Writing Drabbles
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xbotanyxbabe · 3 years ago
Guilt (Annie Evil Dead 2 into Army of Darkness)
She messed up big time and she knew it. She was trying to do the right thing by freeing her parents from Hell. Doing the right thing. That almost seemed like a laughable idea at that point. What WAS the right thing to do anymore. Fuck, she had no idea anymore. Everything seemed so questionable now. Her multiple degrees and her vast knowledge seemed to amount to jack shit. Everything she thought she knew was now coming into question, and that included her own sanity. What she did know was that she doomed the planet and she wasn't a good friend. She so easily let the blame fall onto Ash, and she knew she shouldn't have done that. She let the Deadites run free all because she wanted her parents to pass on and be ok. Her own selfish gains. In the end, she couldn't even think of her own boyfriend Ed. How could she even forget about him?
Staring at her apartment door, she hesitated for a moment. Annie didn't want to open it. She was too scared to. She knew that if she opened it, the smell of old books, wine, maybe even India ink would fill her senses. Possibly even the faint smell of whatever cheap musky cologne Ed had bought that month because it was all the rage in one of his Esquire magazines. Her shoulders dropped and the light in her eyes flickered like a candle near an open window. She didn't want to face the memories. She didn't want to face what was. What could have been. What she could have saved. What should have been saved. Annie didn't want to deal with the what ifs.
Gathering up her courage, Annie let out a breath and nodded her head. "You can do this. You've died, faced thousands of Deadites, gone to hell, practically become a witch at this point, been a vessel for a voodoo spirit, and many other things. How hard can this be?" She spoke softly to herself. Annie knew this wasn't much of a pep talk, but in it's own weird way, it worked. Grabbing hold of the handle, she turned the knob and opened the door to her apartment. Swallowing hard, she stepped through the threshold and it was though she was hit with a tidal wave of sadness. Looking around, tears welled up in her eyes. Closing them tight, she gripped onto the handle of her apartment. Her free hand balled into a fist tight enough that her nails dug in, causing her palm to bleed.
It wasn't supposed to be this hard. It was supposed to be easy. If she could, she would try and wipe her memory clean of everything, but she had burned not only the book but the dagger. Not only that, but she had learned quickly in the Mirror Dimension that people her father seemed to think would be willing to help were more in the camp of finding him to be annoying. So asking them to help her out was probably out of the question. The last thing she wanted was to sink into her depression again like she did when she thought she lost Simulashcra and wind up living on a couch for a month. With how things were going, it was going to be like that, maybe even worse…
Shaking her head, she finally released the knob and closed the door. Her hand relaxed as she walked across the room, leaving a small puddle of blood in her wake. As she walked to the back and into her old bedroom, she opened her closet to see that moths had gotten to a good majority of her clothing. Just how long had she been gone? Her eyes became half lidded. Served her right. Her lips pursed to the side as she pushed through the hangers of half eaten clothing till she got to one of her oversized sweatshirts. Pulling it off the hanger, she walked to the chest of drawers, she rummaged through to find a pair of woolen socks. Grabbing them, Annie went to the bathroom and gingerly placed the clothing down on the lidded toilet. Staring at them with a blank stare, she scratched her eyebrow a moment before she began to peel off her clothing as though it was a second layer of skin. Turning her head, she looked at herself in the mirror. Seeing all the scars and bruises from her adventures with Simulashcra, her face fell more than it had (if it were at all possible). Swallowing hard, she quickly looked away. Her hand ran across her midsection as she reached into the shower and turned on the water, the roar of the shower filling the deafening silence that dominated the room previously. Annie didn’t bother to wait for the water to heat up. Stepping in, she let the water bead and roll down her curves. As it beat against her form and wet her hair, she closed her eyes a moment, feeling her tense muscles relax for even a moment. 
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xbotanyxbabe · 4 years ago
Goodbyes -Matilda Kelly-
She had gone to Xavier's to control her powers. To be safe. To keep other's safe. But it didn't work. Instead, she felt as though the walls of the mansion were suffocating her. She felt trapped there, and if she was to stay there, then she would be the cause of it's collapse. She wasn't about to doom the others to a possible death. It was almost as if her world was moving in slow motion. She left a note on her bed, of condolences and goodbyes. She hadn't many connections that she made while there, but the ones she made meant more than anything to her. Her heart broke more and more with every step she took down the grand staircase to the foyer. Wiping the tears off her cheeks, Matilda had made sure to not mention where she was going in her note. She didn't want them to follow her. She knew if she did that, they would try and bring her back. That was the last thing she wanted. She didn't want them to try. She loved them all so dearly, they were her family, more than her own blood relatives, so why wouldn't she do what she could to keep them safe? Reaching out, she took hold of the gold plated handles of the wooden French doors, opening them, only to be blinded by the sunlight for a mere moment. A feeling she thought would wash over her in a founded joy and happiness, but it was nothing but bitterness with herself. She hated herself more for feeling the need to leave once again, for feeling like she was an outcast from yet another family. A family that she fit in more than the last two. Sniffling softly, Matilda stepped out of the mansion and walked away, not looking back.
