xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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NORA - A vigilante group created by Snow, they strive to live a life of freedom and independence. 
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
I've noticed something about people who make a difference in the world. They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important, that every life matters. They get excited over one smile. They are willing to feed one stomach, educate one mind, and treat one wound. They aren't desperate to revolutionize the entire world all at once; they're satisfied with small changes. Over time, though, the small changes add up. Sometimes, they even transform cities and nations, and, yes, the world.
Beth Clark, Kisses from Katie (via kvtes)
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
"Hey, I helped out yesterday!"
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"-but with Gadot in such a crappy mood... well, let's just say that a pissed off Gadot teamed with a stressed-out Lebreau isn't something I wanna get involved in anytime soon. For the record, I'd advise you to avoid 'em for today, too."
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          ❝——Yuj. Yeah, I guess I might be able to stay              for a while. — And, you make it sound like              cleaning isn’t a necessary thing to do in bars.              She might really have use for the help, you know.❞
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
"Aw, c'mon, that's just mean! When I pick out clothes, they're guaranteed to look good, alright? ...Even on you."
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"Plus, they'll help you with the girls. I mean, not that you need help with that. Wait, that came out wrong. I mean-"
 ❝ The day I trust you to buy me clothes is the day I actually start       on those damn assignments Tseng’s try’na make me do. ❞
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 ❝ —An’ that means never. ❞
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
reno-of-the-turks liked for a starter!
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"Look, if you're gonna let me buy you clothes, you're gonna have to trust me. I have something in mind already, and it'll really suit you, I swear!"
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
orderofknightcaptains liked for a starter!
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"Hey, wait up a sec! You haven't seen Serah around, have you? Snow's - the cat, not the guy - run off again, and Serah's usually the only one who has any idea where he goes."
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
xestheim liked for a starter!
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"Hey, Hope! It's been a while since I got the chance to speak to ya. Mind if I hang around a bit? Gadot's been in a lousy mood all day, and if I go back, Lebreau's gonna rope me into bar-cleaning duty... again."
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
goodyakuza liked for a starter!
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"You know, I was pretty sure I knew everyone in Bodhum, but I don't think I've seen you around before. If you're new around here, I can lend you a hand if you need it."
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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I still have 10 starters to write, but I'm going to post the ones I've done and call it a night, because thanks to the random horse trek I was suddenly roped into, I'm pretty exhausted. The rest will be done tomorrow hopefully. <3 Drafts: 12 Starters: 10 Asks: 5
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
Tagged by: edenslostwallflower
reblog and fill in the answers you most associate your character to with each question.
Animal - Cat Color - Blue Month - April or July (I'm not even sure why) Song - Any sort of upbeat techno or rock music tbh Number - 19 Day or night - Day Plant - Forget-me-nots (Again I'm not sure why) Smell - Hairspray Gemstone - Opal or sapphire Season - Summer Place - Beaches Food - Blueberries (for obvious reasons) Astrological sign - Libra, maybe Pisces Elements - Air Drink - Lemonade 
tagging; I'm really bad at tagging so just whoever wants to do this
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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Like this post and I'll attempt to throw out a oneliner starter for our muses later! 
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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hah i have no idea what i’m doing like.. at all
Since it’s Valentine’s Day I thought, hm, well why not make one of those bias lists since you don’t have the time to actu- ally go around and submit crappy Comic Sans Valentine’s Day cards for everyone. And so, well, that’s what I’m doing.
Granted, I don’t have that many people following me, though it’s gotten to the point where I have more than I did on my o- ther rp blog ( loneselkie​ ) so I might as well, y’know? 
This is a list of the people that deserve all the chocolate chip cookies in the world, though Yonah only has so much time to bake them. You all are a joy to have on my dash, though some I may have not spoken or plotted with yet. If that’s the case, please feel free to ask for my Skype or hop into my inbox any- time— since I sometimes don’t have the courage to ask straight out. 
