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xigbat · 5 years ago
Edmund Dantes: Who's the idiot that got their soul trapped down here?
Gudao/Gudaoko: Well this happened again
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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Our God Azusa sensei has blessed us with a shining SaberDiar again! This time in training clothes!
Look at his perfect face and body! Just look!!!
I am so dead now, a happy dead body (*゚∀゚*)
Please go and support our dearest sensei!!!
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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delphi was a riot
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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高知新聞に載った男 岡田以蔵(NGテイク)
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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xigbat · 5 years ago
media is pretend and not real but sometimes the way people mischaracterize my favorite pretend little dudes makes me feel very real rage
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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Anyways. [twitter]
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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xigbat · 5 years ago
The ending of the apo event felt a bit off to me because they once again expect you to have read the novels. Vlad shows up and he’s like “oh darnic, i don’t hate you anymore and i actually feel sympathy for your endless pursuit of your dream,” and its really awkward because they expect you to know what darnic’s dream like. is.
see, in the novels, we actually find out that for all his resemblance to zouken, the one place where darnic differs is in his motivation. unlike zouken, he isn’t selfishly chasing immortality for himself, nor does he want to reach the Root like a typical mage. He just wants prosperity for his family. He’s fine with reducing himself to a crazed dracula monster if it means he can create a good future for his family. So it kind of makes sense that in the end after the dust has settled and the battle is long over, a vlad with his memories of the event could look back on that and say “yeah, i can respect that.”
problem is that the anime didn’t really do anything to make this clear to people. instead they were just left with the impression that darnic was a complete bastard who fucked vlad over bc idk, he wanted power lol. and the event itself never actually mentions what darnic’s dream was, so its just left hanging like “oh i guess he’s getting a sympathetic death scene for some reason…?”
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xigbat · 5 years ago
A character can still be a great character without being a good person.
In fact, some of the best characters are terrible people.
Because a character’s worth should be based on how complex and interesting they are, not their morality if they were real.
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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never tell me avicebron isn’t THE funniest servant
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xigbat · 5 years ago
i love how horny and click baity fgo ads are because every single arc of this game and a good portion of the events are about making you feel sad
imagine playing fgo for jackoff material only to have the sexual desire dry out and wither away during a certain lahmu battle in babylonia
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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It's almost 5 a.m in the morning and I finally finish!
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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xigbat · 5 years ago
i’m in pain i’m in paaaaaaaain i’m in so much fucking pain that salieri and mozart’s first meeting in what’s likely been hundreds of years is a repeat of what salieri went through when mozart died the first time around because the prodigy who suffered, the prodigy that could not be understood by anyone, whose blessing bestowed by god caused him so much agony, has been doomed by the cruelty of the world yet again. mozart is sick and dying from having played an orchestra to keep ivan the terrible from waking up and crushing the weak for an ungodly amount of time and did so by choice because mozart though lazy and apathetic still loves humanity enough to give his life and his very best if it means there is a tomorrow left to see for everyone.
mozart inflicts a curse on salieri to make him believe he is mozart so salieri would not forsake a world that killed mozart painfully yet again. mozart does not do it out of malice and neither does he meant to hurt salieri because mozart considers salieri to be a person dear to his heart as kirei points out to salieri. that mozart gave him his most pure angelic smile because mozart wished to see salieri from the bottom of his heart to tell him he believed in him even if there was no way of knowing salieri would change and grow to want to protect a world that represents the worst injustice of the strong crushing the weak. 
the pain salieri went through of losing mozart once was enough to curse him beyond his own death which is why salieri manifests as an avenger. he does not hate mozart of his own accord, he hates that destiny hated mozart and that destiny compels him to hate mozart as well despite loving him more than anything and having wanting to ease his suffering in life. 
salieri playing dies irae is a cursing howl of rage and grief towards the cruelty of ivan’s world but when he plays twinkle twinkle little star it is the peace and joy of knowing catharsis and the simple hope of experiencing the joy of being blessed by being able to give and receive love and mercy. salieri honors mozart’s request because it’s salieri finally being able to come to terms with mozart’s passing by finally giving him the closure and comfort he could not give mozart when he first died, and now he can bestow that same comfort and closure to the yaga who are watching their world and their lives come to an end, peacefully after centuries of hardship. 
