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xterminators · 3 years ago
Getting the Right Team for the Job: Commercial Pest Control Services in Vancouver
When it comes to working in a commercial kitchen, experience matters; you need to be able to rely on a team that understands how to work in a busy, fast-paced environment. The same is true for commercial pest control services – to get the job done right, you need a team who knows what they are doing.
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Different Place, Different Pests
The types of pests you may find in your home are often different from the types of pest infestations faced by commercial businesses. Where ants and bed bugs are common in homes, warehouses or restaurants may suffer more frequently from rodents and cockroaches. Commercial pest exterminators are familiar with the types of pests common to commercial businesses, and they will know the best ways to get rid of the problem.
Faster, Flexible Service
While it may be easy to ask a family to leave their home for a few hours so exterminators can do their job, asking a business to shut down for any period of time is not as straightforward. Commercial pest control services in Vancouver will move fast to ensure minimal disruption to your operations.  
Plan for the Unexpected
Most residential homes are set up similarly and face similar pest problems; exterminators who primarily deal with residential pest control tend to utilize the same techniques. Commercial pest control in Vancouver, on the other hand, is rarely the same from day-to-day and requires exterminators to think on their feet. When dealing with an experienced commercial exterminator, they will know exactly how to approach your pest problem, whether you operate a large retail outlet, a medical office, or a food processing facility. 
Focus on Prevention
Keeping pests out of large commercial spaces requires a keen eye and a lot of attention to detail. Because commercial pest control technician has more experience working in a diverse range of commercial spaces, they are better equipped to locate and eliminate access areas and help implement a well-rounded, long-term pest prevention plan.
Commercial pest control services are different from residential pest control services. It's not uncommon for exterminators to offer both residential and commercial pest control services in Vancouver, but make sure the company you hire has the right experience.
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xterminators · 3 years ago
Keeping Your Restaurant Pest-Free in Vancouver
While there are many health issues associated with having pests in restaurants, for restaurant owners, the need for pest control is not only health-related but also key for maintaining a positive reputation. No one wants to go to a restaurant for dinner and see a rat run across the floor. In that type of incident, most people would be horrified and leave, the restaurant’s reputation would take a serious hit, and the restaurant may even get shut down by health inspectors.
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That is why restaurant pest control for Vancouver restaurants is such an important part of their business and livelihood. Restaurant pest control in Vancouver needs to be effective at not only eliminating pests, as well as preventing them from returning. Restaurant pest control in Vancouver also needs to be done in a safe and discreet. No one wants to eat at a restaurant to find flypaper stuck to the walls.
Pests, such as rodents, insects, and other unwanted guests all want to be warm and full, especially during the cold winter days. This is why pests are attracted to restaurants, they’re full of food, warm and dry, and safe from the outside elements.
Pests can make people very sick, especially if they contaminate food supplies and food contact surfaces. For restaurant pest control in Vancouver needs to have a pest management program, that consists of precautionary steps that are put in place to keep pests from entering their facilities, as well as to exterminate the pests that have gotten inside.
The best restaurant pest control strategy is prevention. Two main ways to prevent and control insects, rodents, and other pests are to block entry points and to eliminate sources of food water, and shelter. Pests are constantly looking for food, water, and a safe place to live. Some common ways for making a restaurant an unwelcome shelter for pests include storing food bins away from walls at least six inches off the floor, sealing word place equipment to the floor or raising it six inches above the surface, sanitizing the work surfaces regularly, and keeping the dumpster areas clean and as far away from the building as possible.
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xterminators · 3 years ago
Preventative Measures for Residential Pest Control in Vancouver
As the seasons change, our routines change with them. We may adjust our schedules to match with the daylight hours, wear different clothing, eat different foods, and feel differently. As summer turns into fall, the cozy feelings of hot drinks, warm blankets, and crackling fires inside warm homes are pleasant and exciting. As the seasons change however, pest control methods should also change.
