xelayreva · 2 years
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xelayreva · 2 years
“I know what it is to love so greatly you can think of nothing else.”
— George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords
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xelayreva · 2 years
Update for those of you not on Twitter: Elon is taking the feedback for the whole “checkmark for $8 a month” well
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xelayreva · 2 years
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“You can say anything and I will not abandon you.”
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xelayreva · 2 years
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xelayreva · 2 years
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xelayreva · 2 years
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xelayreva · 3 years
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xelayreva · 5 years
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xelayreva · 5 years
moan directly into my mouth actually
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xelayreva · 5 years
communication is so damn sexy
busy for the day, but you hit me with a “i love you, but i need to do some work today, so I wont reply for a while” message? mmmm sext!!
gonna be distant for a while because of something personal, but took the time to send me a “dont worry it’s not about you but i need some personal time rn” text? ill be looking at wedding rings, while you get yourself where you need to be!!
basically, you don’t need grand gestures or to be present and available 24/7 to relay to someone that they are wildly important to you… you just need considerate fractions of moments and communication.
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xelayreva · 5 years
If you’re honestly happy fuck what people think.
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xelayreva · 5 years
Just sleep. It solves everything.
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xelayreva · 5 years
i crave romance so bad. im such a romantic sucker dude. i just want to be held and touched and kissed and do cute sweet lame things and if that can’t happen at least tell me you miss me and that you wish it could. send me sweet text messages that make me smile and say aww and remind me why i should never want anyone else. just make me feel fucking wanted.
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xelayreva · 5 years
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Love in the Afternoon (1957) dir. Billy Wilder
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xelayreva · 5 years
someone should put flowers in my hair and hold me
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xelayreva · 5 years
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