xndlxsscycle · 4 hours
Oz Vessalius icons
Below you'll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 1 day
Oz Vessalius icons
Below you'll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius rom Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 2 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons for Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 3 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the Pandora Hearts manga. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 4 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the manga Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 5 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the manga Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 6 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the Pandora Hearts manga. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 7 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the manga Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 8 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the Pandora Hearts manga. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 9 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the Pandora Hearts manga. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 10 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the Pandora Hearts manga. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 11 days
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As a light notice for those that would want to know, in regards to both me and Raven.
We will likely not be as accessible from the 24th until the first of July.
We are moving about 24 hours away, as it has been something long overdue due to personal reasons. We will be unable to properly post or reply to things for this duration, but we have been filling up the queues for, at least, these blogs to be able to last until we are certain that we're settled in and everything.
If you have us on Discord, if you need us for anything, feel free to contact us there. If you don't have us on there, you're welcome to request for our info in Tumblr IMs.
This will be reblogged a few times over before and during this section of time, as a reminder for those that may not see it the first time around.
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xndlxsscycle · 11 days
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"O-oh, yeah, I get that." When there were so few people around to talk to, it made talking to others unbearably hard at times. She knew that Versaris and Void did their best to help her out with it, but it was only two people, compared to a whole wide universe full of different perspectives, attitudes, and personalities.
It made it hard, sometimes.
"Maybe. . . I could be good practice? It could be like helping one another out." Leris found herself suggesting, looking at the other with a bit of curiosity. "O-only if you would wanna do something like that, though-"
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Why was Merry getting the impression that this person was perhaps more nervous by this situation than she was? And why--oh why--did this give her the courage to talk?
"I don't usually have a lot of people to talk to...like friends or family...so I just talk too my rabbits. But they can't talk back, so when it comes to talking to actual people...I get nervous." She admitted with a little smile. "I guess...it's kind of nice to meet someone who is equally nervous."
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xndlxsscycle · 12 days
Oz Vessalius Icons
Below you’ll find 100 icons of Oz Vessalius from the manga Pandora Hearts. No credit is necessary.
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xndlxsscycle · 13 days
i’m not one to hand out forgiveness. (Adeel to Nyvsyn)
𝖝. 𝖆. 𝖓. 𝖆. — lyrics sentence starters.
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"You already know I would never ask you to just hand your forgiveness to me anyways. Nor to any other being. I just simply asking you to bear with me as I try something out." It was rather irritating when people tended to interrupt her in the middle of one of her experiments. A test here, and a test there was all she wanted peace and quiet for, and she couldn't get that anymore. Not since those little whelps started getting involved in things.
The only one she really ever gave any sort of an exception towards in regards to this, was Adeel herself. And here was the Lady of Balance this very moment.
"I'm trying to determine how exactly it was that that thing Void created managed to split itself into two separate things that then abided by the cycle's rules like we do. The more I've thought about it, the more I've found myself confused, cause each one affected by the cycle requires a soul. Yet, there was never a soul infused into the gold one." Ah, so she was meddling in things and concepts that she wasn't supposed to be. Again.
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xndlxsscycle · 14 days
i heard you’re calling me a traitor. (Versaria to Versaris)
𝖝. 𝖆. 𝖓. 𝖆. — lyrics sentence starters.
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"Oh, Versaria, could you please relax on that. I did it because I'm trying to gauge just how opportunistic our foes are. After all, if they think we're at each other's throats, they'll think we're easy pickings. And then maybe, they'll try for an attack, only to be caught unawares when we fight together as one." As Versaris straightened himself up, his deceit cleared up with his sister now, he began to quietly ready his gear. He may be a god, he may not need any of this to fight at his full potential now. But these beings were getting personal, and he had had enough of it.
He wanted to feel their ichor flow over his hands, and pour forth when he tore the blade of his weapon from their stomach. Clearing his throat, he tried to banish the thoughts before a terrifying grin could split his lips. But it was perhaps a touch too late.
"Doesn't that sound perfect for dealing with the treacherous bastards?"
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xndlxsscycle · 15 days
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"Ah. . ." How was she supposed to put it to a being not quite human, one of her own creation, yet not quite aware of the truth of it all? "This is a place I come to for my own, personal comfort. Usually along with my loved ones, you see. It brings back pleasant memories when I come back. So I come when I need a moment to recompose, or even just a bit of comfort while they may be preoccupied."
She hummed quietly for a moment, before moving to put her hand back in front of herself. "I am simply. . . Doing a favor for a companion of mine. They quite enjoy the seasons, you see, and tend to be curious about snow. I can tell them that it all seems to be quite normal right now when I next see them."
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"You seem...pleased." He noted aloud, gaze watching her as she caught snowflakes. "Is it...pleasing to you to stand in the cold? Forgive me, I just...do not understand."
He didn't realize that people were allowed to have differing opinions on things, for one, nor that people had different likes and dislikes based on their personalities. He had trouble understanding most things.
"Why...are you catching them?" Referring to the snowflakes.
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