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While pests are a year-round problem, during the colder months they will be seeking shelter and food, and with outdoor options being more limited, if your home is not prepared for residential pest control in Vancouver, you might just find yourself with some unwelcomed guests.
Unlike in the summer, our doors and windows in Vancouver are closed during the fall months. However, there are other, smaller entrances that you might not notice that are gateways for pests to enter your home. The first step for fall residential pest control in Vancouver is to locate possible entrances. Inspect the outside of your home, especially any gaps in the windows, doorframes, walls and under siding. Pests can squeeze through extremely small openings. Cracks and gaps can not only let the cold air in, but pests as well, so it is important for your home’s upkeep and maintenance to regularly inspect it for any damages.
Once the openings are found, seal them. Silicone caulk is one of the best tools when it comes to residential pest control in Vancouver, as it will keep the rain out as well as the pests. Caulk also works wonders to seal gaps around windows and doorways, which should be done for heating purposes, as well as pest control.
Inside your home, fill any spaces you can with steel wool. Pests do not like how the rough fibers feel, and they will avoid it. Remember, some rodents, such as mice, can fit through holes as small as a Canadian dime. If you can see it, a pest can squeeze through it. Installing door sweeps, and repairing any damaged window screens, are two other tips when it comes to residential pest control, as these two entry points are some of the most missed, and commonly used by pests.
When focusing on residential pest control in Vancouver, you need to be diligent, smart, and efficient. Checking moisture levels, sealing any gaps on the outside of your home, and cleaning regularly will all ensure that pests coming into your home remain minimal.
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
Pest Control Safety - What You Need to Know
Given the nature of the work of pest control and extermination, one of the most common questions to arise is whether there are any safety risks posed to the homeowners and their families and pets by the presence of the treatment and its potential toxicity.
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Well, this is a good reason to use professional pest control in Burnaby rather than trying do-it-yourself methods. Professionals will be trained in various ways to protect children and pets from harm, who both are particularly prone to picking things up off the floor and even consuming them. There are also a few other important reasons to hire professionals; let’s go over them!
Firstly, hiring professionals is important because pest control methods — traps, bait, and sprays — are tailored to the specific pest they are intended to eliminate, including a specific amount, with proper handling, and to specific areas out of reach from frequently used child and pet areas.
Secondly, there are stringent, protective Health Canada and Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) regulations governing both the pesticide products approval and their use by professionals.
Thirdly, do-it-yourself methods are definitely prone to error, which can be dangerous. Some common items used include bleach, diatomaceous earth, or fiberglass. Diatomaceous earth and fiberglass pose a risk in that they consist of hard microscopic crystals which if inhaled, can cause acute respiratory issues. Further, diatomaceous earth can get locked into lungs folds, with repeated exposure leading to a condition called silicosis, causing scarring in the lungs. Improper bleach dilution for cleaning surfaces can cause excessive toxic exposure for pets.
A fourth reason to hire professional pest control in Burnaby is that they save you time, not only in the initial research and troubleshooting and in the actual treatment itself, but also when things fail to work right away; they can guarantee to fix the problem. If the pests return within a certain timeframe, for instance within a 3-month guaranteed period, the company will come to treat again at no extra cost.
Finally, health issues and infection risks of long-term exposure to pests and their byproducts, particularly such as with rats and mice, are worth assuring more complete extermination of pests. By hiring experts who know where pests can hide, a proper, extensive, calculated, informed plan of attack can be made. Pest problems can grow if allowed to persist, making the problem worse and more difficult and costly when put off or incompletely handled.
Professional pest control in Burnaby can solve your issues efficiently and effectively and, for many reasons, it is well worth consideration.
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 3 years ago
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xterminators · 4 years ago
What’s Your Warehouse Packing? Commercial Pest Control Vancouver
Thanks to the rise in eCommerce, there has never been a greater need for large warehouses and distribution centres. However, the bigger these facilities get and the more goods they pack in, the more inviting they become to uninvited guests – such as rodents.  