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xbotanyxbabe · 5 years ago
Don’t Dream It’s Over (Alice and Ash)
In the darkened haze that was Alice’s life in Arkham, she met Ash Williams. A man who claimed the dead had come back to life after him and his friends read from a book made of human skin, while camping in an abandoned cabin. Alice felt bad that no one had believed him, but the look in his eyes told Alice he was telling the truth. Since that initial meeting, she stayed close to him. Even when she left Arkham, being discharged, Alice reconnected with Ash and got out of Gotham. She didn’t want to be there anymore. There was nothing there for her anymore, and she had her life ahead of her on the road, so why not travel with a gun toting, metal hand having lunatic with a chiseled jaw? There is freedom within, there is freedom without Try to catch the deluge in a paper cup There’s a battle ahead, many battles are lost But you’ll never see the end of the road While you’re traveling with me After the incident in El Passo where they had to kill a large group of Deadites, Alice had a close call with one of them, almost getting bitten and a chunk taken from her. Leaning her head against the car seat as Ash drove. Her usual smile was gone, replaced with a look that of being pensive. She was going over in her head certain things. She didn’t mind traveling with Ash, in fact, she loved it. Turning her head, she looked over at him for a moment. Her lips pursed to the side, catching his attention on accident. When he turned to look at her for a moment, a flash of Alice’s dreams had come to the forefront. His face was decayed and his eyes were completely white, causing Alice to let go of a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding onto. Reaching forward, Ash turned down the radio, despite the fact they were both enjoying the sounds of Crowded House’s Don’t Dream It’s over. “You ok there, blondie? You look like you’re gonna get car sick, and I’d rather you not throw up in the car. You want me to pull over?” His voice had a soft gruffness to it that Alice loved so deeply. Frowning, she chewed on her lower lip, trying to think of the best way to go about this. “No…I’m not gonna throw up, babe…But you remember how, when we left Arkham, I made you promise me that no matter what, you’d keep me safe?” She looked at him with a serious face. At the question, Ash instantly slowed the car down and pulled off to the side of the barren highway, parking in the dirt. Turning off the car, he rest his arm against the wheel and turned to her. Alice looked a little stunned for a moment, but this was a serious topic for the both of them. Letting out another breath, she quickly shook her head. “If it comes down to it, I want you to break that promise. If I turn…I want you to kill me,” she said suddenly. “I won’t be me. Yeah, I’ll still try and bite and all, but..it won’t be…me,” Alice looked like she was about to cry. Her eyes welled up with tears, which was a rare sight to be seen coming from her. Raising a shaking hand, she went to wipe the tears off her cheek before she felt his rough hand cradle her cheek and wipe the tears with his thumb. Sniffling softly, Alice closed her eyes and shuddered. “I….I can’t stop dreaming about El Passo and if I had gotten hurt by them,” she whimpered lightly. Ash sighed as he moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her, his metal hand resting on the back of her head. “Alice,” he began quietly. “As much as I don’t even want to have this conversation or even think about losing you like I lost Linda and Annie…” He lifted his hand off her head and took hold of her chin, tilting her head back to make her look at him. “I’m gonna do my damnedest to make sure that you don’t fall for the same fate as they did. You’re stuck with me, and I’m stuck with you. Don’t ever doubt that for a moment,” he lightly scolded her, but it was clear that the love and care was there just by the tone of his voice. Sniffling, she couldn’t help but smile softly. Leaning in, she bit his chin playfully. “Thank you, Ash,” she spoke quietly. She knew he was right. Moving away, she gave him a light shove to get him back in the driver’s spot. “Come on. We got shit to kill and people to save….plus, I could really go for some smoked meat right now, and you don’t have enough fatty meat on you ,” she teased, trying to get a tiny rise out of him. Watching him as he turned the car back on, pulling onto the highway, she reached forward and turned on the radio. Turning it up, she leaned back and rolled down the window, singing lightly to the music. She felt a little better, but she was positive the night terrors wouldn’t go away any time soon. Hey now, hey now Don’t dream it’s over Hey now, hey now When the world comes in They come, they come To build a wall between us We know they won’t win
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Dopamine (Cool World/Doctor Who)
Things happened so fast. Faster than Lonnie was used to. One minute, she was in Cool World, next thing she knew, she was made of skin and bone. She was able to taste and feel anything and everything. Tears were shed, sweat beaded. New experiences were had, and she wasn't alone. The moment the Doctor crash landed into Cool World, Lonette knew she had to help him, had to stay at his side. She felt that way for Frank, but now he was gone and she was on her own. Happy endings never last, but that was ok. It opened a new chapter of her life. Helping fix the TARDIS, Lonnie begged the Doctor to take her with him. She wanted to experience worlds away from Cool World. She wanted to know what the hype was about, so he took her without a second thought. With a baited breath, she took his hand and went off with him. Months of traveling at his side, being his companion, she had seen it all. Death, war, love, birth. You name it, she probably saw it. She took it all in stride since violence was something she was used to from Cool World. The only difference was, this time, it tugged at her heart strings. She knew she couldn't let the Doctor see how much it affected her. She didn't want him to think she couldn't handle it, not with how much she enjoyed spending the time with him.   After a while, Lonnie found herself playfully flirting with him. It was a dance to her and it was clearly one to him as well. He took the lead and she simply followed. She compared it to a waltz. The spins and turns fluid. What Lonnie didn't realize that the meaning behind her words became less hollow as she continued to be near him. When he wasn't looking, she would glance at him, feel her heart skip a beat. She felt more alive than ever. She felt like a Noid (human) for once. A soft bite to her lower lip and she would find herself walking away from whatever area he was in. Her palms would sweat and she was losing sleep. For a while, Lonnie was beside herself, unsure of what she should or could do.  Leaving her sleeping chamber on the TARDIS, Lonnie sought him out, finding him at the center console. Her fingers tensed and relaxed before she reached out and took his hands into hers. She could feel her chest tighten as she looked up at him with her eyebrows furrowed. She looked mad, even though she wasn't. Letting out a breath, she relaxed and mumbled a damn it before she pulled him in close to her. Lonnie closed the distance and gently pressed her lips against his in a warm kiss. When she pulled her head away, she looked at him, frowning. "This is hard on me. All this flirting...it's not...I feel..." She let out a heavy breath and she closed her eyes for a moment before she shook her head. "You don't understand, Doctor....Any day where I can't hold your hand? It's like I'm a doodle again. It's hard for me. You made it so I could feel things I couldn't before. Every time I look at you, my heart skips a beat, and I know it's not from the thrill of adventure. I find myself wanting to be closer to you, knowing you better. I want to give you my heart, even if you already have two." Letting go of his hands, she let out a ragged breath. Looking down at the grated floor, she wiped the tears off her face that had begun to fall. "I don't...I don't want you to think that this is because you gave me a new lease on life. My feelings towards you are real. You get me better than anyone I've ever met. I know that life and the universes are full of shit and pain, but when I look at you," She shook her head and looked up at him. "It's like all of it melts away when I look at you," Lonnie repeated herself slightly. "It's like everything is going to be ok, even when I know it's not, darlin." Chewing on her lower lip, she ripped a little bit at the flesh. "What I'm trying to say is, that I've fallen in love with you, and I never truly thought I'd ever fall in love again. But then you literally crash landed into my life, and here we are." Her voice cracked a little as tears rolled down her cheeks. The only other time she had cried around him, or let him see her cry was the day she became a Noid because of him.  
