xenokattz · 1 hour
Werewolf: *transforming* You have to go, now! I don’t want you to see me like this…
Human s/o: Don’t push me away! I’m not afraid of you!!
Werewolf: No no I’m just really dumb as a wolf and I don’t want you to see me bark at a mirror for two hours 
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xenokattz · 3 hours
per anon’s request, i present to you THE best version of beatrice’s monologue in much ado about nothing. i thought about cropping this but decided this scene must be watched in its full glory
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xenokattz · 6 hours
Keying/graffiti-ing someones car is old news now if someone cheats we go at their wardrobe with a seam ripper
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yknow what? Fuck you *unstitches all your shirts and jeans*
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xenokattz · 10 hours
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 17. anthony bridgerton and kate sharma - bridgerton
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xenokattz · 12 hours
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xenokattz · 14 hours
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xenokattz · 17 hours
I wish there was a website where you could input a character's description (height, weight, sex, medical conditions, etc.) And a situation (car crash, falls, stabbing, etc.) And it would calculate for you from most to least likely the injuries that character would receive, potential complications, and how long it would take recover. This would make writing injuries SO MICH EASIER if I wasn't guessing at everything
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xenokattz · 19 hours
every person can feel freddie’s presence in their souls when they sing MAMAAAAAA UUHHHH, I DONT WANNA DIE, I SOMETIMES I WISH I’VE NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL with all the air in their lungs i’m not joking
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xenokattz · 21 hours
PLEASE support The Innocence Project. Let the state sanctioned murder of Marcellus Williams radicalize you into caring about incarcerated people. Don’t let those in office that allow for this to defeat you. Incarcerated people are among the most violated and exploited class of people in the United States. We have built a justice system that benefits off of the mass incarceration of marginalized people. Incarceration is used to disenfranchise people. It is used for modern day slavery. Anyone can become incarcerated. It is the quickest and easiest way for your government to strip you of your rights.
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xenokattz · 23 hours
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xenokattz · 1 day
okay, so everyone has set up the main rivalry in Black Panther as Killmonger vs T’Challa. And obviously that’s the main narrative structure of the story, not arguing with that. But I feel like from a purely character arc standpoint, the actual battle is Killmonger vs Nakia, and she obliterates him.
Erik Stevens is a CIA covert operative; basically, he’s a spy. So is Nakia. And when you look at their various actions through the lens of “who accomplished their mission better?”, it becomes pretty clear that Erik spent 20-some years preparing to destabilize T’Challa’s reign, including having inside knowledge and a birthright on his side…and Nakia spent roughly 36 hours successfully destabilizing his reign, in turn, with nothing but her incredible ability to network disparate resources.
Let’s just review her actions over those 36 hours okay:
- Gets the surviving members of the royal family successfully out of danger within seconds of the coup (aka the only living people with a competing blood claim to the throne aka the greatest threat to his regime)
- Sows enough doubt in the “greatest warrior in the country” about Killmonger’s ability to lead that when the time comes, Okoye and the entire Dora Milaje all defect (eventually saving hundreds of lives)
- Steals a heart-shaped herb from under his nose as he’s identifying it as the most important power resource in the country and trying to prevent it falling into anyone else’s hands, lol too late buddy
- Immediately identifies the person in the country with the best platform to mount a counter-insurgency (M’Baku), identifies what it will take to get him on their side, and casually resolves a centuries-long division in their country while she’s at it
- Correctly predicts Killmonger’s opening move of distributing vibranium to the war dogs, and assists in a comprehensive strategy that shuts it down cold–a strategy they wouldn’t have been able to use if she hadn’t gotten Shuri, Ross, and T’Challa all in one place with the right information at the right time
As soon as T’Challa is back she takes an immediate backseat again (she said it herself, she’s a spy, not the leader of an army), but, seriously, if you have to pinpoint the one person who took down Killmonger, it’s undeniably her. And she did it by clearly demonstrating that her skills as a war dog are miles ahead of his as a CIA agent (due in part, I’m sure, to being trained in a superior country, but also she’s Just That Good).
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xenokattz · 1 day
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xenokattz · 1 day
Sometimes I wish people in fandom would not insist that it is utterly impossible for any story to be harmful.
I agree that censorship is not the way to deal with harmful stories, and also that so many stories called harmful actually aren't. (Desire and sex are not inherently harmful.) However...
A story about how Martha Jones as a Black girl is obviously too stupid to be a doctor is harmful. A story about how Lt. Uhura is an evil bitch who should be thrown off the <i>Enterprise</i> ASAP is harmful. A story about Tony Stark taking over Wakanda because Africans are incapable of managing valuable resources without squandering them is harmful. All those stories I had to wade through when I first got into slash, where the female canon love interests were Flanderized into horrible harpies to "justify" the slash, those were harmful.
Stories which drag real-world bigotry into fandom and present it as truth to massive accolades are harmful. Especially in a way that stories that use kinks that are rightfully seen as inexcusable IRL are not.
The response to such stories is not censorship, for a whole bunch of reasons I'm not getting into at the moment, but it does make it harder to deal with such stories, and to feel welcome as a POC in fandom at all, when people insist no such harm can exist. My AO3 # is in the low four digits but sometimes I wonder if the rest of my fellow AO3 denizens think POC belong there at all.
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xenokattz · 1 day
Because abortions aren't the only way the patriarchy wants to control your junk
OBGYN: Yeah, you are exhibiting all the signs of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I’m so sorry.
Me: Huh? Oh, yeah. Insulin resistance, impossible weight loss, pre-disposition to type II diabetes, painful AF periods. Likelihood of bleed outs. Crap. That blows.
OBGYN: Yeah, well that too.
Me: *blinks* What?
OBGYN: Well, PCOS makes it very difficult for a woman to conceive and carry.
Me: BWHAHAHAHA. Yeah. No. No babies. Ever. Never wanted them. At all. Maternal instinct is not strong with this one. Only upside today.
OBGYN: Well then. Not exactly problem solved, but we’ll run with it.
Me: So about the MIND-SEARING PAIN and occasional HEAVY AF BLEEDING. When can we deal with that.
OBGYN: Not until you are 35.
Me: Dah fuq?
OBGYN: Not my rules. Hospitalization won’t even consider any treatment unless it’s life or death until you’re 35.
Me: Why?
OBGYN: Because you might want to have a baby.
Me: I’m 31. I didn’t want kids when I was 11, I didn’t want them at 21, and I sure as shit don’t want them now. Can’t I just sign a form that says “I don’t ever want a baby take it out, take it out now”?
OBGYN: Nope.
Me: Why?
OBGYN: Government rules. No removal of baby making parts before 35 unless your life is in immediate jeopardy.
TL;DR: The government knows better about your baby making parts than you do.
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xenokattz · 2 days
"Honestly, these days I'm mostly an e-reader, and if I want a book I buy it. I only get nice hardcovers of books I really like. Plus, it seems like to find anything I'd have to dig and search, which I don't care enough to do anymore. I'm mostly going to this bookstore for the vibes. My budget is safe because I doubt I'll even buy anything." - me, full of hubris, about to enter John King Used & Rare Books
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xenokattz · 2 days
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Meet Paul Westfield, don't call him Superboy by the way. He's a run away lab experiment with,,, superpowers?
Paul meets some kids who help him out for a bit before deciding to travel on his own.
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xenokattz · 2 days
*record scratch*
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"I bet you're wondering how I got here, when last you saw, I was watching the sunset at a crab-boil in Louisiana with my family..."
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