xoxo Kins
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xoxokins-blog · 8 years ago
Bodega Bay with my second fam
Today was one of my days off and my best friend was supposed to go to Yosemite this week, which didn’t happen, but her family still had the day off. They decided to go to the beach and since I’m basically the fifth child, I got to go! It was Hailey (my best friend), Juli (her mom), Lenny (her step dad), Laura, Levi, and Landon (her sister and two brothers) and me! We got there around 3ish and it was freezing!
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I was an idiot and decided to wear shorts. It was freezing. The sun was out and the sand was warm but the wind was not. Luckily I brought a sweatshirt and we had blankets.
Anyway, it was beautiful. I think every beach is beautiful though. There was a cute little path to the beach. We sat near the pathway in the back. We packed stuff to make sandwiches. I made Laura a fire ass sandwich and this little girl wanna complain that I put mustard on one side and mayo on the other instead of both on both loll what a brat.
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The water was freezing! Levi and I went down to the water and had all the regrets. Definitely wasn’t expecting it to be that cold. It was still nice. I still had a great time.
Juli wanted to stay till the sunset but all of the children, excluding Landon, were over it. It was freezing and windy and we were all tired af. We were counting down till the sunset. All of us were huddled together to stay warm. Hailey and I ended up going to the bathroom just as the sun set hoping we wouldn’t have to go back down but we did. We left right after though! The drive home took longer than the drive there. I rested my head for most of the time. 
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And yeah! That’s the short story of my trip to Bodega Bay!
xoxo, Kins
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xoxokins-blog · 8 years ago
#tbt to STP
It’s Thursday so I thought I’d post a little tbt of last semester in my sorority!
First semester my neo year was not that great (neo is what you are called when you have just crossed into the organization, it is short for neophyte). I had issues with one of the sisters at my chapter. I stopped caring about the org because of her. I held a small position and I rarely ever did anything for it because I truly didn’t want to be around anymore. Everyone knew I had issues with her and other sisters would constantly ask about our situation. When first semester was over my attitude completely changed.
A position opened up second semester and nobody really wanted it, so I ran for it and was elected as Sisterhood Director. It was the best decision I made in organization. No one ever wants sisterhood director because it is a good amount of work and there is rarely any sister support. I knew this going in, but for some reason I still wanted the position. The only thing I didn’t like about the position was having to talk during meetings. Sisterhood chair almost always has 60 minutes during the meetings. That’s a lot of public speaking which is a huge fear of mine. Since I had to talk so much, I opened up so much more. I’m no longer terrified to speak in meetings. 
I never got any bad feedback which was very encouraging. I worked so hard in this position. I was my absolute favorite position and I don’t know if any position could be better. It made me fall back in love with Sigma Theta Psi. All the negativity I had towards the sisterhood from first semester was gone. My best friend would always complain about how “sisterhood-y” I was because of Sisterhood Director. I only wish I could have held the position the whole year.
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That is a picture of me and my link at my first sisterhood social. We did a panty exchange for Valentine’s Day 💕
My hard work even earned me an award. My organization holds a conference every semester where all of our chapters meet up at one chapter to handle business, acknowledge our work as chapters, and just to see other sisters. That’s one thing I love about my org is that even if you are from a different chapter we are all sisters by choice. 
Anyway, so at every conference we do awards. There is an award specifically for neos. The award is “Outstanding Service by a Neo” and I won second semester. I was so shocked! I obviously had it in the back of my mind, like what if I win, but I never actually thought I would.
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My last name is spelled wrong but it’s fine lmao
Later on we had elections for next years positions. I didn’t think I was going to run for anything. I was kind of tired and I wanted to know what it felt like to not hold a position. I held one while pledging, one my first semester, and then two during second semester. The two days of elections happened and I didn’t run for anything. I didn’t have a position! But that didn’t last long because everyone was telling me to run for Sergeant at Arms. It made sense. Holding a position will help me grow as and individual and as a sister. Especially an executive board position. So I ended up running unopposed and now starting next semester I will be Sergeant at Arms. Whoop whoop!!
Then at the end of every year we have a end of the year banquet. We have dinner, give chapter awards, our end of the year slideshow, and this year we had a paddle exchange thanks to me. 
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Me and my big got each other for the paddle exchange! I’m obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy and elephants so the front was Grey’s and the back had elephants on it. I’m still obsessed 😍
There were of course the gag awards (I got LITest sister because I say lit in every sentence). Then there were the awards that were so special they came with cheap frames. I was honored to win the Blossoming Award in recognition of being a sister who has grown incredibly from the day she joined Sigma Theta Psi. I was shocked but also not really. I truly have grown since I joined this org and I am grateful everyday.
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So there you have it. My growth through second semester. I couldn’t have done any of it without my big. She nominated me for Sisterhood Director which is what started it all. She was there for me the whole way. We have had our ups and downs but she will forever be my big! You are my person ❤️
xoxo, Kins
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xoxokins-blog · 8 years ago
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Ahhh work aka McDonald’s. For four years now, off and on due to school. I started when I was 16 and when everyone was mocking me for “flipping burgers” at supposedly the easiest job ever, I was content with my new job. I was terrified when I first started, with good reason! One of my managers, whom later became one of my best friends, said right in front of me to another manager, “I hate all of the new people. Except Audrey, she is doing great back there.” Back there refers to back drive which is one of the hardest positions. Soon I became close with two of the more seasoned (pun intended HA) minors and I started to feel welcomed. I also got a lot better at the job. 