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Prophecy (Gwen Strange)
Lifting her head, she looked up towards the skies, they were darkening from a sky blue to the deepest of black. It was almost as if the sky was pulsating. A face appeared in the sky, causing Guinevere to let out a horrified scream. Her heart began to race as everything seemed to move in slow motion. A breath escaped her as she ran, trying to find her father and mother. She had seen the signs before she traveled back in time, why were they appearing so early now? Why was the world ending now? What the hell was going on. Looking up towards the sky, the eyes seemed hollow and red, almost as if there was a fire deep in a pit. So deep that the flames couldn't be seen, but the light came off of the embers so perfectly. Looking away quickly, she looked down at her hands and saw the blood on them. In front of her was originally rubble and falling embers, now the rubble had bodies littered about them, looks of horror forever frozen on their faces. It was as if she was watching Pompeii before the volcano erupted, but this was just more heartbreaking. Feeling her stomach form in knots, she leaned forward and began to empty the contents of her stomach onto the ground. Breathing heavily, she cried out as tears rolled down her cheeks. Raising her eyes, she spotted her father. Rushing over to him, she knelt down and began to shake him. "Daddy, please, you have to wake up. You have to." she begged before biting her lower lip. Lowering her head, she placed her ear to his chest to make sure there was a heartbeat. When she was unable to hear it, her eye caught a glimpse of the Eye of Agamatto. Grabbing it, she put it on and held it tight in her hands. Bringing it to her forehead, she began to cry a little more. She had to remember how to properly use it. She had one chance to fix everything, to save everyone, right? Gwen remembered reading about a being able to cause such devastation, and she knew her father had gone up against him before. Breathing heavily, she bit her lower lip as she ran into a half crumbled building to the roof. Being careful where she stepped, she looked up towards the sky, doing her best to hold her ground. Wiping her face, getting blood on her, she knew she had to be brave. Sniffling, she let out a breath to help calm herself down. Reaching an arm up, she pointing at the face. "You once met a man who went up against you, and you were told to leave this world alone. YOU HAVE BROKEN A PROMISE. MY NAME IS GUINEVERE STRANGE, DAUGHTER OF THE SORCERER SUPREME STEPHEN STRANGE! DORMAMMU I HAVE CO-" Her voice was cut out when she felt a pain in her stomach. Looking down, she noticed a rebar through her torso. Coughing up a bit of blood up, her breath grew shaky. Gwen's vision began to tunnel before her body began to fall back, causing her body to slide down on the bar even more, coating it with her blood. Once her eyes closed, everything went black. Guinevere's body jolted up with a start. The room was dark and she noticed she was under a few blankets. Turning her head, she looked over at the empty spot beside her on the bed and let out a breath. Her lower lip began to tremble as tears began to roll down her cheeks. Pressing her lips together, she turned away from it and sat on the edge of the bed. Covering her face with her hands, she could feel how badly she broke out in a cold sweat. Trying her best to keep her crying quiet, she wondered just how prophetic her dream was. What she did know was that things she thought were put to rest truly weren't.    
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Realization (Nova Lee|HP Pt. 3)
Letting out a breath, Nova got dressed for the day. It had been a few months since Fred had been killed. Each day was getting a little easier, but at the same time, there was a hole in her heart. She loved Fred dearly, and nothing was going to ever change that. Pressing her lips together, she got dressed. She continued to spend most of her time living at the Weasley's home, spending her nights curled up beside George, being his support system, just as he was hers. Having been close from the very beginning, during this darkened time, it was easy for her to latch onto George, too afraid to let go. The nightmares of seeing Fred's corpse were starting to go away. The pain of waking up and looking at George's face, but subsequently seeing Fred's, was getting better. Being around her best friend felt little less bittersweet with each passing day.   Having convinced George to reopen the shop, Nova quit her job at the hospital and ran the shop along side George. She had set up a little table in one of the corners to help heal the children who's joke items backfired on them, or if they were used improperly. It didn't pay much, if anything at all, but Nova didn't care. She was able to get George out of the house and talking again. Getting to eat most times was a bit of an issue still, but it showed promise, especially with help from Ron whenever he was around to help. With the shop dedicated to Fred, it didn't feel like Fred was truly gone. No. Nova knew he was still around, watching them and the family with her mother. The smell of breakfast being made filled the Weasley's home, Molly having taken the helm back as matriarch. Sliding into her jeans, Nova quickly brushed out her hair and put on her house shoes before leaving the bedroom. Sighing softly, she made her way down the stairs and the hallway. As she opened the door to the kitchen, she looked at the family starting to sit down. Her eyes darted over to George and the empty spot beside him, the spot she had taken. She felt a pain in her chest and her cheeks flush softly. Letting go of the door, she turned and walked down the hallway. Nova could feel her breathing become labored as she tried to process what was going on. Looking down at her hands, she noticed they were growing sweaty. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she looked back at the door and frowned slightly, sighing. "Bloody hell," she mumbled. "I've caught feelings for him." Rubbing her forehead, she shook her head. She wasn't sure if she wanted to cry or start to laugh over this realization. Part of her felt guilty over this, but at the same time, she couldn't help herself. Her and George had always joked about dating should her and Fred ever break up...But this was different. Would that joke come true or not, Nova wasn't entirely sure on that, but she did know that the idea of upsetting the family scared her half to death. The Weasley's meant so much to her, that the idea of being shunned from them wasn't an option. Swallowing hard, she raked her teeth against her lower lip before catching a bit of the skin and tugging at it, causing her lip to bleed slightly. Sifting her fingers through her hair as she sat down on the stairs, she lowered her head and closed her eyes. "What do I do?" she whispered lightly to herself. Nova wanted to tell George, but she didn't want to ruin things, that was absolutely not an option. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to calm herself down before she hit her knees with her hands and stood up. Walking into the kitchen, she smiled and waved as she walked over to George and sat down beside him. Grabbing some food, she put it on her plate. Leaning towards George, she whispered lightly. "I have to talk to you about something important. You're totally in trouble with me," she teased.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
The little things (Harley Quinn/White Knight)
Tucking her hair behind her ear, she took hold of her mug with both hands. "You know, it kinda sucks and I have to laugh. I wanted to do so much with you, Jack," she spoke as she tilted her head and looked up at him. "I wanted to go the distance with you. A wedding, little ones of our own. Maybe even a nice home together where we wouldn't have to hide ourselves from the world. Where we could be a happy couple. But that psycho bitch..." her lower lip trembled as she shook her head. Lowering her head, she sniffled and let out a little laugh as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
She couldn't remember the last time she saw Jack. It was hard for her. She wanted to do so much with him. She wanted to have it all. Then one day, she was replaced. She was confused, but it didn't really seem to matter what she did. What mattered was the moment she saw Jack on the tv, looking....well, normal. Harleen remembered feeling her heart flutter. It was the man she knew her puddin would always become. What hurt was that he seemingly became that man without her at his side. It caused a pit to form in her stomach, but she quickly shook that feeling away. She contacted him as quickly as she could, using a fake name, to not raise suspicion. She figured he'd catch onto the fake name and realize it could be her. 
