Dani’s Wife (real)
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She/herKatseye loverEyekon
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xochitlisbest · 19 hours ago
everything you wanted
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"you're just thinking it's a small thing that happened, the world ended when it happened to me."
pairing: daniela avanzini x reader (childhood best friends!au)
synopsis: after an unexpected accident shakes their world, your friends make it their mission to carry out what seems to be your 'final wish.' however, what they discover goes deeper than anticipated.
feat: winter from aespa, soobin and yeonjun from txt
so much angst im so sorry. there are points where it's kinda fluffy, but do not be fooled. loosely based off the kdrama 'move to heaven,' more specifically, episode 5 (ifykyk). CW: character death, kissing, swearing
wc: 4271 words
now playing: we hug now - sydney rose
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It was any other night for you. 
After consuming a copious amount of caffeine, you are finally done studying. You look at your watch, sighing tiredly when the screen displays 2:00 AM. You rub your face with your hands. What you thought would be a short study session became much longer than anticipated. You didn’t realize how behind you were. 
You slowly stuff your laptop into your bag, zipping it up then swinging it over your shoulder. You yawn as you make your way toward the library exit. When you walk outside, you can’t help the quiet, ‘fuck’ that escapes your mouth. 
It’s a torrential downpour tonight; your measly hoodie was the only thing you had.
You put your hood on, shaking your head as you walk quickly to your apartment. It was only a couple blocks away but in this weather, it might as well feel like years. You keep your head down as you walk, shivering with every step. You’re relieved when you finally get to the crosswalk that leads straight to your apartment building.
You step out onto the street, not thinking to look both ways. It was late and your brain was fried, having any rational thoughts at this point is impossible. 
But as you keep your head down, your eyes trained on your feet, you don’t notice the headlights getting closer. You don’t hear the rev of an engine or the music that blasts loudly from a vehicle. You just wanted to be in bed already.
You don’t notice until you hear the ugly screech of the tires. 
You look up, your eyes immediately widening when you realize. You raise your hands, the world going silent in a blink of an eye. 
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You meet Daniela Avanzini in the 8th grade.
You were tasked with tutoring the younger student due to your above-average knowledge of the subject she was struggling with. The only thing you know about the girl is that she’s quite loud, very sociable, and is terrible at science– things you are not. 
You sit in the classroom waiting for the girl. Your nose is in yet another book, so entranced by the story that you don’t even notice when she walks in. You only look up when you hear the chair next to you being pulled out. When you see her, you immediately freeze. 
She was undeniably the prettiest person you have ever seen. 
She holds her hand out, smiling widely, “Daniela Avanzini.”
You grab her hand and shake it. It almost feels like a promise. “Y/n L/n.” 
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Your closest friends stand at your apartment door, a sad silence surrounding them. 
It felt wrong. Going into your apartment with you nowhere to be seen. 
But, after the funeral, your parents asked them to go through your things. They asked for your awards, certificates, medals, but nothing else. The rest is junk. It enraged them to think that’s all you ever were to your parents and even after death, it’s still the same. You often complained about them, telling stories about how they pushed you to be just like them. But you were nothing like them. You were just as hard working, that much was obvious. But you had your goals set on something else. It wasn’t medical school nor your research in the labs. But it was something you kept to yourself, never once sharing with your friends. 
And they are determined to figure out what that was.
Winter leans down, removing the mat lying in front of your door. She picks up the key, shaking her head with a chuckle. “For a genius, what a stupid place to keep a key.” Soobin laughs and so does Yeonjun. They watch as Winter unlocks the door. At the same time, they all realize that you will not be inside waiting for them. You will not be three energy drinks in, studying at your desk. You will not be lying on your couch, cozied in your blankets with a book. You will never be in this apartment again and it doesn’t make sense because it’s yours. 
Soobin walks in first and the others follow suit. They stand in the hallway, taking it all in. After a few moments of silence, they walk into your room. They’ve been in your apartment almost a thousand times but this time it felt unknown. What usually feels homey now feels desolate without its warm presence. The feeling intensifies when they walk into your room.
