xforcefullybredx · 13 hours
I’m a sub who doesn’t know anything about birth. You’re the dom that pumped a baby into me 10 months ago. You have me laying on my back with my legs closed as I try to push your baby out. I’m screaming and crying and begging to open my legs. But you keep tell me it better this way. I try to protest but a contraction cuts my words short, a scream coming out instead. You smile at me, knowing this sis just the begging of my very long and painful night.
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xforcefullybredx · 2 days
sub who tries so hard to give birth standing + bent over just like their dom ordered but doesnt have the strength to hold themselves up when the pain gets to be too much and has to be held up by the hips. maybe their dom uses their hands to hold them up, maybe they get tied up and attached to the ceiling, maybe they have to get propped up. either way they will only give birth in the position their dom wants, no matter what <3
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xforcefullybredx · 3 days
i really want someone to help stretch me while i'm pushing
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xforcefullybredx · 4 days
rn i need to be so pregnant that i cant reach the underside of my belly. so big and stretched that im out of breath just sitting there. so massive i can't get on all fours because of how obscenely full of baby i am
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xforcefullybredx · 4 days
Birth fetish questions
Let’s talk about birth. Give me some numbers & I’ll answer the questions.
1. How long would you want to push for?
2. What position? Laying on back, squatting, sitting, on your side, on all fours, standing.
3. Naked or clothed?
4. Meds? & How big of a baby?
5. Where would you want to give birth? Home, hospital, birth center, publicly, at work.
6. Would you prefer to be alone or assisted?
7. Would you want a breech birth?
8. Do you want your water to break naturally or have someone break it for you?
9. Would you want to give birth to multiple babies?
10. How many would you like to give birth to at once?
11. Would you like a silent birth or coached?
12. Early, overdue or induced?
13. Would you want labor to come on suddenly or try to get labor started?
14. Would you want to give birth to anything other than a baby? Eggs, alien, animal?
15. What type of delivery? Forceps, vacuum, stirrups, water birth, birthing chair/stool, squat bar.
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xforcefullybredx · 5 days
religious person who was never taught anything about sex, pregnancy, or birth, so when they have a sinfully pleasurable night with their love, they don't know what's in store for them, and end up surprised by the agony that hits 9 months later <3
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xforcefullybredx · 6 days
only good girls get to push - make her convince you she's a good girl before letting her birth for you, and push the baby back in if she fails <3
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xforcefullybredx · 7 days
doctors who refuse to treat your stuck birth insisting that you’re just being dramatic, nothing is wrong, birth is SUPPOSED to hurt, you just need to push harder <3
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xforcefullybredx · 8 days
I can’t wait to be able to say “we’re trying for baby” so that they know I’m impregnating you and cumming in your womb every day.
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xforcefullybredx · 9 days
hear me out. multiples birth where you have to restart after each baby. after the first one is born you cant just start pushing again a few minutes later. you have to go through early labor again, dilate again, wait for the baby to descend again, all of it. hours or days pass between each baby, but the contractions never stop. by the time the next baby is finally there you've gotten tight again and you have to stretch all over again <3
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xforcefullybredx · 10 days
I need a massive 13 pound baby crowning my pussy lips right now
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xforcefullybredx · 11 days
I love that part of labor where, even aside from the contractions that are getting longer and more intense, I'm so obscenely swollen and stuffed that just existing hurts. Nothing that helped make a dent in the pain earlier is helping and I'm at a point where I'm too far gone to tell you what I need. The pressure has dropped into my hips and it feels more like I'm being skewered on something heavy and girthy than it feels like something is coming down and out. Some part of my brain tells me to stand and let gravity help but it's so fucking heavy and wedged in there it feels like, if I could manage to get to my feet, my poor, straining pelvic bones would snap. My massive tits that I've loved so much during pregnancy seem to be getting heavier as I labor and my nipples are so sharp it hurts when they rub up against anything. My pussy and asshole have been aching with the pressure for so long I finally just start sobbing. It's too much. I can't take the pressure anymore, my hips are going to snap, I can't do this. I'm feel like I'm gonna die.
