xoxxoamarie · 7 years
Pregnancy Blues
Hello Beauties, As I'm approaching the end of my pregnancy, I've been reflecting on my journey that's flew by so fast and I want to share a few things with you all.. Pregnancy is a beautiful experience inside and out, but it will also do a number on you as well if you allow it too. Everyone's pregnancy is different, but some of us have experienced the same things. For me, I've been blessed & highly favored because I wouldn't have made it thus far without my support system (Parents, Boyfriend, Family). See, I've had my entire pregnancy planned out before anything happened and nothing has went the way I planned, but my space has become so peaceful and my faith has become even stronger. I've been hit left and right with life changes early in my pregnancy, which at the time I'd call them tragedies, but God was just clearing my path for a positive experience and getting me ready to be a stronger woman for my son. God literally torn me down and started rebuilding me from scratch. He stripped me of everything, but through not having anything.. I had everything and it has been the best feeling in the world. I literally woke up happy almost everyday and I thank God. It has humbled me, showed me who's there for me and made me adjust as a whole in my darkest times. This experience has turned me into a mother and I will tackle the entire world for my son. 🙌🏽💙 Here's some useful advice for anyone experiencing this in pregnancy: Outside Beauty changes: (Acne, Weight, Color) Everything changed on me.. I felt like I was sooo beautiful before I got pregnant and at the beginning of my pregnancy and somewhere during my second trimester, I started looking completely different. I've gotten acne over my entire face, neck, chest and top back, which I'd never experienced before. I've truly struggled with this.. Cried about it to my family and boyfriend, but somewhere down the line found the beauty out of it. I'm confident my beauty is still there and understand this stage is temporary for my biggest blessing ever. Stay strong ladies, you will get past it!!!! Bigger Everything: (Feet, legs, nose, hands, lips, etc.) All Temporary!!! My swelling didn't come into play until my third trimester and it can be painful. No shoes fit or are comfortable, hurts to open anything with my hands, lips got darker like I smoked for years and my nose blew up overnight. Find what works for you while being pregnant and be comfortable!!!!! I've had to wear bloomers throughout my second and third trimester and believe me when I say, that hurt my heart because my love for sexy underwear had to be placed on hold and that's nothing like me. I haven't even cared about matching my underwear while pregnant. 😫 Hair Growth EVERYWHERE: Yes, the hair on your head grows and so does the hair everywhere else. My stomach became so hairy and I hate it. Lol. It's gotten longer and I want to cut it so bad, but I've just let things run their course. It gets to a point where you can't see down there anymore and if you don't have help, you're in trouble. Waxing wasn't an option right now due to the pain and my sensitivity, so I've struggled, but got through it with help. Ask your partner to shave you because that hair grows back really fast. Friendships: Some will end and some will grow.. I've lost a person I considered a best friend while on this journey, but I've come to an understanding that everyone isn't meant to stay in your life forever and some ppl do have expiration dates. Some ppl don't know how to be genuinely happy for you or supportive. They will not always be there like they say they will, they will talk about you and judge your story as if their shit don't stink, but ppl like that are miserable and you want to stay as far away as possible from those Miserable Mary's. You'll be joining a mommy club where things concerning your baby matters more than the latest gossip or club. 8/10 if they don't have kids, they may not be able to relate. Your Significant Other: I'm sure you've all heard the saying "be careful who you have your kids by".. Well that saying is very true. Make sure your partner is all in and you can count on each other. You both will be experiencing changes and it won't always be easy to deal with one another. The support from your significant other is very important, but if you aren't fortunate to have that support stay positive and don't become the typical baby mama Drama Launa😱. Enjoy the time you both have together before the baby. Date, laugh, plan and whatever else makes you happy together. Include him in things.. Picking out names, doing the