The bed wasn’t made. It was as if you were there this morning. 
The thought almost makes them want to turn around. The desire to leave everything untouched becomes unbearable. At least then, there would be evidence that you were there. It wouldn’t matter how long ago, you would be there and you would be alive. 
Your desk was littered with papers, some crumpled up while others had words scratched out with a pen. The trashcan was filled with coffee cups and energy drink cans. Yeonjun walks over to the nightstand, spotting your ID badge. He picks it up and stares at it for a moment. 
His lip trembles as he looks at your ID photo. “We were gonna graduate in three months…” He shakes his head and pockets your ID, wanting it as a keepsake. It’s a weird thing to have sentimental value over; but grief does that unfortunately. Yeonjun turns around and walks back toward Winter and Soobin. They found an empty spot on the floor to sit, not wanting to sit on your bed. Yeonjun sits next to them and takes a deep breath. He lets out a shaky sigh. “Well. This is really fucking weird.” Winter laughs. She tries not to let the tears brimming her eyes to fall. She looks down at her lap and whispers, “What now?” 
Soobin shrugs his shoulders. He leans back, propping himself up with his arms. He looks around your room with a sad smile. “We find what we’re looking for.” 
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You are known as an academic weapon to your teachers and peers.
You aren’t a natural by any means. It takes a lot of sacrifice to be as smart as you are. Other kids your age are going out and having fun while you are at home, studying for an exam weeks away. The determination was built into you, wired this way by your parents who believe in nothing less than perfect. You had a destiny to fulfill and you were dedicated to it. If it meant long hours of studying at the library, in study hall, or at home, then so be it.  
But your favorite study spot by far is on the bleachers. 
It sounds ridiculous because it is. It doesn’t make sense for you to like it so much. It’s the noisiest place to be, especially after school. The constant yelling from the football team, the shrill of a whistle every five minutes, the cheerleading squad repeating the same routine over and over again. The bleachers were an overstimulating nightmare. 
But it gives you the best view of Daniela Avanzini, your best friend in the entire world. 
You learned more about the Latina through the many tutoring sessions in middle school. Even after she began to improve in science, Daniela insisted on still meeting with you. You learned she was very dedicated to dancing and performing. She wanted to become a star. For the first time, your life wasn’t consumed by formulas and medical terminology. You secretly lived vicariously through the girl, seeing her chase a dream that was all hers. You had no dreams. 
You just had to get into medical school. That’s all you knew. 
After some convincing (and her not willing to let go of you when you were desperately trying to make your way toward the school’s library) you finally made use of the time waiting for Daniela to finish cheer practice. You wouldn’t admit it, but after a couple of weeks, it has become one of your favorite places. Watching Daniela cheer became a new hobby of yours. She shined on the field, her bright smile lighting up the student section even when their football team loses yet another game. The feeling you get watching her is the same when you attend her dance competitions. You feel proud to be her best friend. And you even feel special when you are always the first person she runs up to when they’re over. 
Daniela never lets you forget how important you are to her. 
And in return, you’ve never missed a football game when she started on the team last year. You haven’t missed a cheer competition nor a dance competition. Every single thing Daniela participated in, you were there. She always urged you to do the same, to join an activity so she had something of yours to go to, but you always had the same excuse. You were just too busy. And why should you? You’d miss the way Daniela looks up at you in the bleachers after practicing well. The way she smiles as if looking for approval. And you’d always smile back because she always does well. 
After practice ends, you always wait for her outside the locker room. When she comes out, she makes a beeline toward you, interlocking your fingers immediately. She would always look up at you with a smile, her dimple evident in her cheek. She asks, “Did you like what we did today?” And even if it’s always the same thing, you always nod, squeezing her hand gently, “Of course I did, sunshine.” The nickname never fails to make her giggle. You called her that once during one of your tutoring sessions in middle school, and she never let it go. 