Sniffling, she waved her free hand back and forth, doing her absolute best to smile, but she was clearly failing. "I love you so much, Jack. I loved you as Joker, and I love you as Jack," She admitted before she pulled her hand away slowly. "But after what that woman did, I wouldn't be surprised if you hate me at this point. I read about the things she did, but I couldn't...I couldn't come forward. She said she'd kill you if I did, and..." Her voice cracked, she was so close to breaking down. "I couldn't let that happen."
Swallowing hard, she reached out with a shaky hand and took hold of his, giving it a tight squeeze. Her laughing stopped and turned to sobs. "I promised myself I'd do anything to keep you safe and I couldn't even..." She stopped and licked her lips as she looked up at him, her button nose turning pink, her cheeks becoming pink and streaked from her tears. "I couldn't even do that. I failed you in so many ways."
Chewing on her lower lip, she began to wipe the tears off her face. "Pretty pathetic of me, ain't it. You taught me so much, trained me in combat, and I couldn't take down a real psychopath like that NeoJoker...Also, fuck her for taking your moniker." she sighed and laughed softly. "Surely with your current standing, there's something you can do about her"
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Freedom (Detroit:Become Human)
Heavy breathing.   That's all she could hear. She made sure to keep her eyes shut tight. The sooner he was done, the sooner it would all be over. She couldn't show fear. She couldn't show emotions. She had to stay perfectly still or he would hit her again. If she cried, he would know something was going on. No. She couldn't let that happen. She had to behave. If she behaved she wouldn't get more bruises that wouldn't fade from a broken CPU. Grunts of pleasure began to mix with the breathing before they stopped, almost as soon as they started.   The weight on her chest lifted. His voice was gruff, almost completely different from how soft and sweet it was when he first brought her home. A towel landed on her, followed by a "Get cleaned up and get dressed. You're going to go down stairs and fucking clean the mess up."   Slowly, Tilly sat up on his bed. Her owner's bed. She knew her programming stated that she was supposed to be a personal companion, but things were taken too far in her case. She was doing things she wasn't a fan of. Getting beaten for the smallest things. Closing her eyes, she waited until he was out of the room to cry. She wanted things to go back to the way they were. She wanted to go back to before she broke protocol. Her lower lip trembled as she looked down at her shaking hands, her vision slightly blurry from the tears. Her list of tasks began to glitch as she turned her head and looked around. Sighing, she cleaned herself up before she tossed the used towel onto the pile of laundry she knew she had to get done. Walking away from the bed, she grabbed her clothes and began to get dressed, slower than normal. She was making herself stall as long as she could so she wouldn't have to be around him. She knew once she was done with her chores, they were going to go out for a walk on the town before finding a place for dinner. She knew he would flirt with the waitress and do his best to get free food. He knew he was going to complain in a hushed voice on how he was her savior. How he could have let her get taken away for deactivation, or toss her in the garbage. How she should be thankful he loved her. His concept of love was rather odd, she would always think to herself. When he was at work, she would go onto his computer to learn more things. She learned that she was what humans would call an abuse victim. That love shouldn't be like this.   Putting her arms through the sleeves of her dress, she walked over to the laundry and gathered it before she made her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs. The moment she stepped on the first floor, she quickly saw the ground come closer to her as she felt his fist connect with the back of her head. Her fingers twitched against the wood floor as she slowly struggled to get up. "M...mn..." She began to talk. "Master, I-I'm sorry. I was gathering the laundry," she spoke out. "You asked me to clean..." Tilly finally managed to get up, feeling him grip her arm tight. "I told you to get down here to clean. Now that that is ruined, I won't let you ruin dinner, do you HEAR me, Tilly. You will do as I fucking say, you stupid piece of fucking plastic. You should be thankful that I don't fucking disassemble you here and now," he spoke through gritted teeth. Nodding her head quickly, she looked outside. "I suggest a rain coat, master. The temperature is dropping and it will rain. I know you dislike umbrellas, and it's not going to be that bad out," she spoke in a monotoned voice. Walking away from him, she grabbed his jacket and put it on him before she grabbed hers and opened the door. Putting the hood up, the rain began to come down, almost as if it were on cue. Tilly followed him into Detroit from the outskirts. As they joined a large crowd on the side of a busy street, she blinked and watched the cars go by, almost as if they were in slow motion. Slowly, she took a step behind her owner. Without warning, she placed her hands on his back. Using as much force as she could, she pushed him into the on coming traffic. Watching his body be hit and swept under cars and trucks, she let out a sigh of relief. She didn't even bother to run away like she knew she should.   Tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't help but laugh. "I....I'm free now." She whispered.  
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Volatile (Matilda Kelly/X-Men)
Matilda had left the school Xavier built. She couldn’t take it there anymore. Though they tried to help her, they couldn’t help her completely. Her powers were vastly unstable and it was difficult for her to do much. If she broke down, she caused an earthquake. If she was happy, plants would grow like wildfire. She hoped it was because of her ptsd. She hoped it was because of how she was raised from Wolverine. Whatever the case was, it was hindering her to the point where she hated herself. Whatever the case was, her thoughts began to quickly mutate. Sighing, she looked up at the sky and noticed the clouds forming in the sky. Letting out a happy sigh, she closed her eyes and felt the rain begin to fall. Smiling, she bit her lower lip as she shivered and opened her arms out. Vines came up from the ground as she felt them wrap around her arms and legs. When she realized that others could see her, she frowned and made the vines go back into the ground. Shaking her head, she began to walk again. A ticking in her head caused her to stare at those that started to begin with. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. Putting her hood on, she walked down the street, not moving out of the way. Feeling them bump into her, she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to lift her head, she didn’t want them to talk to her. She wanted to be left alone out of fear of being recognized from the missing posters. Sighing, her shoulders dropped as she looked up at the buildings, the rain hitting her face. She needed a break. Something to get her out of her own head. Her thoughts were growing dark and her teeth began to break through the smile, causing it to grow larger. Knowing full well that her mother was still actively looking for her so she could be sold to the government for testing, Matty had made quick work of making herself vanish. The only person who knew where she was was a few people from the school. She told them she wasn’t going to bother them either for help, she was absolutely scared of herself. In a way, she understood how Jean must have felt. The smile quickly turned into a frown as she lifted her head and held her hand out flat, parallel to the ground. Stamping her foot down on the ground, the earth began to shake violently. Cracks began to form and people ran, screaming. Lowering her head, she flicked it back, causing her hood to come off. People were now too distracted to even pay attention to what Matty was doing. Slowly, she lifted her hands towards some cars. Vines came out of the cracks in the earth. Wrapping around the cars, she lazily shifted her hand to the side, causing the vines to start flinging cars at people. Climbing the stairs in her apartment building she was squatting in, she took off her wet jacket and walked to the couch. The wall behind her shifted and moved, alive with vines and plants. Turning on the tv, she began to cry, knowing full well what she had done. She couldn’t stop herself from hurting people. All she wanted to do was stop, but she didn’t know how. She left the school out of fear of killing those inside it. "We interrupt this tv broadcast to bring you an urgent news report. An earthquake has ripped through the lower east side of New York City. People are urged to find a safe place to be. Twenty have been pronounced dead. Fifty have been brought to the hospital. Fifteen of them are in critical condition. If you or a loved one is in the area, we urge you to wait to call the authorities. They are on the scene and doing the best they can."
