The Ember Bull of the Beastmen
217 posts
A Warhammer OC Multimuse Roleplay Blog, penned by Xilien Mun. Make sure to read the blog before interacting! OC/Crossover Friendly, verses will be included in Bio.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
xmber-bull · 3 years ago
The Laughing Knight
“Pffffft-! By the Emperor, what happened!?” The pilot noted, jovially, at the bruised and battered body of Zhagaak, who trudged into their Carrier Ship. Flopping down onto a pilot seat, the Abhuman let out a heavy sigh as he quickly pointed to the first aid station. With a nod and a smile, Istrus quickly brought over the contents to Zhagaak. Istrus, all the while, kept his smile, before chuckling.  “I’ll assume that a mission went awry aga- Pffpftpft- Again...?” The Knight asks, covering his mouth as he studied Zhagaak. With a silent nod, the Knight giggles to himself. “I offer my condolences-!” The next laugh, he was not able to contain- He practically collapsed onto a nearby empty pilot seat, holding his gut as he let out a round of raucous laughter. Zhagaak, though understanding the Knight’s deal, could not help but still feel mocked at.  “Aahhhhhh- Beg Pardon! I’m sorry, sorry. Alright, alright- Ahem.” With that, the Knight was able to return his emotions to zero. “So, you need my help, then?” He asks, raising an eyebrow, before smirking. “More than willing.”
Istrus Zarimdan is now available for asks!
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
Cursed Lands
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A Multimuse, DnD OC Blog based on the original Continent of Oristria.  Takes influence from various DnD 5e Lore. Mobile Friendly Links: [Muse List]      //       [Rules]        //      [The World of Oristria]
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
((Im gonna be on @ogloriousoristria, so dont expect this blog to be super active. if you wanna interact with me, then please at least consider checking out my new blog, ok thanks bye))
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
Cursed Lands
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A Multimuse, DnD OC Blog based on the original Continent of Oristria.  Takes influence from various DnD 5e Lore. Mobile Friendly Links: [Muse List]      //       [Rules]        //      [The World of Oristria]
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
((after much deliberation
Horny Jail is here - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/sin-bxr-bull
Have fun you sickos))
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
((after much deliberation
Horny Jail is here - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/sin-bxr-bull
Have fun you sickos))
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
“Dear Mortals,” The Kroxigor turns his head towards the person he seemed to be addressing, “How does it feel to be in the shadow of someone so much more superior?” He asks, extending his arms out.
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
((but  what if.... lizardfolk muse thats it thats the post))
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
The Bovigor’s glare was met with a knowing, almost mischievous smirk from the Sylveon – she was all but used to receiving such looks whenever one of her attempts failed. She rarely went in with any hope of success, so even now, she felt more amused by his reaction than disappointed in any way.
Besides, with a ribbon brushing along his fur one last time, she could glean the gist of why he felt that way, and she accepted it.
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“Fair enough!” Robin said with a light chuckle. “Don’t worry, big guy. I won’t push my luck.”
While his thoughts remained a secret to everyone – except maybe Oasis – he had a good point. Sylveon weren’t very good at close range, and this one wasn’t even a fighter to begin with. If this had been a battle, or even a situation with any risk of becoming one, Robin would have kept her ribbons far out of harm’s way.
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The Gardevoir brought a hand up to her mouth to hide her smile. Things hadn’t always gone smoothly with Zhagaak, and although she couldn’t say this situation was any different, it was still entertaining to watch.
Next to her, Saffron lifted her arms slightly as if to show off the red fabric wrapped around them. “These?” she inquired, before shaking her head and lowering her arms back down.
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“No. First of all, these ribbons are not a part of my body like they are for Robin. I can channel aura into them, but it’s a one-way process. And secondly, I don’t have the same senses Robin does. But a Lucario might have been able to, I suppose. They can sense auras even from a distance.”