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Why Warehouses Make the Perfect Spot for Pests to Nest 
When you think about it, your typical warehouse has everything a rodent needs to make a comfortable home – warmth, food, and plenty of nooks and crannies to hide in. And from a management perspective, keeping a huge warehouse facility pest-free can be nearly impossible. 
Mice and rats have the potential to cause significant damage to the goods stored in your warehouse. With a residential infestation, rodents like to make their nests in places like walls and attics, shredding up paper, fabric, and insulation to make themselves comfortable places to sleep. 
In a warehouse setting, they may look to things like boxes, packing materials, and even your electrical equipment. However, these tiny pests not only pose a risk to your property – they are notorious for chewing on wires – a rodent infestation could permanently damage your reputation and send your warehousing clients running. Imagine a customer who opens a box only to discover damaged goods, or worse, actual evidence of mice or rats. 
How Partnering with Commercial Pest Control in Vancouver Can Help  
Keeping pests out of large commercial facilities is not a DIY project. Once rodents have infiltrated your business, professional pest control is the only way to get them out permanently.
Commercial pest control services will help eliminate the pests and develop a management plan for long-term prevention. The process will include: 
A thorough, professional examination of all potential access points and immediate recommendation on best correcting them. This may seem like common sense, but a mouse can fit through an opening as small as a quarter, and in a warehouse, that’s a lot of ground to cover
Locating areas where pests are nesting and employing elimination methods to prevent their return
Cleaning and decontaminating
Educating staff on best practice preventative measures
With products coming from all over the world, ranging from foodstuff to armchairs, there’s no shortage of opportunity or incentive for enterprising rodents to make their home in your warehouse. Commercial pest control in Vancouver can help keep your warehouse rodent-free, keeping your employees safe and your customers happy.
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xterminators · 4 years ago
How Safe is Residential Pest Control in Burnaby?
When it comes to kids and pets, you can never be too safe, especially where potentially dangerous chemicals are concerned. For many people struggling with a pest problem, their primary concern isn’t whether residential pest control will be effective; it’s whether it is safe.
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Young children and pets are, by nature, curious about their surroundings, and they both also tend to explore the world around them by putting things in their mouths. This can be extremely concerning for pet owners and parents worried about the toxic chemicals that most people assume are used in residential pest control.
Well, you can put your mind to rest; residential pest control in Burnaby is completely safe for you, your kids, and your pets. The only creatures that need to watch out are the pests the treatment was designed to eliminate.
Understanding Residential Pest Control
People often assume that they are asked to leave their homes and take pets with them during a residential pest control appointment because the solutions being used are dangerous to humans. In reality, residents are asked to leave because pest control products can have a strong odour and it makes it easier for the technician to work. The smell emitted by most pest control products isn’t dangerous to humans or pets. It’s simply unpleasant and will dissipate once the solution has dried, typically after a few hours.
Another common concern is with regard to bait traps frequently left by pest control companies. Most homeowners may not know this, but licensed pest control specialists are actually trained on where to leave these baits, specifically so that they don’t wind up in the wrong hands. Further, all pesticides are administered within limits set by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency.
Why Professional Residential Pest Control is Safer Than DIY Methods
If you are looking for pest control solutions, then you probably have a pest problem. Besides the fact the licensed residential pest control services are better at eliminating a pest problem, they are also much safer, particularly in homes with small children and pets.
Professionals use only Health Canada approved methods and pesticides and are trained on how to use them in a safe manner. Many of the DIY methods circulating on the internet suggest chemicals that are far more dangerous for children and pets than professional pesticides and fail to take into account any kids and pets.
There is no need to put your health and safety at risk by ignoring a pest problem; the methods employed for residential pest control in Burnaby are effective and safe for you and your family.
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xterminators · 4 years ago
Why Commercial Pest Control is Important
Pest infestations can start anywhere, at any time, be it an office building, a gym, a restaurant, a retail store, warehouse or other workplace. Pest problems can lead to results from disaster to annoyance, especially in the food service industry.
