xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
I don’t chase people anymore. I learned that I’m here, and I’m important. I’m not going to run after people to prove that I matter.
latelycravingmore (via misjudgments)
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
The New Start
Lets hope this goes well
First off, i’d like to start out by saying my apologies now. I don’t know exactly where this will go, I hope in a good direction
So what I'm going to talk about tonight, is pretty much how I'm making a new start. There is only so much one can do, but I'm really going to try to do everything I can. 
On May 3rd of 2014 I was kicked out of my house for one of the most stupidest reasons. My sister and I got in the most stupid fight.. and the rest of that is history, so my fed up mother, kicked us out. Yes I was 18, so technically it was okay. Just to get a glmimpse of this, my sister and I would always argue, but hey, what do sistersdo?! My sister and I now are better than we ever were, so I'm so very thankful that that wound has healed.  Anyways, I moved in with my boyfriend and his family that same day. And thats where my life changed. I wasn't fully done with my nail technician license at the time, so getting that done and getting a completely different job was pretty stressful. I got through it though, like everything else in life. Trying to stay on topic, making a 360 in my life I lost touch with some of my closest friends, and when I think to myself to this day.. fucking sucks. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boyfriend to death and I love spending every minute with him, but having a girlfriend would be cool too, Not someone that I just met and hardly knows nothing about me, I want MY friends back. Hannah, Amy, Taylor, Kristina, Francesca, Jeanette, Avianna, Danielle, Regan, Marissa, Josalyn.. they were some of my closest friends. Growing up in school together, really having awesome times with these people! I want that all back, those summer nights of prank calling people, giggling till the morning, talking about boys, sleeping of roof tops, dancing, singing, crying, just doing girly things and everything in between! So again, trying to stay on topic, I.ve completely lost contact with these girls in the matter of 2 years, which is a very long time, but with the amount of technology we have these days, theres not a reason why I should have lost contact with these people. But the reason why I did is purely because of myself, not much of a reason, but heres where this part starts. I’m a very odd person I feel like, I don't like conflict anymore, I hate conversation, I don't like to disappoint, I ignore the important things, I have so much anxiety, I'm my own worst enemy, ever since that day I've secluded my self from everything. Ignoring people, going on Facebook and feeling sorry for myself because I’m reminiscing of all the times we've had when i see a new picture or status posted. I hardly ever update on myself on social media. But I still don't want to message any of these girls, why? Because I feel as if i’ve failed every single on of them. Like I shoved them out of my life for no reason. 2 years have passed by and I’m a totally different person. 2 years have passed by and I miss everything I had 2 years ago. But I know that it is neSt... so here it goes.. day by day, each baby step at a time I'm going to morph my new self, into my old self. Taking the good things about myself and bringing them back to 2 years ago, with baby steps. Baby steps. I can't do it all at once, but I can do baby steps for sure. 
It is not that I miss social media at all, because in this day in age its pretty stupid, I don't feel that every body needs to know everything thats going on in your life, but just little good updates would be nice. Back 2 years ago I was always on, everything that I did had to be posted to the world! I don't want to be like that, but I loved tumblr, everything about it. I used to write everything here, it was kinda like a little therapy session. So, starting new, I want to withe more in my blog, and get everything off my chest that I can't say out loud. 
But I am getting very tired and want to start a new day tomorrow. So I will be back, for sure, keeping my fellow tumblrs updated and letting my heart out to the internet. At least I don't know all of you personally! 
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
I feel like my whole life has completely changed. More good than bad, but more happy than sad.
But I find myself in my mind at most times, in the worst times.
Not being able to say how I feel, and being afraid to say it.
Thinking about the worst that hasn't come yet.
Letting myself down. Beating myself up.
Letting my mind wander to all the wrong places.
My life has completely changed. I live with the one who has my heart.. and also the one who is my worst nightmare.. myself.
I feel like it's one of the worst places to be, you know.. inside your head.
Crazy is a very bad thing.
Being myself, is a very bad thing.
And it's hard, somedays you're happy, others you're in hell.
I want to change. But this kind of change is very difficult.
And since my life has completely changed, I think my life has to completely change, for me to change myself.
I'll be back.
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 8 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 9 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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Posted by dreamgirl1
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
So now when you do Alt + Reblog, the reblog symbol turns green, "explodes" and then disappears.
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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The Twilight Symphony || Zelda Reorchestrated || [download]
Disk 1
Overture - listen
Back from the Spring - listen
Ordon Village - listen
Ordon Ranch - listen
Into the Twilight - listen
Midna - listen
Hyrule Castle Overtaken - listen
Light Spirit’s Message- listen
Faron Woods - listen
Ook and the Boomerang - listen
Twilit Parasite Diababa - listen
Hyrule Field - listen
Kakariko Village - listen
Colin’s Kidnapping and the Battle of Eldin Bridge - listen
Death Mountain - listen
Goron Guardian Dangoro - listen
History of Light and Shadow - listen
Disk 2
Lake Hylia - listen
Hyrule Castle Town - listen
Rutela’s Wish - listen
Ralis, Prince of the Zoras - listen
King of Shadows - listen
Midna’s Lament - listen
Princess Zelda  - listen
Sacred Grove  - listen
Intermezzo - listen
Hyrule Field at Night - listen
Waltz of the Bugs - listen
Hyrulean Odd Jobs - listen
Fishing Hole - listen
Gerudo Desert - listen
Arbiter’s Grounds - listen
Twilit Fossil Stallord - listen
Ganondorf’s Exile - listen
Disk 3
Snowpeak Ruins - listen
Twilit Ice Mass Blizzeta - listen
Snowboarding - listen
A Door to the Past - listen
Ooccoo, Fellow Adventurer - listen
Twilit Arachnid Armogohma - listen
Hidden Village - listen
Ilia - listen
Twilit Dragon Argorok - listen
the Twilight Realm - listen
Usurper King Zant - listen
Hyrule Castle - listen
Throne of the Demon Thief - listen
Blood, Spirit, and Hatred - listen
Dark Lord Ganondorf - listen
End Credits Part I - listen
End Credits Part II - listen
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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Tribute drawing for the 25th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda. This drawing was made by “Ag+@デザフェスG-388”.
If you like what I post, please click the “follow” button on my blog and follow me. I hope you enjoy it.
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xlaurennnxbahhhx · 10 years
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PLEASE READ. WILL NOT HURT TO AND FORWARD. Kids are putting Drano, tin foil, and a little water in plastic drink bottles and capping it up - leaving it on lawns, in mail boxes, in gardens, on driveways etc. just waiting for you to pick it up intending to put it in the rubbish, but you’ll never make it!!!
If the bottle is picked up, and the bottle is shaken even just a little - in about 30 seconds or less it builds up enough gas which then explodes with enough force to remove some your extremities. The liquid that comes out is boiling hot as well. Don’t pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yards or in the gutter, etc. Pay attention to this. A plastic bottle with a cap. A little Drano. A little water. A small piece of foil. Disturb it by moving it; and BOOM!! No fingers left and other serious effects to your face, eyes, etc. Please ensure that everyone that may not have email access are also informed of this. 
Snopes confirms.
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