It checked out in Zhagaak’s mind- At least, with his limited understanding of Pokemon, the explanation checked out. The Bovigor just needed to replace the word ‘aura’ with ‘magic,’ and it at least made a little sense. He’d heard that Magic Users, back in the lands he came from originally, had the ability to see ‘Winds of  Magic,’ whatever that meant. They supposedly called it ‘Witch Sight,’ but it’s not like it mattered to him. Wasn’t exactly on his list of priorities to learn. “Right.” He nodded, understanding her explanation before pausing.  “So... What now?” The Bovigor asks. It was obvious in his eyes- He wasn’t used to this feeling of... ‘Freedom.’  He was free in his herd, yes, but the Freedom was usually met with Death. He could kill one of his brothers, though that might result in his death. He could try to usurp the leader, though that would lead to his death eventually. Not to mention, if he wasn’t at the herd, then he was fighting and killing. This feeling of peace and tranquility Bastion was exhibiting... It scared him. Made him... Paranoid.  “What do we do... Now...?” He asks, clearly wanting some kind of answer.
“I s’pose. Though... I can’t say with certainty that I’d necessarily be able t’ hold back.” Though he said that to brag, it was also partly an actual warning. Beastmen are biologically not known to pull punches- They’re practically made by the Chaos Gods to kill humans and other Law Abiding humanoids.  “An’... Well, If I may be blunt, there’s only one ‘a ya that look like that can probably take a punch from me.” Of course, he had no real way of knowing, but a punch from a Beastmen isn’t exactly one of the most pleasant things to experience. A fully wound up punch is probably enough to knock the head off of a human adult- Or, at the very least, shatter their skull
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
send me   ‘ mistletoe ’   for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse.   specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose.
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
“Do not go and insinuate-say such accusations so lightly, Steelfury!” Ikit immediately snarls out as he was being accused of attempting to betray him. Sure, Skaven as a whole collective were a bunch of conniving, backstabbing bastards who’d rather shank their teammate’s spine than to face consequences for their actions, and would gladly throw a dime-a-dozen of their own under the bus to save their own hide–
But Ikit Claw was different. Whilst he was as mad as they come, what with all the mass-destruction weapons he has produced under his time, and was even mad enough for Morskittar himself to call him ‘crazy’… he had loyalty in the one thing he knew best, which was his ever-evolving science. And if he could secure himself some of these False-Fake Skaven to dismantle or at the very least pick apart enough to figure out what went on under the seams of metal… what reason would he have to betray his benefactor?
“Feh– I will indeed hold-keep my word, Steelfury. You will-will not regret this. The Claw will reward you handsomely, yes-yes. Name your price in materials and warpstone, and I shall provide-grant it to you! Yes-yes!” He’d even pull something out of a tube-shaped contained on his waist, as it was revealed to be a scrap of parchment, empty for now, as he’d hand it over to Steelfury.
“Write-scribble down your demands! I shall provide in due time, yes-yes!”
The Skaven could not help but roll his eyes. A ‘trustworthy skaven’ was almost as impossible to believe as an Ogre that wasn’t hungry all the time. Claw’s diatribe about his trustworthiness and how he’d keep his word meant nothing to Steelfury- He was a Rat of Actions and not words. Because he of all the Skaven knew how worthless words were.  But... It would be nice to get more materials and warpstone to work with. He was starting to run low on them.  Snatching the paper out of Claw’s paw, he began to furiously scribble down his demands- Mostly stuff like more metals, warpstone, and other various small devices such as voice recorders and strange designs. Rolling it up, he shoved it abruptly into the hands of Ikit.  “No Skaven-Kind are of their word, Claw. You have plans-schemes, and I will find them out eventually. And know that if these plans are to be against me... You will not live to regret-regret them, yes.” He threatened, an ominous glint in his eye. 
@xmber-bull | Continued from here
Oh, so those memories were still fresh, were they? That made Ikit’s brow contort with a bit of discontent. He had thought it’d be easy to show up without a whole cohort of Skryre rat-kin, to at least attempt to show a lack of animosity... but no, this one held onto a grudge like the most stubborn of Dwarf-Things! Ikit just scoffs at Steelfury’s accusations, slamming the bottom of his magical halberd into the ground, sparks of warp-lightning flaring at its blade.
