xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
❝ as safe as a carnival ride can be. ❞ the witch hummed softly. sure, it wasn't a comment that was necessarily going to make asher feel better, but she wasn't about to lie to the poor boy. she listened as asher rambled and she couldn't help the soft laugh that fell from her lips in response. ❝ you're quite the anxious one, aren't you? ❞
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@exitiumstarters ✦ asher simmons
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“So you’re like completely sure that this is safe, right?” Asher asked again -- for the thousandth time since having joined the queue for the rollercoaster. Once seated, those questions didn't relent and he was anxious as ever as he tugged at the bars now coming over his head. 'Hey, yeah excuse me, you wanna like lock this thing in, or something?" His griping was met with an eyeroll from the teen manning the ride, who was now walking away '-- hey, hello.'
The panic was clear on his features, turning to face the unlucky person sitting beside him as he began to struggle, "oh holy shit, we're gonna die. It's like that movie, where the bolt comes loose and everyone gets decapitated and" the rollercoaster made an almighty creaking sound, as though it was mocking him. "Yep. We're dead."
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
a scoff fell from the witch's lips as she heard the other quickly defend her stash of peanuts. ❝ relax, i'm not here to steal your nuts. ❞ she mused with a laugh, shaking her head in amusement. ❝ just simply passing by. ❞
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it seemed as if everyone was in a world of their own, people acting odder than usual which was saying something for New Orleans. Legs folded as she sat on the top of one of the picnic bench. A peanut bag placed in hand before she shoved a few in her mouth. seeing someone walk over, a sigh escaped the dragons lips. “i’m not sharing if that’s what you’ve come over for.”
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
kenna just listened intently as the other spoke, taking in every word that he said and letting it process through her mind. she didn't even know how to respond to half of the things that he had just said, so she chose only to focus on his question of what her favorite animal was. ❝ giraffes. ❞ was all that the wolf spoke in response.
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open. @exitiumstarters
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He couldn't figure out what the fuck got into him, to be speaking utter nonsense all night. But seeing an image of a cow on the milk carton reminded him of his absolute favourite animal. "Did you know that cows live in small herds of 20-30, and form close friendships with other animals in their herd? They lick each other to deepen bonds, it relaxes them. I think I might be a 'lil bit like a cow, every time I lick pussy it's just like love, ya know? Anxiety just evaporates." he didn't laugh, he truly wasn't joking. "They also cry when their best friend dies. I dunno if I'd cry if Cas died but, I mean I'd be kinda sad for sure." finally he will look over at his unlucky company. "What's your favourite animal?"
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
mackenna had never been the most graceful of beings -- a fact that hadn't changed even after becoming a triggered wolf -- so running straight into someone else at the carnival didn't surprise her even a little bit. once she had regained her footing, kenna looked up at the other and offered a soft smile. ❝ all good. are you okay? ❞
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Everything felt so foreign, and he was literally like a fish swimming up stream. The carnival, though, seemed to remain the same - unchained even after almost 100 years. Smiling softly, he managed to snag a basket of popcorn and walked around, deep in thought until something hit him - quite literally. Stumbling back, he looked to the person in front of him. "I am so sorry," he said as he extended a hand out, "I've been careless lately, are you okay?"
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
❝ hi baby. ❞ hayley greeted her daughter with a smile. she listened as hope spoke and a sigh quickly fell from her lips. ❝ twice huh? i'm sorry. ❞ she hummed softly. ❝ for what it's worth, you're not the only one that it's happened to tonight so that should make it less embarrassing. ❞
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hope looked up and gave her mom a small smile. "hey momma," she greeted as the brunette sat next to her. "just this carnival. i got slugged. which has in fact happened before and it's really gross to think about and embarrassing."
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
lizzie couldn't help the soft laugh that escaped her lips in response to the pout that appeared on hope's face. ❝ maybe the slugs are drawn to the pretty ones. ❞ the blonde mused softly, trying to cheer up her friend.
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hope looked over and made a dramatic pout at her friend. "a slug. i got slugged again. and that's equal parts embarrassing and irritating and disgusting," she complained, leaning her head on lizzie's shoulder.
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
it was a matter of mere seconds from when hayley watched the other start to fall and when she appeared next to her, stabilizing her and keeping her from falling. ❝ are you alright? ❞ the vampire questioned softly when aliyah was back on her feet.
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⌖ ― aliyah simmons / open event starter / @exitiumstarters
"excuse you, make way!" she exclaimed, her digits wrapped around the clothing rack, and just as she could feel herself swelling with pride in being able to successfully make her way out of the 'carnival workers only tent' with the costumes that her heel got caught on something and next thing she knew she was stumbling, her hands fumbling to grip tighter on the metal to regain her footing. a laugh pulled from chest once she was standing upright.
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
she may have been away from her daughter for years, but that didn't mean that hayley couldn't still sense when she wasn't okay. spotting hope in the distance, hayley slowly made her way over to her daughter before gently taking a seat beside her. ❝ spill. ❞ was all the vampire said.