registry, doctors appointments, etc. I thank God for my Honey🙌🏽 We're not perfect by any means, but he has been by my side even when I have been thee biggest mean girl in the world to him (due to hormones). It's the small things that count the most. Don't push them away ladies, but also give them their space. Lets be very clear: You want your child to come into this world with a strong, stable foundation whether you and your partner decide to be together or not. Work with each other and not against one another because you will only hurt the child in the end. If you don't have anything, make sure you both have RESPECT for one another no matter what happens. Support each other as this person will be in your life for the rest of your life. Family: Most will talk about you and try to judge, but some will also be supportive as well. They will wish against you (which I don't understand) and what you want, but you don't allow that to bother you. Embrace them as they are and you'll learn pros/cons to teach your child. Everyone will NOT be happy for you, but their on the outside looking in. Keep your house in order and allow them to feel however they feel. Be positive no matter what! Go to those family outings and interact with your family, that's very healthy. Parents: Most will yarn for their parents. I've been beyond sensitive and I always want my mother around. I've cried when they weren't able to be here for whatever reason, but I've been so grateful for the times they have. My bond with my mother has become so solid. She's been by my side from the very beginning & I truly thank God. I haven't had to lift a finger due to her, my daddies and Honey. My mother has made sure this transition has been as positive as possible for me. That's literally my lifeline. Learn to love the new you, embrace the changes and prepare yourself for this life changing event that'll come very quickly. Stay healthy and active from beginning to end. Lotion your entire body everyday, but especially your thighs, stomach, back and breast. Drink lots of water and remove pop. Read something positive daily and talk to your belly. Clean your house!!!! Remove all negativity and be at peace with yourself and the decisions you've made. Build the life you want for your child. Anything is possible in this world. Protect yourself, your offspring and your spirit at all times. Pray daily and everything will happen the way God see's fit. Xo, A💋
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xoxxoamarie · 8 years
Fuck Nigga's, Get a MAN!
Hello Beauties 🤗
I love my black men, all of them, but I can't stand "nigga's".. See, there's truly a difference! Men know how to respect, love, appreciate & communicate respectfully to women. Nigga's mistreat, disrespect & abuse women in every way they possibly can. They prefer verbal abuse.. For example: Nigga: Hey sexy, you looking damn good. Take my number, I'd love to see what you working with. Girl: Sorry, I'm okay. Nigga: Bitch Fuck You! Why the disrespect? If she wasn't interested, she just wasn't interested. There's no reason you should ever have to disrespect & that innocent woman shouldn't have to endure that nonsense. You have nigga's who are trained to mistreat women. They work on a woman's self-esteem, until it's beyond low. They call them all kind of names, tell them they aren't worth anything, make them feel like pure shit and for what? To leave them all fucked up in the head and do the same to the next. 8/10 times, those stupid nigga's have either watched their fathers treat women like that or have never had a mother & a lot of times we as women think we can save them. That Nigga has to save himself! Bet if a guy mistreated his mother, sister, daughter like that, he'd he ready to kill. So why would you do it? All you can do is remove yourself & pray for the ignorant fucker. What you allow from the beginning, is what will continue throughout time. Real men wouldn't treat you with such disrespect. They've been groomed well and know better. They will love you, cherish you, take care of you, worship you, protect you, teach you & build with you. Leave those nigga's were they are & pray they find God because karma is one cold bitch & she comes to do the dragging in the worse way. Get you a good, respectful man Honey & leave them nigga's alone. Xo, A💋
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xoxxoamarie · 8 years
There are all kinds of beauty that exist Some are like a hurricane you get lost in them Some are like a nice piece of music that you dance with And then there’s a beauty so graceful and so deep This is the kind you fall for!