She pushes your glasses up on your face, leaning up to place a lingering kiss on your cheek. When she pulls away, she giggles, grabbing your hand again. She pulls you toward your car. “Come on, make yourself useful and get me ice cream!” You roll your eyes, allowing her to drag you. You playfully respond, “What do you say, sunshine?” 
She giggles again. “Please make yourself useful and get me ice cream?” 
You didn’t need the please. You just wanted to hear her laugh again. 
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Your friends return to Soobin’s apartment after digging around your apartment for hours. 
They sit on his couch and in front of them on the coffee table is a locked box. They found it hiding amongst your old medical textbooks underneath your bed. They were always curious about this box. They’ve watched you put things in it before but your friends always respected your privacy, never asking about it or bringing it up. But they knew whatever was inside held the answers to their question. 
The only problem is the lock on it. 
Yeonjun suggested picking the lock (“We don’t know how to do that.” “YouTube is our best friend, you know?”) and Winter says to break it open (“How do you intend on doing that?” “Just… Smash it open?”) but Soobin feels it would only be right to figure out the combination. When he says this, Yeonjun raises his eyebrow. “Are you serious? We don’t even know what’s in here. And you think we can just figure out a combination?” Soobin sighs. He knows it sounds stupid, but he already feels bad for invading your personal life like this. After a few seconds of silence, Winter picks up the box. Soobin reaches his hand out, scared she may try her idea, but she pushes him away, fiddling with the lock. “Trust me! Let me try something…” 
The two boys watch Winter work on it. Their eyes widen when they hear the lock click open. She pulls it off, surprised as well. Yeonjun leans over, the shock evident in his voice, “How’d you figure it out that fast?” 
Winter shrugs, looking down at the box in her lap. “I tried their phone passcode. 0701.”
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It’s your senior year, and your feelings for Daniela have evolved to a point where they have become distracting. 
Your parents have noticed your lack of focus on your studies. Being the child of two well-known doctors in Atlanta made it even more difficult for you. There was a title to uphold and a pressure for you to be just like them. Before meeting Daniela, it was something you’ve accepted. You had your entire future figured out before you were even born. After meeting Daniela though, the free spirit that she is, made you realize there’s a lot more to life than the expectations your parents set for you. 
There were days where you’d stay longer in study hall, attempting to study for your AP classes. But it would be immediately forgotten once Daniela joins you. On the days where she isn’t at cheer or dance practice, she would join you wherever you are. She’d sit next to you, taking out her homework or the latest book she had begun reading. She would put her glasses on and get lost in her task, while you took glances at her shamelessly. 
It always confused you on why she’d spend all her free time with you when she had her own life to live. 
When you arrive at school in the mornings, you’d find her standing at her locker talking to her friends from cheer or class. The moment she spots you, she’s ending the conversation and attaching herself to your hip. No one at your school understood your friendship with Daniela. You were always so quiet, so timid. Daniela was energetic and everyone knew her name. But no one would ever see one or the other, they always saw you and her. And that’s how it always was. 
Until one morning. 
You walked into school expecting to see Daniela at her locker. However, you spot her on the other side of the hallway. She stands with a boy you recognize from the football team. You watch as they interact and your stomach drops when she places her hand on his shoulder. You see them laugh together and you have to will yourself to look away when you see her light up at whatever the boy says. You walk quickly down the hallway, avoiding her eyes. You don’t stop when she calls your name. You just keep going, ignoring the stinging in your chest. 
It goes on like this for a week. And then two weeks. Then suddenly, you’ve stopped keeping track of how long it has been since you talked to Daniela. You have exams and projects to focus on.
You walk out of study hall, your eyes on your phone as you walk toward the exit. However, you bump into something– or someone more like it. When you look up, your eyes widen. 
It’s Daniela. 
She has her arms crossed and she is glaring at you with that intense look in her eyes. You check your watch, noticing she should have been on the bus to go to the game 15 minutes ago. You’re about to say something but Daniela pushes you, successfully knocking you back a couple steps. You look at her surprised. The Latina steps closer to you, jabbing a finger into your chest. “What the hell has gotten into you lately?” You look away from her, your voice shaking slightly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” She scoffs, crossing her arms again. Her tone comes out even harsher than before. “You’ve been avoiding me. I thought you were just busy with everything but you haven’t even answered my texts! You won’t even look at me anymore, what the hell is going on?!” 