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hope was sitting on a table, picking at a pizza. the slug that was apparently in her ear - again - had finally moved on and she hated that she'd been subjected to that again. she shivered, thinking about having a slug in her ear. @exitiumstarters
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
seeing her friend in the distance, lizzie could tell that she was clearly distressed, so she didn't hesitate before vamping her way over to hope and taking a seat beside her. ❝ hey you. wanna talk about it? ❞
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hope was sitting on a table, picking at a pizza. the slug that was apparently in her ear - again - had finally moved on and she hated that she'd been subjected to that again. she shivered, thinking about having a slug in her ear. @exitiumstarters
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
coraline had witness the entire scene unfold before her eyes and she hadn't been sure if she should help the other or just let things unfold on their own. after a handful of minutes, the scene calmed down and cora let a laugh fall from her lips. ❝ i had no desire to ride the unicorn to begin with, but the desire is even less now. ❞
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@exitiumstarters ✦ abel campbell
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One hour was all that it had taken between Abel arriving at the carnival and Abel being injured at the carnival. In his defence though, if you lead an idiot to a literal unicorn, he will obviously attempt to ride it. Confidence aside, of course he'd been thrown off in an instant, with plenty of ruckus from the gathering crowd telling him that his embarrassing efforts hadn't been discreet.
As he impatiently and uncomfortably awaited for the bones to reset in his elbow, there had been plenty of rolling around on the ground and groaning. "Okay, so if you wanna try and ride the unicorn, i'd say maybe.... don't."
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
cora knew that the question hadn't been intentionally directed at her, but she couldn't resist the urge to respond. ❝ i've been asking myself the same thing for almost an hour. ❞ she admitted with a confused tone.
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open starter; @exitiumstarters muse; theodora berman location; the carnival
Sipping her lemonade, Theodora watched as mixed emotions seemed to blanket over the whole event. When walking through the gates, a chill ran up her spine making her shiver, the same way she felt before entering the gala. Something was off, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. Last night she managed to have no nightmares, something that also worried her. With a raised brow, she walked through the crowds, slinking herself out of the way from giddy people whose companions looked at them with confusion. "What the hell is going on?" She muttered to herself unaware that someone overheard.
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
lizzie just offered the other a gentle smile when he began to apologize for his greeting. ❝ it's all good dude, don't sweat it. ❞ she hummed with a cool tone as she stepped through the door that he opened for her with a nod of thanks. ❝ company is all i'm after. ❞ she promised softly as the duo walked. hearing his question, she laughed softly. ❝ that would imply having friends -- which is kinda hard to do when you're me. ❞
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Rue didn't think he was being particularly rude or anything. But judging by her words, perhaps he'd been perceived that way. "Forgive me I, I mean I guess I thought you were here for a reading not...company." he puts on a jacket and opens the door for her to go first. "I'd be delighted to have you tag along. If company is all you seek." lighting a cigarette he starts to walk, brows furrowing as he looks at her. "Your friends running late?"
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
when the other asked if she was alright, lizzie offered a nod in response. ❝ no more crazy than i am on any other day. ❞ she promised with a playful smile.
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"Pretty much," he replied with a shrug, not one to judge how other people lived their lives. Turning to Lizzie, he offered her a soft smile, "you okay, though? Not one of the weirdos running around like a lunatic?"
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
❝ i suppose that's good then. ❞ hayley hummed softly when the mayor promised her that he felt fine. her brows arched once more as she watched him turn back to the empty space before them. ❝ maybe because there's no one there? ❞
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The mayor looked at the vampire with an eyebrow quirk. "I feel better than ever." Randy said with a light chuckle. The mayor turned back to the audience with a sigh. "Is that all you got?" The fox challenged. He turned back to the vampire. "Why do you ask?"
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
cora was quick to shake her head when the other mentioned that they worried they would have to unpack past trauma. ❝ no need for all of that. ❞ she promised with a delicate smile. when nova offered to grab some food, cora was quick to nod in agreement. ❝ i would love to. i'm coraline by the way. ❞
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There was an eyebrow quirk looking the other up and down. There was a purse of her lips before giving a smirk. "Good I thought I would have to defend myself and unpack all the bullying I endured by that asshole for several weeks." Nova said with a dark chuckle. Nova yawned. "All the bottled anger made me hungry- want to grab quick bite stranger?" She asked.
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
paislee let her gaze wander towards the darts booth before they drifted back towards the male. ❝ i would be offended if you did take it easy on me. ❞ the told the other with a smirk.
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"I love to hear it," Ruslan chuckles softly, brows rising as he nods towards the darts booth. "Oh I'm definitely up for the challenge. Don't expect me to take it easy on you either. I'm a dart champion so I hope you're prepared."
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xblindfoldcdx · 4 months
kenna couldn't help the laugh that fell from her lips as she watched her friend give the booth keeper a rather intense stare. ❝ pretty sure that's his job, raq. these games are meant to be rigged against us to keep us from winning. ❞ she admitted with a shrug before picking up a ball and throwing it towards the bucket before them.
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A pout is plastered to her features as she steps aside for the she-wolf to give the game a go, a quick glare shot at the booth keeper before her attention returns to Mackenna. "He's purposely doing something to prevent me from winning," Raquel huffs. "I know he is. Look at the smug look on his face. I oughta just eat him."
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