At the next contraction I throw my head back and wail. You look at the nurse in alarm but she's smiling, a knowing look on her face. She comes over, checks me, and pats my leg gently.
"There you go, dear. You're in transition, shouldn't be much longer now."
I'm not able to respond. I'm grasping the underside of my belly, screeching through the longest, most painful contraction yet.
I start crying so hard I almost choke when I hear the nurse tell you transition can last for up to an hour.
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xforcefullybredx · 12 days
I want to be lying flat on a steel birthing table, my legs up in stirrups with green medical drapes covering everything but my exposed, leaking pussy. There's a spotlight on it and doctors and nurses walk by and stick their fingers in me without ever asking. I cry out every time but they pay little attention. After 2 agonizing days of labor and hours of ineffective pushing, I'm just a disembodied, bleeding vag awaiting the scalpel and the forceps.
The doctor doesn't tell me when he's going to inject the lidocaine and he certainly doesn't wait for it to take effect because I scream bloody murder when he brutally slices my pussy. There's no one at my head comforting me or even telling me what's going on so, when he puts the forceps in, the agony is a shock and I start squirming in my bonds and begging for him to stop. The only response is to slap my thigh and tell me to stop being dramatic or I'll hurt the baby.
I lose my mind with pain when he starts pulling. It's so big and wedged in tight that he's jerking back and forth. My body is bouncing in a way that would look like I was being fucked if not for the blood curdling screams and the blood that's now streaming from my ravaged opening.
When the head pops out a flood of fluid gushes out of me, splashing my thighs and making the doctor jump back. I let out a long suffering groan at the weight hanging between my legs, tugging at my poor, aching cunny.
After ten minutes of tugging on the doctor's part and screaming and begging on mine, he let's out a loud sigh. "These are some incredibly wide shoulders."
When he shoves his massive hand in, without warning, to brutally rip the baby from my body, all I can do is stare up and the ceiling and scream.
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xforcefullybredx · 13 days
Lillian pushes, shaking with exertion. She lets her breath out in a whimpering cry and lies back; her bare breasts bounce. She continues.
"The head's coming out! Push, Lillian!"
Dr. Anderson watches the massive head continue to stretch Lillian's vagina wider and wider. The head is nearing full crown, and Lillian's cries are quickening and growing ever shriller. Dr. Anderson could reach in to help her stretch, but why rush a perfectly steady, slow crown?
Lillian lets her latest push go and yells out, her loudest yet. Her feet kick as she lies back, yelling helplessly.
Lillian's vagina is stretched taut, not the slightest crease in the skin framing the baby's head. The head slips in ever so slightly, and perhaps Lillian feels this, as she pushes again. The head creeps back out by the slightest whisker. The skin has in fact been taut for hours now, and yet each push miraculously pulls it tighter.
Lillian is no longer consciously pushing; she does so reflexively with no hope of resisting. Even when each push has heralded new levels of unimaginable agony, the grip of the contractions and the pressure of the baby's head force her to continue, even with how fruitless and vain each push feels.
As she lets go of each push, her suppressed cries and yells escape her and each time she lies back, shouting and yelling. The contraction pain barely registers anymore; all she feels is her pelvis being pried open and her vagina ruthlessly stretched far, far beyond what she imagined possible. Her hips throb and her vagina burns white-hot. And after a few seconds of desperately crying out, she rises again to push.
The bulge behind Lillian's vagina is nearly fully gone as the head is emerging in its entirety. At the moment of full crown, Lillian's concentration breaks and her body convulses. She kicks out and her head thrashes as she screams uncontrollably. Her hands let go of her thighs and they writhe in the air, quivering, but stay open wide.
Dr. Anderson places a not unkind but firm hand on one of Lillian's thighs. Her legs seem to calm and she grabs her legs again, though she her head continues to thrash and sobs punctuate her screams.
"I need you to push. The head is almost out!"