You look at her, exasperated. “Dani, I don’t need to always–” 
She cuts you off, yelling, “Don’t call me that!” Her words make you roll your eyes. You try to walk away but she grabs your wrist and stops you. You turn toward her, your tone firm, “Let me go, Daniela.” But once the words leave your mouth, you regret them immediately. Your eyes soften when you see how hurt she looks. Tears are threatening to spill from her eyes and her lip trembles. She whispers, her voice cracking, “What did I do wrong?” The desperation in her voice breaks your heart. Knowing you’re the reason makes you feel worse. You shake your head, taking a deep breath. “You didn’t do anything wrong, sunshine.”
She wipes her eyes and you want to reach out and wipe her tears for her. She looks up at you, her eyes glistening. “Then what’s up with you? You’re supposed to be my best friend…” She shakes her head and looks down at her feet. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Y/n.” 
Her words knock the wind out of you. Without a second thought, you grab her by the waist, pulling her in for a kiss. She doesn’t respond at first. You begin to think that you’ve ruined everything, that you’ve lost Daniela completely. You’re about to pull away but she grabs your shirt and pulls you closer. Her lips move against yours desperately and it makes your knees weak. 
For the first time in your life, you have something worth fighting for. 
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On top of everything lies an envelope. 
Yeonjun grabs it. He takes a deep breath and opens it slowly. His hands shake as he pulls out two pieces of paper. 
One is a one-way ticket to Los Angeles. 
The other is a concert ticket. 
Winter takes the concert ticket from his hands, studying it. She can’t help the giggle that escapes her lips. “Katseye?”
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Your first semester at Emory is a nightmare. 
After years of being able to breeze through any assignment and project, you now find yourself struggling to keep up with the demands of what it takes to be a pre-med student. 
You’re consuming more caffeine than you ever did in your life, there are days you’re not even sure if you ate anything besides a granola bar you found at the bottom of your bookbag, and amongst all of your fellow pre-med colleagues, you feel somewhat inadequate. 
You’re sitting at your desk in your dorm when you hear your phone begin to ring. You want to ignore it knowing your exam is in the morning, but your eyes briefly land on the name. You grab your phone, answering it immediately. You lean back in your chair and smile. “Hey there, sunshine.” 
“I’m outside.” You sit up, your eyes wide and your heart beating out of your chest. Your smile gets wider as you stand. “Are you serious?” She giggles, responding, “Come outside and find out.” You speed walk toward your door, your hand on the door knob but Daniela stops you. “Nuh uh. It’s cold out here, put on a sweater.” You roll your eyes, groaning, “How do you know I’m not wearing one?” The silence on the other end is the only response you get and it causes you to sigh, quickly grabbing one of the hoodies you threw on the ground earlier. You sprint downstairs and hear Daniela laughing on the other end at your excitement. You run out the door and spot her immediately. 
You run toward your girlfriend, wrapping your arms around her waist. You spin her around and her loud squeals cause you to smile even wider. When you put her down, you lean in, kissing her softly. She places her hands on your cheeks, deepening the kiss. You pull her closer as if you were scared this was all a dream. After a few minutes, she pulls away, looking at you with stars in her eyes. You kiss her dimple before pulling her back for a tight hug, burying your face in her shoulder. You murmur, “What are you doing here?” 
She giggles, running a hand through your hair. “To see you, dummy.” You pull away slightly to look at her in surprise. “You drove almost an hour to see me?” She nods, wrapping her arms around your neck. She leans in and kisses your nose. “I missed you…” You pull her in for another tight hug and chuckle. “I missed you too, sunshine.” You hold her close, your worries disappearing. You’re about to ask her to come inside but she speaks up, saying, “I do have something to tell you.” You pull away, your arms still around her waist. You notice the excitement in her eyes and tilt your head in curiosity. “What’s up?” 
