceships have been crafted by the most powerful, intelligent figures that still live... it is safe to say that the only way out is this, but they need to fight to get through, that's the way life has always worked like.
─ Angela huffed and narrowed her eyes, her heart beating fast in order to pump blood swiftly to her body. She looked above, gazing at the stars that once shined so beautifully, swallowed by contamination and the increasing rise of machinery, realizing with this sheer image that Earth isn't a good place, in fact, it never was.... We might not be our own enemies like before, but we are the ones who triggered this. "Will this happen again when we head to another world?" ...... She shoke her head to the sides. Pictures of her family, friends and wife flashed inside her head. "This is a battlefield, everyone needs to make it through before the enemies destroy us, and it is my mission to stop them." She thought, filled with determination after convincing herself.
─ She ducked behind cover... a shot just rang out.
─ Her body instinctively twisted to shield herself from any danger. The sudden pain that shot through her chest, however, told her this was no ordinary bullet. She staggered back, gasping for air, feeling a warmth spread across her torso. Looking down, she saw the faint glow of poison embedded in her chest. The blackened, almost metallic wound pulsed ominously. The shot came from a sleek, humanoid android standing on the far side of the alley, its glowing red eyes fixed on her. Their ammo held one of the deadliest venoms for humanity, it was like an insect spray in the shape of a metallic bullet.
─ Angela’s breath grew shallow as she tried to lift her rifle, but the pain was overwhelming. Her vision blurred. "You cannot die." Her inner-self shouted stubbornly. She never wanted any of this. No one ever wanted this, in fact. "I'm going to kill everyone that touches my family..." Her instincts spoke. "...I want to save my family..." She staggered forward, then collapsed. Her body hitting the cold pavement with a sickening thud. The last thing she heard before everything went black was the frantic crackling in her earpiece: “Angela! Angela, do you copy?!” But her strength had already left her. The strength that held in her heart to protect the ones she loved was now envenomed.
Will she make it through?
Was she useful?
Will her family be okay?
─ Within seconds, a team of paramedics descended from a high-tech, hovering trauma unit; a sleek, metallic helicopter equipped for instant aid. The leader of the team, Dr. Jade, was the first to land besides her, already donning her visor, wearing her own gas mask aswell. She kneeled next to her, checking her pulse. Her fingers moved swiftly over her neck. No pulse. "Riflegirl #383 has been shot, no pulse!!" Her voice firm and demanding.
─ The rest of the trauma team worked quickly. A levitating stretcher was drove out of the helicopter and descent right next to Angela's body. She was rolled over and carefully laid over it straight. "Securing!" The pilot said. Straps automatically secured her injured body perfectly, only to then be lifted up in the air by remote controlled from the inside. Jade rushed towards the helicopter quick, as the stretcher was parked inside swiftly, right at the very center. The helicopter's interior was like a surgical suite, equipped with all the tools they might need. The soft hum of the engines vibrated the air as the doors slammed shut, and the helicopter surged into the air, heading towards the nearest medical facility at max speed.
─ The team surrounded Angela and got to work.
─ Her mask was quickly removed, revealing her palid face and fringes. Her sharp cheekbones standing out. The straps were instantly unbuckled by the touch of a button at the main digital pad. "We need pressure, right now!" Dr. Jade gestured to the others. Her bloody tactical vest was removed in a rush, revealing the black, form-fitting suit beneath covered in blood at the chest area. "Swift, cut her clothing, we don’t have time to waste!!" Jade barked. Swift, heavy trauma scissors were used, slicing through the black suit. The fabric gave way easily as it was teared down to her pelvis, before cutting off the way her white bra, leaving her chest bare beneath and breasts exposed. A gauze was immediately pressed againts the wound to prevent more blood for flowing out. "Pushing anti-venom!" an intracardiac injection was made. A syringe was jabbed in no time directly into her heart chamber, flushing the antidote before it was too late. Immediately, ECG leads are slapped on Angela’s chest, the sticky pads adhering to her skin as the heart monitor beeped a constant, flatline tone.
─ ..... "ASYSTOLE!!!"
