xoxobonni333 · 2 days
i want to go home
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xoxobonni333 · 2 days
you can tell when a movie really likes a prop of a corpse they made because they keep showing it. just. every time they can.
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xoxobonni333 · 2 days
SHE didnt want to hang out.
and now shes pity asking. i thought girlfriends should want to hang out and not make it feel like a burden
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xoxobonni333 · 2 days
her mom said we can't hangout because they're "decorating this weekend"
a few halloween decorations outside barely even takes a whole morning???
why is she so strict
is does NOT take a whole weekend
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
shes hanging out with our friends while im away which is obviously fine, i will just have bad fomo
but its at the friend's house who she says she "keeps getting instrusive feelings" for . and im not going to be there
kill my self
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
now im pissed
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
and i hate how my parents have brainwashed me into convincing me im sensitive. in fact i find now my emotions were perfectly reasonable and i was just troubled, traumatized, undiagnosed autistic .
BECAUSE AHH!! and there is nothing wrong with being sensitive i completely understand but it is sometimes frustrating especially when i dont understand
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
i also fear im having psychosis paranoia . like i THINK i hear and see people but I dont feel like those crazy people in movies who actually see and hear things. it is like when you are zoning out and the people around you are still interacting or doing something and once you zone back in ask "what did you say?" (because maybe they said something to you) and they say "nothing" (but no in an upset way where they think maybe you were ignoring them or it isnt the time to converse) and now you feel crazy and like you swore that mustve been the appropriate time to have said something or they did say something. I also keep feeling like i see figures from my peripheral vision like not creepy but doing regular things but then there isn't
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
because yes not only is it inconvenient for her and like yes its nice sometimes for people to be dead honest to me, especially as an autistic FREAK
but it comes to a point when it is not something i asked or particularly concerned of. like just straight up the truth out of no where , where i didnt ask
you couldnt have lied?? or kept it to urself://?/! and not only that but she is never specific so i just have to be frustrated not understand what is wrong
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xoxobonni333 · 3 days
i hate that my girlfriend cannot lie for the life of her :(
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xoxobonni333 · 5 days
i also feel bad i get frustrated with her sometimes because i dont understand why shes upset. and its not even being frustrated with HER being upset - its just i dont UNDERSTAND. and that doesnt seem like a very good practice for a relationship
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xoxobonni333 · 5 days
like i was talking so passionately about something im very interested in with my girlfriend and i guess i didnt realize how much i was talking or what she was doing and she zoned me out and now i feel like she hates me
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xoxobonni333 · 5 days
i hate being autistic because why can i never pick up on social cues.
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xoxobonni333 · 5 days
i like heist movies
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xoxobonni333 · 6 days
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all the comments on this tiktok are so corny.
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xoxobonni333 · 6 days
i had such a splendid time!!
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xoxobonni333 · 9 days
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dont patronize me!!
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