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Little Scars (Sage/X-Men ((NOT AN OC)))
1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York. That was the address of the school she lived at. Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters it was called. The school wasn't filled with students that were normal. No. Far from that. This school was filled with a race known as Homo Superior, otherwise known as mutants. Now this woman was, in fact, a mutant, but a special type. Her brain was like that of a computer like mind that was capable of infinite-recall. She was also a telepath, but not one of the higher grade telepaths that were well known. One thing she was good at was seeing the very genetic makeup that made each mutant unique. She used this knowledge to help them gain better control.
This woman has seen so many things in her life that she wished she could unsee. There were things that she wished she hadn't done. Things happened to her that shouldn't happen to anyone and that she couldn't and wouldn't ever wish upon even her worst of enemies. She had been a spy for Charles Xavier, sent in to join and spy on the Hellfire Club. She ended up working for Sebastian Shaw, as his adviser, a position she didn't want, but knew how to play the part. But that soon ended when Shaw had gotten into a poker game with Bogan, helping Shaw so that he would win.
She went by many names. Her birth name was Tessa Hartly, at least that's what she tells people. Her childhood wasn't known by many because she felt as if she needed to keep it a secret. The Hellfire Club had dubbed her as Lady Tessa. But once she left the Hellfire club when her spying was done, she had dawned on the name Sage, which she was affectionately given by Storm. It was a name she loved a great deal.
One of her hands rose up to her cheek as she felt the scar of a deep cut that went from her lower eyelid down to below the cheekbone. She had a scar on each side, she had been given by Bogan. He cut her face as a price to pay for helping Shaw win the poker match. The memory as fresh in her head head and one she didn't think she would or could ever forget, even if she tried.
Sage closed her eyes as she took off her ruby VR glasses and stared at the computer monitors that almost fully surrounded her and the chair that she was sitting on. Her ocean blue eyes went from one monitor to the other as she typed on the hologram keyboards. Her mouth moved quickly as she mouthed the words that she quickly read on the monitor she would be focusing on. She lifted her hands up and pulled off an elastic that was around her wrist and quickly pulled her hair back into a messy bun, going back to typing as fast as she could.
"Almost got it," She spoke softly as she bit her lower lip. Sage was working on upgrading the defense systems while keeping track of where the X-Men's biggest enemies were in case she had to alert anyone. This was something she did at least once a month. She didn't want a teaching job because she wasn't exactly the best when it came to talking to people, but she did try her best.
One thing Sage didn't do much of anymore was sleep. She couldn't bring herself to. The memories she harbored, the pain, the blood, it haunted her worse in her dreams. Every time she closed her eyes, it was either the darkness of her childhood, her time as a mercenary, or her time with Hellfire. She wanted to rid of the demons, but she knew she couldn't. She knew, deep down, that she couldn't get rid of them, no matter how badly she wanted to. Her fingers tightened around her glass of wine before the glass shattered and wine spilled everywhere.
Sleep was a luxury Sage couldn't afford. Bags formed under her eyes, it was clear she didn't want to see those memories. When she did need sleep, she let her body shut down. No amount of alcohol, medication or mental blocks could keep the demons from clawing their way back to the surface. She didn't know what to do anymore, except bury herself in her work. The atonement for the wrongs she had caused in her life, this is how she viewed her demons. She felt this was something she deserved deep down. Honestly, to her, this was better than when she had gone mad.
Sage didn't realize till a few moments later that she had caused the wine to spill. Getting up, she did her best to not make the mess worse. Grabbing a cloth from one of her drawers, she began to dab at the wine stains so they wouldn't smudge and become a bigger mess.
Sage was tired and all she wanted was to sleep.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Reform (Alice Napier/DC)
1. to make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
Reform was something that never hit Alice in the way it would hit others. It hit her in a sort of way where she would have to act normal in order to get where she needed to in life, and that was a sort of life she knew she couldn't keep up with for as long as she needed to. But here was the kicker. Just how long did she have to pretend she was normal in order to trick her broken mind that she was, in fact, normal? Would such a feat destroy what was left of her fragmented mind, or would it allow her a chance at freedom from herself? Was freedom available for Alice or was it merely a pipe dream that she could make herself believe she had a grasp on?
Either way, Alice felt like she was fucked on all cylinders and it didn't bother her in the least bit. She had been at the bottom of the barrel and then some. She had been shocked to near death, then dragged out of the shadows of her mind when all she wanted to do was crawl into a hole and feel herself release into the ether.
Alice stood there in the Iceberg Lounge. It was where she was working during her "rehabilitation" by order of Arkham...sort of. She was told to get a job to busy herself. To keep her from eating people. To keep her out of any sort of trouble. They never said she couldn't work for an old friend who happened to be a crime boss. A shiver rolled up her spine as she held onto the white floor length coat she wore over her blue dress.
It didn't matter what she had on, it was always form fitting and fit a color scheme, something she was notorious for doing. Looking around with her cerulean eyes, she watched as the lounge began to fill up with people and the band make their way to the stage. She had set up a set of songs to sing for the patrons that night, much like she did every other night she went up on stage. She just wondered if anyone out there actually gave a shit while they choked back their expensive drinks and over-priced meals.
Sifting her slender fingers through her blonde hair, she walked over to the stage and took off her coat. She knew it'd be unprofessional if she kept it on, and the last thing she wanted was to be yelled at. Running her tongue along her lower lip slightly, she looked towards the band and nodded at them. As the band started up, Alice gave no intro. She didn't say who she was, what she was going to sing, nor did she thank those that were to listen to her for doing such. Instead, she just went right into singing. As cliche as it were in her book, she started her set with Gods and Monsters by Lana Del Rey. Alice found the song rather fitting, all things considered.