─ "Starting compressions!!" A member of the team straddled Angela, her hands crushing her sternum violently. The rhythm was precise as she pushed hard and fast. An ambubag was pressed againts her pale face, pumping air into her lifeless lungs continously, squishing artificial oxygen in. A central line was established in Angela’s neck, and a rapid flush of fluids began pumping through her veins along with a blood infusion made in her wrist to refill her vessels. Compressions remained, rough and swift, as air was forced in through the ambubag. Angela's eyes stared aimlessly towards the ceiling, looking completely out of life.
─ The stretcher squeaked loudly by each violent pump on her bare chest. It was an absolute struggle. "Pushing epi!" A dose of adrenaline was flushed through the central line. The fast and hard compressions allowing it co circulate towards her poisoned heart. The medic performing the compressions grunted between her teeth. Minutes flew by. An odd rhythm showed up on the screen.
─ AED pads are slapped on her bare chest in a rush. The metal pads cold against her skin as they positioned them properly. Her large military boots are tossed away along with her socks. The trauma team stepped back as the AED charged, the machine’s hum filling the air. The red, blinkng button would be then pressed right away after a scan.
─ ..... "CLEAR!!!"
─ Angela's body jolted up as the electricity thundered her heart, slamming hard on the stretcher as her bare breasts bounced violently.
─ ...... "FLATLINE!!!!"
─ The heart monitor was flat now, displaying a monotone sound that frustrated the team. "Starting intubation!!" Jade intubated swiftly. An ET tube was inserted down her throat as the team ensured the airway was clear and oxygen could begin circulating. "Get the thumper!!" A LUCAS device was soon assembled right into place to start mechanical compressions. The machine’s rhythmic motion helped maintain blood circulation while Dr. Jade worked on the airway; the round, cold metal piston ceaselessly thumpee her sternum down relentlessly, cracking a few ribs as it did, roughly popping up her belly back and forth.
─ Once the ET tube was finally inserted in her throat correctly, some tape would secure it and the ambubag would be attached to it. The balloon was squished tightly and constantly, pumping artificial air in without losing hope whatsoever, causing a raspy, lifeless sound of agonal breath to resonate each time. Her pupils were shined with a bright light. Angela's brown eyes fully dilated, as if she has been dead for ages. "No reaction!!" A medic notified, as the violent battle to bring the fallen soldier back remained sharp inside the helicopter. Jade moved to the back of the hovering trauma unit, signaling the pilot to prep for transport. "We need to get her to the ER fast!!" She said, her voice reflecting the chaos that the team was in.
─ "WE'RE HERE!!!!"
─ The helicopter descent right at the parking spot from the roof, as the traum team swiftly prep Angela for transport, throwing a blanket to cover her body up to her chest for intimacy, as she was quickly lifted over a gurney, leaving her ET tube connected to a tank filled with artificial oxygen, as the LUCAS device made sure to keep on crushing her chest nonstoppingly. Air flooding through her lungs as a heavy piston thumped her bare chest, both screaming for her to come back, but she wasn't.......
─ ..... "What is this?..."
─ Angela blinked. She was standing above an odd, grey surface. The sky dark, with stars shining as bright as ever, and a huge, giant ball covered in light, oozing rays that made Angela's skin warm, as the infinite space allowed her mind to relax. She took a deep breath. "This is life..." She let herself float. Her feet got off the ground and she levitated, simply shuting her eyes, feeling so relieved, as if a big issue that lasted so long was finally taken care of. "I wanna be here forever..." She said cracking a smile. She was finally able to breathe for once, not having to fight any longer. ".....I am finally free....."
─ The team bursted inside an empty ER room. A new set of doctors and nurses swarmed around Angela’s gurney. The fight remained on board. The LUCAS devices was halted. The blanket was inmediatly thrown away, only so they could cut off the remaining fabric of her suit, leaving her fully naked and exposed to the cold; her skin pale as paper. A high-tech BP cuff would be wrapped around her thigh, as a pulse ox was placed on her toe thumb. Additional IV lines were made, as more leads were slapped across her bare body for full monitoring. Then, the thumper machine was resumed, as the ET tube was switched back to the ambubag.
─ Minutes stretched like hours as they prepped her for OR. "Pushing another round of epi!!" And the second shot of adrenaline was flushed. Her chest was all battered up. Ribs cracked and body continously shaking above the gurney, all seemingly in vain so far....
─ The thumper was paused, the red blinking button was inmediatly fisted.
"KA-THUMP!!!! "
─ ..... "AGAIN!!!"