And instinct takes over yet again as Lillian obeys. With a gush of fluid spilling out her vagina, the head thrusts free. Lillian cries out, gasping.
Dr. Anderson cups her hands under the baby's head. Lillian is lying back again, panting and gasping. This is where her colleagues might begin pulling to free the shoulders, but Dr. Anderson keeps her hands passively supporting the baby's head as Lillian rises back into another push. No need to rush. Lillian will be screaming either way; might as well let her feel in control through her agony.
Relief might be the wrong word as Lillian feels the pressure subside somewhat from the head finally thrusting free. The pain still burns and the pressure, though diminished, still compels her to push. But her next push feels different. The baby's shoulders still stay lodged firmly against her vagina for now, but she can feel her vagina stretching much more easily over the shoulders. She shouts out in pain but continues to push, having the presence of mind to feel nevertheless heartened.
"One more push!"
Lillian lets out a scream as her vagina slides almost, but not quite completely, over the baby's shoulders. She releases the push and can actually feel the shoulders slip back in, much more clearly than she had felt the head, creeping in and out by a millimeter at a time at most. She pushes again, stretching her vagina, continuing to push even as her pained scream escapes her clenched teeth. She holds the push tight, entire body shaking, tears and sweat streaming down her face.
And her torso falls back onto her pillow, hands releasing her legs. She gasps and whimpers. It takes a few seconds for her to realize that through her whimpers, she can hear the crying of a baby. She registers the glorious relief washing over her vagina and hips. Her whole body still shakes. She begins to sob as Dr. Anderson places the baby on her bare chest. It's a girl.
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xforcefullybredx · 14 days
Pregnancy as cruelty. Pregnancy as control and abuse. Knowing that it is going to be degrading and humiliating, that they are going to helplessly watch their body endure this intense, distressing transformation, all tomorrow a life they don't want to create.
Pregnancy meant to be shameful. Intended to swell their belly with a baby they can't help but resent. To ensure they're dependant on you. To ensure they can't leave.
Pregnancy to make the clothes they like and feel comfortable in stop fitting. Pregnancy to force them to be something they aren't and don't want to be. Pregnancy to make them look down, realize they haven't seen their crotch or feet in months and just break down sobbing. Pregnancy so that they start to have a full meltdown the first time your unwanted brat kicks inside them.
Pregnancy as a burden. To ruin and corrupt and make impossible the things they want in life. To ruin the person they want to be and the future and goals they're chasing. Pregnancy to wreck all their plans and replace it with the agony of childbirth, the misery of forced motherhood.
Pregnancy as torture. Pregnancy that makes their hips ache, they back twinge, their breasts throb with pain as milk makes them swell. Pregnancy as a means to labor. Watching them clutch their belly screaming, not wanting to have a baby but having no choice in the matter. Pregnancy to force them feeling their body submitting, giving in, any rebellion or spirit leaking out between their legs along with their waters, their body giving you everything you want, an entire child, without them having any say in a single step in the process.
The beauty of unwanted childbirth. The screaming and sobbing, the cruel things said as the pain becomes impossible to ignore or resist. Pregnancy so you can watch them push even though they don't want to, their body forcing them to. So you can watch their perfect, puffy, beautiful vagina slowly bulge and open around the head. Pregnancy so you can watch your baby, your little punishment, violate its way out of their most intimate, personal, private place.
Pregnancy is so beautiful in its cruelty, so perfect in its unfairness.
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xforcefullybredx · 15 days
i would kill to cup a crowning head in my hands. my sub on their back crying, legs spread wide, screaming from pain as my baby stretches them out. and of course i can touch them however i wish. they’re powerless to stop me, vulnerable and open. to feel the heavy, solid weight in my hands, to hear how it’s hurting them, to know i’m the one that did that to them. it’s wonderful
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xforcefullybredx · 16 days
fuck i’m gonna cum. shh, shh, stop whining, don’t think. don’t worry- fuck you feel good- you’ll look so pretty knocked up, yeah? so big and full, so heavily bred- i’m gonna cum inside, oh keep struggling, just like that
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