xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
emo dividers
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
ugliest possible fuckin graphic design fail possible with the text “cummunism”
right away captain
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
HEY ! im tryna start dis blog back up n now i actlly know how 2 make MY OWN HOMEMADE BLINKIEZ !!! plz send requestz !!!!
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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I heart emo boys
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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more derranged blinkies, enjoy ✨
(made with blinkies cafe)
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
redemption arcs that double as tragedies!! you’re a better person than you’ve ever been and you have nothing left to your name!!you have to rebuild yourself and your life from the ground up and you’re smiling in the ashes!! you were devastated your life is ruined!!! nothing is ever going to be the same ever again you are never going to regain what you had you are never going to be free of the guilt you are never going to be able to go home there is nothing left for you!!! you are free you are more yourself than you’ve ever been!! fires help forests grow!!
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
Gender is fake, let's party
Anyway I think if a cis woman wants a beard she should get on T or buy some minoxidil and just go for it. I think if a cis woman doesn't want breasts she should cut 'em off. She should go topless at the beach, with or without breasts.
I think if a cis man wants breasts he should get on E and grow a pair. Buy breast forms and wear 'em around. Put on that sundress. Get electrolysis. He should wear a bikini to the beach without tucking.
No one can stop you and no one SHOULD.
I want to live in a world where you cannot tell by looking what someone's sex or gender is. You can't even assume. That person wearing a cute floral dress with boots, a beard, and a sunhat could be cis or trans or anything in between.
I want the world to be so thoroughly confusing that TERFs and radfems and gender criticals and transphobes won't know what to do.
Gender is fake. Let's party.
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
shouldn’t have to be said but do not enter a relationship/friendship with a disabled or chronically ill person with the expectation that they will get better. expect them to have limitations and not be able to do the same things your other friends/partners do. stop acting surprised that disabled people don’t live up to abled standards
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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Edit: at the suggestion of @fritzllang​, I have made a playlist! It has these fifteen songs, but I might add some others too.
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
well other than that mrs. kennedy how was the drive
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
Okay, see, I understand the reason why people believe "testosterone is so powerful and estrogen, by comparison, is useless and weak", but guys... please stop. It's not helpful, it's inaccurate, and frankly, it's just... transphobic (and misogynistic).
Yes, estrogen and testosterone (in different levels) are different, and do different things. But to say that one is useless - esteogen, more often than not - is so inaccurate. I've seen so many trans women on estrogen express just how much they have changed - some even remarked that their shoe size changed. Estrogen isn't inherently weak. Testosterone isn't inherently powerful. They do different things in different peoples' bodies, which is why transition timelines vary so much even if some of us take the same medications.
Additionally, please recognize how hurtful this can be to those either seeking transition, or not looking to medically transition in this way. How does it look when people are bombarded with the idea that their transition isn't going to be successful, and that there's no point? If I were told again and again that there isn't any point in something I need, I know I'd be miserable on top of the misery I'd feel for being unable to transition how I needed. It's unnecessarily cruel.
You can certainly speak on the affects of different hormones. That is completely okay! But to moralize or even scandalize hormones isn't the way to go, I think.
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
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made a beginners guide for the twitter newbies hope this helps <3
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
⬇ make a webpage right now its free ⬇
neocities.org 👈 for website hosting
internetingishard.com 👈 for coding tutorial
w3schools.com 👈 for a searchable index of every html and css term under the sun and live examples of how each one works
sadgrl.online 👈 for a layout builder, if you dont want to do everything from scratch
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xxjaybl1nkiezxx · 2 years
If your cat is curious abt what you're eating always let em have a lil whiff. 9/10 times they don't even wanna eat it they just wanted to know what it was. it's cute
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