Slender fingers wrapped around the microphone and the stand, holding both pieces in such a ginger manner, as if she was holding something so fragile that it might break. Her eyes slowly closed as she got more into the song. Her emotions poured out and she didn't think they would stop. Alice knew they wouldn't stop as the music transitioned to a minor key version of Reason by Hoobastank.
While she sang, she tried to figure out why she was in this situation to begin with. One moment, she was happy, in love, fighting crime with the likes of the Titans. Next thing she knew, she was being told by doctors she was insane and needed severe shock treatment. Her hand twitched as she thought back to the torture that the doctors called medicine.
She thought about how she had two burns, one on each side of her head that she did her best to hide behind her hair. She thought about all the times she wanted to get better. When she thought she had finally found love again.
Close behind those thoughts was a voice in her head. Her father’s voice. “Who needs love when you can have the world on their knees for you, kiddo. Service with a smile, make those fuckers wish they never knew you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..” the voice would face, but the sorrow and anger still remained. It remained and never went away, no matter how much she tried.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Nerves (Kavra/Star Wars)
To say that Kavra was nervous was a massive understatement.  She was incredibly nervous. She had done this so many times, so why was it like the first time? Sighing, she sifted her fingers through her hair and rubbed her scalp. What if he didn't like her or her dance? Why would that matter? Grunting, she sat down with her head in her hands. Why was she such a bundle of nerves? Kavra wanted a deathstick so bad, but she knew better. She was trying to quit. She knew how dumb that habit was at the same time. But fuck, were they addicting. Sighing, she hit her knees with her palms and stood up as she was announced. Walking out on stage, she wore a floor length hooded cloak, hiding the black lace corset she wore and rather short bloomers, which were a dense lace. Walking to the end of the stage, she untied the cloak and shrugged it off as the music began. Her hair fell out of the messy bun, the curls cascaded down like a spiraling waterfall. Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she looked forward before walking to the pole.  Climbing the pole, she hung upside down, holding herself in place through the sheer strength of her thighs. As the lights began to flicker on her, the music began to blast with a pounding bass. Moving off of the pole with feline-like agile, she stood up and ripped off the corset, tossing it to the crowd. Dancing to the beat of the beat to the music, her hair fell against half of her face. Putting her hands up in the air, she slowly fell into a split and curved her back, pulling the heel of her shoe to the back of her head, creating a circle with her leg. As she released her heel, she slowly got up from the floor and continued to dance against the pole before the song ended.
The music droned out as she walked to the back and grabbed herself a towel. Drying herself off as best as she could, she applied pheromone amplifying perfume and put on a strapless dress that cut off at the middle of her thighs and clung to her form like its life depended on it.  Walking out to the main area, she walked up to the bar and ordered herself a couple of shots, hoping that would be able to calm her nerves. Looking around the club with her Hazel eyes, she looked around the club.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Bittersweet Freedom (Atropos/Greek Mytho)
We have to do this. We cannot survive in this human body if we remain like this. There isn’t enough room. I love you my dearest sisters, but if anyone should have this body, it’s me... I'm the oldest. You both will be ok back in the Underworld without me. It's not like I won't be doing my job anymore....Trust me, it will be ok. Uncle Hades will keep you safe, if not him, then Cerberus will....
Screams. That’s all that came from the poor girl. Poor girl. That was a laugh of an idea. The body the Fates were using was merely a placeholder, a simplistic vessel they had found. It was something to get them by so that they could walk amongst the Mortals, much like how Thanatos does, but with a bit more to it. They were able to be seen. They weren't invisible to mortals till near death. They were there, out in the open. Vulnerable. The Fates were slightly jealous that he was able to go amongst them once Atropos cut the thread. How he could seamlessly move among them and never be seen or touched. What was it like to be touched to begin with. Was it different for mortals than it was for the Gods? The curiosity truly built up.
Blood began to pour from the mouth and eyes of the mortal vessel. It felt as if they were on set aflame, their organs and flesh burning with intensity. Looking down at their arms, their veins began to bulge, feeling as if magma ran through them instead of blood. The sisters felt as if they were being ripped apart, their flesh removed from their form. Any death would have been a comfort over this. The screams of agony only lasted for a short while before things went deathly silent. A pin could drop and could be heard. The silence was almost deafening.
All the body felt was an intense throbbing pain, but at least there was room now. Dropping like a sack of bricks, Atropos was the one left in there. She was the only inhabitant of the mortal. Her and her sisters had named the body Moira. They had once heard the name used by Homer when he wrote about them. It was odd that he thought there was only one of them instead of three. But here they once were. Joined as one. The name stuck rather well and would continue to stick.
Atropos was always fond of the name and felt it best to keep such a name as she walked amongst humans. What would it matter to the mortals what she went by? She just knew that she would more than likely fit in better with a normal name instead of her birth name. In the state of unconsciousness, Atropos thought to herself about how Eros, Thanatos, and Hades would take this. How would they truly feel about her being amongst the mortals? She was always her uncle Hades's most loyal of followers. She loved her uncle much more than her father, Zeus. Hell, she despised her father and the things he stood for. She hated how he would treat situations.
Bidding her sisters a farewell for just now, she wished them safety on their trip back to the underworld. She knew she would continue to do her work under the guise of a mortal. There was no way she was about to stop that. No. It had become an addiction. A routine that she couldn’t break nor wanted to.
Slowly, Moira “woke up” and got up off of the floor. Looking down at her shaking hands, she began to laugh as normal tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked like an absolute mess, but she was on her own. She didn’t have to fight to speak. She didn’t have to use an improper pronoun any longer. She was on her own. The idea of that was bittersweet. Was that how freedom was? A compliment that was quickly followed by a smack to the face? How were mortals supposed to deal with something like this? It seemed like pure insanity to her. The metaphorical orchestral rise was incredibly great. But the fall? The fall left a hole in her heart. A twang of sadness and loneliness befell her. Closing her eyes, she began to wipe the blood off of her mouth the best she could.
Whatever it was, she was on her own for once.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
The Battle (Sally Thornbrush/HP)
The battle slowed down and she was doing everything she could to help out those in need. Seeing a snake pass by her, her heart skipped a beat. This couldn't be good. Running in the direction, she bit her lower lip. Things seemed to slow down for her as she ran. She was so scared she might be too late when it came to saving whoever needed her help. In her head, she silently prayed to the gods above in Olympus that whoever was at the end of the trail of fear would be alright in the end.
