Enfp and Infp Life
119 posts
A sideblog dedicated to my mbti type and the bf (who's an ENFP). Hope you enjoy it!
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
things infp's do
get super duper exited when good things happen to them
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
As an INFP I...
-procrastinate 24/7 -never sleep when I should -cry too much about small things -automatically take things personally -say the worst puns -never read or follow instructions -always lose track of time -am never sure of anything -forget all practical information -always get lost irl and in my thoughts -never know anything for sure -am super clumsy -worry too much about tiny disagreements -talk to myself, a lot -sing songs about everything -am an emotional rollercoaster -make things awkward
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Top 5 annoying infp traits
1) They can be completely out of touch with reality- this obstinate refusal to step out of their head can annoy other types because they can be quite hopeless at making practical decisions.
2) They can be really indecisive- this annoys most Judging types because they hate to see people procrastinate or take too much time analysing things but infps hate to decide on something before weighing every option carefully and once the choose something they are likely to stick with it.
3) They are persistent optimists- this trait is both a blessing and a curse because infps never lose their sense of childlike wonder and while it means they find everything fascinating and hopefull, other types find this impractical and foolish.
4) They are over sensitive- the Thinking types hate this characteristic because infps take a lot of little things as personal attacks and get all defensive and retreat after an emotional outburst. They really can’t help having fragile hearts though, and as they grow and mature they learn to let go of things.
5) They don’t care about social niceties- their adamance of really not caring about how to be socially ‘normal’ or accepted can annoy people because they will be spontaneous and quirky in inappropriate situations and they do so unapologetically.
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
How to Tell an INFP You Like Them
The star point of this post is to TELL THEM. Infps have a really, really, REALLY hard time telling people we like them, because we fear being rejected.
When you tell an infp you like them, it doesn’t have to be some huge gesture, you can just tell them face to face. That will make them extremely happy, and boost their self confidence. You will probably notice their faces go a deep shade of red too ;)
If an infp doesn’t like you, but you tell them you like them, they will feel happy you said that (because they sometimes think nobody could like them), but they also feel sad (because they don’t want to hurt your feelings). But they will definitely want to be friends with you, because infps love everyone (it’s true, as an infp I can confirm that (for most infps anyways))
If you do get in a relationship with an infp, just remember they love sweet compliments, lots of cuddles, and when you act like yourself.
Good Luck to those of you asking. Remember that infps never show when they like someone, so you never know if she/he may like you.
I love you all! <3
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Rules to Dating an INFP:
(This is in no particular order)
#1 You must understand that your INFP needs space sometimes. Back off and don’t pester them. If you’re an Extrovert like me, then you’ll get annoyed or confused by this need they have. But just remember, most likely your INFP will come back with a fresh mind and a new appreciation for the relationship. In this case, absence really does make the heart grow fonder!
#2 You have to accept your INFP’s creative side. You might not understand the method to their madness sometimes. That’s okay. Just be loving towards them and accepting. And in the end, you might be pleasantly surprised.
#3 You have to be able to talk sense into your INFP. Don’t be forceful in doing so. Despite their type, INFP’s can be very logical people. Though they don’t naturally go there when making decisions, they are readily accepting of a thought pattern that makes sense. All you have to do is show it to them. If you aren’t this person in the relationship, your INFP will float away with the passing clouds.
#4 You should be someone that catches their attention; someone unique, someone that thinks for themselves, someone different from the crowd. INFP’s love to figure people out. And even more than that, they love people who swim against the current. It’s also a good advantage to be a hard shell to crack/ have a tough exterior. If your INFP proves to be able to get under your skin (or at least thinks they have), they will feel all the more close to you.
#5 You MUST have patience (at least when it comes to emotional outbursts). To the NTJ’s especially, you need to know that INFP’s just cry sometimes about things that are unsolvable (or even ridiculous in the eyes of others). Usually the best thing to do is to ask ��What can I do for you right now?” and you can figure out what to do from there. But don’t expect to solve the problem for them in this case. Sometimes the best thing to do is to just sit with them/ hold them as they release their emotions.
#6 Show your INFP respect, especially when it comes to their ideas/ thoughts! They are used to being tramped on, disregarded or ignored. Don’t be another one of those people! They will end up hating you if you’re constantly putting their ideas down. But if you show them the respect their ideas deserve, then they will love you forever and show you the same respect.
#7 Know your literature, people! INFP’s are poetic beings that live in an alternate reality than most. When you can know classical literature, poetry, art, etc. they will open up to you and, if your lucky, bring you into their dark, secret world for a while.
#8 Action! You must be a person of action. INFP’s come up with the greatest ideas, but they have a hard time putting their ideas into motion. If you are a person that can help them achieve their dreams, it will make an immense impact on your INFP.
#9 You should be dependable. INFP’s are in need of a foundation; someone who can support them in any crisis; large or small. In order to gain their trust, you must be able to stand by what you say you will do for them and DO IT.
#10 It’s always a plus to be physically affectionate. This doesn’t mean PDA so don’t worry INTJ’s. But doing little things around the house or in the car or sitting in a park alone, can make a huge difference. Especially if you aren’t a physically affectionate person to begin with, if you show them you care by stroking their hair/ putting your arm around them/ cuddling with them while watching a movie, they will feel special and loved.
#11 GIFTS! INFP’s are suckers for gifts. Though they definitely value mind over matter in relationships, INFP’s love pleasant surprises. Get dressed up and take them to a fancy restaurant or buy them roses and take them by their workplace or order that special edition book they’ve been wanting.
#12 Be the pursuer. INFP’s know what they want. But what they want changes every five minutes. They might decide they’re going to talk to you one minute and they’ll back off the next. You must be able to at least strike up a conversation with them and show them that you’re clearly interested for them to keep you in their mind.