She takes a deep breath. She speaks softly,  “Do you remember that audition I was telling you about?” You light up at her words, nodding quickly. “Yeah! Did it go well?” Daniela bites her lip and nods. You hug her again, shaking her excitedly. You remember how nervous she was for her audition, but you knew she’d do well. She always does. 
However, you notice a shift in her mood. You pull away, placing your hands on her shoulders. You look at her worriedly. “That’s a good thing, right?” Daniela looks down when she hears your words. She whispers, her voice barely audible, “I’m going to California.”  
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Soobin continues sifting through the box and pulls out a stack of letters that are neatly kept together with a rubber band. Yeonjun and Winter lean closer to him, watching as he pulls the rubber band off with caution. He goes through the letters and notices they are all addressed to you. They’re all dated and signed off by the same person. 
‘Your Sunshine.’
Yeonjun grabs one of the letters. Unlike the others, this one was mailed to you. He opens it, taking it out of its envelope. “This one is from three years ago…” Winter looks at it, her eyes scanning for anything important. She sits up straighter when she reads the words ‘Dream Academy.’ She reads the whole paragraph aloud: “I know you’re not happy about me going to Los Angeles. About me being on Dream Academy. But this is everything I’ve ever worked for. I can’t give it up for anything, I’m sorry. You have your dream and I have mine.”
Soobin looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “What does that have to do with anything?” Winter grabs the envelope that contains the two tickets. She holds it up, waving it around, “Y/n was going to Los Angeles–” Yeonjun cuts her off, adding, “Yeah? They got a job at the UCLA Medical Research Center there… That wasn’t that surprising.” Winter rolls her eyes, continuing, “They weren’t just going to Los Angeles for a job, dumbass. They were going for whoever this is.” She opens the envelope, taking out the Katseye ticket. “And I think it’s someone from this group.” 
Yeonjun leans back against the couch, chuckling. “You’re joking right?” Winter shakes her head. She looks back at the letter, putting the pieces together. “Dream Academy was the survival show that created Katseye… It just makes sense.” And no one can deny it, it certainly does make sense. But it all seems so far fetched. If anything, they could be putting together a story that doesn’t exist at all. They sit in silence, not knowing what to do with the information in front of them. Winter sighs and puts the letter down. She looks at the two boys with a determination in her eyes. 
“There’s one way we could try… Seeing if I’m right.” 
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Daniela breaks up with you over the phone. 
It wasn’t a long phone call. But it did enough to crush you. 
She tells you that the distance is too much to handle. She tells you that she needs to focus on training. She tells you how she can’t be distracted. 
When the phone call ends, you can’t help but feel you’re back at square one. 
You sit in your dorm, taking a glance at your anatomy textbook. You push it off your desk, tears spilling from your eyes. 
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An hour later, they move their investigation to Winter’s apartment.
They sit in her room, waiting patiently for your phone to charge. It was given to her by the police when they came to break the news of the accident. Your driver’s license still had the address of when you and Winter lived together in your second and third year at Emory, which led to her being the unfortunate one to know what happened first. 
She was also the unfortunate one to identify the body.
The sound of your phone turning on fills the silence of the room. They turn their heads, looking at it. Your lockscreen was all of you together during a trip you all took last spring. You’re all smiling widely, holding each other close. Even through the cracks on the screen, the photo still emanates a happiness that they are afraid of never getting back. 
Soobin grabs your phone and looks at the others, his hands shaking. They watch him unlock it ‘0701’ and swipe for your contacts. He sighs in relief when he sees you haven’t blocked the contact he had been looking for. 
‘Sunshine <3’
“What if they pick up?” He whispers, looking up from your phone. Winter shrugs and keeps her eyes on her lap. She speaks quietly, “I guess we’ll see.” Soobin nods and looks back down at the contact. He taps on it, putting it on speaker for everyone else to hear. 
To their surprise, the person answers on the first ring. 
“Y/n? Are you okay?” 