“The Claw is not here on behalf-duty of Clan Skryre! Clan knows not what’s good-good for them if it jumped and bit them in the tail.” he huffs out, his mechanical arm whirring and hissing as he moves and gesticulates with it. There was a hint of truth in his words, and not just dressed-up pretty words. Ikit Claw WAS very ill content with how Clan Skryre was managed under Morskittar’s dogma, and so did not give two slave-rats’ asses about being here on their behalf. No, he had come, on his own, for private business.
“Claw knows-understands your anger-frustration, Steelfury. Having many great-grand ideas to move Clan forward, to rule over Skavendom in its entirety-- but always stopped-halted by frail and weak-cowering fool-fools who dare not venture further!” he’d dare take a step further towards Steelfury, a long, miscolored green tongue lulling its way out of his crooked and rotten fangs, licking against exposed, Warpstone-afflicted gums.
“But the Claw... is always willing to lend praise-credit towards those who wish to evolve-transform Skavenkind even further. Claw admires you-you, Steelfury!”
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
“Pfft– Ikit never claim that he’s here-here out of some ‘goodness’.” Ikit huffs a bit indignantly. He might’ve just been trying to appeal to Steelfury, but in no means was that out of ‘goodness’. More like… mutual interests in a topic. That topic in question being engineering and tinkering. He was not too impressed with the fact that one of Steelfury’s mechanical arms popping out a gun-barrel either. His Warpfire Thrower in his own palm dealt much more damage, anyhow.
“Fine-fine then. I clearly see you are more keen-focused on business. You know-know who I am. You know where my interests are. Always wanting to make-create better weapons-arms to conquer Old and New World. I heard rumors of your False-Fake Skaven. Many still speak-squeak about your coup against Council in Under-Empire. I speak-squeak with honesty when I say– I am indeed impressed it went as far-far as it did.”
“Your False-Fake Skaven… if they are not as great-grand as you’ve wanted them to be, perhaps we can make a deal-agreement? All I wish-ask for from you is a pair or two of your False-Fake Skaven, and I can provide-assist you with materials and warpstone in return.”
Well... Steelfury knew a good deal when he saw one. Some of his creations for more materials and some warpstone? It seems pretty good. Too good. Eyes squinted in distrust, the Skaven held a hand up, showing he had to think. Walking over to his blueprint for his newest version of the False-Fake Skaven, he quickly began to sketch out an addition to it. Making sure Ikit could not see, the Skaven then added a ‘Self-Destruct’ Mechanism within the False Skaven.  Just in case Claw gets any... Funny ideas.  With the design finished, the Skaven rolled up the scroll, before turning to Claw. “Hmmmmh... Your deal is appealing-appetizing, Claw. Perhaps your Skyre-kin aren’t as bad as I had remembered-recalled. But, and this goes with out squeak-saying- Should you betray me, you will-will regret it. Yes-yes.” His voice got ominously low for the last part, before he wringed his hands together.  “But, you seem to be a skaven-kin of your word-word.” Steelfury points out, trying to curry favor with the Engineer. Might as well milk this Skaven dry before he screws them over in the end. He knows for certain they already have the same kind of plan on their part. 
@xmber-bull | Continued from here
Oh, so those memories were still fresh, were they? That made Ikit’s brow contort with a bit of discontent. He had thought it’d be easy to show up without a whole cohort of Skryre rat-kin, to at least attempt to show a lack of animosity... but no, this one held onto a grudge like the most stubborn of Dwarf-Things! Ikit just scoffs at Steelfury’s accusations, slamming the bottom of his magical halberd into the ground, sparks of warp-lightning flaring at its blade.
“The Claw is not here on behalf-duty of Clan Skryre! Clan knows not what’s good-good for them if it jumped and bit them in the tail.” he huffs out, his mechanical arm whirring and hissing as he moves and gesticulates with it. There was a hint of truth in his words, and not just dressed-up pretty words. Ikit Claw WAS very ill content with how Clan Skryre was managed under Morskittar’s dogma, and so did not give two slave-rats’ asses about being here on their behalf. No, he had come, on his own, for private business.
