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xofgods · 5 years ago
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xofgods · 5 years ago
Pushing her hands against the bar, Alaska watched this whole thing unfold as she rolled her eyes, “Barf, stop with the love talk and let’s get to the drinking and forgetful nights of doing god knows what.” She groaned as she looked toward Eli, “Next round is on you hot shot.”
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eli was three years older than the blonde.  his parents lives had intertwined with her parents often which is how they originally met. “ my thoughts exactly, donavan.” he smiled lightly when alaska talked about drinking and forgetting the night. eli gave a smirk, before lifting his wine glass up. “you heard the woman, drinks on me.” he breathed before he took another sip.
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xofgods · 5 years ago
“I would say just be more flat out about what you feel. Way to throw your money around though Eli.” Hayley spoke as she rose a brow to him. 
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“ and be like you and dad ? no, thank you ! besides feelings are overrated.” he mused before his found hayley’s soft hues.  “ i make more at this club in one night so why not spurge it on the things i want?” he questioned.  
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xofgods · 5 years ago
(¸.• ♛ →  “Ugh, watch it.” She snapped to the blonde girl that was just passing next to her. Right now Lizzie was not really in the mood for anything so that’s why she was here, trying to forget everything might be a really good idea so she just didn’t look around her, she just approached to the bar and asked for something strong to drink, it was good that they didn’t ask her for an id because she is an adult now but she still looks like a sixteen year old girl, it was annoying at times.
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eli knew most of the people in the city so when he saw the older yet younger blonde place an order he knew exactly who she was.  however, their path had never really cross.  eli didn’t knew lizzie all to well, but he did knew caroline and alaric, the headmistress and headmaster for the school of the gifted.  eli was 16 years younger then the saltzman twin so he didn’t go to school with them, but regardless he had heard stories about the family.  “ what brings you here?” he questioned, taking his mind off his previous encounter with the other blonde.
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xofgods · 5 years ago
Starters | Serial Killer
“Now, is there really a need for all that screaming?” 
“You’re a smart one, aren’t you? Tell me, how much blood can a human lose before dying?” 
“This is one of my favorites, do you know what it does? Why, I’ll demonstrate.” 
“You can’t get away from me, you’ll never get away from me!” 
“Go on, I love a good chase! It gets the heart racing!” 
“I must say, you put up a good fight. Some of this blood is mine!” 
“Oh, don’t cry. You’ll be so beautiful, soon. I’ll immortalize you in my collection.” 
“Which limb would you like to lose first?” 
“You’re so fucking smug, you deserve a death that’s fitting.” 
“I finally caught you, isn’t it exciting? You’ve evaded me for longer than anyone else!” 
“I love you, how else was I going to keep you? No one else can have you!” 
“I like stringing my prizes up. You do look so helpless, like that.” 
“Ssh, just breathe. The rope isn’t even tight, yet!” 
“You really are as twisted as I am. Aren’t we a perfect match?” 
“You look best in red.” 
“Did you think you could outsmart me? My dear, I’ve been doing this for a long time.” 
“You young ones always squirm so much!” 
“I don’t tolerate escape attempts. I will break your legs.” 
“I’ve been watching you for a long time…you’ve made me wait. But, it was worth it.” 
“Go on, then! What’s your plan? Bargaining, begging, threatening? Maybe try to psychoanalyze me?”
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xofgods · 5 years ago
Looking toward Eli, she remembered when he was such a young child walking around this place that it made her softly smile. “I still can’t believe how much you’ve grown and become such a man.” She spoke before raising a brow. “He’s not here, but I can take a message for him unless I can help.”
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eli was pleased at the fact that she saw him as he was now and not for the person he was when he was younger. although the person he was today probably wouldn’t have made her too proud.  he smiled at her acknowledgment before he continued. “ i want to know more about travelers and their ability to transfer from one host to another. the books i’ve read. some books speak very vaguely on the old coven.” he spoke.  “ i know alaric is well verse in things like this but if you have some information i’d be happy to pick your brain on the matter.”
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xofgods · 5 years ago
“Well, well… what do we have here?” Kol mused as he walked up to what was going on. 
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eli was talking to one of his assistants about renovation for the v.i.p. room.  “ i want to put some mirrors on the ceiling here, and a bar over here so the v.i.p. guest can have the own servers.”  he was banking in more than enough money to make the changes.  “ well if it isn’t my favorite uncle. “ he spoke when he heard kol. “ and who do i owe the pleasure for this family visit?” he teased lightlly.
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xofgods · 5 years ago
Caroline kept thinking over and over about what Lizzie had told her and how she should talk to Alaric about it but didn’t know how when she promised Lizzie she would stay silent. “You can not sneak up on a vampire.” She told the person that walked up behind her as she stood in the Salvatore Boarding School library.
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eli knew his chances of finding alaric was best made at the salvatore boarding school ( he knew alaric was still the headmaster at the school after all ) , which is why he made a trip there.  the tribrid knew all about the school for the gifted  ( since he himself had gone there when he was younger ).  he had remembered the crush he had on the headmistress. immortality had never look more splend on another (or perhaps that was just his childhood self talking ).  the second eldest mikaelson, from hayley and elijah, was now a tall and well built man. “i’m quaking.” he replied dryly. he wasn’t the little boy she had met all those years ago, time made sure of that. “ i need to speak to alaric caroline, where is he?” 
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xofgods · 5 years ago
open: f/nb/m, any relationship (friends/enemies/family)
eli had been working all day so tonight he had planned on getting wasted.  dark cinnamon orbs watched the dancers move seductively as the music played but that wasn’t until after ordering the waiter, boddy, to keep the drinks coming.  he had invited a couple of friends and one of his favorite girls’ to the club.  laughing and drinking was on his personal menu among other things while he sought after entertainment and pleasure. however that was until his blonde female friend decided to take a moment to discuss their relationship. “ do you love me? ” the blonde questioned with wonder in her eyes. “ let’s see ! we fuck and you’re sporting that 100k diamond earrings i got you.”  his finger pointed from a distance at the glass crystal that dangled from her earlobe. eli moved to picked up the wine glass in front of him. “ along with your brand new porsche that’s not even three weeks old. what do you think? “ he questioned before he allowed the bitter taste of white wine to fall on his tongue and down his throat.  “i don’t know.” she answered, honestly. “ if you can’t tell, then does it really matter? “ he questioned. his brown orbs stared directly into her baby blues before she got up and left, storming off. 
 “ tough crowd.“ he said to another not sure if they had saw it all unfold. 
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xofgods · 5 years ago
@eternalfamilies / is that ben barnes? no, it’s eli mikaelson, a actual 25/29 year old tribrid. he is the son of elijah mikaelson and hayley marshall. he is intelligent, charming but can also be patronizing, ruthless and classifies as panisexual. he is hiding that he is killing werewolves to create his own sired hybrids and compelling them to keep his secret, but I wonder how long that will stay hidden in mystic falls & new orleans.
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to be continued...
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xofgods · 5 years ago
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xofgods · 5 years ago
                                  i’m all the way down now.                          i can see all the way to the bottom.                                 you want to see what i see?
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