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a/n: i literally have no clue how this idea came to mind considering I watched the drama like two years ago but hey! heartbreaking content! i lowk don't recommend watching it bc it is so sad and it took a lot of mental energy for me to finish but it was so good. watch it if you'd like some context, esp episode 5 but u rlly don't have to.
also, ik this was pretty long so there will be a part 2! stay tuned!
requests are open
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xochitlisbest · 4 days ago
Who's your favourite member(s) and why :0
The answer to this literally changes every day I swear! One of my favorite things about Katseye is that all the members have a lot of talent and every one has something that makes them stick out! Plus with every release I feel like they show us a new facet of themselves that means my favorites are constantly changing. 😭
That being said, if I had to pick my favs rn, I’d say Dani is probably my favorite with Lara and Yoonchae as close seconds!
I have a lot to say about why I like each member but for the sake of not having a massive wall of text, I’ll stick it below if you’re interested ⬇️
In terms of talent, she is objectively a wonderful dancer, but I also think she’s an underrated singer! Her voice doesn’t have a super distinctive tone compared to the others, I feel, but that just makes her better at complementing the voices of the others. I’m envious of how much energy she sees to have tbh… I feel like she’d be fun at a party.
I don’t need to talk about how wonderful a vocalist Lara if, of course, plus she’s grown leaps and bounds in her dancing in such a short period of time that it shows she’s super talents and dedicated. The way she speaks and her aura is so calming to me. I feel like my heart rate would lower just being in the same room as her cause she gives off such a steady energy.
I feel like Yoonchae is criminally underrated due to being the youngest/under 18 and the least fluent in English tbh. She also gets babified for the same reasons but I think she’s done a great demonstrating that she’s not just some little shy kid but is also a total badass! Great singer, great dancer, stage presence, you name it! I think if anyone has a chip on their shoulder and something to prove, it might be Yoonchae.
To be honest, I was probably the least drawn to Megan when I was first introduced to Katseye but she’s won me over pretty fast. She’s got an electric stage presence and a sort of quirky, endearing personality. She’s a great all-rounder when it comes to dancing, singing, etc too on top of it all.
Sophia, to me, is like the “excuse me, they ordered no pickles” friend. Confident, put-together, knows what they like and what they want out of life, hardworking, and talented to boot. She manages to be good at everything (dancing, singing, public speaking on behalf of the group, etc) but still avoids coming across as stuck up or unreachable.
Manon is often singled out for her beauty, and she is beautiful, but I think a lot of people stop there when there is so much more to Manon! She is so grounded and, from what I’ve seen, might be the most intuitive and self-aware. She’s funny and has such a positive disposition. I am obsessed with her singing voice too, since it’s so pretty and different from the other’s voices.
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xochitlisbest · 8 days ago
katseye pls comeback I can’t keep living off the same three songs
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xochitlisbest · 10 days ago
Me dodging anything that requires long-time commitment in my life:
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xochitlisbest · 10 days ago
Katseye: random ahh screenshots part idk
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that's it for today folks🤠
dani out!
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xochitlisbest · 12 days ago
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xochitlisbest · 13 days ago
this genre of megan 🙂‍↕️
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xochitlisbest · 21 days ago
i fucking folded!!! i’m not ready for this!! 😭😭😭
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my BIAS and BIAS WRECKER!!! my baby girls! 😭😭😭
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xochitlisbest · 26 days ago
rebelde x katseye isn’t a want… it’s a need
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xochitlisbest · 27 days ago
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“the amazing spiderman!”
a silly little series (and occasional headcanons) of the katseye members as your spiderman girlfriend
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⚓︎ sophia laforteza
; n/a
♔ manon bannerman — profile
; n/a
𖢻 daniela avanzini — profile
; n/a
⚷ lara raj — profile
; n/a
ಹ megan skiendiel — profile
; n/a
༄ yoonchae jeong — profile
; n/a
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a/n: this will only be female reader x the girls, feel free to request anything you think of ! (no smut for yoonchae, obviously)
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xochitlisbest · 28 days ago
"my red flag is i can be possessive" like i give a fuck??? if we're out in public hold me by my waist and don't let go. make me sit in your lap if somebody tries to flirt with me. i absolutely want you to be just as obsessive over me because the moment i see a femme check you out, im giving her dirty looks with my arms around you
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xochitlisbest · 30 days ago
— ✩♬ ₊˚. TE PERDÍ ⭑
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daniela avanzini x fem!reader
summary daniela messed up- badly. now, she’s standing in the rain, desperate to fix what she broke. but sometimes, wounds don’t heal, and some love stories don’t get second chances.