Chewing on her lower lip, she closed her eyes for a moment and quickly opened as she began to run on the rubble. Struggling to climb over things, she slid a few times, her dress ripping slightly. Pressing her lips together quickly, she stopped the bleeding from the cut she had created. Her nurse's hat fell off and her auburn red hair began to fly in the artificial wind she had created with each quick step. Her heart felt like it was a large lump in her throat. She could feel it choking her as she tried to push away her fears.
Coming up to a body, she looked at his face and recognized him. Dropping to her knees, she could feel glass and rocks dig in and cut up her knees. She didn't care. Quickly rummaging through her pockets, she loomed over him and tilted her head to the side, her emerald green eyes welling up with tears. "I'm not going to let you die, Severus," she whispered softly as she took the bottle and uncorked it with her teeth, spitting the cork topper off to the side. Moving her body, she slowly lifted his torso up and let him rest against her legs. Holding his head softly with one hand, she tried to hold back her own tears. Sally held the bottle to his lips, letting the liquid slide into his mouth.
"Please, drink this..." she whimpered. Just looking down on him caused Sally to want to cry more. She was a few years younger than him and remembered seeing him around the school when they were both students. Of how she should have made an attempt to be friends with him. Of how she knew she didn't want to lose him now.
Resting her forehead against his, she placed her wand against his wound lightly. Closing her eyes, tears rolled down her cheeks and landed against his bloodied up face. Whispering softly, she was spilling out as many charms and spells she could think of that would help save him. She had the urge to save him. She wanted him to remain alive. Biting her lower lip again, she opened her eyes and looked around as she held him close to her. With a loud pop, she apparated them to the hospital wing inside of the school, away from the fighting and the death.
Resting him on a bed, she sat down beside him and held his hand gently. For a witch, she was very spiritual. It was how she was raised and it showed how much of a Hufflepuff she truly was. Resting her forehead against his fingertips, she began to pray as hard as she could to the Grecian gods to let him live and to come back to her. She bartered and bargained. She offered up her soul. She did everything she could as she continued to cry. Every now and then she would choke on her words as she pulled out another vial from her pocket and opened up a container. Pulling out mugwort, she chewed on the plant and put it against his wounds. All of them.
"Please forgive me for the pain I'm putting you through, Severus, but I'm going to do everything I can to save you. I won't let you die," she whispered softly as she placed her hand on his cheek softly. "Today isn't the day for you to die. You have so much to do....I have so much I need to say to you," she added the last part quietly.
Pulling her hand away slowly, she looked around the wing and saw people coming in. Biting her lower lip, she waved her wand, causing sheeted dividers to shield her and Severus from others.  She didn't want others to see her crying as hard as she had, silent about it or not. Leaning to him, she kissed his forehead softly.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
No Permit (Tea Leaves Tilly/Fantastic Beasts)
Tilly had been warned multiple times. She was told that if she didn't get the permit she needed, she was going to get into trouble with the authorities. She didn't care. This was how she made a living. Turning her head, she walked out of her kitchen. The record player began to play her favorite swing music. Her red hair a bit of a frizzy red mess. Her silk robe clung to her body as she held a mug of tea. Looking out the window, she blinked and sighed. Watching people walk among the streets, it was a bit maddening. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her sign. It was tattered from a recent fight she had with a nomag. She had to get that fixed, she thought. Pulling away from the window, she was about to head back to the kitchen when she heard a knock at the door. Sighing loudly with annoyance, she closed her robe and placed her mug down. "I'm not open. Come back in a few hou-" she paused. The hair on her arms stood on end and she backed away from the door. A loud crack could be heard as a wizard appeared in her home. He towered over Tilly. "Tilly Marie Allonie, you're under arrest for conning Nomaj's out of their money. You have been warned multiple times to get a permit if you wish to be a fortune teller. Your negligence can bring light to our world." Tilly stared at him and turned to run to grab her wand. The moment she grabbed it, the wizard took hold of her and aparated back to MACUSA. Groaning, Tilly landed hard and glared as he held her by the arm. "Ay, daddy-o, could ya not wait till I was dressed to slap the cuffs on me?" she shook her head, letting him drag her down to one of the lower levels. "You've made enough trouble for us, Miss Allonie. Now you have to deal with Graves. You ain' my problem anymore," he sighed as he knocked on Graves' door. "Ay, Graves. I got the ginger gal we were havin' issues with."
Tilly sighed as the door opened. Stumbling in, she felt the wizard grip her arm. Bringing her to the seat in front of Graves' desk, he nodded at Percival before heading to the door. "This is that con artist that gave Tina issues. She's been warned multiple times to get a permit for her line of work, but she chooses to not listen. Her main files are missing as well. We have barely anythin' on the dame," he shrugged and waved as he left. Tilly huffed and glared. "Listen here you..." she stopped as he left. Turning in the seat, she looked at Percy. Crossing her legs, she raised an eyebrow as she looked at him. "I ain' a con artist. Nomags believe what they wanna believe if it's coming from a fortune teller. All I do is...a little magic to make it seem real and not just theatrics. They pay me for my services and scurry off. The amount of rubes that come in asking for love advice," she rolled her eyes and sighed as she looked at him a little harder. Straightening her back, she crossed her legs the other way and smiled. "My my. I didn't think I'd be seeing you of all people though. I read about ya in the paper. Welcome back. If I knew I'd be seein' you, I woulda gussied up a little more. I wonder who tipped MACUSA off to your whereabouts, daddy-o," she smirked. Even in cuffs, Tilly wasn't above a little flirting.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Catalyst (Matty Kelly/X-Men)
"We're sorry to interrupt your current show, but we've received word that Senator Robert Kelly, Republican candidate in the presidential election, the driving force behind the Mutant Registration Act, has been pronounced dead. He was shot while giving a speech, live for broadcasting. We want to warn those who are watching that the following clip is incredibly graphic. We apologize." Her eyes dilated. Her fingers twitched and grew rigid. Matilda watched in horror as her show was interrupted with the images of her father being shot point blank in the head. A pit quickly formed in her stomach. She felt hollow and that she was about to throw up. As her lower lip trembled, she dropped the remote and slowly got up from the couch. Walking past the guards that kept an eye on he house, Matty sniffled as she wiped the tears off her cheeks. A ragged breath escaped past her plush lips as she made her way out to the garden. When she knew she was finally alone, she dropped to her knees and let out a heartbroken scream. She knew no child should ever have to watch their parent get killed, especially like that. She knew her father wasn't the most liked man on the planet, but that didn't stop her from loving him.   