Blog of the Random.
75 posts
Where I spill out my inner thoughts about my life, life in general, my own quotes that I randomly spurt out, and who knows what.
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xeaun · 7 years ago
A Guide to Roleplaying Systems
Player: Can I do the thing?
Mutants and Masterminds: Yes you can do the thing.
GURPS: Fill out these forms in triplicate.
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition: Yes, but it’s really not worth it unless you are a Dream Elf with the Godblooded feat and at least five levels in the Thingomancer Prestige class from Complete Thing. Or you could just play a Wizard, they get The Thing as a 3rd level spell.
Call of Cthulu: You can do the thing, but you REALLY don’t want to.
FATE: That depends, can you bullshit the GM into believing that one of your vaguely-worded aspects supports you doing The thing?
7th Sea: Only if the thing is properly dramatic!
Shadowrun: Yes, but you’ll need a bathtub full of D6s.
Paranoia: The thing is treason.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition:
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[I copied the above from this brilliant post, and I reblogged as text because I really felt the need to add the gif for 5e, and chat posts don’t allow gifs, dammit.]
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xeaun · 7 years ago
has this been done before or
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xeaun · 7 years ago
we’re working on something
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xeaun · 8 years ago
Rations for various RPG Races
[[ Source. Original creator: wats6831. Additional information and images linked under each one. Love this project? Support it here! ]]
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Homemade artisan herb bread, home grown and dried apples and prunes, uncured beef sausage, munster cheese. Made a small bag from cheesecloth and tied it closed.
Discussion thread here.
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Waterdhavian oat loaf (handmade irish soda bread, fresh smoked ham shank, “dessert” pear, Corm Orp “mountain” bleu cheese served on butternut squash, imported Saerloon broccoflower (Romanesco), mixed garden vegetables (carrots and radishes), Misty Forest chestnuts.
More images here. Discussion thread here. 
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Garlic chicken livers, smoked and peppered cheese, spiced pork sausages, hard tack, dried vegetables, dried wild mushrooms.
Discussion thread here.
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Top left to right: Evereskan Honey Comb, Elven Travel Bread (Amaretto Liquer Cake with custom swirls), Lurien Spring Cheese (goat cheese with garlic, salt, spices and shallots), Delimbyr Vale Smoked Silverfin (Salmon), Honey Spiced Lichen (Kale Chips), and Silverwood Pine Nuts.
Discussion thread here.
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From upper left: “Honeytack” Hard tack honey cakes, beef sausage, pork sausage mini links, mini whole wheat toast, cranberry cheddar cheese mini wedge, mini pickles, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, lower right is my homemade “travel cake” muesli with raisins, golden prunes, honey, eggs and cream.
Discussion thread here.
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Wrapped in cheesecloth and tied in burlap package. Forest strider drumsticks, molasses sweet wheat bread “black strap”, aged Munster, hard boiled eggs, mixed wild nuts.
Discussion thread here.
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Orcs aren’t known for their great cuisine. Orcs prefer foods that are readily available (whatever can be had by raiding), and portable with little preparation, though they have a few racial delicacies. Toughs strips of lean meat, bones scavenged from recent kills, and dark coarse bread make up the bulk of common orc rations.Fire roasted rothe femur (marrow is a rare treat) [beef femur], Strips of dried meat (of unknown origin) [homemade goose jerky], foraged nuts, only edible by orcs….nut cracker tusks [brazil nuts], coarse black bread, made with whatever grains can be pillaged [black sesame bread], Pungent peppers [Habanero peppers stuffed with smoked fish and olives].
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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Pan fried Delimbyr smelt, spiced goat cheese (paprika crusted hand pressed Fontina), Gnome shortbread (savory pistachio), glass travel jar filled with Secomber Red (wine), hard boiled quail eggs packed in rolled oats (to keep safe), dried figs from Calimshan, and Southwood smoked goat sausage (blood sausage).
More images here. Discussion thread here.
Duergar (gray dwarves):
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The Duergar (gray dwarves) are the hated subterranean cousins of the surface dwelling Shield dwarves. Vast Duergar kingdoms exist in the Underdark beneath Toril’s surface. Duergar are known for their foul tempers, penchant for cruelty, grim and bitter dispositions. Their food is as coarse and uncouth as they are. Clockwise from top left: Sour Deep rothé pepper cheese (Limburger), boiled Deep rothé kidney (whole beef kidney), foraged roots and tubers; skirret and Fellroot (ginger and turmeric roots), contorted strangler fungus (Enoki mushrooms), onion & mushroom gravy hand pies (Morel mushroom with shallot and dill in cream sauce).