disclaimers: angst... because it's fun. cheater daniela (sorry), i used lizeth selene as a face claim, but there is no physical description in the fic, so you can imagine whoever!
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01. 25. 25 10:43 pm
"hey, y/n... it's me. again."
"i know you probably won't listen to this, but i just -fuck, i don't know. i don't even know why i keep calling. i just- i can't stop thinking about you."
"i messed up, i know that. but please, just call me back."
01. 27. 25 12:17 am
"saw your post today. you looked good... happy."
"i mean, i guess that's the whole point, right? you're moving on. you're showing me that you don't need me. but-"
" - i need you."
"please, y/n. just let me talk to you."
2:04 am
"you wanna know the worst part?"
"i wake up, every morning, reaching for you. i still sleep on my side of the bed like you're gonna walk in any second and crawl under the covers like you used to... like we didn't fuck everything up."
"like i didn't fuck everything up."
"just tell me how to fix it... please. tell me what to do. say anything. say you hate me... just... don't leave me in silence."
you stared at you phone, thumb hovering over the play button on the next voicemail. 4:38 am. you don't press it. you already knew what it would play.
another broken apology. another desperate plea.
you should've blocked her. you should've deleted these messages days ago.
but some part of you -maybe the part that still remembered how daniela used to whisper 'I love you' against you skin- couldn't bring yourself to do it.
not just yet.
a loud knock at the door made you jump, breaking you out of a trance.
you already knew who it was.
you debated ignoring it, letting her stand out there in the rain until she finally got the message. But you knew dani. you knew she wouldn't leave until she had her answer.
exhaling sharply, you opened the door.
and there she was.
daniela avanzini. drenched, from head to toe, rain dripping from her lashes. her hoodie, soaked through
but her eyes- they were what undid you the most.
they weren't cocky, weren't full of the usual cheeriness daniela held.
they were just...pleading.
"y/n..." her voice was hoarse- desperate. "please."
you didn't say anything.
daniela swallowed hard, shifting on her feet. "can i-just five minutes. that's all i'm asking."
you hesitated. but then stepped aside.
daniela entered, dripping water onto the floor, but neither of you seem to care. she was too focused on you- like she was scared you'd disappear if she looked away.
"i fucked up," daniela started, voice raw. "i know that. and i know i don't deserve a second chance, but i need you to hear me."
you crossed her arms. "fine."
daniela let out a shaky breath. "i was an idiot, okay? i thought... i thought i could have it all. you. the group. the late nights. the fans." her voice grew quieter. "the girls."
you clenched your jaw.
daniela noticed and stepped closer, eyes shining. "but it wasn't real. none of it was real, y/n. it was just- just...bullshit. and by the time i realized that, by the time i realized you were the only real thing i had -" she stopped, shaking her head. "it was too late."
you inhaled sharply. "you cheated on me, dani." the words cut through the air like a blade.
daniela flinched. "I know." her voice was barely a whisper. "but i need you to know that it didn't mean anything. that she didn't mean anything."
you scoffed. "and i'm supposed to believe that?"
daniela's face crumpled. "you're supposed to believe that i love you."
you looked away, blinking hard. "you don't do that to someone you love."
daniela exhaled shakily. "i was scared.
you chuckled, head snapped up. "of what?"
daniela ran a hand through her wet curls, frustration flashing across her face. "of getting too close. of needing you more than i should." her voice cracked. "and i did. i needed you. and i fucked it up because i was too stupid to realize that needing you wasn't a weakness-"
all you could do is stare at her.
daniela stepped forward, hesitantly, like she wasn't sure if she was still allowed to.