#13 Don’t just be a passing fixation. Often, the lovely INFP’s get mesmerized by certain things and people. They will get obsessed and fall in love very easily. You should keep this in mind. Don’t take advantage of this! You should prove to them that you want things to last in your relationship with them.
#14 Don’t brag or over-exaggerate about yourself. It’s a turn off for INFP’s and they can see right through this façade. Bragging is a sign of self-consciousness. Even if you’re the richest smartest man in the world, if you want to date an INFP try to be humble. Be confident in who you are and just be yourself.
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
How to know if an enfp likes you? (romantically)
ENFPs are known for their warm attitude towards people, and they sure do live up to their reputation, no matter which kind of person they are with, they always seem at ease. With that I mean that it’s sometimes quite difficult to tell the difference between their natural interest in people and a more serious, romance-oriented one. But some good signs your ENFP is interested are:
They try to spend as much time with you as possible. Especially if they don’t usually do it, for example if you share a class or just meet at the gym, they will try to increase the time you two are together by suggesting activities for the two of you to do, but in a casual way. See the next point to understand better what I mean with that.
They listen a lot and pay close atention. ENFPs I’ve met talk a lot, and about almost everything, their minds always jumping from the first interesting thing they see to the second. But if they stop their race to pay atention to what you have to say, they are interested. Every ENFP with a crush I’ve seen looks so focused on what the other person is saying, it’s heartwarming the fascinated look they have. Regarding what I said above, they will use this knowledge to spend more time with you. For example, my ENFP friend started a band with the person she liked because they both played in the same musical school, so even though most ENFP are more casual about this, they can also be pretty extreme. Also, you will probably feel what you say provokes a reaction in them.
Touch, smiles, proximity. They like to feel they are close to the person they like, so expect a lot of physical contact and less distance between them and you. 
Jokes, wit and showing off. Is your ENFP trying to sound extra smart or witty? Then they are probably trying to impress you. They also do it with their wit, my ENFP friend would joke around her crush, and tease them playfully. They want to look funny and cool. Showing off also means they will try to make an impresion on you by showing how good with people they are-even if they ignore you while they speak with other people, they will later look at you with an expression that almost says “Have you seen that? Amazing, isn’t it?” 
The way they look at you. Even if you don’t notice, I’m sure people around you will. It’s a special look they give to people they like, a slight smile that grows wider at certain moments, their eyes wide open and focused on the other person, a fascinated look that looks really really pure.
Also remember there are differences from person to person. Either way, I hope you find them useful :)
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Reblog with your MBTI type and the type of your crush!
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Me with crushes, as an INFP
If you seem at all like a kind and genuine person, I probably have a crush on you. However, it takes a lot for me to choose you, to choose to be loyal to you. Once I choose you… You’ll be in my heart forever. It will probably take me five years to completely move on enough to choose someone else again. I’ve had many, many crushes in my 16 years of life, but I’ve only chosen two people. And it took me a lot to get over them.
Us INFPs are like puppies. We like everyone, but we’ll only be loyal to a select few people.
(If you’re an INFP and you feel like this too please tell me!)
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
How to reach your ENFP: as an INFP
Initiate discussions and closeness. Don’t always wait for your ENFP to do it.
Share your feelings or explain that you are still mulling something over. Give them an emotional “weather report”.
Pay attention to your tendency to avoid or ignore issues then explode later.
Listen to your ENFP’s many ideas without criticism. Let them ramble when he or she needs to think an idea through out loud.
Express your gratitude for the extent to which you are free to be yourself. Thank them for challenging you and keeping you from stagnating.
Try not to take things too seriously. Look for the humor in life.
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
(#3) Priorities
INFP: Heyyy! You GOT to tell me about your trip!
ENFP: Well, there was this adorable puppy–
INFP: You go to Quebec and the first reaction is "There's this puppy"?
ENFP: I wasn't finished yet!
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
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INFPxENFP Interaction
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
How to reach your INFP: as an ENFP
Wait before offering advice, comments or opinions.
Don’t put your INFP on the spot publicly.
Sit in silence with them; enjoy the peace and quiet. Give them space even when you are doing things together.
Slow down. Use a quiet and gentle tone of voice.
Express your appreciation. Be reassuring during difficult times. (A silent hug is great!)
Be patient as your INFP slowly becomes aware of what is bothering him or her. Just because you may immediately see the connection between things, your INFP may need more time to think through what he or she wants to say.
Express your gratitude for being encouraged to be who you are.
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Oh, no, but that involves math…
ExFP (via apartment-mbti)
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
ENFP: I'm so lucky to have a friend like you, INFP. Whenever things get tough, you’re always there with a heart full of love and a hard drive full of memes.
INFP: Thank
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
Pro-tip if you want to help your infp to get into something new: excite their Ne instead of scaring their Si. For example, if you want them to go to a restaurant with you:
“Hey, I found this super-cool restaurant that has this dish you like so much and also it’s in agreement with that important value of yours, also they have this super-creative thing!”
Don’t do this:
“You never go out with me, why can’t we just go to any restaurant for once? I’m sure it wouldn’t be so bad!”
infp: *locks self in room*
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
someone: Bullies me, an infp.
me: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
someone: Bullies the underdog, or anyone that's being treated unfairly.
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xnfp-experiences-blog · 8 years ago
INFJ vs INFP: Crushing on Us
INFJ: has no idea for a long time, freaks out if someone suggests it’s a thing and tries to reduce contact time with the person, may even be *gasp* rude
INFP: likes having crushes but dislikes being crushed on, may entertain for a while if the person just wants to flirt but will shut it down if the goal seems more serious
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