Well now I know the job almost like the back of my hand (I would hope so since I’ve been working there since I was 16!). I can honestly say that I love working at McDonald’s. Yes, there are some rough days, annoying customers, annoying coworkers, and having 8 and a half hour shifts. I’m not saying all that isn’t bad, I’m just saying that when it’s all said and done, none of that matters and you’re making money. I may have gotten so used to it by now that I just don’t let it ruin my day. And trust me, working at McDonald’s is rough! Not everyone can handle it.
I have trained so many people and not many have stayed. It can get stressful. Full front counter with everyone yelling at you which way. A full drive thru in windows consists of orders piling up and the customer asking if they can add something at the window (which no you can’t, but of course we’ll say yes) making everything take 3 minutes more and then new customers asking “what is taking so long? I wanna speak to your manager.” which takes even longer! Then in back drive a full drive thru means everyone in the front asking you to do things while also having to take orders with someone paying at your window and trying to ask you questions or change their order while you are still talking to someone else through your headset and then everyone is yelling at you wondering what is taking so long. Yes I’ve seen it all. Then the runners  with full everything, times are going up and you are constantly waiting on fries cause your fry guy sucks! Do you see where I am going with this? There are so many more positions but I won’t explain them all and their difficulty. Sorry to bore but my point it not everyone can handle the fast pace and multitasking it takes to work at McDonald’s Some people wimp out. I have a sorority sister that got a job at McDonald’s and quit after a day because it was too much for her. But I love my job.
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Anyway, so I’m back at work for the summer. There are so many new people it’s crazy. There are only a few that I’m not fond of but then again I’ve only been back for 2 weeks. There is one kid who is always put on front counter and when there is no one up there he will collect all of the food trays and bring them to back drive even if there is only one dirty tray. I can’t stand him. Then every time he is dropping off that single tray he asks “Which ones are dirty?”. Well,let’s take a look kid. That stack of trays is still the same height as last time you dropped of a tray (because I refuse to clean trays when back there). Sooo in the five minutes between you dropping off that tray and the last, no I have not cleaned all 50 trays. As my fave coworker would say “Use your brain kid”.
I have to deal with that annoying kid doing that all the time because I am always in back drive. Every single shift I have had since I’ve been back I have been in back drive at some point. Some days I’m back there for the full 8 hours. Sometimes they have someone back there with me taking either money or orders so it helps. It’s so lonely back there. There is no one to talk to. Sometimes one of my coworkers will put on a headset just so we can talk to each other. I don’t think you guys understand how much I hate back drive. 
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Always wearing that headset. In every picture I have from work.
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Aghhh the dreaded back drive. Also I miss those uniforms.
So if you ever get a job at McDonald’s, just remember, no you do not deserve $15 an hour and you will get the hang of it if you stick it out. If I can do it, so can you!
xoxo, Kins
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xoxokins-blog · 8 years ago
Wednesday Night’s
So every Wednesday I play on a coed slow pitch softball team! My team is the Keg Krushers! We are not very good and I am no exception. Last night we played at 9:30pm. We lost 5-14. It was bad...
Personally, I haven’t played in 9 months so I’m going to use that as my excuse for why I played awfully! I was up to bat only twice. The first time I got out at first, but had an RBI. Second time, (I hate myself) I struck out. It was really bad, but it’s fine. Shit happens. 
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My position is catcher. I don’t do much but toss the ball back to the pitcher. I haven’t thrown in a while and we are dealing with two different size balls, oh who am I kidding. I just suck cause I kept throwing the ball past the pitcher! The short stop kept backing him up cause I was throwing it that far. I was able to consistently make it to the pitcher towards the end of the game.
As a team our outfield needs some serious work. Our infield is fine. Our short stop is great and so are both of our third basemen. This issue is everyone hits pop flies to the outfield but our outfielders can’t make it to the ball. I’m in no way saying I could do better!
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I don’t even mind losing! I just love playing! Some people just take the game wayyyy to seriously. It’s fine! Expect people need to realize we are playing COED SLOW PITCH SOFTBALL. Chill out. End rant.
xoxo, Kins
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xoxokins-blog · 8 years ago
First post!
Hello to all who have found their way to my blog! For now we are calling it the kins chronicles and I am Kins! Here’s the back story....
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First here is a little bit about me! I live in Northern California. I am 20 years old and I work at McDonald’s. Gross, I know. I’m used to it though because I have worked there for about 3 years. My hobbies include country line dancing, baking, watching movies, and crafting. I’m obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy. I’m basically Cristina expect that I hate Owen. I will forever be team Burke (just the character not the actor). You could ask me almost anything about grey’s and I would more than likely be able to answer it and in depth. I love food. My favorite is sushi, Italian, and honestly anything seafood.
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I’m also in a sorority! Sigma Theta Psi, a multicultural sorority founded at San Jose State University. I joined in spring of 2016. I am totally obsessed with this org. Best decision I’ve made. I have met some of my best friends in this organization. Don’t know what I would do without my sisters. In the picture above is my crossing line, Notorious Nus. #onlythestrongsurvive
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And this blog will chronicle my summer! So I hope everyone enjoys reading about my adventures and I hope I’m not too weird for y’all! 
 xoxo, Kins
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