"i can be better. i want to be better. for you. for us." she swallowed hard. "just give me one more chance."
you let out a bitter laugh. "one more chance?" you shook your head. "do you know how many times i've given you one more chance? how many times i let the late-night texts slide? the flirting? the bullshit excuses?"
daniela's shoulders sank.
"i loved you, daniela" you whispered. "god, i loved you..." your voice wavered. "and all i ever wanted was for you to love me enough to choose me. just me."
daniela's breath hitched.
"but you didn't." you swallowed the lump in your throat. "and i'm not gonna be the girl who keeps waiting for you to figure it out."
daniela took a step forward, eyes shining with something desperate. "but i have figured it out." her voice was breaking now, cracking under the weight of it all. "i choose you, y/n. i choose you right now. please, don't let this be the end."
your eyes burned. you wanted to believe her.
gosh, you wanted to.
But you couldn't.
you had spent too many nights waiting. too many nights wondering if you was enough.
and you refuse to do it again.
you exhaled softly. "i can't daniela."
daniela sucked in a sharp breath, blinking rapidly. "y/n-"
"i can't," you repeated, firmer this time. "i won't."
daniela's face crumpled. for a second, she looked like she might argue again, like she might drop to her knees if it meant you would take her back.
but she didn't.
instead, she let out a slow, shuddering breath and nodded.
daniela glanced at the door, then back at you, memorizing you like it was the last time she'd ever see you.
because it was.
and when she finally turned and walked out, you didn't stop her.
you let the door close.
and outside, the rain kept falling.
and somewhere on your phone, another voicemail went unheard.
"i know i couldn't give you what you gave me”
“and even though i'm dying to have you here, i know i lost you... te perdí"
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a/n: te perdí was literally the best song from rebelde. netflix was messy for not putting it on spotify. also this is my first time writing a fic so please lmk how it was 😭🙏
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xochitlisbest · 1 month ago
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there’s always been one rule in the group: don’t bring up y/n. no one really knows why, but it’s clear sophia would rather leave her ex-best friend in the past. once inseparable, their friendship dissolved after a summer camp that no one talks about, and y/n vanished, moving god-knows-where without so much as a goodbye. some say it was a fight. others say it was something more. only sophia knows the truth—or maybe not even she does. now, as the third year at dream academy begins, sophia is blindsided by y/n's unexpected return. gone is the familiar, easygoing childhood bestfriend she remembers. in her place is someone sharper, colder, and—unfortunately for sophia—hotter than ever. (who gave her the permission to look so fine?)
tags .ᐟ smau, crack, fluff, awkward idiots, grumpy x sunshine (or at least my attempt to), childhood bestfriends to lovers, theatre children, coarse language, suggestive themes, nonceleb! au, university au!, sexual jokes, mentions of substances, my writing
featuring .ᐟ katseye, p1harmony, ive, le sserafim and etc
pairing .ᐟ sophia laforteza x female reader
status .ᐟ ongoing
notes .ᐟ this smau was made for fun and entertainment. it is not an actual portrayal of the people mentioned in this smau, nor are the photos used to portray y/n. ignore timestamps. dream academy is a performing arts university. divider cred: @/adornedwithlight. TAGLIST CLOSED.
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rock, paper, 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 (and keeho) — mommy day care
01. oomfchella @ school
02. dire omen
03. livin la vida loca
04. tying the noose as we speak
05. lore
06. just like old times
07. extracurricular
08. for evermore
09. best friend of the year
10. casting
more in progress!
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xochitlisbest · 2 months ago
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I’m still in my depressed era after losing the chance to play fn with my girls but at least I got their funko pops 😭
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xochitlisbest · 2 months ago
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its me I’m the camera 😇 #delusion
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xochitlisbest · 2 months ago
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Sunchip 😭
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xochitlisbest · 2 months ago
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“ur honour shes just a girl” “its giving death sentence” ahhs😹
p.s i love this photo sm they’re so silly
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