xericalouisex · 7 years
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Great lesson in empathy, you never know what someone is going through.
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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The cover of the next Stern, a German news magazine.
The title Sein Kampf (transl. his struggle) is a play on the title of Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf (transl. my struggle).
The full translation of the cover would be
Neonazis, Ku-Klux-Klan, Racism:
How Donald Trump is stirring up hatred in America
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xericalouisex · 7 years
Hey, anyone mind liking/reblogging this post if Linkin Park has affected you in a positive way? Trying to prove a point.
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xericalouisex · 7 years
Just to clear things up
- When black people say stop taking our braids, we’re not talking about french braids. We are talking about BOX BRAIDS, CORNROWS, ETC.
- When black people say “Black Lives Matter” we are not saying “ONLY black lives matter” we are saying “black lives matter TOO” so get out of that mentality.
-Nigga should not be in your vocabulary
-it costs exactly $0.00 to not tell black person what they should find offensive or not
-black pride is not hate.
- Racism is institutionalized and embedded into a society. Racism is more than calling people names and getting your feelings hurt. This is a constant oppression of a race.
- “Slavery was one hundred years ago” And?? It still happened. Do not act as if this did not happen.
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xericalouisex · 7 years
Are you even native American
Hello nosey nonnie.
Yes I am Native American, but I don’t look it. And no it’s not one of those my great grandmother was Cherokee. I am 2nd generation off the rez Tuscarora, Iroquois Turtle Clan.
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This is me and my mother. Yes she is my birth mother, I just got very fucked over in the genes department. I swear I’m adopted but we have many photos of the birth and have several paternity and maternity tests to prove that I fell out of this woman’s vagina.
Here are some more pictures cause I’m pale and I honestly don’t think you believe me:
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(My mom actually made every piece of jewelry I am wearing and hand beaded that vest as well).
And here’s pictures of the woman that I blame for my bad genes: My grandmother.
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I get told I look like her all the time AND I HONESTLY DO NOT SEE IT, but because I get told I look like her all the time I BLAME HER.
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On the left you see my grandpa (full blood native) in his headdress, on the right you see my cousin (also full blood), the great medicine man Mad Bear, here’s a book about him since you seem to be so nosey.
And in case you doubted me, here are a few pictures of me when my ma and I were on the powwow circuit.
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This is me with my ma’s regalia (if you call it a costume I will shank you) because a) she had a bad leg day and couldn’t dance and b) mine was not ready and made and I JUST REALLY WANTED TO DANCE. (This is also the day I got burnt ON MY FUCKING HAIRLINE WHERE MY HAIR WAS PARTED. THAT FUCKING HURTS!)
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Here’s me in my fancy dance shawl. There aren’t that many pictures of me because a) I fucking hated them b) it’s normally seen as disrespectful to take pictures of dancers out of the circle without their permission and my ma and I were always dancing at the same times AND I NEVER LET ANYONE TAKE MY PICTURE AT THIS TIME IN MY LIFE.
So yes, my family is a very rainbow family, I just happen to be the one WHITE passing one. No really…
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Here’s me (in the middle if you can’t guess), Bebe and Audree. I like to call this the ABC Rainbow of the Printup family (because my first name is Cheyenne…..I swear our parents DID NOT PLAN THIS). 
And this is another pic of me and Audree YEARS later
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Am I Native? Yes
Do I look traditionally Native? No
Does that mean I am not going to label myself as native? HELL TO THE FUCK NO.
Please reblog and share so that people can understand that there are white passing people of color. Yes even some that pass as white as me. We do exist and no that does not give you the right to basically white wash us. I am proud of my native roots and I will share everything and anything you want to know. The more educational resources we can get out there the better. DON’T BE AFRAID TO SHOOT ME AN ASK. I LOVE IT, but please do not be a dick like this one and phrase it so accusingly. Much appreciated, thank you!
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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This was just what I needed today.
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xericalouisex · 7 years
Astronaut readjusts to life back on Earth
> Don’t give him a baby for a while.
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xericalouisex · 7 years
I’m fuckin shocked/Amazed asf
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xericalouisex · 7 years
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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i want justice for him so badly
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xericalouisex · 7 years
Valid AF
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xericalouisex · 7 years
yes I overthink but I also over-love
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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We should stop buying iPhones and eating avocado toasts so we can buy diamonds, houses and eat at BWW and Applebee’s 
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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xericalouisex · 7 years
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What’s so bad about periods
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xericalouisex · 7 years
My kink is having absolutely no one from high school know anything about me or what I’m doin now lmao
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xericalouisex · 7 years
When there is little known about your condition because it’s so complex
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