abissale | alovethatcrushes | amittendimens | arcanumrosa | armedwithaflashlight​ | arnovixtordorian | avaliantqueen | barmaid-tifalockhart​ | beyondreflection | brideofsparda | cometdance​ | constantquibbling | desidiae | duxae | etlxcidum | florearescet | gaiafleur​ | goldenvest | guardianofdawn​ | humanityshope​ | kakolookiyam | kxniehtiio | kxrat | kyratese | lazuliss​ | leechinglight | leon-s—kennedy​ | mafiaheir | masterbowman | mazuutautai | moonhibiscus​ | notsxbad​ | photondebugger | poorlittlejoseph​ | puer-immitis | raxonhnhaketon | rcvolution | renoiisms​ | retinentiiia​ | rxbenvictoriano​ | schutzxn | secondsent | shadedsalvation | starofzanarkand​ | teslagravity | the-sassy-dragon | trxvxal | vesper-esper​ | vindictivevirus​ | visiio​ | void-earth​ | wxrrenpeace​ | whorxifying​ | xflamboyant​ | xoblivium​
I apologize if I’ve forgotten anyone, though in all honesty all of my followers are precious to me! <3 Have a good Chocolate- Binging Day, everyone! You can go back to your Tumblr ex- perience now.
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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"Maybe you've just gotta work on your charm a little more. Wouldn't hurt to let me give you some hairstyle tips, either."
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 ❝ What’s a dude gotta do to get some Valentine’s Day action around here ? ❞
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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"Can't say no to chocolate! You sure I can have some?"
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✥-[ “If anyone wants some chocolate I got extra….”
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
What about your headcannons for the NORA squad?
Gadot was Snow’s friend from childhood and frequently his “partner in crime.” They grew up together in a Sanctum orphanage and Snow got the both of them in trouble rather frequently. He teased Snow about wanting to be a hero even when they were little, but he was still right behind Snow in his desires to form a group that would help protect the people of Cocoon.
Lebreau also knew Snow and Gadot from childhood, but didn’t become seen as “one of the guys” until they were in their teens. She especially got on their good side when she opened the bar and would always sneak them free drinks. Even though she always said “but seriously guys, this is the last time I’m giving you free alcohol,” they’d always be back for more. She also hosts Team NORA dinners every now and then, which were always a big hit.
Yuj and Maqui joined the group later, and Snow and Gadot both initially had their reservations in letting them in (Yuj because he’d be a pretty boy who would freak out about getting his hair and clothes messed up in the line of duty, and Maqui for being an excitable kid who’d probably accidentally shoot one of their own by accident). Yuj and Maqui promptly proved themselves, however, and Snow in particular considers them as the younger brothers he never had.
Yuj was also frequently teased when he was younger for his interest in clothing and fashion, but he never let it bother him. He’s responsible for fixing all the inevitable rips and tears in Snow’s coat (because after noticing that Snow was patching the rips with duct tape he realized that he had to intervene). Maqui has been interested in mechanics and fixing things since he was a kid, when he would entertain himself by disassembling and reassembling toys. He also knows how to hotwire vehicles which has almost gotten him into trouble on several occasions.
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
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I just want it to be known maenadist, reno-of-the-turks, schxmer​/jiivasu​, betheretobringyouback​, fastenough, senarius and xflamboyant are the best and deserve all of the loves right now. 
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xflamboyant-blog · 9 years
The young NORA member's head turned slightly to glance over his shoulder at the sound of light footsteps advancing toward him, though he didn't shift from his seated position upon the surface of the wooden pier -- hands braced on either side of him and long legs dangling over the edge, the soles of his boots just skimming the surface of the water below him enough to create a small ripple effect whenever he kicked his feet. A minute grin tugged at the corners of his lips upon the sight of the approaching female (he'd half-expected it to be Lebreau coming to scold him for skipping out on his chores again; he reasoned that she was more than capable of managing the bar alone for another half hour, though it didn't stop him from feeling a tad guilty), and he shot Serah a brief grin as she took a seat beside him, returning his gaze to the calm waters rather than greeting her aloud.
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Yuj gave an absent nod, his usually enthusiastic mood subdued by the memory of the events that occurred three years prior. 
"Yeah. It's... weird. It kinda feels like it all just happened yesterday, but at the same time... it's like it was a lifetime ago, you know?"
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Small steps were taken onto the pier, moving to accompany her blue haired friend. Though the rosette had no idea what he was doing, she knew he wouldn’t mind if she sat around with him, hopefully—— Now seated next to him, her feet dangled above the crystal ocean, glistening from the sunset, making what looked like a sparkle along the waves. A soft smile had formed along her features, though it was not a full smile, it was missing the happiness a true smile would represent—- As she spoke, there was no movement made, even when the bright pink hair had begun to blow gently in front of her face with the wind, she simply stayed put————
                         ”Has it really been three years? It really                                          doesn’t feel like it..”
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