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If you notice an increase of a specific pest in your workspace, consider looking into commercial pest control in Vancouver. No matter the pest, the faster pest control services are started, the faster the problematic pests are gone. The goal of commercial pest control in Vancouver is to prevent pests from invading your business. Pests will find any small crack or opening to use as a gateway to get inside. Many pests, such as mice, can squeeze into spaces that look like they are too small.
Depending on the industry, an infestation of a pest can cost businesses a lot of money and product. Commercial pest control in Vancouver is for any business that is experiencing a pest problem. Common pest infestations include mice, ants, wasps, silverfish, cockroaches, rats, and other animals, ranging from snakes to pigeons.
In order to protect your business, and your business’ bottom line, it is important to get professional, experienced pest control experts to assess and deal with the situation immediately. Commercial pest control in Vancouver does not have to start after pests have already started causing your business problems. Prevention is very important, especially for the food service industry and warehouses.
Naturally, food establishments such as restaurants, cafes, grocery stores, and food-storage warehouses are attractive places for pests. It is very important for these businesses to maintain a reputation of cleanliness and hygiene. Be it a minor insect problem, or mice living in the walls, guests seeing pests can cost businesses a lot financially. Hiring a professional team of pest control experts to discreetly deal with pest infestations can save business owners stress, financial problems, and in worst cases, the business itself.
Easy prevention solutions you can implement in your business with little to no equipment are simple ways to help your businesses. Storing food properly in airtight containers or storage areas and ensuring there are no cracks, gaps or holes that pests can use to get inside are effective strategies.
Even if they are not storing food, warehouses are a favorite home for pests. Investing in preventative measures, and acting quickly at the first sign of a pest infestation are key ways to prevent an extreme problem.
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xterminators · 4 years ago
Pest Control Supplies to Prevent Infestations
No one wants to have to call an exterminator. Because no one wants the pests that might warrant calling an exterminator. However, life happens and sometimes you need to call in the professionals. While prevention is always the best method, having pest control supplies in your home is not a bad idea. You do not need a professional-level arsenal of pest control supplies, but having some basics on hand is always a good idea.
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If you think you have bedbugs, do not panic. Having bedbugs does not mean you have a messy house. Bedbugs can infect your space through a number of ways.  Bedbugs can be brought into your home through used furniture, generally mattresses, box springs, bed frames and bedside tables are considered to be high risk items. Having pest control supplies Vancouver in your home on hand is a good idea if you will be bringing in secondhanded furniture. Make sure to wash and disinfect as best you can anything that you bring into your home. Either from a second-hand store or friend’s house. As a precaution, a bedbug spray purchased from supply store is a good idea. Being very ruthless with your spray, as well as a cycle or two in your washing machine in hot water followed by a hot dry cycle (if possible) will help ensure that the items are clean.
Bed bug mattress covers are another pest control supply in Vancouver that you can find at any home supply store. After the spray dries, putting a mattress cover on the mattress will ensure that any bedbugs that exist will suffocate, as they cannot get through the mattress cover.
Other pest control supplies in Vancouver that are good multitaskers are diatomaceous earth, which is also called bed bug powder. Bed bugs and other bugs die after they come in contact with it, and spiders are said to also stay away from it.
A mixture of half vinegar, half water in a spray bottle is a good gentle and natural surface cleaner, the smell of which also offends spiders.
Other pest control supplies in Vancouver that are readily accessible are interceptors, which catch bugs at the bed legs, preventing them from climbing onto the bed and biting you and your family. Mattress and box spring encasements are also a good option, as they prevent bugs from getting to the mattress.
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xterminators · 4 years ago
Depending on the pest, you will need to buy some pest control supplies. If you are noticing small blood stains on your sheets and you or members of your family are waking up with bug bites, you will need professional bedbug treatment to effectively eliminate them.
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