xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“You’re gunna pay for me?” Honestly, Sora hadn’t thought of that. “Oooh, are we going on a date?”
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“Uuh--” Riku blinked. Originally he was just going to pop out and grab some food to bring back but if Sora was coming with, they might as well just eat out. “I guess so.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Fine by me, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” Sora teased. Poor Riku. The guy was probably irritated enough as it was, but Sora had to keep on being a jerk.
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“Yeah yeah yeah. I’m grumpy. Keep it up and I’ll make you pay for your share.” He waved off the tease, already pulling his shoes on.
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“I can cook if you want me to,” Sora offered, shrugging his shoulders. He’d been cooking for himself since he was a little kid, probably too young to operate a stove, safely. “Unless you want to eat out.”
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“Wouldn’t starting something new just take longer? I can just go grab something from one of the shops. Radiant Garden has plenty of places to buy food from.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
Cont. from here @xxkiiheir
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“Yeah, you keep tellin’ yourself that,” Sora laughed, grinning from ear to ear, just about. He loved teasing Riku; honestly, the other made it easy to. “But I think your, um, ‘food’ tells a different story.”
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“Then we can just order out.” He hadn’t bothered to learn when he was younger and when they moved out, he’d been almost nonstop until after the final battle. He should have just grabbed something from town.
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
“You’re a terrible cook.”
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“I’m not that bad...”He grunted, looking down at the mess that had once been edible food.
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
Four Word . Prompts
“Please, come with me.”
“You’re always number one.”
“I can’t do this.”
“I won’t let you.”
“Maybe I’m just crazy.”
“I’m not even sorry.”
“Honestly, just stop it.”
“I believe in you.”
“Don’t be an ass.”
“Who were you with?”
“Please talk to me.”
“I can’t trust you.”
“I need you, though.”
“Don’t be fucking rude.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“So, it was you.”
“I need to go.”
“Just stay with me.”
“You can trust me.”
“Alright, I love you.”
“I’m sorry, but no.”
“Will you help me?”
“You’re a terrible cook.”
“Can you shut up!?”
“You love me, right?”
“I really need you.”
“I don’t love you.”
“I’m not doing this.”
“I really need you.”
“You don’t want me.”
“Let me help you.”
“You’re such a bitch.”
“I can’t do this.”
“You think you’re funny?”
“Hey, I said stop!”
“Will you marry me?”
“Wanna go out sometime?”
“I don’t want this.”
“You always this quiet?”
“Are you fucking insane!?”
“I don’t want you.”
“I’m not wearing that.”
“Sorry, were you sleeping?”
“This was never right.”
“You look really tired.”
“I’m out of here.”
“You need to go.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Alright, alright,” Sora sighed with a grin, giving in. “I’ll go pick something. But, you know, I don’t need a gift to tell me that you love me,” he hummed, turning away from Riku. “I’ve got enough proof of that as it is.”
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“I know I know.” Riku hummed, giving him an amused little smile. “I’ll find something to get you still.“ It would just be more of a surprise because he would give it Sora at random.
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Gift or no gift, I don’t want you to suffer through something you dislike!” Sora laughed, brightly. Still, he was touched. For Riku to give full control to Sora seemed almost out of character, but he knew that the other was doing it simply out of love. “You’re awesome, you know that?”
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“I’m just making sure that I make up for not getting you a gift. You know I’ll sit through anything you put on.” He rolled his eyes, leaning down to kiss his cheek. “Go pick something, I’ll grab the snacks.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Why should only I pick? Shouldn’t it be a joint effort?” Sora asked, curiously. “After all, you’ll be watching the movie with me. It should be something we both like.”
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“But it’s my gift to you because I didn’t have anything physical to give you.” Its not that he didn’t have the time to get something. He just couldn’t find something that screamed Sora to him. What else could he give him aside from himself?
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
Cont. from here @xxkiiheir
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“I can’t think of anything besides just wanting to be with you,” Sora replied. He didn’t need gifts or anything for Riku to prove his love. Just being together was enough. “Let’s watch a movie together, or something.”
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“Alright, we can watch a movie. You pick. “ He hummed a little, head tilted a bit. “But if you think of something else you want to do, tell me and we’ll do that.” 
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
"Happy Valentine's, Riku!" Sora held out a clear bag, tied with a bright blue ribbon, full of little chocolates. "Remember the one I gave you when we were kids? I thought I'd recreate that, but I think the chocolates are WAY better, now," he laughed.
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“I don’t remember them being that bad.” 
Still he takes the bag, leaning down to press his lips to Sora’s cheeks. 
“I’m not....great at the gift giving so I thought I’d treat you to whatever you’d like for the day. Name it, and it’s yours.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“If you say so.” Sora closed the space between them, hugging onto Riku and wrapping his arms around the other. “I’m sorry. I’m just… not in the right head at the moment,” he confessed, hiding his face against Riku’s shoulder.
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Riku hummed, tucking Sora in against him. “You’re in your head. It’s right, you’re just dwelling on it too much. You’ll be fine, I know it.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“You have too much faith in me,” Sora sighed, though it made him feel a bit better. Knowing that at least one of them saw such potential in Sora made him feel like maybe he’d find his way, one day. “I still want to meet a me that doesn’t have the Keyblade. I can’t imagine it.”
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“I have faith enough for the both of us. And hey, even if you don’t find something right away, that’s fine too. You deserve a break. We have our own place and Radiant Garden is a wonderful place. “ He smiled softly. “Maybe one day you’ll get the chance. There are a lot of worlds out there. “
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Maybe, but… What does that say about me? That I couldn’t live a happy, boring, normal life? What if I somehow lost the power of the Keyblade? Master Yen Sid doesn’t have his anymore. What if that happens to me? I’m not some great sorcerer that can guide people. I’m just… me.”
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“Honestly? I can see you being good at anything you put your mind to. Even if you lost the power of the keyblade, you’d find something to do. It wouldn’t stop you from seeing the other worlds and connecting to other people. You’d find something else and be just as determined to do that. Just because you don’t know now, doesn’t mean you won’t know then.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“But that… that tells me nothing. Who would I have been? What would I have done? I can’t think of anything like that. I can’t picture a Sora without the Keyblade.”
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“Do you think there’s a reason you can’t think of a life without the keyblade? Perhaps it’s because you were meant to do this. You’d still be Sora without one but your life would have been drastically different. Not a life you can picture. Either that or you’re just really bad at picking a career.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“…I don’t know. Maybe we would have led the boring lives of our parents?” Sora suggested, at a loss. If he didn’t know who he would have been without the Keyblade now, how was he supposed to know what his younger self would have done?
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“Probably. We would have finished school. Picked somewhere to go to college. Gotten our own place like we wanted.” He chuckled. “We would have had long, boring lives.”
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xxkiiheir · 6 years
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“Which probably would have ended badly,” Sora sighed. He wasn’t in a good mood in the slightest. “One storm would have ended our journey real fast.”
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“Yeah, that was a dumb idea. A really dumb idea. We would have failed that and ended up back here.” He hummed. “Then what? Would we have tried again?”
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