“ now get over your gryffindor self-righteousness and trust a slytherin cause you'll need more help. ”( | )
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—- a person who lives outside their native country
independent & selective harry potter oc written by william / formerly xpatiisms
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—- a person who lives outside their native country
independent & selective harry potter oc written by william / formerly xpatiisms
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—- a person who lives outside their native country
independent & selective harry potter oc written by william / formerly xpatiisms
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—- a person who lives outside their native country
independent & selective harry potter oc written by william / formerly xpatiisms
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—- a person who lives outside their native country
independent & selective harry potter oc written by william / formerly xpatiisms
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You can’t get stuck on what should have happened. That doesn’t help you.
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays With Morrie (via wnq-writers)
#( ⦊ ⬗. scars of a childhood lost ⦉ )#( ⦊ ⬗. musings ⦉ )#( ooc: also works for the election. breathe everyone. world hasn't ended. )
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independant & selective kylo ren written by william / est. dec 2015
#( this is what i have been doing for the past week or so. )#( self promo. )#( i have been lost to the wars. )#( the star wars. )
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Star Wars Ep. 1-6 Sentence Meme
“Always two, there are. No more, no less. A master… and an apprentice.”
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you.”
“If and when they find us, they will crush us, grind us into tiny pieces and blast us into oblivion!”
“That is the sound of a thousand terrible things headed this way.”
“This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!”
“From the moment I met you, all those years ago, not a day has gone by when I haven’t thought of you. And now that I’m with you again… I’m in agony.”
“It may be difficult to secure your release.”
“Well, you know, it- it wouldn’t have to be that way. We could keep it a secret.”
“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?”
“You’re asking me to be rational. That is something that I know I cannot do.”
“Don’t make me kill you.”
“If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy!”
“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.”
“To cheat death is the power only one has achieved, but if we work together… I know we can discover the secret.”
“You’re breaking my heart! You’re going down a path I cannot follow!”
“Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed.”
“I find your lack of faith disturbing.”
“I’m getting too old for this sort of thing.
“I’m surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.”
“In my experience, there is no such thing as luck.”
“I can’t keep the vision out of my head. They’re my friends. I’ve gotta help them.”
“If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.”
“There is no escape! Don’t make me destroy you.”
“This deal is getting worse all the time.”
“You have failed me for the last time.”
“I know there is good in you.”
“No, you’re coming with me. I won’t leave you here. I’ve got to save you!”
“Soon I’ll be dead, and you with me.”
“This is an unexpected pleasure. We are honored by your presence.”
“Your overconfidence is your weakness.”
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I’d say go to hell, but I never want to see you again.
Sylvia Plath (via wordsnquotes)
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A little darkness, in itself, at the time, is nothing. You think no more about it and you go on. But I know what darkness is, it accumulates, thickens, then suddenly bursts and drowns everything.
Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies (via wordsnquotes)
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Yet in their absence I seemed to love them so much.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment (via wordsnquotes)
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Anger is better. There is a sense of being in anger. A reality and presence. An awareness of worth. It is a lovely surging.
Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye (via wordsnquotes)
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long after you’re G O N E, G O N E , …gone.
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“ it’s not about whether or not i'm cunning. it’s about not knowing hogwarts like the rest of you. bit hard when you’re trying to catch up to three years in just a couple of months. even harder when every other house seems to think I’m hiding something. ...so you and pansy together? ”
❛ Depends on how you SELL IT. You’re a Slytherin, for crying out loud. Prove you worth – show you can being cunning with this. I find it CUTE you think I’m competition. I, unlike you, am not a wanker who waited LAST MINUTE — I’m taking Pansy.❜
#elderwandskeeper#( he will /always/ be really fucking angry about how the other kids treated slytherins ESPECIALLY during the battle of hogwarts )#( i mean he gets it but it pisses him off )#( ⦊ v. the new kid ⦉ )
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The Force Awakens Starter sentences
“Do I talk first or you talk first? I talk first?”
“We’re home.”
“I’m no one.”
“You don’t know anything about me.”
“That’s one hell of a pilot!”
“Are you up for this?”
“Hell no.”
“Stop taking my hand!”
“I don’t know your name.”
“Nothing will stand in our way.”
“There has been an awakening.”
“Where do you come from?“
“Oh, you’re cold?!”
“Are we really doing this?!”
“We’ve got company.”
“Keep it. It suits you.”
“I think I can handle myself.”
“I know all about waiting.”
“The belonging you seek is not behind you … it is ahead.”
“Actually, he’s not for sale.”
“Classified, really?”
“Come home.”
We’ll figure it out. We’ll use The Force!”
“It’s true. All of it.”
“You still drive me crazy.”
“Because it’s the right thing to do.”
“You need a pilot.”
“I need a pilot.”
“Alright, let’s light it up!”
“May the Force be with you.”
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Yet in their absence I seemed to love them so much.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment (via wordsnquotes)
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Do you think I know what I’m doing? That for one breath or half-breath I belong to myself?
Rumi (via wordsnquotes)
#( yoooooooooo )#( rumi you hardcore motherfucker )#( ⦊ ⬗. musings ⦉ )#( ⦊ ⬗. scars of a childhood lost ⦉ )
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