xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Imagine Your OTP #350
Person B: "Can I have cuddles?"
Person A: "Do you promise to leave me alone afterwards?"
Person B: "No."
Person A: "Good. Come here."
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
It’s okay to be sad and miss someone you had to cut out of your life.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Credit:wattpadnightreader on tik tok.
Writing prompt:
Your a police officer,walking around the neighbourhood when you notice a women taking out the trash.You walked up to her and smile."Need help?"
She immediately shakes her head."No."
You starred at her for a moment,then looked at the bag."It looks heavy."You say,frowning.
The women ignores you.
As your about to walk away,you notice her hands tainted with blood."First time killer?"You asked.
Her eyes widened."What?No I-"
"Relax."You laugh."I know a better place to hide a body."
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
It’s okay if you aren’t ready to start healing yet for whatever reason(s). You should heal on your own terms and your own time. And most importantly, heal for you.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
It’s okay to miss the people who hurt you. It doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel the hurt anymore. Your feelings are valid.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Your feelings are yours and they are valid. No one gets to tell you what or how you should be feeling.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
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Omnisexual positivity!
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
You deserve to be surrounded by people who help you grow and heal.
You deserve an environment that you feel safe in.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
You don't have to tell anyone the details of your trauma. Full stop. No matter what. It's your choice what and who to tell.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Ngl listening to melaine martinez is low-key comforting when I'm trying to heal from my trauma
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Also,it isn't also for romantic partners.Its also with friends,family members,ect.I'm a people pleaser myself,so I wanted to share this information with you all <3 I might even share more information about being a people pleaser,etc.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Consent does not just apply to sex. It goes for anything. Whether that is hugs, or a pat on the shoulder, or even a handshake. 
People also do not need to disclose their trauma as validation for why they do not want to be touched. People are allowed to say “no” to any form of contact, whether they have trauma or not. 
Quit taking “please don’t touch me” as a personal attack on you. 
Respect people’s bodies. Respect their boundaries. Please. 
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Halloween pride flags <333
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I saw people designing Halloween themed pride flags so I thought I'd try it too!! I also posted these to my Instagram @_und3ad :)
Plz give credit if ur going to use these :) <3
Plz see pinned post for info
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Reblog if you agree that gender and sexuality are fluid. No one needs to shove themselves into a box for the "comfort" of others. If you don't know yet, it's ok! If you don't want to label yourself, it's ok! Trying out more than one label is ok! You are valid nonetheless :)
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
Thinking about rping here actually- maybe I can rp hetalia again,it's been a while since I did anyways.
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xmonsterbixchx · 3 years
HIM <3
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..i..i have no words...how handsome he is...
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