More images here. Discussion thread here.
Lizardfolk (This is a MEAL/feast and not a travel ration):
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Lizardfolk are known to be omnivores, forage for a surprising variety of foods found within the confines of their marshy environs, in this case the Lizard Marsh near Daggerford. Fresh caught boiled Delimbyr Crayfish on wild chives, coastal carrageen moss entrapping estuary brine shrimp (irish moss, dried brine shrimp), Brackish-Berries (blackberries), Blackened Dart-Frog legs (frog legs) on spring sprouts (clover sprouts), roasted bog bugs on a stick!
More images here. Discussion thread here.
Drow (This is a MEAL/Party Fare and not a travel ration):
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From top left: Menzoberranzan black truffle rothe cheese (Black Knight Tilsit), Donigarten Moss Snails (Escargot in shallot butter sauce), Blind cave fish caviar in mushroom caps (Lumpfish caviar), faerzress-infused duck egg imported from the surface Realms (Century egg), Black velvet ear fungus (Auricularia Black Fungus Mushroom).
More images here. Discussion thread here.
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xeaun · 8 years ago
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11 habits of highly creative people
It’s my birthday so I will indulge in reposting this old favorite nonsense
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xeaun · 8 years ago
this encounter seems very intimate and magical, like a moment in a dream
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xeaun · 8 years ago
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Came up with a Cards Against Humanity knock off yesterday on Twitter. It’s called Soviet Humour.
One player plays The Censor, and is given an innocuous news sentence and Censor Tokens, which are used to black out words of their choosing.
The other players play The Buffoons, and are given a time limit to type words into the blacked out spaces.
After everyone has filled in their blacks, The Censor awards a point to the funniest new sentence.
It’s essentially Cards Against Humanity, but the Czar controls where the blanks are and the players all have blank cards.
Could be a fun game!
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xeaun · 9 years ago
Overwatch: BABY HUNT
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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again with @stormarea​ and i, back when we’re at HR7 we always wonder why on earth Ukanlos is a flying wyvern, until we saw him leap to the sky for the first time……
totally unexpected.
also, please listen to [this song] as a bgm, OR WATCH THIS:
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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made something to express my appreciation of Fullmetal Grandpa
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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Finally finish my Miia’s tail. Now the cosplay is finish💕 SO EXITED💜
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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xeaun · 9 years ago
im mad as hell
so evidently in the new ben 10 show called omniverse or something theres an episode where ben accidentally gets engaged to this girl:
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and ben is like, not in to it? he’s grossed out and doesn’t want to marry her?
fuckin EXCUSE ME ben???
ben you stupid sack of shit you got a buff as hell four armed red skinned alien babe with a thor hammer thats strong as hell and wants to marry you and ALSO shes got big titties and you don’t want that in your life???
FUCK this cartoon and FUCK all cartoons made by normies. when are we gonna get a cartoon where a hot as hell alien is like “oh human marry me” and the humans like “FUCK YEAH IM IN TO THIS”
dont give me none of that steven universe shit either. rose quartz is hot but shes also just a human. theres nothing alien about her. shes a rock that has a holographic human form. fuck that that doesn’t count. shes either gotta be a barbarian or a giant mantis monster. thats the hot stuff
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xeaun · 9 years ago
i like games where my choices matter
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xeaun · 9 years ago
Megumin best girl
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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xeaun · 9 years ago
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Oviposition got most votes so egg drive it is O < O First time doing thisss How well do slimegirls go with slime eggs? Polaris is going demonstrate, with how many depends on you. Every reblog is +3 eggo Every 5 likes is +1 eggo
Donations: If anyone wants to throw some dollars birbs way, when we reach certain milestones more fun will be unlocked! please use my ko-fi here to help us achieve bonus tiers! ^^ I’ll keep track of them below! Current: $0
Belly Squishing unlocked at $100
Egg movement/growth unlocked at $200
New outfit unlocked at $300
??? unlocked at $400+
I’ll draw a process shot each time we hit a milestone, will keep it running to reach a limit :V
I think thats all i got to explain, questions ask me, now help that Slime mama
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