xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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All these years I’ve been looking at the wrong side.
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
i’m such a slut for reassurance my heart literally nuts when you tell me you want me
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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1.01 / 1.03 / 1.05 / 1.06 
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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fittonia albivenis (nerve plant) will ‘faint’ when they need something – to be watered, to be removed from the sun, when they are too cold – however, they almost always recover quickly once their needs are met.
crazyplantguy on ig
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
“God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers”
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
Friend: i can’t imagine how you’re dealing with this
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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#two types of parents
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
You know what Stranger Things character I want to know more about? that science teacher guy. His life is basically just “every once in a while some kids and their parents will call me up with weirdly specific questions and then a few days later one or more buildings are destroyed”. Like cmon. The guys gotta have a few theories by now.
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
Today I told the ER doctor I live a "sedimentary" lifestyle and only just now, several hours later, realized it's "sedentary" and that sedimentary is a geological term that describes eroding rocks.
Correction: describes bits of eroded rocks that make up another rock ffs
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
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Two years?! I’m in!
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xxdeadlydallyxx · 5 years
I think next thursday is gonna be the best day of my entire life tbh
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