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xigbat · 5 years ago
i’m entering the final stages of lostbelt 1 and not to sound condescending on main but i think almost everyone has been horrendously wrong about kadoc and we should set the record straight. 
his beef with guda isn’t anything as simple as “i’m jealous they got to be a big damn hero while i was stuck taking a nap”. kadoc, much like the other crypters, has internalized an aspect of mage society in spite of their status as deviants that has affected how he relates himself to others and how his overall psyche works. in mage society what you accomplish determines your worth in life (insert obligatory “being a mage is an allegory for capitalism” comment here) and kadoc had never accomplished anything. his family line isn’t as old or grand as other mages, it has offered no contributions to the world of mages that would make it stand out, and he is already someone who cannot be as cold or calculating or manipulative enough for other mages to treat him with any regard for his personhood. that isolation of being perceived as belonging to the bottom rung of a social class that is already plenty unforgiving towards outsiders left kadoc desperate for purpose, and once he found it at long last when chaldea told him he was needed, a person so unnecessary as himself, he is killed that is as if the universe was telling him that being born worthless means he’ll die worthless. so when he learns that guda, an ordinary person with no connection to magecraft with credentials and origin even lesser than his own, managed to survive an entire peril-ridden journey, thereby proving that they earned the right to live, it sends him into a fit of fucking rage. 
kadoc isn’t jealous that guda accomplished all these great things. he’s jealous that guda proved that they deserved to live more than he. how is it fair that his suffering meant nothing and yours was rewarded? how was your path more correct than his? he thinks to himself that’s bullshit. so in a bid to challenge and overthrow that unfairness, kadoc adopts a new persona. he becomes abrasive, hostile, and borderline apathetic because he is trying to prove that his lostbelt’s way of life is just as much, or even more deserving, of survival than the one of panhuman history. the yaga, despite being stronger than regular humans, are doomed because they had to abandon weakness to survive. the yaga have suffered so much misfortune and sacrificed so much that kadoc, and the universe has decided they deserve to die? in kadoc’s mind that’s nothing more than tragic. that’s repulsive and unjust. so to prove that russia’s worth he adopts its philosophy to directly oppose chaldea’s, because its philosophy is that of panhuman history, the history that has tossed away its losers instead of acknowledging their pain and losses. 
what kadoc can’t realize because he’s too obsessed tying his lostbelt’s worth to his own, is that in trying to help the people of his lostbelt while thinking like them, he’s not helping them or saving them in any way that matters. tamamo vitch steps on the yaga and forces them to slaughter one another for basic needs and he does nothing. he is not out there actually providing shelter and food to the denizens of russia to show them that there is another way to live where they don’t have to leave their weak behind and live with heinous pragmatism. kadoc resents the culling of the weak, but because his natural empathy cannot coincide with the life he is trying to vindicate, he ends up resembling the very same principle he is trying to resist in the first place. kadoc is a mass of contradictions and because his brain is filled with trauma he lacks the self-awareness to realize that by pretending to be someone he is not he’s only setting up not only himself but the lives he is trying to save for devastating failure. 
his beef with guda isn’t about guda all that much but the larger concept that guda represents in his own mind. he isn’t wrong to want the losers of history to be redeemed for being cast aside and erased, nor is he wrong to want his own redemption for the way he (and the crypters among other outcasts of society) was treated. he’s fundamentally wrong in his approach because he is trying, out of sheer emotional principle, to defend a way of life that cannot possibly sustain itself or offer hope for its own future because it happened to have been forsaken just like he was. 
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xigbat · 5 years ago
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