“Claw knows-understands your anger-frustration, Steelfury. Having many great-grand ideas to move Clan forward, to rule over Skavendom in its entirety-- but always stopped-halted by frail and weak-cowering fool-fools who dare not venture further!” he’d dare take a step further towards Steelfury, a long, miscolored green tongue lulling its way out of his crooked and rotten fangs, licking against exposed, Warpstone-afflicted gums.
“But the Claw... is always willing to lend praise-credit towards those who wish to evolve-transform Skavenkind even further. Claw admires you-you, Steelfury!”
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
The Roving Ogre Gourmet
It wasn’t long until something went wrong in the Tribe- And, sure enough, the scream of fear along with guttural roars of anger awoke the Bovigor from his sleep. Walking over to Bendakk’s Cave, who else did he find but Steelfury, hanging by his leg in the giant hand of the Ogre chef.  “UNHAND-RELEASE ME YOU BRUTE!” “NOT ‘TILL YA GIVE ME TH’ BODY I WAS CURIN’, YA LITTLE THIEF!” The Ogre yelled out, his apron dirtied with dried soup, sauces and blood.  “Steelfury, give him the body.” Zhagaak commanded, walking up. Not even hearing the Skaven’s argument, with a huff, he released the dried body into Bendakk’s other hand. Dropping him onto the ground, the Ogre lumbered off into his cave, the sound of searing meats and broiling sauces echoing off it’s stone walls.  With angry grumbling, the Skaven quickly skittered off, Zhagaak giving a sigh.
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
((Steelfury’s Message to all of his False Skaven when he dies))
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
Heliinx has deployed Zhagaak to raze some small settlement or other, mostly to get him out of her fur. Maybe if she lets him slake his bloodlust, he'll be easier to deal with. And if not, well, she has more shock collars. A rat messager would find him in the field, hopping in his hand with a message, " Bovigor! Have not-not heard any updates from you-you. What news? How goes the mission-assignment? If you've deserted me, I will make-make you regret it!"
Cut to the scene of the crime- Zhagaak is currently resting on a literal pile of human bodies, munching on a skull mindlessly. He was the first to grab the Rat- Instinctively crushing it's ribcage and causing it to die instantly. Of course, it was only after he read the message he realized that was a bad idea. Of course, there was also the fact that he currently didn't have his shock collar on- It was torn off before he started his, uh... 'Job.' He just didn't think he could do well with it on. Zhagaak was planning on saying that one of the humans had managed to shoot it off, of course. He didn't want to push his chances with Heliinx more than he had. ". . ." Well, if he could write, and didn't accidentally kill the messenger rat, he'd send a message back. But, as it stands, he could literally just make a run for it. He weighed the scales in his head. "Eh." He grabbed a human, hauling one over each shoulder, and just walked off in a random direction. He'd surely find something, right?
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
Oh, so those memories were still fresh, were they? That made Ikit’s brow contort with a bit of discontent. He had thought it’d be easy to show up without a whole cohort of Skryre rat-kin, to at least attempt to show a lack of animosity… but no, this one held onto a grudge like the most stubborn of Dwarf-Things! Ikit just scoffs at Steelfury’s accusations, slamming the bottom of his magical halberd into the ground, sparks of warp-lightning flaring at its blade.
“The Claw is not here on behalf-duty of Clan Skryre! Clan knows not what’s good-good for them if it jumped and bit them in the tail.” he huffs out, his mechanical arm whirring and hissing as he moves and gesticulates with it. There was a hint of truth in his words, and not just dressed-up pretty words. Ikit Claw WAS very ill content with how Clan Skryre was managed under Morskittar’s dogma, and so did not give two slave-rats’ asses about being here on their behalf. No, he had come, on his own, for private business.
“Claw knows-understands your anger-frustration, Steelfury. Having many great-grand ideas to move Clan forward, to rule over Skavendom in its entirety– but always stopped-halted by frail and weak-cowering fool-fools who dare not venture further!” he’d dare take a step further towards Steelfury, a long, miscolored green tongue lulling its way out of his crooked and rotten fangs, licking against exposed, Warpstone-afflicted gums.
“But the Claw… is always willing to lend praise-credit towards those who wish to evolve-transform Skavenkind even further. Claw admires you-you, Steelfury!”