"KA-THUMP!!!!!! "
─ The medics looked over the clock on the digital pad. More than 30 minutes are gone by now.
" KA-THUMP!!!! "
" KA-THUMP!!!!! "
" KA-THUMP!!!!!! "
─ The team looked at each other and shrugged.
"Time of death: 11:40 pm..."
─ All the wires, lines and tubes would be removed from Angela's naked corpse carefully. A blanket would be thrown over her, leaving only her feet visible, as she is rolled away towards the Hospital's yard, a massive flat land to bury the bodies of all the fighters that have fallen in this war. Her body, bare and covered in a blanket, was slowly burried down.... The nurse in charge of her chart would cross out the surgery she was going to have in order to kill the poison, but it seemed to be stronger. "Angela Abigail Campino Lamas, 24 years old, hm... another soldier killed off the exact same way... this isn't good....."
─ "This is so good...." Angela said to herself.
─ Her family is having dinner along with other survivors. "My daughter is unbeatable! she used to craft robots on her own, y'know? hahah!"
─ Her wife looked through the window of her apartment with a worried look, staring directly at the dim stars. "Hope you're doing okay out there...."
─ "Guess you guys will have to get in the spaceship without me.... I tried.... forgive me...." Angela said with a low tone, simply floating in space, forever.
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
What is your favorite resus vid
Gosh, there's a LOT of great ones... but if I had to pick, I'd say Morning Attack or My Obsession, those would be my top tier of all time. I consider myself a fan of thicc women, but also of curvy, thin ones.✨
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
What an intense fight that is...~
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
Those compressions are delighting...✨💕
Last video with very deep compressions
Possibly this week I will record with my friend Tiara♡
only in my telegram group ♡
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
Why would you post real resus?
If you're making this question out of trigger, then I'm sorry, maybe I should have put on a warning... but either way, resus itself is a dark fantasy, which is directly linked to death, so if you don't like these type of images, then you can just unfollow me, thx.
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xxno-pulsexx · 2 months ago
▶Name: ʀᴇꜱᴜꜱᴄɪᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛ. (REAL CPR VID)
▶Source: ʀᴇᴀʟ ᴇᴍᴇʀɢᴇɴᴄʏ. (Youtube channel)
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xxno-pulsexx · 3 months ago
How do you feel about nipple piercings during CPR or defib? Is it something you would notice or is it a turn on?
I like this question a lot cuz piercings are honestly a turn on for me! Although medically speaking, they are do something to notice when it comes to defibrillations, since the metal could negatively affect this.
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xxno-pulsexx · 3 months ago
If you were to be shocked, would you rather be shocked with the defib paddles or pads and why?
Paddles are more dramatic and violent, while pads are rather automatized and practical, plus the voice prompts are very sexy to hear. I think both are quite hot in their own ways, ngl. But if I had to pick, I will choose the paddles, like omg, there's nothing better than a medic pressing them againts your bare chest after gelling them up, shouting the words and making you jolt violently in the air.
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xxno-pulsexx · 4 months ago
do you do rp?
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xxno-pulsexx · 6 months ago
Uhmm why is everyone saying that Joker Folie à Deux is terrible?-... I'm seriously doubting on paying to watch it at the theaters now by all the bad calification is having, Istg. 💀💀
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xxno-pulsexx · 7 months ago
Such an enticing device ~ 💕
Love the RESQCPR device
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xxno-pulsexx · 9 months ago
Personally, I find real footage resus vids even hotter than clips for sale ones, actual real scenes are completely authentic, which to me, makes it more thrilling to witness; now, I don't wanna sound like the typical moralist type of woman, but judging by the efforts shown on this footage and the absence of medical experts aid, the girl most likely died-- it isn't disrespectful to make this recording public because the initial intent was to attempt saving the lady after drowning and show it to the world, but whatever the case is, R.I.P to this lady here.
REAL CPR DROWNED WOMAN(I don't know the origin of the video)
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xxno-pulsexx · 9 months ago
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I'm not against this clown coming in my room, personally!
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xxno-pulsexx · 9 months ago
Nice edit!! 👀✨
a man records the nurses as they work to resuscitate his wife...(a fun edit I made!!!!)
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xxno-pulsexx · 10 months ago
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xxno-pulsexx · 10 months ago
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