As another scream came from her, Matty slammed her fists on the ground. The ground gave a violent shake in return. The flowers around her began to wilt and turn black. As she grew blind from the tears, Matilda hit her hands against the ground again, harder this time. The shake from the ground caused her to fall over and somewhat snap herself out of her grief ridden haze. Looking around, she noticed that some of the fixtures in the garden had fallen over. Some of the stone even broke. It's said that puberty or an event can trigger mutant genes in a person. They say that these things are at random, and that there was no way to control it. It was clear that Matilda couldn't control it. Looking around quickly, fear set into her eyes. With how her parents were, she knew that if her mother caught wind of how she was, Matty was surely going to be sent away for experimentation.   Rushing into the house, which was a struggle with the earth quake she had accidentally caused, she noticed part of the house was slanted. She did that. She was a hazard. Shaking her head, she pushed past the guards who were trying to keep her out of the house for her own safety. Making her way to her room, she quickly began to pack her things into a duffel bag. Running to her parents room, she began to rummage through the drawers, finding an envelope full of money that she knew her mother kept hidden.   "We have word that the assailant has been caught. He will be charged and put to death. We have been alerted that it was a mutant who was angry with Senator Kelly." Shoving the envelope into her bag, Matilda snuck out and ran. She didn't know where she was going. She couldn't run to her friend Warren, knowing that she could accidentally hurt him. She didn't want that to happen, especially with how he too was a volatile Mutant. Swallowing hard, she felt so alone. Fifteen was too young to run away. It was too young to be on her own, but Matilda was dead set on being away from others. She no longer had a home to go to. She didn't have a family anymore, especially when they find out she too is a mutant. Part of her wondered if this was punishment for the family she was raised in. Whatever the case was, things were different now and it was going to continue to be different. Making her way to one of the bars out of the city, she saw a man walk out and towards his truck. The red head rushed over to him and placed her hand on his arm gently. "I'm sorry to bother you, but can you please help me. I need to get as far away from here as I can. I can pay you." The man looked down at her with a furrowed brow. She could tell he was analyzing her. "Look, my name is Matilda Kelly. I just need to go as far as you're willing to take me." Letting out a grunt, he nodded to the truck. "Christ. Just get in. Name's Logan," he grumbled, putting a cigar between his lips. Pulling out his zippo lighter, he flicked the top off and lit the cigar.
Matilda began to grow increasingly upset with how blase he seemed to be over things. The earth under them began to shake again. A look of panic began to wash over her face as she dropped to her knees, the earth cracking between her legs. Her hands shook violently as she gripped her hair, trying to block out those around her.
Matilda's breathing grew heavy as she quickly blocked out the voices. She felt as if she was in her own little abyss. She wasn't sure how long that was going to last and she wasn't sure if it would last long enough. The crack between her legs shifted and opened up a little more, vines came slithering out, wrapping around Matty's legs. The feeling of the vines on her flesh snapped her out of her safe place. "J-just stay away from me!" She screamed as large thorns formed on the pale green tentacles. As Matilda began to have her breakdown, men in suits came forward, drawing their guns. Pointing them at Matilda, she lifted her head and stared at them. "You need to come home with us, Miss Kelly. Your mother is going to want to know about your illness. Her husband, your father, was shot today, don't make us take you down. The time to co-operate is now." Her fingers grew rigid as she shook her head and slowly got up from the ground. She let out a breath as she was about to relent, but instead, she turned heel and began to run towards the woods. The crack in the earth split far enough to cause a car to tip over into it and become stuck. Breathing heavily, Matty ran, hearing the sounds of gunshots as she wove through the trees. This was it. She had no place to call home. Finding a large oak tree, she leaned her back against it and slid down, sitting on the moss. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held her knees close, crying against them.
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xbotanyxbabe · 6 years ago
Killing Loneliness (Sabrina Spellman)
Her hands shook as she sat at the back of Pop’s diner. She hadn’t been there before. She didn’t care anymore. She crossed the river from Greendale to Riverdale. She needed a change of scenery. Two deaths that happened. One her boyfriend, Harvey, the other a boy she didn’t know. Tears rolled down her cheeks as flashes of Harvey’s corpse showed in her mind. Her diner table and the contents began to shake, her magic was out of control and she was losing her grip. Sniffling, she noticed and quickly began to try and calm down.   She couldn’t. She hated what she had become, what she had to do. The lies. The death. She just wanted it to stop, but she knew it never would. She knew she wouldn’t ever find true resolve. It also didn't help that her father had decided to practically wear Harvey's skin like a costume, traipsing around as Harvey. This witch war was going to be either the literal or hypothetical death of her. On top of those thoughts, she couldn't get Hotdog's dead body out of her mind. Her eyes closed and her hands shook, she saw Jughead, crying. She hated herself. All she wanted to do was help him, and she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach that something bad was going to happen. She knew she shouldn't have done what she did, especially since she was warned by her aunts. Sabrina knew she was in over her head, she just wasn't sure how badly.   All she knew was that she brought Hotdog back for someone she cared deeply about and that he was sick. Was that her fault? She had no idea, but she knew it was Reggie's fault to begin with. She had no idea how to tell Jughead this. Better yet, she was just glad that she was no longer married to that horrible creature. Why she was picked as the chosen one was absolutely beyond her. What on Satan's earth were they thinking? With her birthday, Halloween, passing and bringing on another sacred day in the world of witchcraft, she sighed and her shoulders dropped. "Y-you got this, Sabrina. Everything is going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok. Just take it one step at a time," she whispered to herself as her food came. “You’ve dealt with Saturnalia before. It’ll be just like all the others. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. The zombies are gone, people are feeling better now. What’s the worst that could happen?”   Turning, she knocked over her drink, getting it all over herself. Groaning, she looked around to see if anyone would notice. Waving her hand, she began to have the napkins animate and clean up the mess without her touching them. Gripping her head, she closed her eyes. The scenery began to shift and change. Noticing she wasn’t actually at Pop’s, she had a look of confusion. Years had passed since she had been to Pop’s but it only seemed like yesterday she was there. No. She was older now. Gone were the days of her teens. Soon she would be twenty two. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her face and let out a groan.   Moving her hands from her head, she put money on the table and gathered her things. Grabbing her phone, she put her earbuds in and began to play music rather loudly. She mumbled along with it. “I can hear the thunder…” she sang along with Cirice by Ghost. It was her favorite song by her favorite band. It was the only thing she had charmed that didn’t belong to her to help her feel better when things got as bad as she did.   She didn’t even mean to have such a hard flashback, but they were starting to get more vivid as they each happened. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, she walked out of the diner to the busy streets. Taking it in, she began to walk. She didn’t know where.
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