A hearty guffaw escaped from the Skaven’s lungs as the Claw’s pleas and bargains tried to win him over. One of his mechanical arms bent backwards at the sound of the  halberd’s lightning- And, with a click, a barrel emerged from the middle of it’s palm. “I am no fool-idiot, Claw. We both know of our clan-clan’s nature. You’re not here out of the goodness of your heart-heart. So, keep it straight with me. What do you wish-desire? And if the idea seems good-good to me, then I will fulfill it.”  It was no wonder he was as... In tune with the treacherous, silver-tongued ways of the Skaven. After all, he was one of the worst offenders in the Skyre Clan. He just couldn’t weasel his way out of the coup he tried back when he was living with his people. So, he did the next best thing! He ran. And much like his brethren, he knew how to run and hide well, especially to escape consequences.  “My False-Fake Skaven are no ‘evolution’ as you claim-speak, Claw. They are weapons of war, and I am proud of them. But, please, do not try-attempt to make them seem much grander than they are-are.” He adds on, turning to face the Claw, stopping himself from working on one of the aforementioned false skaven. In design, it was an almost spot on recreation of a Skaven Skeleton. Of course, where instead of bone there was metal, and where instead of a heart or brain, there was warpstone engines. Discreet, smaller ones, so that it wouldn’t be as noticeable. 
@xmber-bull | Continued from here
Oh, so those memories were still fresh, were they? That made Ikit’s brow contort with a bit of discontent. He had thought it’d be easy to show up without a whole cohort of Skryre rat-kin, to at least attempt to show a lack of animosity… but no, this one held onto a grudge like the most stubborn of Dwarf-Things! Ikit just scoffs at Steelfury’s accusations, slamming the bottom of his magical halberd into the ground, sparks of warp-lightning flaring at its blade.
“The Claw is not here on behalf-duty of Clan Skryre! Clan knows not what’s good-good for them if it jumped and bit them in the tail.” he huffs out, his mechanical arm whirring and hissing as he moves and gesticulates with it. There was a hint of truth in his words, and not just dressed-up pretty words. Ikit Claw WAS very ill content with how Clan Skryre was managed under Morskittar’s dogma, and so did not give two slave-rats’ asses about being here on their behalf. No, he had come, on his own, for private business.
“Claw knows-understands your anger-frustration, Steelfury. Having many great-grand ideas to move Clan forward, to rule over Skavendom in its entirety– but always stopped-halted by frail and weak-cowering fool-fools who dare not venture further!” he’d dare take a step further towards Steelfury, a long, miscolored green tongue lulling its way out of his crooked and rotten fangs, licking against exposed, Warpstone-afflicted gums.
“But the Claw… is always willing to lend praise-credit towards those who wish to evolve-transform Skavenkind even further. Claw admires you-you, Steelfury!”
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xmber-bull · 3 years ago
(@warhammer-fantasy-muses) "You-You!" a gangly, curved metal claw is pointed in the direction of Khresqrilk Steelfury, as he is greeted by none other than the Chief Warlock Engineer himself; Ikit Claw. "The Claw has heard the chitter-squeak of you, Steelfury! Heard-listened of rumors of you infiltrating the Great Council, yes-yes! The Claw is... curious-intrigued!"
"Hm, yes-yes, how can I-" Steelfury let out a sigh, currently working on what appears to be another False Skaven... Before his face contorts into a malicious sneer as he hears that none other than Ikit Claw had paid him a visit. Now, was Ikit personally responsible for his banishment? No. Was he still part of the Skyre Clan that he disdains oh so much? Absolutely. "Ghhhhhrhhh...! Why-why is Skyre Filth-Trash like you here!? I should beat your head-skull in for your mere being here, but I have better-grander things to be doing-doing, yes! Make it quick or else I will get violent-angry." The Skaven hisses out, staring directly at Claw with a death glare. Then again... He is here to pay him compliments to his life's greatest work... So he'll hear him out. At least, for now. And, on the off chance he's clearly some problem, well, he'll have the Chief Warlock Engineer to add to his collection! An idea that caused the Skaven to almost gleefully giggle.
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