when I was 5 or 6 we had a father-daughter day at my school where you eat lunch together and play games and shit, but my dad didn’t wanna come so I went on my own. but my mum called my uncle real last minute and he immediately got off work and drove straight over to eat lunch w me so I wasn’t alone, and he even picked flowers from his garden to give to me and that’s when I realised that anyone can be a father but not everybody can be a dad
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Touchy girls are my favorite
Grab my hand, I don’t care if you have to take my phone out of it. Make me look, if you want a kiss then turn my head by my jaw. Pull me close, it doesn’t matter wether it’s by my hips or my collar. Like put a hand on my thigh, no motive needed. I’m all over that shit.
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So my boyfriend did a thing.
My boyfriend of over 2 years sent me a game over skype. He said he wants to try and make Pokemon games since I play them so much. I opened it up and was super excited.
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It seemed really well done and was super ready to start on my adventure!
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He left a lot of cute notes and tips around town.
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He remembered my favorite Kanto starter.<3
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I was surprised it ran pretty well. I went on my journey and leveled up my Pokemon!
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He showed me support and encouragement through a ton of NPC dialogue.
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Then as im ending the game I come across this.
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Figure you out - Citizen My edit please do not remove the source
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me shaking hands with people i dont fuck with
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Tony Hawk lands a 900 at age 48!
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This teacher battled his student in a talent show….teacher was WAVYYYY
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I found out that I was cheated on. It hurt, a lot. I put my trust in someone who I loved and cared for and they betrayed me. He mistreated me and disrespected me in ways that I can’t even begin to try to understand. For me, it wasn’t the cheating that hurt most. It pained me to think of him with someone else when he was supposed to be with me, promising someone else the same things he’d told me. That hurt of course but what hurt the most was the lying that followed. He told me it was only me, that he only wanted me. He made me think I was crazy for thinking he would ever do that to me and so I began to believe that too. I knew he treated me badly but in my head, I never thought he would go that far, I never thought he would do the one thing that would hurt me the most. We had our moments, we weren’t perfect but I thought we both knew the moment one of us done something with someone else that was it, he promised me he’d tell me if he ever done that but he didn’t. He lied to me for months, made me think I was the guilty one, the horrible one but it was him, it was always him. I tried to love someone who done unlovable things, someone who didn’t actually want me to love them in the first place and do you know what? That’s a pretty fucking shitty thing to find out but I’ll survive. I’ll learn and I’ll grow and I’ll love and most importantly I will hurt. I will continue to hurt until I stop but I’ll know I done all I could. I took a chance on someone because I loved them and I managed to love an unlovable person and I am proud of myself for doing that and I’ll be even more proud when the day comes that I am over him and what he done.
how my 2018 started. (via helplesslydreamingx)
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by deerandbeard
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parenting an angsty teen
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– Vincent van Gogh.
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