gypsy-nomadic-soul (via wnq-writers)
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xoxxoamarie · 8 years
I Ain't Sorry
Hello Beauties 😊
I've been so good to him for so long. Supportive, loving, caring, loyal, motivational and all I've ever gotten is bullshit. We've weathered a lot of storms together and I'm burnt out. See, they never think you have the balls to play the games back. They won't believe your threats— they won't take you serious while your screaming in their face telling them you're leaving or you're going to cheat. So, instead of leaving I've decided to do my thing and I AIN'T SORRY. I want him to watch me get dressed in my sexy underwear and new dresses night after night. I want him to wait up all night for me to walk through that door. I want him to call my phone asking about my whereabouts. I want him to wonder where that new glow is coming from because he know he's not the reason behind it. I want him to feel how I feel and NO, I AIN'T SORRY. Maybe I'm wrong for feeling like that.. For wanting him to hurt as bad as I. For wanting him to have all those sleepless nights as I've had. For wanting him to come crying and begging for my forgiveness for his foolishness, but SO WHAT! You don't toy with a person's heart. You don't take advantage of my love and spit in my face. That's not how you treat people! That's not how you treat a woman who's loved you no matter the circumstances. Life lessons are something, but personal experiences are a mother fucker. It'll wake your ass all the way up. And guess what.. I AIN'T SORRY ABOUT A DAMN THING! A💋
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xoxxoamarie · 8 years
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Bella's World turned 2 today! 🎂💓
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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Top 10 Nail Art Desi via Beauty Tutorials
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
Make Me Over.. Or NOT.
Hello Beauties 🤗 Are you not happy with the shape of your nose? Are you not happy with the size of your ass? How about the size of your boobs? What about your lips? Or your hips? Maybe even your stomach? In today's society, you can get a make over & look like your dream Barbie if you wanted too. It's so common to get ass shots & boobs today. Society makes it seem like your nothing if you don't have a huge round ass, the perfect tits & no waist. Don't believe it! Yes, you want a nice body, but that doesn't mean you have to create a whole new person. Go to the gym. You want nice legs, work out. You want a nice ass, work out. You want a nice stomach, work out. I've never had an ass. Lol. I always said that I would buy me one when I got older. I look back at myself now & just laugh. I was so unhappy with myself & didn't love my body. I wanted a video vixen ass so bad. You know the ass that stops ALLLLLL the traffic. LMAO. So many women are selling their souls to look like someone else, spending their life savings to get this persons attention & it's not worth it. Yes, it looks good on the outside, but what about the inside? LOVE YOU! LOVE YOUR BODY THE WAY GOD MADE IT! SELF- LOVE! A few of my friends have enhanced their bodies & some of them will tell you "Girl don't get this shit. I wish I never did this". Some of them look really nice, not saying that they weren't beautiful the way they were. It's a lot of women getting hurt by the enhancements. Not getting it properly done or taking care themselves. If you're going to do it, at least make sure it's legit. Go to a real doctor. Ladies stop harming yourself & causing long term problems with your body. It all starts with SELF LOVE. Any real man will love you past the appearance & just the way you are. Don't mess yourself up in the long run or give yourself unnecessary regrets. 💋 A
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
I just want to be the answer you give when someone asks you why you’ve been so happy lately.
iammyss (via wnq-writers)
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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Mysterious and classy black to white gradient nail art.
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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nail design inspirat via Beauty Tutorials
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Chicago🎀 Keep fighting & never give up. It's possible to overcome it all. God always has the last say! 🙌🏽
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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Image via We Heart It http://weheartit.com/entry/204379496 #bedroom #house #InteriorDesign #luxury #mirror #modern #space
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
I shared a breath with you and took in your scent. We fell into laughter and friction kissed skin. I basked in your mouth and bathed in your smile. I feel so alive.
antiquedahlia  (via wnq-writers)
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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To All the survivors: I admire you. 🎀 To all the women who fought hard & lose the battle: You are phenomenal in my eyes & will always be. May your souls continue to rest pain free. RIP Auntie 🎀 It's PINK-TOBER 🎀💝💅🏾💁🏽
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
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Queen Bey & Nicki 😍
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xoxxoamarie · 9 years
I kept my feelings & words, Safely hidden & heavily guarded. To keep me sane & you, safe. Perhaps they’ll come in handy someday, But with time, things wither & fade away. Though it will not & never be the same again, New life, adventures & exciting ventures. There won’t be space for an unnecessary place. So, a part of me will be keeping them safe, Somewhere far, far away.
kaelenhoon  “I hope I’m doing it right.“ (via wnq-writers)
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